Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 837: Repeated provocations

But the only answer to him was the sound of the woman's even breathing, and he helplessly kissed the corner of her lips, before closing his sharp eyes and slowly falling asleep.

The morning sun shines everywhere in the bedroom.

On the large bed, the man slowly opened his eyes and stared at the person in his arms, his slender fingers flicked across the woman's well-behaved and peaceful sleeping face, and a hint of tranquility rose in his heart inexplicably.

Ruan Sujiao's sleeping face was resting on the palm of her hand, and her white face had a lovely red print because of her sleeping posture.

Bo Xingzhi's thin lips lightly opened, trying to wake up the still sleeping woman, "Baby, it's time to get up, don't you have to go to work today?"

Seeing the woman opened her sleepy beautiful eyes under her call, her consciousness seemed not so clear yet, so Bo Xingzhi couldn't help but want to kiss the lovely woman.

Bo Bei slowly slipped down because she sat up, revealing a looming body that immediately made the man's eyes darkened.

"Baby, awake?"

Ruan Su came back to her senses and felt the man's gaze like a hungry wolf, and she subconsciously wrapped her body thinly, "Well, I'm a little hungry."

I'm so hungry.

She touched her belly, pointed to the pajamas not far away, "Get it for me."

Bo Xingzhi smiled and stroked his chin, "I haven't seen where the baby's body is?"

Ruan Su glared at him, "Get it quickly!"

Bo Xingzhi smiled and handed her the pajamas, she quickly put it on herself and went to the bathroom to wash.

The burning eyes of moxibustion followed her behind her until she closed the door.

After washing, she found a long sweater that covered her hips from the cabinet. Underneath it was a pair of woolen shorts and a bare-leg artifact. She wore a pair of Martin boots to make her legs straight and slender. She played with the missing lower body.

Her slightly thin face is delicate and white, her eyes are dim, she doesn't want anyone to see such a beautiful woman.

He walked over and put his arms around the woman's waist, "Wife..."

He lowered his head and kissed it presumptuously.

Ruan Su pushed him, then pushed him again.

The man let go of her and looked at the woman with red eyes in his arms, he nodded in satisfaction, and swiped the lipstick on the corner of his mouth with his long fingers. The **** and wicked movements were breathtaking.

Ruan Su gritted his teeth with anger, "I'm going to be late."

Bo Xingzhi gave a low laugh, hugged her half-armed, opened the door and went to the garage.

Placed her in the co-driver, looked at her lips that were so beautiful and swollen by her own kiss, stretched out his thumb and rubbed her lips twice, the man lowered his head again with a trace of affection under his eyes.

Seeing Ruan Su leaning on his shoulder, his face flushed, he helped Ruan Su pull down the seat belt to buckle, and then drove the linear car toward the hospital.

Ruan Su sat in the co-driver, refilled the lipstick, adjusted his slightly messy hair, glared at him angrily, and said cruel words in his red lips, "Now the morning rush hour, if you make me late, Just wait and see for me!"

Bo Xingzhi couldn't help laughing out loud, Ruan Su looked at the domineering handsome man in dissatisfaction, "Did you hear what I said?"

But seeing the man vacate a hand and slowly stepped forward to grab her small chin, her thin lips lightly opened, "I heard it, my wife."

He lifted his lips and glanced happily at Ruan Su and then looked forward, "But... what do you want me to see?"

Ruan Su squinted his eyes, "You'll know then."

The smile at the corner of Bo Xingzhi's mouth unconsciously became deeper.

When he got out of the car, he delivered the exquisite box that Ruan Su had seen before to her, "I will show it to you before, now I will give it to you."

Ruan Su just remembered that the man had sold it the night before.

She was not curious anymore, but she still opened her face.

Inside is a pair of small earrings, but it doesn't look like ordinary earrings.

Although on the surface it is inlaid with diamonds, shining brightly.

But her instinct told her that Bo Xingzhi would not try to get a pair of ordinary diamond stud earrings.

"This is a pair of communicators. I remember you used to have a pair of similar communicators. That version is aging. This is the latest model developed by Six." Bo Xingzhi personally gave the pair of ear studs to Ruan Sudai. "I have all set them up, you can contact me or Song Yan with just one click. And there are other functions, you can study them slowly."

Ruan Su smiled, "I like it very much."

Bo Xingzhi looked at her smile, her whole body seemed to exude a dazzling light, which attracted him deeply.

His gaze stayed greedily on her, his deep, carved face stared at her closely, and he couldn't help holding her red lips and rubbing against her for a while before letting go.

"I have to go busy, there are a lot of things today." Bo Xingzhi let go of her reluctantly, "Call me if you have something to do."

Ruan Su watched him leave before entering the hospital.

As she walked, she thought, the DNA test results are coming out today...

She didn't go back to the office of the Department of Hematology, or even had time to sign in, so she went directly to the laboratory.

When I walked in, I asked my colleague, "Is the DNA test report for Li Zhuoyan and I come out? There are also her and the Ye family..."

"Doctor Ruan, come out." As the colleague said, he showed her several reports, "You don't have a relationship."

"It doesn't matter?" Ruan Su was taken aback, feeling a little strange.

She thought of Ye Yanli's various obstacles when she was doing DNA with her. Fortunately, Ye was tired of being clever and made several copies.

Now... She couldn't help but glanced at this colleague suspiciously. The colleague looked a little uncomfortable, and she picked up the test reports and put them away calmly. "It doesn't matter."

The colleague walked out of the laboratory nonchalantly. Ruan Su looked around for a while and immediately took some blood samples of Li Zhuoyan and Ye Yanli and put them in his bag.

But at this time the colleague came to the remote toilet and started calling, "Yes, yes, I obeyed the order and gave her the fake. Yes, yes, don't worry."

"The remaining half... when will you call me?"

"Okay, okay. I see. I'll resign immediately."

The colleague hung up the phone and walked out of the toilet casually, but he didn't expect that as soon as he stepped out of the toilet door, he saw Ruan Su standing at the door.

He was shocked, "Ah! Doctor Ruan, what are you doing?"

Ruan Su hooked his lips and looked at him, "I can't see it, I've collected the money? So you want to hide it from me?"

She heard the man's heart beat?

He smiled awkwardly, "What are you talking about, why don't I know."

"Heh--" Ruan Su turned around with a sneer and left.

Fortunately, I took a blood sample by myself. It seems that I have to find another testing center.

After all, she had just arrived at this hospital for a short time, and she couldn't have been staring at the laboratory waiting for the results.

I still need to find a safe place. This hospital has this man as eyeliner today, who knows if someone else will be eyeliner tomorrow.

When she returned to the Department of Hematology, the sign-in time had passed.

Jing Baizhi curled her lips disdainfully when she saw her, "Oh, someone is late. Shouldn't it be fined!"

"The fine is a monthly penalty. Our department's new rule this month is to clean the toilet for three days." A sycophant from Jing Baizhi quickly took over her words.

"So... Doctor Ruan, do you want to clean the toilet now?" Jing Baizhi smiled very happily.

Ruan Su felt very annoyed when he looked at them gloating.

Originally, Li Zhuoyan's affairs made her very uncomfortable, and these people are still here every day like crows.

She uttered two words on her red lips, "Noisy!"

After speaking, he sat down in his seat blankly and turned on the computer to start searching for information.

"What drag? You should be punished for being late."

"Yeah, what do you do so arrogantly?"

Jing Baizhi hurriedly pretended to be very elegant, "Oh, forget it, the director will naturally notify the punishment, we are really nosy."

"Doctor Jing, you are too broad-minded, unlike some people."

"Yeah, don't pay attention to her. This kind of person just can't make jokes, and they can't make fun of them."

Ruan Su sat in her seat blankly, she was good-looking, even her profile was perfect.

Especially since she was wearing the missing lower body today, those straight legs are very eye-catching.

Several male doctors peeked at her from time to time.

Not to mention anything else, beauty is really beautiful.

Unfortunately, Jing Baizhi was offended.

Otherwise, you can go to tease and get close.

Ruan Su didn't know these spooky colleagues, she was always busy.

When she rested at noon, she grabbed her bag and went to another appraisal and testing center, a very remote place, where not many people usually come here for testing.

The Internet says that almost all of them are going to close down.

That's why she came here, unobtrusive.

If the test here does not work, then she will have to stay in her hospital 24 hours a day to try again, test herself, and watch the result herself.

After she submitted the sample, she left.

He took a ride back to his hospital.

She has been running around without eating lunch.

Randomly bought some fast food at the entrance of the hospital, ate a few bites to cushion my stomach, and then went back.

I hurried to the department to sign in, and finally signed in the last 30 seconds.

Jing Baizhi curled his lips, "Oh, if you are late at noon, you will have to clean the toilet for a week."

"Doctor Jing, you have to worry about being late and leaving early. Why don't you worry about your patient's situation. After all...not every patient is like Li Zhuoyan. I have a caring doctor who runs for her every day. Check the match."

Ruan Su's red lips spit out merciless sarcasm.

"You!" Jing Baizhi's face flushed suddenly, she hasn't treated any patients until now... Ruan Su is simply hitting her face severely.

Ruan Su originally didn't want to talk to her, and couldn't bear the woman's repeated provocations.

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