Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 846: Humanity can't stand any test

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Mrs. Xie's response, she gave Xie Jinyan another watch, "Your uncle personally picked the brand and style that you young people like."

"Thank you grandma, thank you uncle." Xie Jinyan quickly thanked.

Mrs. Xie did not expect that Mrs. Ye would be so generous with these three gifts.

"Old lady, you... too expensive, how can we take it?"

"Mother-in-law, it's all small things. Just accept it quickly. My old woman is not suitable for wearing it. You wear it."

Mrs. Ye smiled and said, "Since everyone has decided, the sooner the matchup will be done, the better. Xiaosu..."

Ruan Su nodded, "Okay, leave this to me to arrange. My teacher will personally perform matching surgery for us."

"Okay, okay, okay. I hope Yanyan will get better soon, and then we will have a good gathering with the family and celebrate." Mrs. Ye nodded happily.

Li Zhuoyan watched this scene incredibly, and never thought that she would have gained so many relatives.

The Ye Family... such a big family turned out to be his own.

Ruan Su... Such a powerful boss turned out to be his own sister.


She felt as if she was dreaming.

If it was a dream, she would rather never wake up.

I have not only my sister but also my uncle and grandfather, as well as other relatives...

This is too beautiful, right?

She had always thought that God had never cared for her, but now she felt that she was really cared for.

God is so kind to her.

Ye Yanli quietly took photos of the ward and sent them to Song Jiayan. "Wife, look at it."

Song Jiayan looked inexplicable, "Why are everyone so excited?"

"I'll tell you when I go home." Ye Mianli sold it, but his handsome face was full of joy.

The time of the operation will be determined quickly, and the sooner the better. Xu Wenze directly set the operation time to nine o'clock in the morning of the next day.

"Sisters? Or fraternal twins?" Xu Wenze also felt very surprised, but he was still very happy for Ruan Su. "It is always a happy event to find a sister who has been separated for many years."

Ruan Su smiled, "Thanks to the teacher."

"You, your mouth is sweet." Xu Wenze shook his head, "I don't need to tell her some pre-operative precautions, right?"

"Sure." Ruan Su's eyebrows curled up, "I want to do my duty as a sister, let me say."

In the evening, the Ye family was beaming, and the kitchen added a few more dishes.

"Let's Ye family, this is all the hardships and joy." Elder Ye raised his glass, "Let's have a drink by ourselves. When Xiao Su and Yanyan are discharged from the hospital, let's celebrate again."

So everyone raised their glasses and touched them.

Ye Tan and Jun Moli were also very happy to learn about Li Zhuoyan. Ye Tan's face was covered with a gentle smile, "A Jin has left such good two children in this world. It is really the blessing of our Ye family."

Jun Moli also had a kind face, "Yes, I hope Yanyan will get better soon and get back to health soon."

Song Jiayan couldn't help but think of the time when she met Li Zhuoyan and Ruan Su before.

At that time, I was simply too hateful, and he bullied and squeezed out Li Zhuoyan. After being taught by Ruan Su, he became honest.

Now when I recall it, I just feel a little bit like a world away.

In a blink of an eye, so long has passed...

Ruan Su knows that she is thinking of her past when she sees her pensive look, "Is she reminiscing about who she used to be?"

Song Jiayan immediately retracted her thoughts upon hearing the words, looked at her awkwardly, and showed a little embarrassed smile, "I used to be too young and sensible."

"Walking around, the three of us have become a family." Ruan Su was also a little emotional, and gave her a chicken drumstick. "Eat more and try to give birth to our sisters a younger brother earlier."

Song Jiayan blushed, "Oh..."

She glanced at Ye Mianli a little shyly. Ye Mianli looked at her tenderly and dozingly, and directly reached out to hold her soft little hand, "Xiao Su is right, let's hold on."

"You... so annoying." She thought the man would help her, but the man made fun of her too. Song Jiayan's face turned even more red, and when she raised her hand, she thumped Ye Yanli's shoulder, "Eat and eat."

After dinner, Mrs. Ye left Ruan Su alone. She looked at Ruan Su hesitantly and stopped. Ruan Su's eyes flickered, "Grandma, do you have anything to say?"

"You want to match Yanyan's bone marrow, does Bo know it?"

"Well, he knows." Ruan Su nodded, "How could he not know?"

The old lady Ye was relieved, "That's good. I am afraid of affecting the relationship between your husband and wife..."

"Grandma, life is at stake, not to mention my own sister." Ruan Su shook old lady Ye's hand, and she could clearly feel the other's care and concern. "He is not the kind of unreasonable person. What's more, my sister's fate is rough, and I will love her and compensate her in the future."

"Whether it is Yanyan or you, it is a child who had a hard life in childhood." The old lady Ye sighed heavily. "Our Ye family is now becoming a big fan, and the Ling family and the Jing family are eager to delay. Under this circumstance, I recognize you...I am sorry for you at home."

"Grandma, did something happen at home?" Ruan Su has been busy with hospital affairs recently, and DNA matters, so he didn't pay attention to the Ye family's situation recently, so...has something happened to the Ye family?

"Xiao Su, you also know that your uncle is busy rehearsing things, grandma is afraid that there will be accidents. After all, those people hiding in the dark, we are not sure whether they will do anything, or do anything dirty. Dirty and shameless means. I want to ask you to help your uncle secretly. Your aunt is also in the team now..."

There was a hint of helplessness in the eyes of the old lady Ye, "You know, your uncle is straight-tempered and can't compare to the kind of crooked mind. We are the only uncle in the Ye family lineage..."

Ruan Su immediately understood Mrs. Ye's thoughts after hearing this, "Grandma, we are a family, I will not let uncle have trouble. And... I used to be..."

"Mom, what are you talking to Xiaosu?" Ye Yanli came down to pour water and saw that old lady Ye was chatting with Ruan Su, he asked strangely.

When he said so suddenly, Ruan Su's voice was directly interrupted.

Ruan Su swallowed what he originally wanted to say.

Mrs. Ye glared at him, "It's not because of you! Come here, I have something to say to you."

Ye Yanli shrugged and walked to his mother, "What's the matter? When did I drag Xiao Su's hind legs?"

"I want Xiao Su to enter the Sky Department and stay with you and Jia Yan." There was a hint of kindness in the eyebrows of the old lady Ye. Run over. It's better to let her go to the Sky Department. You can also study, and you are about to practice. Let her help you when the time comes."

"Mom...what are you kidding? Xiao Su enters the Sky Department?" Ye Yanli was stunned. "You don't trust my ability? I still need Xiao Su's help during the exercise? She doesn't know much about the formation of troops, right? ?"

"Oh, isn't she better than you in martial arts? Isn't she better than your marksmanship?" The old lady Ye Bian Ting Ruan Su, "I don't care, my granddaughter has to take my mantle and go to the battlefield."

"In this age of peace, where is the battlefield? Forget it, do it with you, I'll arrange it later." Ye Yanli was awkward, but Mrs. Ye had no choice but to agree.

Ruan Su couldn't laugh or cry. She wanted to say that she was the so-called legendary teenager who had created many miracles... At that time, during the aviation competition, Southern Star Airlines won the championship, but at that time everyone was thinking of the legendary teenager...

She also knows the tactics in the sky... not just for nothing...

It's just that the mother and daughter didn't give her a chance at all, so she had to swallow it back.

Helplessly go back to the room to sleep.

Tomorrow will be preparing for the operation, so she has to rest early.

As soon as she entered the room, she received a video from Bo Xingzhi, "Is there an operation tomorrow?"

Ruan Suchang let out a sigh of relief, with a helpless look on Qiao's face, "I can't help it, my uncle only has 5, if it is 6, I can do it. What a pity..."

"There are so many relatives and friends in the Ye family, but none of them are 6 people." Bo Xingzhi looked at her worriedly, "Does the extraction of your bone marrow have any hindrance to your body? After all, you have a silkworm... If you go back... ...I'm afraid you will have accidents..."

After all, Ruan Su is not an ordinary human body...

"It shouldn't be." Ruan Su couldn't be sure either. "I would rather our sisters are not the healthiest body, but also have life. As long as there is life, everything is possible."

Seeing that she had made a decision, Bo Xingzhi didn't dare to persuade her anymore, but secretly prayed for her safety.

He hates himself for his inability.

"Baby, I'll accompany you tomorrow."

Ruan Su's red lips evoked a smile, "Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Bo Xingzhi suppressed the desire in his heart to hold her in his arms, and there was a strong love hidden in his deep eyes, "Well, rest early."

"So are you." After Ruan Su hung up the phone, he remembered that the old lady Ye told her about entering the Sky Department and forgot to tell Bo Xingzhi. Forget it, tell him tomorrow.

She put down the phone and went into the bathroom to wash, splashing hot water washing her body.

At this moment, where she didn't know, there was almost no light in the dark sky.

A woman wearing a mask sits in the first place, holding a report in her hand, "Hehe--I see how Ruan Su chooses...Going forward is poisoning, and going backward is the death of her sister. Hey--this humanity... is undergoing a test. It was so wonderful when I was there."

She threw the report aside, then picked up another report, "Tsk tsk, is this the one for Bo Xingzhi and Jing Cancan?"

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