Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 843: A family like a mad dog!

The operation has been delayed for longer and longer, and the people outside the emergency room are getting more and more anxious.

Jing Ren frowned and stared at the door of the emergency room, as if he saw Ruan Su entering?

Can she do it?

Can she perform such a difficult operation?

The craniotomy is no joke.

Mrs. Jing was also stunned, unable to return to her senses, "It seems that Mrs. Bo has entered? She can do surgery? Does she know brain surgery?"

Jing Guoguang was even more inexplicable, "I don't know... I don't know anything..."

He didn't know anything about Ruan Su.

I only know that it is Bo Xingzhi's wife, and the president doesn't like her.

"She used to have a great reputation in the City No. 1 Hospital of Empire H, and was called the first person in surgery." Bo Xingzhi said lightly, with an inexplicable sense of oppression in his tone.

After hearing this, the others didn't say a word.

After all... They are now the president's son.

Jingren still doesn't trust him, "Mrs. Bo looks very young, and the risk of this kind of surgery is high..."

"So you can also wait until the brain surgeon in this hospital comes over, but what happened to Miss Jing at that time...I don't know." Bo Xingzhi's voice was cold, and his indifferent gaze passed over Jing Ren's face again. Stared at the door of the emergency room.

It is useless to say more to such people who do not believe in Ruan Su.

His words are also easy to understand. You can also tell Ruan Su to stop the operation as a family member, but, do you dare?

He expected that Jing Ren would not dare to make fun of Jing Cancan's life.

This is indeed the case.

Although Jing Ren didn't trust Ruan Su very much, he didn't have a suitable doctor now.

He could only wait anxiously, and silently endure the psychological torment.

Time passed slowly.

About an hour soon passed in anxious waiting.

At this time, the director of brain surgery received the notification from the hospital and hurried back from outside.

He is a middle-aged man in his forties, panting and taking his assistants and interns to the door of the emergency room, "What about the patient? How is the situation now?"

The other nurses at the emergency room nurse station came over immediately, "Director, Dr. Ruan has already gone in for treatment, you can take a break."

"Who is Dr. Ruan?" The director of neurosurgery was a little inexplicable, but soon he exclaimed in anger, "Isn't it urgent? Human life is a matter of life, how can you just let other doctors who don't understand it? Doctors, but the responsibilities and professions of doctors in each department are different! What are you doing!"

The nurse paled, "This was... notified by the superior. I don't know what the situation is... Or... you also go in?"

The director of brain surgery said angrily, "I will go in immediately now. I will prepare!"

Hearing that the director of brain surgery was about to go in, these people in the Jing family breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Jing Cancan should be saved.

Soon, the director was ready to enter the operating room directly.

As soon as he entered, he found a thin figure holding a scalpel neatly performing an operation. Every action is very neat and standard, and the operation is almost complete, nearing the end.

While the thin figure was performing the operation, he carefully explained each of his operations to the other doctors and nurses in the emergency room who completed the operation.

Her voice is very soft, but she speaks in great detail.

The director was stunned after listening for a while, because he discovered that although the woman was very young, she was very professional.

However, he changed his mind and thought again, some people have rich theoretical knowledge and may not be OK with actual actions.

This is the case with the so-called high-eyes and low-hands. He went to see the operation again, but found that... the operation was perfect, and every detail was handled very well.

This scene was completely beyond his expectation.

He was shocked!

When is there such an amazing young brain surgeon in the hospital?

This is exactly the new star in the future of brain surgery!

He didn't dare to step forward and interrupt, after all, it was during the operation, so he simply stood aside and waited silently.

The trainee behind him carefully observed his expression, "Teacher, what's the matter? Why don't you go there?"

They thought they would see the teacher grab the scalpel...

Why is the teacher standing here blankly?

The director waved at them, "Look carefully, listen carefully, she is very good."

Hearing the director's words, the interns were stunned, and no one dared to speak anymore.

About half an hour later, the operation finally ended.

Ruan Su looked tiredly at these colleagues working around him, "Come on."

The finishing work was done quickly, and the doctors and nurses began to go out one after another.

As a result, as soon as they turned around, they found the director of brain surgery and several interns with him who had been standing not far away.

"Director? When did you come here?"

The director smiled, "Don't worry about how I came here, just tell me who this doctor is? Why didn't I know that our brain surgery has such a powerful young generation?"

"Hello, I’m Ruan Su. I’m sorry, because you are not there, so I asked my teacher to apply for permission and let me come in to save people. Because the patient is my friend." Ruan Su did not let anyone introduce him, but She made a self-introduction with respect to the director, and also talked about why she had to go to the operating table.

"Your teacher? Who is it?" The director became more curious.

"Oh, Professor Xu Wenze." Ruan Su said calmly, "I am in the Department of Hematology."

"Department of Hematology..." The director was shocked, "Then why are you doing so well in surgery?"

Such a good surgical seedling went to the Department of Hematology, and he felt a little sad.

"I was in surgery before." Ruan Su smiled, "Everyone is tired, go out."

With that, she was about to go out.

But the director became more shocked as he listened. The more he listened, the more he was reluctant to let her go. He quickly stopped her, "Do you want to think about transferring to the department? How good is it for you to come to our brain surgery? From now on, my position will be yours. I am. You are in charge of these little girls under your hand."

Such a talented young doctor must be robbed!

Ruan Suchong shook his head, "My sister has acute leukemia, so I went to the Department of Hematology."

The director suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, "It's like this..."

But he did not give up.

Not today, he will try again another day.

Jing Cancan was also sorted out by the nurse and pushed out of the emergency room. The Jing family immediately surrounded him.

"How is the operation?"

"Did you make it?"

"Did the director do it?"

The little nurse asked the Jing family babbled questions for a while.

"No, it was all done by Dr. Ruan. The operation was very successful."

"The patient needs to be observed for forty-eight hours. Now he needs to be pushed into the ICU first. Please let me go."

Jing Ren looked at the unconscious Jing Cancan's pale little face and the gauze wrapped around her head, and his heart was aching.

Because she was going to have a craniotomy, one of her long hair was shaved...

This scene greatly stimulated everyone in the Jing family.

"My bitter daughter..." Madam Jing cried bitterly, "God, why don't you have such a long eye!"

"Oh, it's annoying enough, don't cry. Isn't it just the hair? It will grow in the future." Jing Guoguang pushed her with an annoyed look.

They were sad here, and saw Ruan Su and a group of medical staff all coming out.

I was about to inquire about Jing Cancan's condition, but I saw that the director of neurosurgery kept surrounding Ruan Su, his attitude was kind and enthusiastic... shocking.

"Doctor Ruan, are you really not considering coming to our department?"

"Doctor Ruan, you are so talented, it's a pity not to have surgery..."

"Aren't you itchy? If you encounter today's situation again in the future, you have to ask your superiors for approval to perform surgery again and again. How uncomfortable!"

However, Ruan Su always whispered back to him with a smile, "I'm not going, thank you for showing love."

The Jing family were dumbfounded.

Finally, Bo Xingzhi got up from the bench and walked to Ruan Su's side, and his magnetic voice sounded, "Tired? Take a drink."

He handed over a glass of warm water.

Ruan Su took it and took a couple of sips, "It's okay, but the legs are a little sore."

Jing Ren calmed down and walked over, "Doctor Ruan, my sister..."

Ruan Su said straightforwardly, "The operation was successful, but there may be sequelae, such as amnesia, or other aspects. After all, this is a brain injury."

"Other aspects mean..." Jing Ren's heart jumped, with a bad feeling.

"For example, blindness, or deafness...These are very common sequelae of brain injury surgery." Ruan Su explained to him blankly, "Let's see what the patient looks like when he wakes up."

"Then my daughter is crippled? Isn't it because you failed the operation?" Madam Jing screamed, "It must be you! It must be you who failed the operation."

The director of neurosurgery was displeased. "This lady, please pay attention to your wording. She is a very promising and capable doctor. I can testify for her. She is telling the truth."

Bo Xingzhi sneered, and looked straight at Madam Jing as if ice quenched, "Shut your mouth, don't let me hear any abuse of my wife."

Madam Jing felt Bo Xingzhi's icy strong aura, and her aura suddenly became weaker.

She closed her mouth angrily, but she was still cursing in her heart.

"She is not allowed to visit in the ICU. You can take a look at her from the window. You can also go home and rest." Ruan Su turned around and left.

After tossing here for most of the night, she was too tired.

Almost everyone did not notice that there was a small bag of blood samples hidden in the pocket of her clothes.

Bo Xingzhi finally took a deep look at Jing's family and left with Ruan Su.

Those doctors and nurses confessed a few more words and went busy with their own affairs one after another.

After all, who wants to get along with a family like a mad dog? I want to live a few more years!

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