Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 824: The storm stops!

"If you are here to fight and clamor, please leave. You are not welcome here."

Hearing Bo Xingzhi's indifferent voice, the president felt a pain in his chest with anger.

At this moment, he discovered that the couple were eating dinner. Although the three small dishes on the table were very simple and homely, they exuded a seductive aroma.

At this moment, his stomach made a very loud "gurg" sound.

He immediately blushed with embarrassment.

Ruan Su couldn't help but grin, "Mr. President, why don't you sit down and taste it?"

"Huh! I'm afraid it's poisonous!" The president snorted and walked away, his assistant hurriedly followed.

Before leaving, the assistant couldn't help but glanced at the side dishes on the table again. He couldn't tell that the craftsmanship called Ruan Su was pretty good.

These three small dishes are delicious and delicious, as well as the scallion pancakes.

With the smell of hometown, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

He remembers that when he was a child, his grandma used to bake scallion pancakes, but unfortunately... grandma passed away a long time ago.

Since then, he has never tasted the taste in his memory.

He walked out with the president and whispered, "Didn’t you not have dinner? Why...with the young master, if you put down your body and have dinner with him, it’s better than arguing with the young master. I think you, sir, are not such an authoritarian person. After all, you just scolded the young master during the day..."

The president was already hungry, and he grunted in front of Bo Xingzhi's embarrassing thing. What made him most unbearable was that Ruan Su was there.

He sternly said, "I'm not going."

He was so embarrassed in front of Ruan Su just now that he didn't want to go back to eat.

"But... they all know you are hungry." Zhu Hua observed the president's expression. "Homemade dishes are actually not bad. After all, Mr. has eaten a lot of delicacies from the sea and the mountains, change the taste... and nutrition..."

The president recalled the three small dishes on the table just now, they were indeed delicious.

He hesitated and walked back, "Huh! This is also the Presidential Palace, and it is also my site. What happened to me having dinner at my own house?"

"Yes." The assistant nodded quickly. "The dishes will be cold if you don't go back."

So the two turned around again, and the president looked arrogant, "It's rare for Miss Ruan to come to the presidential palace, then I will accompany you to dinner."

The assistant rushed to the kitchen to take the bowls and chopsticks quickly and began to help the president serve the porridge, put a bowl in front of the president, and he served another bowl for himself.

Under normal circumstances, as long as it is not a big banquet or the like, in private such occasions, he and Song Yan are treated the same, and he will have dinner with the leaders.

For example, now, he sits next to the president, "This scallion pancake smells so delicious."

He clamped a piece and only took a bite, and he was stunned.

He looked at the plate of scallion pancakes a little unbelievably, it was delicious! It smells so good! It's the taste of grandma!

It is the smell of scallion pancakes that grandma used to bake when she was a child.

The President had long wanted to eat that plate of fried pork with garlic moss. The shredded pork was cut very thick and evenly, and it was very tempting to stay with the green garlic moss.


good to eat!

"How did the cooks in your yard improve so much?" the president couldn't help but asked.

To their cheeky master servant Ruan Su, he was very speechless, thinking they were really gone!

As a result, both Bo Xingzhi and she were ready to collect bowls and vegetables... They both came back.

Bo Xingzhijun's face was tense, and it was obvious that he was deeply unhappy after the two world was disturbed.

His voice was extremely cold, "It was not made by the cook."

The president was taken aback, "Who did that?"

"Xiaosu made it by himself." Bo Xingzhi said and put the shredded pork into the mouth, as if the president would **** all the shredded pork.

The president sniffed and snatched a piece of garlic moss. It was short-mouthed and soft, but that didn't mean that he had eaten Ruan Su's food. He would like to accept Ruan Su as his wife's daughter-in-law.

On the contrary, his assistant was biting on the scallion pancake and was shocked. This turned out to be the scallion pancake baked by Ruan Su? how is this possible? This is obviously the taste of childhood in my memory...

He has mixed feelings in his heart for a while, why are you the wife of a thin line?

The assistant quickly glanced at Ruan Su's beautiful face that was too dare to look directly at, and then quickly lowered his head.

She is really beautiful, beautiful to the extreme.

Especially looking at her so close, she is even more dazzling and dazzling.

The assistant's heartbeat started to speed up suddenly, uncontrollably.

The atmosphere of this dinner was very strange.

It was spent in the cold eyes of the President and Bo Xingzhi who were constantly grabbing food.

After dinner, Bo Xingzhan was just like at home in Jiangcheng before, neatly tidying up the dishes and preparing to wash the dishes.

The president suddenly became angry, "Do you do things like washing dishes and cooking? This should be something a woman does! You let me go. Let her do it."

Bo Xingzhi glanced at him with a sneer, "Gender equality, because you have this kind of inequality between men and women, and look down on women's thinking, that's why my mother died miserably."

He can be said to be heartbroken, and the president suddenly turned pale when he heard the president, and he saw his son go to the kitchen to do a very unpromising thing: washing the dishes!

Upon seeing this, the assistant immediately followed, "Master, I'll do this kind of rough work. You can go out."

Thin Xingzhi took off his apron and tied it around his waist, "No need."

His hands are slender and strong, and his dishwashing movements are also very skillful. The assistant stared at him in shock for a long time before he came back. The assistant who has always been clever tongue said for the first time, "Oh."

Ruan Su brewed a pot of Longjing for the president, "Drink a cup of tea to moisturize your throat, don't always be so angry, too much anger is not good for your health."

She glanced at the president's face and combined with his usual style, and she knew that he was very angry and angry.

She sat on the sofa, poured another two cups of tea leisurely, and handed it to the assistant, "Taste it."

The assistant hurriedly took over, and his heartbeat began to beat uncontrollably again.

Her fingers are white and shiny, so they look good!

It looks even better when holding a bone china teacup than the best bone china!

The scent of tea filled the nose, and the assistant was about to take a sip, but he felt the president's cold eyes. It was not right for him to drink or not to drink.

He was uneasy, and he was so desperate that he delivered the tea into his mouth under the president's coldly high pressure.

By the time he reacted, he had drunk the tea...

Bo Xingzhi washed the dishes and smelled the fragrance of tea in the room. He walked over and took the president's cup and drank it.

The president was unhappy at once, "It's mine, you want to drink it before pour it."

Bo Xingzhi glanced at him, "Did your name be written on the teacup?"

Ruan Su poured another glass for the President, and the President gave a cold snort and did not drink.

Bo Xingzhi picked it up and drank again.

"You!" The president glared at him, why did he grab his tea again.

Bo Xingzhi didn't say a word. The tea made by his relatives and his daughter-in-law was top-notch, and most people couldn't drink it. This old guy didn't cherish it. Isn't he allowed to drink it?

"You won't leave?" The president stared at Ruan Su displeasedly. "The gate will be closed if you don't walk away!"

Bo Xingzhi held Ruan Su's soft little hand and interlocked with his fingers, "My wife is naturally where I am, she will be there. She will not leave tonight."

After finishing speaking, he even directly hugged Ruan Su and walked upstairs.

Ruan Su blushed, "You let me down, I should go back!"

Bo Xingzhi's arms tightly confined her slender body, "Can't walk. At least...can't walk tonight."

Ruan Suqiao's face was flushed, and she looked at Bo Xingzhi with a trace of affection in her water eyes.

She knows, she knows everything.

This man is provoking the president. How could such a domineering man endure the president driving Ruan Su? So in any case, he has to keep her.

The president was so angry that he slapped the tea cup on the coffee table to the ground, making a crackling sound.

The assistant glanced at Bo Xingzhi's tall back, and felt a little inexplicable pantothenic acid in his heart.

He doesn't know why he is sour...

Bo Xingzhi carried Ruan Su directly onto the bed in the bedroom. Ruan Su struggled to get out of bed. Her intention was not to stay here overnight.

"My wife, don't make trouble."

Bo Xingzhi leaned over, the tall and hidden body tightly clinging to her delicate body, and the man's hot breath sprinkled in her ears, revealing a trace of inexplicable ambiguity.

"I hold you with sore arms and shoulder pain... Will you massage me?"

The man's deep as ink eyes stared at her pretty face closely, and his voice was slow, as charming as a beautiful cello, "OK?"

Ruan Su’s heartbeat was beating a drum, he could not refuse at all, and his voice was hoarse, "Okay."

Bo Xingzhi smiled again. He smiled beautifully. The corners of his lips were drawn in a charming arc, and the eyebrows were stretched out, which faded away the usual seriousness and coldness.

Ruan Su sat behind him, put his hands on his shoulders, and began to massage him, "How about this strength? Is it okay?"

"Well, comfortable."

As soon as the man's voice fell, Ruan Su fell into his embrace with a low whisper. He raised her delicate chin with one hand, and his thin lips were printed, "Kissing you is more comfortable."

He thinks that Ruan Su's chest hurts when he thinks about it, and he feels uncomfortable thinking about it.

Those little hands were as soft as boneless, burning fire everywhere on his body.

He took a deep breath and kissed Ruan Su's red lips fiercely.

The night is quiet, the night breeze caress, and the passion is boundless.

When everything came to a halt, Bo Xingzhi's iron arms hugged the tender body in his arms tightly, and Ruan Su was too tired to open his eyes.

Bo Xingzhi let out a low laugh, his chest was slowly shocked, and her long fingers picked up a strand of her long hair and wrapped it around her fingertips, "I will take you to the bath."

"En." Ruan Su murmured like a cat.

Curled up in the arms of the man and arched, looking thinly at the traces he left on her body, she couldn't help but press another kiss on her lips.

Only then got up and hugged her to clean up in the bathroom. The warm water washed her body. Ruan Su squinted his eyes comfortably and tightened the man's neck.

PS: One more chapter will be added tonight at six o'clock

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