Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 831: Whoever commits me will die!

The more Jing Baizhi thinks about it, the more he feels that he is very promising, and Ruan Su can't compete with her no matter how much he fights.

She is here in a mess and treats Ruan Su as an imaginary enemy, and Ruan Su is busy going around.

Lin Qi not only brought the account book, but also a piece of news. Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi bought a picture of human skin at an auction. The picture was actually a map. Ruan Su looked for it at the time. The big heads in "Secret and Great" have studied the picture together.

Lin Qi and the others recently took that map to look for similar places all over the world.

Their original business was relatively secretive, and they would deliver goods all over the world, with buyers all over the world, and they had traveled to many places.

"None of us found anything similar to the map, but recently we are going to a remote town in country M to deliver goods. Boss, if you will stay in country M recently, we will find more buyers from country M. , Search in country M to see if there are any similarities."

Lin Qi had a headache because there were so many places to find.

"Well, I see. I have worked hard, brothers, remember to treat everyone well." Ruan Su nodded, his face solemn, "That is the picture left by Master Phoenix, I always think it is not a simple picture. "

"Is there really a treasure in it?" Lin Qi said jokingly.

"Who knows, maybe it's a secret place. The things left by this kind of master are generally not simple things." Ruan Su always had an idea deep in his heart. The very mysterious master Phoenix back then might have something with his mother. relation.

But she has no evidence to prove, she can only let her own people look for it silently.

"Okay, boss, you can rest assured that we will try our best to find it." Lin Qi saw that almost all of the brothers had been tested, so he said goodbye to Ruan Su.

Ruan Su waved them, "Waiting for your good news."

After Lin Qi was sent away, she sighed and went directly to Xu Wenze's office, "Teacher, have the results of Li Zhuoyan's examination come out?"

Xu Wenze was looking at the inspection report, and he waved to Ruan Su, "Come here, let's take a look. She is not very optimistic about all the indicators of her body!"

Ruan Su's heart suddenly throbbed when she heard that Li Zhuoyan was still so young...not yet has just begun.

Half an hour later, she dragged a heavy foot out of the office, leaning slowly against the wall, and Xu Wenze's voice rang in her ears, "If she can't find a suitable model anymore, she probably won't have much time. Chemotherapy will not be delayed for long by treatment."

It took a long time for her to walk towards the big office. The office was very noisy, and it was almost close to get off work, and all the things that should be busy during the day were all done.

So everyone is playing mobile phones, chatting and chatting.

Seeing Ruan Su coming in, the original lively office suddenly became silent, and everyone paused for a while before they started talking.

But no one took care of Ruan Su.

Ruan Su sat in her seat and turned on the computer, and began to check some information. She checked until late at night that almost all the colleagues in the office were gone, and then she turned off the computer and left.

Before leaving, she went to Li Zhuoyan's ward again, "Have you had dinner?"

"After drinking a little porridge, she has no appetite." Xie Jinyan just put away the dinner and washed the thermos.

"Sister Su, thank you." Li Zhuoyan didn't look glamorous when she lay there, because of her illness, she was getting thinner and thinner, and the eyes on her small face became more conspicuous.

"What can I do for you? You don't have to be polite between us." Ruan Su didn't stay longer, and left after sitting for a while.

She didn't dare to look at Li Zhuoyan's little face that pretended to be strong and careless, she would feel uncomfortable.

What Xie Jinyan didn't expect was that Li Zhuoyan began to vomit blood in the middle of the night.

She vomited blood out with gulps, and the blood continued to spill down the corners of her mouth, dyeing her clothes and lips red, making her small face paler and looking particularly shocking.

Xie Jinyan was so scared that he hurried to call the doctor on duty.

The doctor on duty was originally drowsy and looked impatient when he heard his irritable voice. "Hematemesis is more normal. Her blood platelet content is low, and her physical condition is low, which may cause nausea, vomiting, vomiting, and other symptoms. ."

"But she keeps vomiting, what can I do if I vomit like this?" Xie Jinyan suppressed the irritability in his heart and slowed down his voice.

I was afraid that the doctor would leave it alone.

"What can I do? The big deal is blood transfusion?" The doctor slowly walked out of the duty room, and then moved slowly to Li Zhuoyan's ward like moving steps. She looked at her casually and said, "Nothing. No matter, just drink some water and take some hemostatic medicine."

Xie Jinyan was a bit annoyed by the doctor’s undisciplined attitude, and finally couldn’t help it, “She was seriously ill and life is at stake. You have this kind of attitude? If my wife has two shortcomings, I will tell you, I will definitely complain. you!"

"You! Ha—" The doctor sneered, "You are a patient of Dr. Ruan. I am only on duty. You are also the responsibility of Dr. Ruan if you die of illness. What is my business? Do you want to take medicine? It won't open!"

Xie Jinyan was so angry that she couldn't wait to give him a fist, Li Zhuoyan lifted her hand to hold him, "Brother Yan...Don't..."

The 1.8-meter-old man suddenly flushed his eyes, and his raised fist slowly fell, "Open, open! We want it!"

The doctor went out cursingly, "I haven't seen such a family member, what do you really think it is?"

"What you get is death syndrome, and sooner or later it will be a death!"

"Who do you say is going to die! Who do you say is going to die! Your whole family is going to die!" Xie Jinyan did not fight, and the originally low mood suddenly broke out at this time. He rushed up angrily and grabbed the doctor's clothes. Ling, picked him up, Xie Jinyan was about to split his teeth, "You try to scold me again!"

"You dare to move me, I'll call the security guard and drive you out of the hospital!" The doctor's expression changed and he called out a little scared, "Help! Someone has beaten someone!"

He is usually one of Jing Baizhi's flattery, so he has this attitude towards Ruan Su's patients, thinking that he can please Jing Baizhi tomorrow.

In the end, he didn't expect Xie Jinyan to be a stubborn stubborn, so he wanted to beat him directly.

"Cough-cough-" At this moment, Li Zhuoyan couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of blood. Xie Jinyan saw this scene as soon as he turned his head. He quickly left the doctor and rushed towards the girl, palms gently Patting her back, "How are you?"

"I...I'm fine, don't beat him, it's not worth it." Li Zhuoyan looked at embarrassed Xie Jinyan with red eyes. He is such a proud city. The eldest son, but because of her being humiliated and tossed by a little doctor here.

She was very sad.

He should have been sunny and handsome, living a life without sorrow.

It's all because of myself...

"It doesn't matter, what he said is right, I will die sooner or later..."

Li Zhuoyan's eyes overflowed with desperate tears, "I will die, you are not worth doing so much for me, nor is it worth Sister Su doing so much for me..."

"What silly thing to say?" Xie Jinyan hugged her tightly, "We will definitely be fine."

The doctor ran out early in fright. After he ran out, he was so angry that he didn't prescribe medicine.

"Huh! The ghost prescribes medicine for you, go to hell!"

The nurses and security guards on the night shift also rushed over when they heard the call. They just happened to hear the doctor's verbal abuse, and they were a little puzzled, "What happened?"

"Nothing." The doctor smiled, "Everyone, go back."

He didn't plan to prescribe medicine anyway. One less person knew the risk would be less.

To chase the blame tomorrow, he said he didn't know! Just said that the family did not call him.


See who is suffering!

With that in mind, he went back to the duty room directly.

The nurse on duty was a little worried. After he left, he went to Li Zhuoyan's ward, but was shocked instantly, "My mother, why did you vomit so much blood?"

It was obvious that Dr. Li on duty had a conflict with them just now, and it seemed that Dr. Li didn't want to prescribe medicine anymore.

The little nurse thought for a while and remembered that she seemed to have hidden a hemostatic medicine before. She hurriedly took it out from her drawer and gave it to Xie Jinyan, "I am not a doctor, and I am not able to prescribe medicine. This is the one I saved before. You can eat it for her quickly."

Life is at stake, this Doctor Li is too much!

Xie Jinyan looked at the little nurse moved, "Thank you."

He quickly poured a glass of warm water, put his arms around Li Zhuoyan and took the medicine to her.

He had planned to call Ruan Su and ask her to come and help. Fortunately...

The little nurse was a little bit cramped. "I am a nurse who works with Dr. Ruan. They don't like Dr. Ruan... so... don't be angry."

She left after speaking.

Xie Jinyan began to help Li Zhuoyan change her blood-covered clothes, and then helped her with a basin of warm water to wipe the blood on her lips and neck.

Li Zhuoyan fell asleep again after taking the medicine.

She slept soundly and didn't know what Xie Jinyan was doing.

Ruan Su rushed to the hospital early in the morning, and the young nurse sent her a message in the morning, telling her what happened last night.

Ruan Su was so angry, it was ridiculous! Was Ruan Su a vegetarian when she was? She even dared to bully Xie Jinyan and Li Zhuoyan.

Especially when Li Zhuoyan was seriously ill, she even dared to do so.

She hadn't been so angry for a long time, and her head buzzed with anger, and she rushed into the duty room. The doctor on duty did not leave until 8 o'clock in the morning.

She stared at Doctor Li with a cold and murderous look in her beautiful eyes, and her voice seemed to be filled with icy scum, "Why didn't you prescribe medicine for my patient last night? Why didn't you deal with it?"

Dr. Li was taken aback, how would she know? That family member must have told her.

But what evidence does she have?

He was not afraid. He sneered, "Doctor Ruan, you came to Xingshi early in the morning and asked if it was ridiculous? What happened to your patient? What happened? Why didn't I know?"

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