Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 839: I think she may have something to do with you

Jing Cancan looked pale and lowered her head. She stood in the corner of the elevator like a lonely little beast.

"If it's just one...but you are two..."

"How can a woman be with two men at the same time?"

Let her go against her own moral beliefs and abandon these common rules, she simply can't do it.

So what has she become?

Become a trash and shameless woman.

If the world knows, if outsiders know... If relatives and friends know, everyone in the Jing family knows...

How should she deal with herself?

The more she thought about it, the more terrible she became, the more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable her face became.


Will not.

She must stop these two crazy men, "Eldest brother, second brother...what kind of woman do you want? Why do you have to pester me? I'm really not good...we are a family!"

She lifted her eyes, tears overflowing in her delicate phoenix eyes, "Let go of me, and let yourselves go. We really can't be together."

"But..." A gentle paranoia flashed in Jing Huai's eyes, "We just want to be with you, and the three of us will never be separated."

The blood on Jing Cancan's little face suddenly faded, and her red lips trembled, "You are crazy, you are crazy!"

"We are just going crazy for you." Jing Ren's affectionate eyes fixed on her, and the man's big palm gently lifted her palm-sized face, "So, Cancan, you can't escape. Dropped."

Just when he was about to kiss down, the elevator door was suddenly opened, and he had to let go of Jing Cancan, and the three of them got out of the elevator together.

At the same time, the door of another elevator next to this elevator was also opened.

Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su intersected and walked out. The three brothers and sisters did not expect to meet acquaintances.

Jingren greeted Bo Xingzhi and his wife politely, "Bo Shao, Mrs. Bo."

Bo Xingzhi nodded indifferently as a response.

Ruan Su glanced over the handsome faces of the brothers, and finally fell on Jing Cancan's face. She walked up to the girl and gently held her little hand, as if afraid to scare her. "How are you doing? Are you getting better?"

Jing Cancan lowered her head half way than Ruan Su. She looked very petite. She looked up at Ruan Su slightly, her eyes flashing with tension and cramps.

Can't help but an idea will come to mind: Will she guess the relationship between me and the two brothers? Do you think we are disgusting? Dirty?

Do you think I am a bad woman?

The pressure in her heart was so great that she almost collapsed.

She shook Ruan Su's hand abruptly, and took two steps back, "No, I don't, I am not..."

Ruan Su looked at her in astonishment, "What's the matter?"

Jing Cancan just woke up like a dream, what did she just say? What did she do?


Her face was pale and almost transparent, and her red lips looked more vivid and distressing.

"I...I..." Her little face was full of panic, and some Liushen looked at Ruan Su without a master.

She could feel that Ruan Su didn't mean to hurt her.

Her gaze fluttered everywhere, and finally fell on the man next to Ruan Su. That man... really good-looking! A pair of long and narrow phoenix eyes are condensed, the features are handsome and noble, and the whole body exudes a strong noble aura.

Noticing her gaze, the Jing family brothers' faces were unpleasant, Jing Ren subconsciously took her arm and said, "Cancan, this is Shao Bo. When you were hospitalized last time, he also accompanied Mrs. Bo. To see you."

Jing Huai also went on to say, "Yes, it's a pity that you were unconscious at the time."

It turned out to be Miss Ruan’s husband...

Jing Cancan retracted his gaze, but Bo Xingzhi looked at her with a trace of scrutiny.

The eyes of Danfeng, which are exactly the same as those of his mother, are on Jing Cancan's face... and they are half cordial. It’s just that her current state looks like her mother...

Flustered, at a loss, depressed, I heard that she has depression...

Bo Xingzhi's heart suddenly felt painful as if he had been pricked by a needle.

Her age...what happened to her?

Why does he feel distressed?'s so weird.

Bo Xingzhi looked at Jing Cancan with a hint of doubt.

The Jing family brothers felt a strong sense of crisis inexplicably.

They kept Jing Cancan confined, and seldom allowed her to come into contact with other men, especially good men.

Seeing that the man who is usually indifferent to people suddenly looked at Jing Cancan for a few seconds, the alarm bells in the two people's hearts, Jing Ren subconsciously pulled Jing Cancan behind him without a trace, "Bo, let us go ahead if we have anything else. step."

Jing Huai also nodded towards Bo Xing.

The three turned and left, leaving the foreground. The bright black and white eyes couldn't help but look at Ruan Su and Bo Xing again. She was a talented woman, and she was married and could stand upright in the sun, so envious...

I guess it’s impossible to have this kind of opportunity in my life...

"Baby, you are so bad."

Jing Ren's suppressed voice sounded, Jing Cancan immediately retracted his gaze and saw Jing Ren's handsome possessive face staring at her distortedly, "Why? Did you stop looking at me?"

Jing Cancan retorted feebly, "I don't have..."

"You better not. If so, believe it or not, I will have a hundred ways to make you survive, and you will never regret looking at him." Jing Ren smiled, but his voice Threatened.

Jing Cancan can only be their brother!

No one can take her away, even if it's a flimsy one.

"Cancan, be good, don't annoy your brothers, you know?" Jing Huai raised his hand and pinched Jing Cancan's nose, "Let's go, let's have dinner."

Jing Cancan's whole body was filled with a strong breath of despair.

Is there no way she can escape the shackles in her life?

She desperately followed in the footsteps of the brothers like a puppet, but her heart was desolate.

What should she do to be free?

So painful...

Tears rolled in her eyes, but she walked forward if the road in front of me never ends, there is no light, only darkness.

Ruan Su looked at Jing Cancan's numb and thin back, raised his eyes to Bo Xingzhi, "Are they exactly the same as those of his mother's Danfeng eyes?"

Bo Xingzhi nodded, "But...I don't have a sister. What's more, she is about the same age as Zhuang Xiaoyue, at least five or six years old from me."

Ruan Su had a smile on his eyebrows, "Do you still know who is in my mother's family?"

Bo Xingzhi immediately understood what Ruan Su meant, "You mean, maybe it's my cousin?"

"It's possible. Maybe it's from the mother's family. I heard that she is the adopted daughter of the Jing family. The background is unknown, and the Jing family hides it deeply." Ruan Su thoughtfully, "Why don't you do it with her." DNA testing?"

Bo Xingzhi curled his eyebrows slightly, "Jing's family sees her so tightly, it's probably not easy to get her blood sample or hair."

"We can think of a way." Ruan Su also felt that the Jing family had watched Jing Cancan very closely, especially the two brothers of the Jing family, wishing to stay with her.

"Let's go, eat first. This matter is not in a hurry." Bo Xingzhi held her hand and walked toward the box.

The waiter at Yunshang Restaurant saw Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi greeted him enthusiastically, "Do you two have a reservation?"

"Tianling box." Bo Xingzhi directly reported the name of the box he had booked.

The waiter hurriedly took them over as soon as he heard, "You two, please come with me."

At this time, the WeChat group of Yunshang Restaurant exploded. The lobby manager craned his neck to look at Ruan Su's back, and hurriedly took a secret photo of the back and sent it to the group.

"Hey, I seem to have seen our lady coming."

"Isn't this our lady? It still seems, like a hammer!"

"By the way, have you all done matching?"

"Done it."

"Hey, do you want to say hello? Or... is it free today?"

"Pull it down, Miss doesn't want others to know that she is our boss."

"Okay... Then I'll just say that today is the event. They happen to be the 66th customer, so they are free?"

"You... such a clumsy excuse, do you think the young lady can't tell?"

"Just pretend you don't know it." In the end, the chef said, directly ending the meaningless conversation. "This is what the young lady hopes most."

"That said, our Yunshang restaurant is one of the most high-end restaurants in the capital city of M. The tree is so popular that many people want to trouble us..."

"Okay, okay, low-key, I understand."

So, in an instant, the group became quiet again.

Inside the box.

After Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su ordered a few signature dishes, they returned the menu to the waiter.

The waiter smiled and nodded, "Please wait for two of you, and serve them immediately."

"This restaurant feels pretty good. It is very high-end in country M, and many celebrities will come to eat." Bo Xingzhi introduced a few words for Ruan Su, "The environment is also good, I heard that the boss behind it is very mysterious."

Ruan Su took a sip of water, his eyes drifting out of the window, almost choked.

She quickly coughed twice, then stopped talking, "It's not very mysterious, right..."

She just wanted to say that when she was interrupted by Bo Xingzhi's cell phone ringing.

The man answered the phone with a displeased expression, "I have done all my work, and I can't have a little personal freedom? I don't want to eat at the presidential palace, I want to eat outside."

"If there is nothing wrong, I will hang up."

Don't guess, the president must have called. Even if it is not him, it is probably his assistant.

However, Ruan Su couldn't tell the kind of words that were always your father, blood related, and blood thicker than water. Because she knows too well that Bo Xing's life experience from childhood to adulthood, everything is bestowed by the president.

The suffering he suffered, the mental illness he suffered, the source of everything, the Bo Fengshan and his wife, was just a lure, and the person who really caused such a single-handedly was the president!

She took the initiative to hold the man's palm, "Let's eat."

Bo Xing nodded, "Okay."

He looked at her, "What did you want to say?"

Ruan Su swallowed his saliva, not knowing how to confess, "I..."

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