Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 829: Wedding next month

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi arrived early, and they greeted them immediately when they saw the three of them come out.

"Xiaosu! Azhi!" Madam Xie yelled first. Seeing the couple, she seemed to have found the backbone of her husband. "Look at Yanyan now..."

Ruan Su looked at the girl nestled in Xie Jinyan’s arms. The girl wore a fisherman’s hat. Her slap-sized face was pale and almost transparent. She looked slouched and sick. She was completely similar to the girl who loved to laugh. different.

After a few short months of not seeing each other, Li Zhuoyan was tortured by her illness as if she was a different person.

"It's okay, let's treat the disease. If there is no bone marrow type, let's find it quickly. I believe God won't have eyesight." Ruan Su softly took Li Zhuoyan's hand to comfort her, "Yanyan, let's go now The hospital, I have already contacted."

"Let's go." Bo Xingzhi patted his brother Xie Jinyan on the shoulder, silently encouraging.

Xie Jinyan nodded at him, and followed the couple toward the direction where the car stopped.

Ruan Su was looking through Li Zhuoyan's medical records along the way, and the condition came quickly and urgently, almost destroying Li Zhuoyan's whole body in just a few months.

"Did the person who beat her the virus on the arm found it?"

"No." Xie Jinyan shook his head. Where can the vast people look for it at sea? Especially when there were too many people that day.

"It seems to be premeditated, but Yanyan has no grudges against others. Why would anyone want to target her and give her this acute virus?" Ruan Su was puzzled, always feeling as if there was an invisible net. Surrounded them, trapping them in it.

Xie Jinyan also thought it was very incredible, "In the past, the Tang family didn't deal with us, but then the Tang family fell into disarray... Could it be related to Yanyan's life experience?"

Ruan Su was taken aback. Li Zhuoyan was an orphan. She was first adopted by Fu Yinli and later came to live in Xie's family.

No one knew who her biological parents were.

Bo Xingzhi drove seriously, "Let's investigate slowly, it will come to light one day."

Mrs. Xie also nodded, "Azhi is right. Let's check it down. We will always find out. The most important thing in front of us is Yanyan's disease."

After about an hour's journey, the car finally arrived at the hospital.

The sun was shining bright and sunny, but it couldn't take away the haze in the hearts of their group.

After getting off the bus, Ruan Su called, "Teacher, I'm here, where are you in the inpatient department or are you?"

"Okay, I'll go over and find you right away."

"Okay, have you gone through all the admission procedures for us?"

"Okay, see you later."

Ruan Su hung up the phone and said to Xie Jinyan, "We are going directly to the inpatient department now, and all the procedures have been completed. After arriving in the ward, Yanyan may have to do a systemic full-body examination. Then you will be with her. ."

"Okay." Xie Jinyan was very grateful, but he also knew that it was too polite and indifferent to say thanks to Ruan Su, so he didn't say anything.

The general hospital is very large, with doctors and nurses or patients' family members coming and going everywhere.

They took the elevator directly to the floor where the ward was located, but what Ruan Su didn't expect was that they ran into Jing Baizhi as soon as they got out of the elevator.

Jing Baizhi used to study with Yu Qing in H Empire, and now she returns to M country to work as a physician in the Department of Hematology.

She was stunned when she saw Ruan Su, "Why are you here?"

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "I'm going to see a doctor, can't you?"

"Oh! Couldn't you have some serious illness that is about to die, right? That's really an eye for God." Jing Baizhi was bitter and mean when he opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry, let Miss Jing disappointed, I am very healthy." Ruan Su ignored her, but walked inside with Bo Xingzhi Xie Jinyan.

At this time, a gray-haired man hurriedly walked out of a ward and saw Ruan Su’s face immediately showing excitement. He opened his arms and walked towards Ruan Su quickly, "You girl, finally Ken is back! Ouch, I want to ask you to come back and you have to agree to your terms, really!"

Jing Baizhi saw Professor Xu Wenze, the most famous expert in blood medicine in the whole country, holding Ruan Su's hand, she was shocked, "Professor Xu, you..."

She knows that Ruan Su is very good at surgery, but...this is hematology! When she transferred to the Department of Hematology, she also obtained relevant certificates and studied for a long time before transferring to the department.

Xu Wenze was very happy and immediately summoned all the doctors and nurses to introduce to everyone. "Let me introduce to everyone, this is the new doctor Dr. Ruan, she is my apprentice, hey!"

He laughed, "If it wasn't for your sister's disease, you wouldn't come to me! You girl, what should I say to you?"

No one thought that Ruan Su turned out to be the apprentice of the most famous expert, and looked at her in surprise.

After all, Xu Wenze is notoriously weird and never accepts apprentices. It is said that because he has a super talented apprentice, he will never look down on other people ever since.

Everyone always thought this was a legend and it was fake.

I didn't expect it to be true!

Is this beautiful woman in front of me the so-called genius apprentice?

Jing Baizhi's beautiful face became distorted. Why does Ruan Su always stand in her way?

Originally, there was a place for attending physicians in the Department of Hematology, and she always thought that she was pretty sure.

But now suddenly a Ruan Su came out halfway, is this the rhythm of competing with her for a spot?


So angry!

Ruan Su didn't know what kind of impact her arrival had on all the doctors and nurses present, so she gave a generous self-introduction.

"Hello everyone. I’m Ruan Su. I used to be a surgeon at the First Hospital of H Empire City. I prefer surgery to treating blood and diseases. But... Professor Xu also said just now that my sister has acute leukemia, so I am going to work with everyone here in order to take care of my sister. I hope everyone can get along happily in the future."

"I heard... that surgeon in Empire H is the first person in surgery. Is that you?" A male doctor looked at Ruan Su curiously. Such a beautiful woman...can do a good operation?

"It may be me." Ruan Su nodded.

A nurse had already taken Xie Jinyan and Li Zhuoyan to the ward to settle down, while Bo Xingzhi stood not far away and kept looking at Ruan Su. He didn't expect that she would even treat the hematology department.

He should have taken offense long ago.

After all, his wife has many vests and many skills.

He shook his head helplessly.

Inside Professor Xu Wenze's office.

He and Ruan Su looked at Li Zhuoyan's medical records together, "She is in a very urgent and fierce condition. So her current physical condition is very weak."

"Yes, teacher, are there matching models in our blood bank?" Ruan Su is most concerned about this question, "Do you have matching models from other channels?"

"The matching comparison will be carried out in these two days. Don't worry, first give her a comprehensive examination and then we will solve it." Xu Wenze comforted Ruan Su, "You should know this disease well and it is not easy to treat. Matching bone marrow is the key."

Ruan Su sighed, "I know it's one thing, but anxiety is another."

"You don't need to be anxious, just keep your mind at ease. I will take you to see other patients and understand the situation. I won't let go of the opportunity to squeeze you." Xu Wenze laughed, "Let's go."

Ruan Su had to get up and follow in his footsteps.

Xu Wenze helped her handle the formalities for her work in the hospital a long time ago, and now she can only quickly enter this role.

After Bo Xingzhi saw that the three of Xie's family had been settled, he left. He had other things to do. The president's assistant called several times.

Only Xie Jinyan was with Li Zhuoyan in the ward, and Mrs. Xie went back to rest in the hotel near the hospital.

After all, I'm getting older, so it's hard and tiring to run around so hard.

"Drink some porridge." Xie Jinyan was holding a bowl in one hand and a spoon in the other. "If I eat anything, I am already weak. If I don't eat it, my body will be even more unbearable."

Li Zhuoyan nodded obediently, and started to sip the porridge.

In fact, she has no appetite, but she doesn't want Xie Jinyan to worry about sadness.

So she can only eat as much as possible.

The sky gradually dimmed, and it was getting dark.

Ruan Su was not on night shift, so he came over to see Li Zhuoyan before leaving get off work before leaving.

When I returned to Ye's house, it was already more than eight o'clock in the evening.

The family reserved dinner for her. She sat at the dining table to eat, and the old lady Ye was still a little bit unbelievable, "You became a doctor in the Department of Hematology? I thought you would go to surgery!"

"Yanyan has a blood disease. What do I do when I go to surgery? I went to work to take care of her." Ruan Su pursed her lips, "Grandma, thank you for having you."

She suddenly thought of Li Zhuoyan, who was lonely and helpless, with no relatives. Fortunately, Xie's family treated her very well.

"What silly thing to say suddenly?" Old lady Ye raised her hand and nodded Ruan Su's forehead, "Hurry up to eat. Your uncle and your aunt's wedding will be held next month, and the weather is fine. If it is delayed, it will be winter. , It's too cold. You will have to bring your aunt a washbasin then!"

"I can't do it, right? I'm married, can't I be unmarried? You let Lingzhi and the others go!" Ruan Su immediately shook his head and refused.

"If you haven't had a wedding, you have not got married yet." The old lady Ye was very stubborn.

"But we got the certificate, which is legally valid. So I can't, really can't." Ruan Su was amused by her, "Can I help design the wedding dress, can I choose the wedding dress?"

Mrs. Ye didn't hold on anymore, "I don't know about their young couple."

"Tomorrow, I will ask, if not, I will contract the wedding dress and ring, right?" Ruan Su said jokingly, "I'm a designer!"

"Don't talk about it!" Old lady Ye snorted and stood up, "I'm back to the room, you eat slowly."

"Okay! Grandma go slowly." Ruan Su cried from the back of the old lady and continued to eat.

This book has been adapted from Kuai. Short play: Kuai. Search "Strange Mrs. Thin" to watch it.

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