Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 834: Ye family's matching model is out!

Watching Song Yan lead the people away, Su Xing sighed heavily, "Seven girls are also true, and they are silently making some disappearance, which made Song Special Assistant so hard to find."

Su Jinghuai was learning to walk Yi Yi Ya Ya, he was still walking unsteadily, and fell down with a plop.

Su Xing's nanny hurried to help him, Su Xing stopped her, "Leave him alone, let him get up by himself. Boys can't be too squeamish since they were young."

Little Wawa is just over a year old and she is very strong.

I didn't cry even after I fell, and tried my best to get up from the ground.

Su Xing walked to the little doll and squeezed his face, "Jinghuai, you are awesome. It's Mommy's little man."

Su Jinghuai's eyebrows are clear and beautiful, and the shadow of her father Huo Jiliang is faintly carried between her eyebrows, but it is not so gloomy as Huo Jiliang.

The little milk baby looks so milky and beautiful, and she is probably a girl killer when she grows up.

"Mommy... Mommy..." The little milk baby was still uncomfortable, and she could only call her simply Mommy.

He stretched his arms and asked Su Xing to hug him. The nanny quickly took him away, "Mommy is busy now, I can only accompany you at night."

The little nanny baby was a little sad, she flattened her mouth but didn't cry.

Su Xing is indeed very busy, and she still has to teach the children in the association.

Since Ruan Su settled her here, she seemed to have found a new goal in life.

Go to class, go to work, and bring your child up to adulthood.

She found a job in a bank, but in just one or two years, she managed to become a manager. After all, she was from a financial background, and her previous work experience combined with her acquired hard work quickly gained the appreciation of the bank's headquarters.

In her free time, she teaches the children in the association and teaches some knowledge about financial management. Some things need to be cultivated from an early age, especially since most of the children in the association are orphans, it is not easy to become useful.

This requires teachers in their associations to be good and qualified guides in front of them.

Su Xing was also a little worried about Jian Qiqi. She sent Jian Qiqi WeChat as she walked into the classroom.

What they didn't know was that Jian Qiqi was staying with Jing Tianzhen's family at this time.

Jing Tianzhen and his wife have a villa and business in the Middle East, so this time they also brought their children to deal with the business at home.

Jian Qiqi was hired as the child Jing Sen's martial arts teacher, so she stayed in the villa at home.

This is a very good place for her eager to escape Song Yan.

Song Yan definitely couldn't find her where she was. She became popular in the hijacking incident and was followed by hot searches. Song Yan must have seen her too and knew she was on a plane to the Middle East.

When the time comes, the man may find him, so she is the right choice if she does not return to the Women and Children Protection Association.

Hey—At this time, Jian Qiqi is sitting on the balcony with her face in her hands and looking at the hot sun outside the window. The weather in the Middle East is hot, so people living here generally have darker skin.

Although Jing Sen was only four years old, he still had a longing for martial arts, especially when he witnessed how powerful Jian Qiqi was on the plane, he couldn't admire himself as a teacher.

Beads of sweat appeared on the boy's forehead in the sun, but he did not complain or be tired.

He has practiced the horse stance for half an hour, and from the initial unstable footsteps, he has been able to sturdy for half an hour.

He is young and a child of a wealthy family. Naturally, Jian Qiqi would not be too demanding of him.

Seeing that the time was almost up, he waved at him, "Jing Sen, take a break."

The little boy standing in the sun immediately took back his horse and ran towards her, "Teacher Jian, how am I today?"

"The posture is very right, the bottom plate is still a little unstable, just practice it for a long time." After Jian Qiqi cheered him up, he picked up the water cup on the side and handed it to him, "Drink some water."

The weather here is not as hot as Country M and Empire H. She is afraid that the little boy will get heatstroke.

After Jing Sen rested for a while, there was a longing look in his eyes, "Teacher Jian, when can I start learning moves?"

It's boring to only practice the basic skills of horse stance.

"Wait when you practice your horse stance very steadily. Do not practice martial arts in a hurry, nor impetuous." Jian Qiqi took out the teacher's tone and said, "It takes one step at a time, so that your kung fu will be solid in the future."

Jing Sen nodded solemnly, his little face flushed red by the sun was serious. He wiped off his sweat and gave Jian Qiqi back a fist-holding ceremony, "Teacher Jian, I'm going to practice!"

After speaking, he ran out and stood in the sun to practice Zama stance.

Jian Qiqi recently changed a new mobile phone number and also a new WeChat ID.

I seldom pick up my old one again. If I want to leave, I should just leave it. Why bother?

But she hesitated for a moment, and still boarded her old WeChat account, but as soon as she went up, she received a message from Su Xing, and Song Yan really came after her.

She also went to the association to find her, and Su Xing posted a back photo of Song Yan leaving.

Jian Qiqi's nose was sour, her eyes flushed and staring at the man's back, she was still so tall and wide, but... how could she be worthy of such a good him?

It is daytime in the Middle East, but it is late at night in Country M.

After all, there is a time difference.

Ruan Su has been helping in the laboratory, and almost all of his colleagues can't stand to get off work.

She rubbed her sore shoulders and stood up, checking the time and found that it was already midnight.

too late.

She took a look at the last test she did, and the results would come out in five minutes.

It seems to be a sample from Ye Yanli two days ago.

Her eyes were a little dry, she rubbed her eyes very uncomfortably and yawned.

The moment she yawned, the machine came out.

She didn't hesitate to enter the result directly, but she was stunned when she saw the result.

Bone marrow transplantation is mainly done by drawing blood between the patient and the donor for high-resolution matching of HLA. Some hospitals will also do low-resolution or medium-resolution matching.

High-distribution type generally refers to 5 sites A, B, C, D2, DQ, and each site has two alleles, that is, ten sites need to be looked at.

When there are half of the same sites, if half of the parents and children are the same, it is half coincidence, and the total coincidence is ten tenths, which is exactly the same.

There is a quarter chance that the siblings will be fully compatible, and now the half-matched transplantation method is usually adopted.

Generally, the low-resolution matching of bone marrow matching has six points, and the high-resolution matching has ten points. The high-resolution matching must be done during bone marrow transplantation, and more than five points are called haploidentical transplantation.

But Ye Yanli and Li Zhuoyan's match was as high as five points.

Ruan Su stared at the result in shock. If it is six points, hemimatched transplantation can be done, and the survival rate of the half-matched transplantation can reach up to more than 90%.

But only one point!

Generally, the fewer the points that are combined, the more likely it is to cause rejection in patients.

Five points...the risk is still relatively high.

She went to look at the matching types of other people in the Ye family, and she found that Ye Mianli was the first one to do it.

She didn't give up, and made another match of Ye Lingzhi.

The hospital uses the latest equipment and has already done preliminary tests. The work she is doing now is the last step of the data.

Just then, Bo Xingzhi called, and the man's lazy voice came, "My wife, it's half past twelve, are you off work?"

Ruan Su stared at the instrument, his eyes remained for a while, "Now, wait for me for a few minutes. I'll go down."

"Okay." Bo Xingzhi hung up after speaking, and continued to sit in the car and wait patiently.

A few minutes passed quickly, Ruan Su saw the results showed that Ye Lingzhi's match is three points with Li Zhuoyan!

Three points!

Today, she did a lot of laboratory tests and got a lot of results. One or two points are rare, let alone three or five points!

But today is too late.

Bo Xingzhi was waiting for her again. She was extremely exhausted after a busy day.

Very excited mentally, but extremely tired physically.

She dragged her legs as if filled with lead out of the laboratory, then went straight into the elevator, and pressed the button on the negative first floor.

Although tired, her beautiful eyes glowed with strange brilliance.

When Bo Xingzhi saw her, he directly opened the door and hugged her into the car, "Is it very tired?"

"En. But I found a good thing." Ruan Su began to say that she found that the Ye family and Li Zhuoyan might have a match. "I feel so fate! Tomorrow I must take all the results of everyone in the Ye family. It's all done. If there are six o'clock, then she will be saved!"

Looking at her tired but hopeful face, Bo Xingzhi held her little hand in distress, "Go back and rest. Don't think about work anymore."

Bo Xingzhi didn't send her back to Ye's house, but went straight back to the villa he had bought in the capital city of M, which belonged to Ruan Su and him.

Ruan Su fell asleep with exhaustion when he walked on the road.

The car slowly stopped in the garage, watching her sleepy peaceful face, Bo Xingzhi lovingly stretched out his powerful arms and hugged her horizontally.

Ruan Su habitually nestled in his arms and found a comfortable position to continue sleeping.

The man hugged her all the way to the bedroom, helped her change her clothes, and took her to take a hot bath. She was confused and let the man wait on her like a little baby.

She didn't wake up until she put on clean pajamas.

"It seems to be really exhausted." Bo Xingzhi helplessly kissed the corner of her lips, a pair of pitch-black ink eyes looked at her tenderly, and after looking at it for a while, he got up to take a bath.

There was a splash of water in the bathroom, but Ruan Su still lay quietly on the bed, sleeping soundly like a baby.

She had a dream. There was a mother and a sister in the dream. They seemed to have never been separated, they were always together.

"Sister, give you flowers." My sister held a yellow little yellow and smiled at her innocently.

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