Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 845: Sisters recognize each other!

Ruan Su's tone also showed impatience and irritability, "I will tell my brother-in-law now, you..."

She was interrupted by Ruan Xinhua before she finished her words, "You are cruel! I tell you, can't I tell you?"

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Su's face became very heavy.

Ye Yanli glanced at her face in the rearview mirror, and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter? Didn't he say?"

"Say it." Ruan Su sighed heavily. "My sister and I are twins, fraternal twins, so we two don't look alike. She looks like my father, and I look more like my mother. It is a fraternal egg, so I absorb nutrients relatively well, while my sister absorbs relatively poorly. It can also be understood that she can't grab me in the mother's womb. Later, when she was born, she was weak and sick and did not develop well."

"In order to prevent my sister from being too inferior and sad, my mother kept telling everyone that she was two years younger than me, but she was not... Only mother and Ruan Xinhua knew the truth. Everyone thought that my sister was younger than me..."

A drop of clear tears slid down her cheeks, her beautiful eyes flashed with star diamond-like tears. It turned out that since the time of pregnancy in October, she had not fulfilled her obligation to be a sister...

She took away her sister's health.

She was very sad.

"Xiao Su..." Ye Weili seemed to feel Ruan Su's sadness, after all, the truth was really a bit teary. He comforted her awkwardly, "It's not your fault, don't blame you. It is common for twins to have good health and poor health."

"Some people will get better after the day after tomorrow, and some people...may not be. It happened that Yanyan was the latter. At that time, she disappeared with your mother. It was not her fault, let alone your fault... It can be said to be good luck."

Ruan Su felt even more uncomfortable when she thought that Li Zhuoyan had experienced so many ups and downs since she was a child.

"Forget it, I don't want to. It's no use thinking too much."

A trace of firmness flashed in her eyes, "I can't find other matching models for a long time, so I can only use mine."

"Xiao Su, you are exactly the same, why do you want to find another one?" Ye Yanli sensitively heard that there was something in her words.

"My body was...poisoned in my early years, and I am afraid that the sequelae will be passed on to her." At this point, Ruan Su can no longer hide some things on her body from people like the Ye family.

After hearing her words, Ye Yanli was taken aback for a moment and stared at her in shock, "What about now? How's it going? How are you?"

I can't see any signs of poisoning in her body at all!

"There is no poison for the time being, so I am not sure whether it will be transmitted to her." Ruan Su was a little helpless, "but compared to poisoning, life is more important."

"If you want to match her up, you have to discuss it with the Xie family. After all...she now has a mother-in-law, a father-in-law, and a husband... I heard that Yanyan has already received the certificate?" Ye Yanli is a little regretful. I did not participate in the growth of my little niece.

"Well, I got it. The wedding has not been held yet." Ruan Su Qingmei's eyebrows flashed worry, "Let's go directly to the hospital now. There can be no more delay."


Ruan Su took out his cell phone and called the old lady Ye, "Grandma, Li Zhuoyan is indeed my sister. You and grandpa should also come to the hospital. You need to sit down and talk about this matter."

"Really? That's great!" The old lady Ye was excited, but she was more distressed besides the excitement. "Oh, why did my poor child get leukemia..."

After hanging up the phone, she didn't dare to stay, so she immediately called Mr. Ye to let the family driver drive them to the hospital.

"I just said...this kid belongs to our family."

"It's just this disease..."

Elder Ye patted her hand, "Can't Xiao Su be able to match her? If it succeeds, there should be no problem."

He wasn't sure, but he still wanted to comfort Mrs. Ye.

"I hope so... I have nothing else to ask for after living so old... I just hope that the children can be safe and sound."

Mrs. Ye closed her eyes and opened them again to look at the scenery outside the window.

"Okay, don't think too much. It's always a happy event." Elder Ye patted her hand, "Don't lose your mind when you get to the hospital."

While talking, the car stopped in the underground parking lot of the hospital.

When the two old men got out of the car, Mrs. Ye squeezed her bag again.

Only then did Mr. Ye step into the elevator together.

She had met Li Zhuoyan before, and she also had an impression of this sweet little girl. After all, she was cute, beautiful and smart, and she was a little genius.

I really didn't expect... In the end she turned out to be Ruan Su's sister.

The couple had just entered the elevator, Ye Weili and Ruan Su also arrived at the parking lot, and they stepped into another elevator.

Mrs. Ye and his wife just got out of the elevator and were about to take a look at Li Zhuoyan's ward when the door of another elevator was opened.

Ruan Su and Ye Yanli walked out from inside.

With eyes facing each other, Ruan Su's hand holding the folder tightened, "Grandma, grandpa."

"Let's go, let's see your sister." Old lady Ye stretched out her hand, Ruan Su took the initiative to hold her somewhat dry palm, "Okay."

The four soon arrived at Li Zhuoyan's ward. Seeing the sudden arrival of the two elders from the Ye family, both Mrs. Xie and Xie Jinyan were a little confused, but they stood up enthusiastically to greet them.

"Lady Ye, Elder Ye, you are so busy..." Just as Mrs. Xie was about to say a few polite words, she was startled by Mrs. Ye's expression, "What's wrong with you...?"

I saw the old lady weeping, her eyes flushed, and she grasped her hands, "My family!"

relatives by marriage?

Madam Xie was even more shocked, looking at Ruan Su as if asking for help, "Xiao Su...this..."

Ruan Su didn't have any unnecessary nonsense, and directly replied, "Li Zhuoyan is my biological sister. This is the result of DNA identification. You and Ayan can look at it together."

younger sister?


The Xie family's mother and son were shocked!

Li Zhuoyan, who was lying on the hospital bed, was also shocked!

She stared at Ruan Su in disbelief, "Sister? Are you my sister? My sister?"

Ruan Su nodded heavily.

Mrs. Xie had already opened the file at this time, and she immediately clashed to the result.

Suddenly dumbfounded.

Xie Jinyan was also dumbfounded.

He is called Aunt Ruan Su every day... will he be called sister from now on?


It's a bit confusing.

Ruan Su has already started to explain to them what Ruan Xinhua said, and he also told them about the fact that his mother was actually sold by Ruan Xinhua. Everyone listened carefully to her voice.

The inside of the ward was quiet, only her cold voice could be heard constantly.

After a few minutes, everyone was shocked again.

The tears of the old lady Ye finally broke through her eyes uncontrollably. She, the former iron lady, was just an old man in his twilight years, "Ruan Xinhua, who killed a thousand knives, actually sold my daughter. Yanyan was so young back then, It must have been lost at that time."

"I don't know where he sold my mother, and I don't know where my sister went..." Ruan Su looked away, then wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, " are still alive."

She walked to the hospital bed and held Li Zhuoyan's cold little hand, "Don't worry, sister will help you. It's just..."

She turned her head and looked at Madam Xie and Xie Jinyan, "I need to discuss one thing with you."

"Say it quickly." Xie Jinyan nodded and replied immediately.

Ruan Su took a deep breath and talked about the mesmerizing silkworm poison in his body.

"If you agree, I will give her a matching model. If you want to wait a little can wait a little longer. After she and Ayan are married, I need to discuss with you, and I need to respect Your opinions and suggestions."

"Xiaosu, your body... usually looks good, why is there such a deep poison?" Madam Xie looked at her incredulously.

Old lady Ye almost fainted when she heard Ruan Su said that she had poison in her body. "Xiao Su... If there is no such thing, you will never tell us for the rest of your life..."

"Inflict evil!"

She experienced all kinds of great joys and sadness all day today, and she almost couldn't breathe in.

"I... it's okay. It hasn't relapsed for more than a year." Ruan Su said under pressure in the face of these worried eyes. She was embarrassed to say that if the poison is released, there is a thin action to stop the detoxification...It doesn't matter. of.

But she couldn't say it.

"Since you haven't had the poison for so long, there should be no problem, right? Between poisoning and losing your life, I want to choose poisoning." Li Zhuoyan glanced at Xie Jinyan, and the tall man immediately walked over and gently helped her. stand up.

And there was a pillow behind her in an affectionate way.

She looked at Ruan Su with her pale and weak face, and then at other people, "I decided to accept my sister's bone marrow. I am afraid that there is no other person in this world that is more suitable for me than my sister. Thank you, sister."

Her tears slid down like broken beads.

Ruan Suqing couldn't help but stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly in her arms. Her younger sister... She had been looking for her sister for many years, but she was always by her side.

She never thought that her sister suffered so much.

Going through so much suffering.

"Fortunately, I now know that we are a family. In the future, we will be fine, and everyone will be fine." Mrs. Ye gently wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and looked at Mrs. Xie, "Thank you so much for Yanyan. good."

As she said, she took out a jade bracelet from her bag and put it on Li Zhuoyan's hand, "This is a meeting gift from grandma."

"Grandma...this is too expensive." Li Zhuoyan was shocked.

"What's precious? It's just jewelry." The old lady Ye took out an emerald jade necklace from her bag again, "Mother-in-law, this is for you. Thank you!"

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