Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 844: This strange blood relationship, twins?

After Jing Cancan's surgery, it was very late.

Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi went out of the hospital and looked at the gloomy sky. She looked down at the time.

It's already more than eight o'clock in the evening, and the DNA identification center is off work...

A bit lost.

Forget it, get it tomorrow.

She was secretly depressed when she heard the man’s magnetic voice in her ear, "What do you want to eat? Are you hungry?"

Ruan Su looked up and saw the night-filled streets, the lights were on, and the man was standing in the flashing neon, looking at her with a gentle expression that made his heart beat faster.

She curled her red lips, "I want to eat a burrito."

"That's OK, I'll take you there." Bo Xingzhi did not expect that she would ask for such a grounded request, burrito such grounded food.

But he was not disgusted.

So the two went to a nearby "Uncle Burrito" and ordered two red bean porridge, and then another burrito.

The burrito contains shredded winter bamboo shoots, shiitake mushrooms, choy sum, bean sprouts, and many vegetables.

Ruan Su quite likes this, and he also ordered a plate of cumin lamb, which feels good when rolled into a pancake.

Bo Xingzhi watched her happily, and tasted it. The man put aside his usual Qinggui and nodded, "The taste is not bad."

"It seems like this is the first time you have eaten a burrito." Ruan Su couldn't help but laugh, her brows and eyes curled up and she looked particularly moving under the light. "Master, step down the altar."

Bo Xingzhi raised his hand and nodded her pretty little nose, "Nonsense, I am not a shrine or altar. The fireworks on the world entangled me in the most real state of life, and it is the easiest way to prolong for a long time. I haven't heard an old saying. Is it true that it is plain?"

Ruan Su took a sip of porridge, "That's right."

A life full of fireworks is really great.

She glanced at a family of three in the corner of the store. A couple brought a female baby. The baby had just learned to eat on her own. She wore a small skirt and took a spoon to deliver food to her mouth. It looked very cute.

A glimmer of envy quickly flashed in her eyes. When will she be able to have a child of her own?

It feels like nowhere.

She didn't dare to show that she was afraid that she would not be able to escape the thin eyes, so she hurriedly lowered her head and continued to drink porridge, while taking up the burrito to eat.

It was already over nine o’clock after dinner, Ruan Su glanced at the sky and then at the time, “I have to go back. The elders of the Ye family have also done bone marrow matching, and I will give priority to their results. Go back and have a look."

Bo Xingzhi gently kissed the corner of her lips, reluctantly started the car, "Okay, I'll see you."

About twenty minutes later, the car stopped at the entrance of Yejia Manor, Ruan Su looked at his handsome face with beautiful eyes, "I hope that the life of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl won't be too long."

"I know." Bo Xingzhi kissed her again, grabbed her little hand and drove her out of the car, watching her disappear into the dark yard before he turned around.

After Ruan Su went back, he saw Ye Mili and the old lady in the living room, the old lady was watching TV, and Ye Mili was working on the exercise plan.

"Uncle, did the result come out?" Ruan Su asked as soon as he entered the door.

Before Ye Yanli could answer, Mrs. Ye spoke first, "Except mine is six, the rest are four, three, hey... Is it possible to transplant bone marrow after six? Why don't you use mine? "

Ruan Su's heart thumped and thumped, and she was even more sure of the fact that Li Zhuoyan was very likely to be related to the Ye family.

She suppressed the excitement in her heart, walked to the old lady Ye and sat down, stretched out her arms to hug her waist, "Grandma, you are too old, the medical regulations only accept people between 18 and 45 years old, so …Let’s look for it again."

"Really? There is still this rule!" Mrs. Ye said regretfully, "I want to save this child. Her mother-in-law and your mother are best friends, so you should save others with emotion and reason."

"Grandma, don't be too sad." Ruan Su comforted Mrs. Ye. If it doesn't work, then her bone marrow can only be used for transplantation. Even with the sequelae of Meican, it is better than losing her life.

Grandma is too old to let her take risks.

When she thought about it, she suddenly made up her mind.

"My match value with her is as high as 9, so let me do it, and my results are also out."

"What? The matching value is as high as 9?" Ye Yanli raised his head from the plan and looked at Ruan Su in shock, " could the matching of our Ye family and her... be so strange? So many people did it to no avail. , It happened to have a match with the Ye family, mine is taller, mother's is taller...and yours are all 9?"

Ruan Su smiled at him, "My DNA was compared with her, and I will get the result tomorrow. Uncle, I think she may be my sister..."

"younger sister?"

"Your sister?"

Ye Yanli and Mrs. Ye were shocked at the same time, "Didn't you say that you died in a car accident with your mother? She is still alive?"

The mother and son looked at each other, "If they are really sisters...that would be great!"

Mrs. Ye burst into tears, "God treats me very well, I will see two such good granddaughters in my lifetime... I really am..."

She didn't know what to say.

Ruan Su quickly drew a tissue to wipe her tears, "Grandma, you have to get the result of all this first, and I will get the result tomorrow to be sure if it is."

"It must be! It must be." Old lady Ye wept as she wiped her tears, "It must be."

"If your sister can also be found, then your mother may be alive, but we don't know where she is." Ye Yanli was full of hope to find her sister again, "Xiao Su, I will go with you tomorrow morning. Get the result. As long as she is our child..."


Early the next morning, Ruan Su got up early, and when she went downstairs, she saw Ye Yanli waiting for her in suit and leather shoes.

After seeing her, an inexplicable nervous smile appeared on the man's face, "Xiao Su, when shall we leave?"

Ruan Su couldn't help being happy, "After breakfast, please."

Song Jiayan also came downstairs at this time and said jokingly, "Oh, why do I think he is more nervous than our wedding?"

Ruan Su checked Ye Mili, "Aunty said well, that's it."

Ye Yanli didn't feel nervous anymore after the two of them joked like this, didn't they just get a result?

If it's the Ye family's child, it's the best. If it's not... then apart from a little regret, it doesn't seem to have suffered a great loss.

It doesn't matter if he wants to open it like this.

After breakfast, Ye Yanli drove Ruan Su in the direction of the appraisal center.

This appraisal center is relatively remote, so the road is not easy to walk.

It was just nine o'clock when they arrived, and they had just started work.

Ye Yanli stepped in with Ruan Su.

After Ruan Su handed over the charging vouchers to the staff for inspection, the staff went to find the results.

After a while, I took a portfolio and gave it to her, "This is yours."

Ruan Su swallowed his saliva and glanced at Ye Mianli. Ye Nianli looked at her sharply, "Open it."

When they saw the result, both of them were shocked at the same time.

"What's the situation?" Ye Yanli looked at her incredulously, "Didn't it mean that my sister is two years younger than you?"

Ruan Su was also shocked when he looked at the result of the "fraternal twins", "Twins? My sister and I are twins? Then why did my mother always let me call her sister when I was young, and said my sister was two years younger than me..."

Too strange!

"Then if it is twins, it means that your sister is not your adoptive father's daughter? Are you the same father?" Ye Yanli was also confused, this strange blood relationship.

Confused him.

"Yes, she and I are the same father. My mother is missing now. It seems that I still need to ask my adoptive father." Ruan Su collected the results of the identification and collected the blood sample he had collected yesterday. Give some related things to the staff, "Help me do another appraisal."

"Okay, you can pick it up tomorrow." The staff nodded and put it away, "You can pay now."

"You still have to do one? Whose is it?" Ye Yanli asked curiously.

"Before the result comes out, keep the secret." Ruan Su smiled a little mysteriously, "Let's go."

Ye Yanli was also fascinated and did not continue to ask.

After getting in the car, Ruan Su asked Xie Yuan to call her to help Ruan Xinhua's prison.

After a while, she received Xie Yuan's reply, "You can call it now, he was called to pick it up."

Ruan Su immediately thanked, "Brother-in-law, thank you."

Xie Yuan smiled heartily, "What are you polite? We are a family."

After Ruan Su hung up the phone with him, he pressed the phone number of the prison.

Ruan Xinhua's familiar voice came from inside, "Hey, what good can you do if you suddenly find me with no conscience? You can't save me?"

Ruan Su sneered, "I have something to ask you. My sister is the same age as me, why does my mother insist that she is two years younger than me?"

Ruan Xinhua wanted to hang up when she heard that she was asking such irrelevant words, "Why should I tell you? I'll tell you if you rescue me."

"Very well, it doesn't matter if you don't want to tell me, then you can sit in the prison. If you tell the truth, I can find a way to save you from one year of punishment." Ruan Su directly warned him coldly.

To deal with Ruan Xinhua's rogue temperament, he has to be more shameless than him.

Sure enough, Ruan Xinhua was very upset when he heard it, "Ruan Su, why are you so ruthless? I'm your dad, even if I'm not a relative, I have raised you somehow."

"So? You killed my sister and my mother?" Ruan Su gradually lost his patience. "Do you want to tell me?"

Ruan Xinhua felt that something was wrong, "Have you found your sister? Is she still alive?"

"It's none of your business, just say it!"

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