Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 830: Why rob me? Fight with me?

After eating, Ruan Su went back to the room directly. She felt a little tired after running around for a few days. After returning to the room, she hurriedly washed up and lay down on the bed to prepare to rest.

As soon as he lay down, the video came out. Ruan Su pressed the answer button and saw the handsome face of the man appearing in the video on the phone.

"are you at home?"

The man’s magnetic voice sounded. It seemed that he had just taken a bath, with short hair messy, holding a mobile phone in one hand and a towel in the other hand, wiping his hair a few times at random and then tossing it aside.

He walked to the bed and sat down and looked at Ruan Su on the other end of the video on the phone, "Do you miss me?"

Ruan So measured his muscular body wearing only a black nightgown. The neckline of the nightgown was randomly opened, revealing a strong chest, and his Adam's apple slid up and down sexy, looking full of charm.

Her eyes darkened, and she raised her eyebrows, "So you deliberately teased me after taking a shower?"

Bo Xingzhi chuckled, "So, have you been teased?"

Ruan Su looked at his charming smile, and his heartbeat missed a beat in an instant.

I want to look away, but I can't help but want to look at him for another second.

Bo Xingzhi looked at her pretty little face with a faint blush, and in a good mood, he took out a very delicate box and held it in front of the phone video, "Look at what this is?"

"What?" Ruan Su blinked and asked puzzledly.

"What a fool." The man's eyes showed a hint of doting, "You are so stupid, I will tell you tomorrow."

Ruan Su: "..."

She has a very high IQ and a lot of skill points. How can she be called stupid one day?

Bo Xingzhi didn't tease her anymore, "It's been a busy day today, let's rest early, and I have to go to the hospital to work tomorrow!"

Ruan Su pouted, "What the **** is it?"

"I will tell you tomorrow. Be good, go to bed." Bo Xingzhi kissed her through the phone and hung up directly.

What mystery is this man doing?

I'll talk about it tomorrow, I'll talk about it tomorrow, why do you still seduce her today?

Fortunately, she is not a very curious person, it is really too tired these two days, she closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

The next day, the weather was fine and sunny.

The morning birds were chattering non-stop in the courtyard. Ruan Su was ready to go out after breakfast, but was stopped by the Ye family.

"Xiao Su, I heard that your friend needs a matching model. We are all going to try with you to see if it can succeed."

Ye Yanli took Song Jiayan's hand and stood in the living room as if he had been waiting for her for a long time.

Not only the couple of them, but also the three sisters of Ye Lingzhi, Ye Junmei and Ye Xinyun, as well as several other young people in the Ye family.

Ruan Su looked at them in shock, "You... are you all going to go?"

Ye Junmei smiled and said, "Yes, we are young and strong. It is perfectly fine to donate bone marrow or something."

Ye Xinyun also tilted his head, "Saving a life is better than building a seventh-level Pagoda. Of course, we are indispensable. If the matching is successful, we are obliged to do so."

Ye Lingzhi urged, "Yes, let's go, don't delay time."

Ruan Su's heart moved red lips slightly, "Thank you, let's go."

As a result, the Ye family and his party got in the car and headed for the hospital together.

Ruan Su and Ye Wei left their husband and wife in a car. On the road, she thought about it and sent a message to the brothers in the secret door. Lin Qi directly contacted Lin Qi and talked about the match.

Without saying a word, Lin Qi promised to bring his brothers over to match.

Not only that, she also sent a message to Su Xing in the Middle East, asking Su Xing and sisters from the Women's and Children's Foundation to do a matching test.

After all, none of the possibilities can be let go.

At this time, Bo Xingzhi also contacted Southern Star Airlines' subordinates and some of the Bo Group's subordinates, and talked about the matching matters. Everything is voluntary. If you want to test the matching, you can do it. If you don't want it, don't force it.

He contacted the brothers in six places again, and Gu Sixue immediately brought many brothers to the country M, "Master, don't worry, if we can save the life, we will definitely save it."

Bo Xingzhi was busy contacting these brothers, and Ruan Su had already arrived at the hospital with the younger generation of the Ye family and started to help them with the matching.

If the matching is successful, then Li Zhuoyan will be saved.

Madam Xie saw that so many people in the Ye family were so enthusiastic, she was touched in her heart.

Hurry up and let Xie Jinyan place an order to buy some milk tea and coffee.

"Thank you, after waiting for a while, Yanyan will get better, and we will definitely come to visit." Madam Xie said, looking at Ye Yanli, who had just been tested for matching.

Ye Yanli wears a white casual outfit and looks very handsome and handsome, "Mrs. Xie, you are too polite. You and my sister are handkerchiefs. We are just coming over for a test. It may not be helpful if we can help. Woolen cloth!"

Mrs. Xie sighed, "I really didn't expect that things are impermanent. Xiao Su is actually a child of your Ye family. The Cheng family was too much at the beginning. She adopted Jinfeng but never revealed the slightest noise."

"It's all things in the past, and it doesn't make any sense to talk about it." Ye Yanli looked openly, "I hope to pray that my sister can still live in this world, and hope that one day we can find her."

It doesn't matter even if you find the ends of the world.

Song Jiayan also just walked out at this time, she was still pressing a cotton swab on her arm. After pressing it for a while, she didn't bleed before she threw the cotton swab into the trash can. "As a result, I don't know when it will come out."

"About a week or so." Ruan Su walked over in a white coat, with long black hair curled up, looking very capable. "So you don't have to be in a hurry."

"It's been a long time since I saw Xiao Su's appearance as an angel in white." Madam Xie took Ruan Su's hand and handed her a cup of milk tea, "Drink a glass of water."

Ruan Su took it and took a sip, "It's my favorite taro mud Bobo."

The Ye family members made matching models one after another, and they stood together and chatted for a while before they left.

As soon as he left Lin Qi, he brought a group of brothers over. They were working in the capital city of M just now, and they rushed over as soon as they heard from Ruan Su.

"Boss!" Lin Qi hadn't seen Ruan Su for a long time. When he saw Ruan Su, he grinned and revealed a big smile, "Long time no see."

"How are you doing?" Ruan Su looked at him up and down and found that this product was much stronger again.

"It's not the same." Lin Qi handed her a thick account book, "These are the accounts of our business for more than a year. Boss, you are too busy to read it."

"I believe you." Ruan Su put away the account book, "Let's go, I will take you to do matching."

Madam Xie looked at it for a while and wondered, "Where did Xiao Su meet such a group..."

A tall man? Also called Xiaosu boss!

Xie Jinyan clasped her shoulders, "Mom, don't ask so much, my aunt is very capable! I know many people too! I heard that Jiang Xinyu also brought a bunch of people to come over!"

"Really?" Mrs. Xie looked surprised, "So many people do matching styles, it is better than we are alone. I heard that Xiao Su's teacher is also looking for matching styles in the blood bank..."

"Yeah! There are so many people and powerful, Yanyan will definitely be saved." Xie Jinyan walked towards the ward again after speaking, "I'm going to take care of Yanyan in first!"

"Okay, okay, let's go. You remember to ask the takeaway to bring some coffee and milk tea over again!" Madam Xie did not forget to tell Xie Jinyan.


Jing Baizhi rolled his eyes with anger in the office, "Isn't it just to be a match, so many people, it's ridiculous!"

"Dr. Jing, this Doctor Ruan started such a big battle when she first came here. It seems that she knows a lot of people." The head nurse has always known Jing Baizhi's family background, so she usually slapped Jing Baizhi's various beards, holding various things. Jing Baizhi.

Like a pug raised by Jing Baizhi.

Jing Baizhi glanced at her, curled his lips, "Haha! I don't know, I thought the hospital was run by her!"

"Yes, it's disgusting." The head nurse echoed and scolded Ruan Su with her. "The job title is about to be evaluated soon. I heard that several experts, professors and chief physicians will be required to comprehensively evaluate you and Dr. Ruan. Professor Xu is her teacher and will definitely give her a high score."

"Huh! Professor Xu refused to accept me at first, but Professor Dai accepted me. Professor Dai usually has a good relationship with several other professors. Will I be censored at that time?" Jing Baizhi was a little worried, Dai Ren It is her teacher in the department of hematology, and only Xu Wenze has made achievements in blood diseases.

Xu Wenze and Dai Ren are classmates and have always been rivals. Later, they conducted various researches on blood diseases together.

"I'm just a head nurse, I don't know! Doctor Jing, I am really weak and can't help you." The head nurse said annoyedly, "I would be better if I were a doctor."

"What's the use of saying this now?" Jing Baizhi glared at her irritably, "Don't dangle in front of my eyes, annoying!"

The head nurse hurried out. This was the doctor's office. There were not only Jing Baizhi but also several other young doctors.

They don't have their own dedicated office yet, and they all stay in this big office.

The dialogue between Jing Baizhi and the head nurse could be heard clearly, but their family background was far from that of Jing Baizhi.

Although there are people who can't understand Jing Baizhi, they dare not say anything.

There are also people who are like the head nurse who always flatter Jing Baizhi, and they only flatter Jing Baizhi.

"Dr. Jing, what are you worried about? Your medical skills are good, you will definitely be judged."

"Yes, yes!"

"I think so, you don't have to worry at all."

These doctors all started to tout Jing Baizhi.

Jing Baizhi finally felt better, so why did Ruan Su argue with her? Rob with her? She is the daughter of the Secretary of State! With this background alone, those professors who don’t choose her have to think about the consequences, right?

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