Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 835: I want to do a DNA test!

Ruan Su took the flowers that his sister handed over with a gentle smile, "Thank you."

The younger sister in front of me is small, white and tender, delicate and soft, smiling like a soft cotton ball.

Ruan Su felt soft in his heart.

She picked up her sister and put it on her lap, and began to sing a rhyme to her sister, "Shake and shake to the Grandma Bridge."

"Shake and shake to Grandma's Bridge." The younger sister's tender voice sang along with her.

Ruan Su almost melted into a puddle of water, "It's so good to sing."

However, soon after the scene changed, it became news that her sister and mother had a car accident. Ruan Xinhua told her that both her sister and mother had died.

She knelt on the floor crying bitterly, when she was so young, and her sister was so gone...and her mother is gone.

"Ah! Mom! Sister!" she exhaled in pain!

At this moment, Ruan Su, who was lying quietly on the bed, slowly opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling of the bedroom, with a drop of tears falling down her cheeks from the corner of his eyes.

She dreamed of her mother and sister.

My sister disappeared from this world when she was young.

younger sister……

She sighed sadly in her heart.

"What's the matter?" Bo Xingzhi stretched out his long arms and asked her softly, holding her in his arms.

"It's nothing. I had a dream. I dreamed of my sister." Ruan Su wiped the corner of her eyes. She rarely dreamed of her mother and sister, but she didn't know why this time she dreamed of her childhood sister.

"Is it approaching the death day of mother and sister? Or?" Bo Xing looked at her in doubt, a trace of distress flashed in his deep eyes.

"No...I don't know why, it feels a bit strange." Ruan Su suppressed the sadness in his heart, and looked at him pretendingly, "It's seven o'clock, let's get up. I will go to the hospital to work later. ."

"Okay. I'll take you there." Bo Xingzhi hugged her again before letting go.

Ruan Su got out of bed and went to wash up in the bathroom. Bo Xingzhi ordered a takeaway service from a nearby breakfast shop.

When Ruan Su finished washing and changed into a new set of clean clothes, the steaming breakfast was served on the dining table.

Bo Xingzhi was placing the tableware and chopsticks. As soon as she looked up, she saw her walking towards him. She was wearing a goose-yellow sweater, which made her skin white as snow, and a camel coat was placed on her slender arms. She hung her coat on the hanger in the hallway at will, and then sat down by the dining table.

"It's cold outside and it's raining lightly. You should dress thicker today."

Bo Xingzhi glanced out of the window, the rustling rain hit the leaves, and the weather was getting colder and colder.


In fact, he is not afraid of cold, but he does not want Ruan Su to worry about his body.

So after breakfast, he went back to the bedroom and took a cashmere coat. The navy blue coat wrapped his slender figure with wide shoulders and narrow waist, which was more stylish than the model on the runway.

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows at him, "Handsome!"

But the man approached her step by step and pressed her to the cabinet at the entrance, "Wife, kiss me."

"do not want."

"Then I will kiss you." The man's thin lips brushed her lips lightly, "Well, it's so sweet."

"Let go! I'm going to work, or I'll be late." Ruan Su pushed his sturdy chest, thin Xingzhi chuckles, and didn't tease her anymore.

The two went out to the garage together, and the car smoothly slid out of the villa area, raindrops rustling on the window glass, leaving a winding stream after another.

It's eight o'clock in the morning.

Ruan Su came to the hospital on time. After signing in to her department, she went to the laboratory. May be encouraged by the results of Ye Yanli and Ye Lingzhi yesterday, she is very energetic today.

"Yesterday I discovered that the matching ratio between Ye family and Li Zhuoyan is relatively high, so today everyone will focus on making the Ye family's matching first to see if they can be matched successfully. Yesterday Ye Weili's match was as high as five points. ."

"Really?" The other colleagues in the laboratory looked at Ruan Su in surprise.

"Yes, can this be a lie?" Ruan Su smiled and sat on his seat.

A doctor said. "You have such a good relationship with Li Zhuoyan, and also with the Xie family. Your Ye family really has a relationship with her."

Ruan Su casually responded, "I feel so too."

Everyone began to work hard, and the results of the Ye family's matching were quickly made one after another.

There are three points, two points, four points...

But it didn't exceed five o'clock.

Not even a six o'clock.

Ruan Su was a little discouraged, "Who else hasn't done it?"

"Doctor Ruan, you seem to be from the Ye family. How about...make yours too?" a doctor said with a sample of Ruan Su.

Ruan Su’s sample was taken late, and the Ye family was one of the first people to come over for matching.

So they all do the matching tests in the order in which they are lined up.

"Yeah, Dr. Ruan, move yours forward and do it now. It's up to you!" said a little nurse.

Ruan Su nodded in agreement, "That's fine, just do mine."

After speaking, everyone went to work again.

Soon it was noon, Ruan Su and her colleagues went to the hospital dining room to eat together. She bought a simple meal and decided to go back and watch the results.

What she didn't expect was that, as soon as she sat down and took a bite, the doctor on duty in the laboratory called up at noon. His voice was eager and excited, "Successful, matching successfully! Doctor Ruan!"

Ruan Su almost didn't choke with a mouthful of rice, "What's the matter? You speak slowly."

"Yours and Li Zhuoyan's are as high as 9 o'clock! Bone marrow transplantation is possible." A colleague's voice came through the phone, and Ruan Su's eyes widened in shock, "My and Li Zhuoyan's can be matched? Up to 9 o'clock? How? possible?"

She thought it was a little weird.

"Yes, yes, you eat quickly and come back to see the results."

The colleague hung up after speaking.

Ruan Su didn't even think about eating anymore, she picked up the lunch box and hurried to the direction of the laboratory.

Her heart thumped and thumped wildly, and she was in a hurry, when other colleagues greeted her on the way, she couldn't respond.


Up to 9 o'clock!

How could it be so high?

A colleague in the laboratory was printing the results, and heard the door slammed open, and a tall figure broke in in the next second.

He looked up and was shocked to see Ruan Su put down the lunch box in his hand and hurriedly walked over to get the result.

She held the result with her white fingers, and her eyes were staring at the text on it.

"It's really 9 o'clock..."

"I want to do DNA, I must do it, it can't be such a coincidence."

She muttered to herself, she suddenly raised her head and looked at Zhang Da's colleague who was looking at her. There was a bold guess in her heart, maybe... I dreamed of my sister last night, it was not accidental...

She took a deep breath, "I'm going to do a DNA test, now, right away, right away."

"Oh, good, good." Their hospital can also do this test, paternity test or something.

"My uncle Ye wants to do it with Li Zhuoyan, too." Ruan Su added, and the colleague nodded quickly, "Okay, okay."

But... as high as 9 o'clock, there is the poisonous silkworm in her body. If Li Zhuoyue were transplanted, Li Zhuoyan would also be infected by the silkworm.

This charming silkworm is not fun.

Although Mei silkworm has not relapsed for more than a year, it seems to be a time bomb that will explode at any time.

Li Zhuoyan's body is so weak, it is impossible to withstand the invasion of Mei Can.

Ruan Su gritted his teeth, all the younger generation of Ye Family came to do it, but the middle-aged and old generation did not come.

If Li Zhuoyan is really... then she has to ask everyone in the Ye family to come over and see what happens.

younger sister……

Did she not die? She is still alive...

Ruan Su covered her face with her hands. Has she been by her side all the time?

There are mixed flavors in her heart, which is an unspeakable sourness and expectation.

Sister, is it her younger sister?

If so... Ruan Su suddenly didn't know whether to be surprised or sad.

There was a mess in her head, only two words kept flashing: sister, sister!

The DNA results will only come out tomorrow, and the normal process will take three to a week, but she is in the hospital after all, so everything will be simple and will proceed very quickly.

She sat in her seat, unable to recover for a long time.

The colleague cautiously walked to her, "Doctor Ruan, what's wrong with you? Do you still eat your meal? If you don't eat it, it will be cold."

Ruan Su just woke up like a dream, "Ah, don't eat anymore. I have no appetite."

"You and Li Zhuoyan match up to 9 o'clock, isn't it good? Are you so excited and have no appetite?" the doctor said jokingly.

A trace of bitterness flashed across Ruan Su's face, she wished to match Li Zhuoyan right now, but... she didn't know if she could do it.

Mei silkworm can't do it.

She wouldn't let Li Zhuoyan take this risk as a last resort.

"Do you think I am like Li Zhuoyan?" Ruan Su suddenly asked the doctor abruptly.

The doctor was stunned, "It's not like you two. You two look different. Doctor Ruan looks better. Of course, Li Zhuoyan is also good-looking, probably because of her weakness..."

Ruan Su smiled and said nothing, and asked the doctor to go to work.

When I was a child, my mother also said that she is not like her younger sister, and her younger sister is more like a father.

But... Ruan Xinhua is not their father at all.

Who is that sister like?

Who is Dad?

Ruan Su felt a headache. Why is the relationship so complicated?

She didn't want to work at all, so she stood up and walked out of the laboratory and entered the elevator.

After pressing the floor where the ward area is located, the elevator soon stopped.

She stepped out of the opened elevator door and walked towards Li Zhuoyan's ward.

Xie Jinyan went out, and Mrs. Xie was by Li Zhuoyan's side. The girl looked weak and weak on the hospital bed. She had no energy all over, and her eyes were lazy.

Seeing Ruan Su coming over, she barely got a trace of energy on her face. "Sister Su."

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