Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 838: result! Out! Don't be horny

Then don't blame her for humiliating this woman unceremoniously.

Linguistic violence is not the patent of Jing Baizhi, she can also.

Ruan Su glanced at Jing Baizhi and said nothing.

Jing Baizhi was so angry that he couldn't explode after swallowing ten tons of explosives.

She could only hold back forcibly, and she was extremely irritable.

However, she has no way to vent.

After hitting a snake and hitting seven inches, Ruan Su scolded her sore spot.

Although she worked as a doctor in the Department of Hematology for a period of time, she did not attend to any patients.

This is simply her shame.

She felt that she was severely humiliated by Ruan Su, and her face was rubbed against the ground by Ruan Su.

She couldn't hold back her whole face, but she couldn't refute it.

Because what Ruan Su said is the truth.

Several other people in the department were also speechless, with hot faces.

Because... Ruan Su seems to not only scold Jing Baizhi, but to scold all of them.

Ruan Su continued to sit in front of his computer and start working as if it were all right.

When all of them are air.

She got up and took her own cup to drink the tea and water. As a result, as soon as she was together, the colleagues began to whisper.

"What's so great?"

"Hehe-why is she so high?"

"Let me see what she is doing." A colleague angrily walked to Ruan Su's computer to see the files she hadn't closed.

As a result, her eyes widened instantly, "She is writing a paper?! Is there any mistake? She must have written it for the purpose of evaluating the job title."

"Doctor Jing, is your paper finished?"

As soon as Jing Baizhi heard that Ruan Su was writing a thesis, she quickly walked to Ruan Su's computer and stared at the computer screen closely.

"Damn it! She is so hateful!"

A doctor said viciously, "Doctor Jing, this paper must not be sent out by her. If it is sent out, what will you do then?"

There must be papers published in national journals when evaluating job titles.

Jing Baizhi also wrote an article but it hasn't been published yet. The medical journal of Country M will definitely publish her. After all, the position of her mother Jing Sa is there. Even if it is a little short of time, the editor-in-chief of the magazine will help her revise it. .

She has never worried about this.

But now I see the essay written by Ruan Su, the argument, the explanation, it's simply amazing.

If someone else sees her thesis...

"That's right." At this time, the other doctor's hand was placed on the button on the power cord, and the other hand was placed on the delete document.

Jing Baizhi swallowed his saliva, "It's not so good... After all, this is her achievement, writing a paper is still very brain-consuming and time-consuming. I see her sitting here every day to check information..."

"Doctor Jing, you are too kind to be trampled underfoot by her."

"Yeah! It must be destroyed!"

"Unplug!" The doctor's eyes flashed fierce happiness and misfortune, and he directly unplugged the power plug on Ruan Su's computer.

At just this moment, there was the sound of footsteps at the door, and they immediately acted like birds and beasts, pretending to be nonchalant.

Ruan Su walked to his computer and found that the screen was black and the power cord was unplugged.

She sneered, plugged in the power cord, and turned it on.

After some luck with the computer, she opened her thesis file again and found that the file was empty.

Obviously, when she was out, her computer was touched.

As for who...

She glanced at these colleagues in the office with different looks.

Without saying anything, my fingers crackled on the computer keyboard.

However, in just a few minutes, she recovered the document and continued to write her own thesis.

Everyone was dumbfounded!

what's going on?

Just now they deleted the contents of the document, then deleted the document, and then unplugged the power supply. All the steps in one go.

But how come Ruan Su still has the ability to restore this information?

Dizzy, dizzy...

"I advise you to abuse my computer again in the future, remember to find a master." Ruan Su copied the file directly to his USB flash drive and screamed at them dumbfounded, "Don't always do these pediatrics without technical content. Things make me doubt your age and IQ."

She didn't bother to hit these people in the face, because they were too LOW.

"You...what are you proud of? Your own computer is out of power, what is our business?" A doctor replied with a trace of confidence.

Ruan Su gave a low smile, "You don't have a guilty conscience to say such things?"

She checked the time and was about to get off work. She turned off the computer and went directly to the ward. In the ward, only Mrs. Xie was cutting fruit. Seeing her coming in, Mrs. Xie hurriedly handed over the freshly cut apples. Give her, "I'll cut another one."

Ruan Su smiled and took it, "Sister, where is Yanyan?"

"Having been in the ward for too long, Ayan pushed her out for a walk." Madam Xie took another apple and began to peel it.

"Don't blow the wind and catch the cold." Ruan Su took a bite of the apple, which was crisp and sweet. "I'll come over and take a look. I'm going to get off work. Remember to call me if you have anything to do."

"That way, you are careful on the way."

Ruan Su went back to the office after leaving the ward, took his bag and checked out.

She walked out of the hospital's gate, only to see Bo Xingzhi's car parked at the door. She was taken aback for a moment. This man...on time to pick her up from get off work?

The car door was pushed open, and Bo Xingzhi walked towards her steadily, put her arms around her willow waist and gently kissed her forehead, "I'm off work? Take you to eat delicious food."

The man's magnetically husky voice was ambiguous.

Ruan Su pushed him, putting his hands on the man's hard chest, "This is the entrance of the hospital."

There are so many people coming and going, so close... not so good.

Bo Xingzhi gave a low laugh, buckled her slender waist and hugged her, directly opened the door of the co-pilot and pushed her into the car.

As soon as he got into the car, the man leaned over, and Ruan Su's small hands tensely caught the collar of the man's coat, his body stiffened suddenly. "Thin line stop, let go!"

There was a hint of anger in her voice.

The man softly coaxed her with strong affection, "Goodbye, I will kiss her."

While the woman was not paying attention, his thin lips kissed her chattering little mouth, just taste it.

He reluctantly let go of her, "Let's go."

He hurriedly started work early in the morning, and worked until he finally finished all the work for today, so that he could get away and have dinner with Ruan Su.

The president was very upset about his frequent contact with Ruan Su recently, so he madly assigned a lot of work to him.

Want to use work to occupy his time, so that he can come to Ruan Su when he has no free time.

But he didn't expect his outstanding work ability, no matter how much work he can complete on time.

Bo Xingzhi drove the car all the way to Yunshang Restaurant.

When he parked the car in the underground parking lot of the restaurant, the man looked at her charming little face and couldn't help holding her face in both hands again and fell down.

Ruan Sujiao's body was stiff, her small hands tightly grasped the man's arm, her small face flushed with tension was particularly attractive.

The business of this restaurant is very good, even in the underground parking lot, there are many customers coming and going to park and drive.

She pushed the thin line through the shirt with her two small hands, " hands. Not here."

"So just go back, right?" The man's deep voice teased her with deep emotion.

Ruan Su Xing stared at him, his small face was determined and displeased, "My hair has been messed up by you again."

There was a hint of accusation in his voice.

Bo Xingzhi sighed softly and opened the car door, standing outside the door waiting for Ruan Su, thin lips reminded of the sweetness of the woman in the car from time to time, wishing to rush into the car and love her fiercely.

It took a while for Ruan Su to get out of the car.

Seeing the smile on the corner of the man's lips, she knew what he was thinking.

Her pretty face suddenly sank again, "Be serious, can you still eat this meal?"

The man's big palm took her small hand and started walking in the direction of the elevator. "Eat, definitely eat, my little ancestor."

Ruan Su didn't say a word, but his eyes drifted to the two men and the woman who got out of a car not far away.

Jing Cancan and the Jing family brothers!

Recently, she has been busy with Li Zhuoyan's matching, and she has forgotten Jing Cancan directly behind her head.

I heard that she was rescued, but she was left with sequelae.

Is this discharged now?

The Jing family brothers walked by her left and right, she seemed to be a marionette in the middle.

She was thinner than before, and her paper-like body seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind.

No expression on his little face followed the two brothers.

"Cancan, what do you want to eat?" Jing Ren asked her gently, bowing his head.

When she heard his voice, she shuddered, her voice was like a mosquito, "Anything is good."

Jing Huai's voice is gentle and soft, like a feather, "Cancan, are you afraid of two brothers? No one in this world loves you more like us, why should you be afraid?"

He gently held Jing Cancan's little hand, "Cancan, don't be afraid."

But the more he said that, the more Jing Cancan wanted to cry. The expression on her face was numb, weakly retorting, "Second brother...we are brothers and sisters..."

She wanders on the edge of morality every day and suffers every day.

"Cancan, you are not related to us, we are just brothers and sisters in name. So, why do you have to bear the burden? If you marry another man, how can we trust you to him? What if he bullies you ?"

Jing Ren said horrible things in a gentle tone while walking.

Jing Cancan was about to cry. She stood pitifully in front of the elevator, looking at the whereabouts of the number, "We are in a household registration book. It is wrong for us to do this."

The elevator door was opened, and the three of them stepped in. Jing Huai couldn't help but smile at her gracefully and charmingly, "Hey, don't worry, you will be separated soon."

Jing Ren shook his head helplessly, "When on earth would you want to drive? Don't be too horny?"

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