Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 847: Take a turn for the better, donate bone marrow!

"Yes. Freshly baked." A young man who also wears a mask lowered his voice respectfully and said, "You see... do you want to disclose it?"

The woman laughed wildly, "Hahaha—"

"I really underestimated the woman Ruan Su, she was so sensitive to the relationship between Jing Cancan and Bo Xingzhi. Tsk--" She narrowed her eyes again, "It's not worthless that I haven't moved her for so many years. "

"But...she is getting stronger now, I'm afraid of you..." The young man looked up and quickly glanced at her and then quickly lowered.

The woman's face became cold, and a mocking cold flashed in her eyes, and her voice didn't have any temperature.

"How can I fail to beat her? I want to trample her to death as easy as trampling an ant. I just don't want to kill her. Otherwise...she will die casually, life is so boring."

The man did not speak any more, and it was obvious that Ruan Su had the upper hand in the last few confrontations.

The woman suddenly stared at him as if thinking of something, "Yinyue, wouldn't you fall in love with her?"

"No." The man denied it quickly. "How is it possible?"

The woman glanced at him with scrutiny, then slowly retracted, "There is no best, I don't allow any betrayal."

As if thinking of something, she said again, "By the way, Jing Cancan, do you really feel bad about it?"

"It has nothing to do with me." The man's voice was cold.

"Well, all right." The woman laughed, "Change the report. Also, make arrangements for the drill."

"Yes." The man turned and left, and the woman's eyes were cold.

After a long time, she said to the subordinates in the dark place, "Follow him, and immediately report any abnormalities."

"Yes, Master." A dark figure rose into the sky and jumped into the air, but a few ups and downs disappeared into the darkness, as if it had never appeared before...


Early in the morning, the gloomy sky is raining, like a child who is irritable and unwilling to compromise, blending gloomy emotions into the weather.

Ruan Su got up very early, she stood by the window and watched the messy weather, and her eyebrows narrowed slightly.

What a bad day.

I always feel uncomfortable as if a big rock is pressed against my chest.

This feeling makes people feel very uncomfortable.

She went downstairs without thinking much, and was stunned when she came to the corner of the stairs.

Almost everyone in the Ye family was waiting for her downstairs, and everyone was dressed up and smiling at her.

Ruan Su: "..."

She slowed down for a while before she walked to the crowd headed by Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye, "What's wrong with this? There are so many people? Is everyone okay today?"

"We will accompany you to the hospital." Mrs. Ye stretched out her hand to hold Ruan Su's hand, "Xiao must be well."

She checked a lot of operations on bone marrow extraction last night, and heard that the process was very cruel.

The more she thought about it, the more sad she was, and the more she thought about it, the more distressed she became.

When she thought of the process she had understood at the time, her eyes couldn't help but redden again.

"Little Su..."

"Grandma, I am a donor, so there should be no major problems. After the operation, I can eat more nutritious food." Ruan Su softly comforted the old lady Ye, her eyes turned to these people in the Ye family again. , "Thank you everyone, but it's just an operation, you don't need to be so laborious..."

"No, no, Xiao Su, we have to be with you to rest assured. Let's go." Ye Yanli showed a stiff smile, and he really couldn't laugh.

Ruan Su couldn't help them, so the group drove a few cars mightily to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, the nurses began to take Ruan Su to do some necessary physical examinations, as well as a series of preoperative preparations such as blood tests.

Seeing Ruan Su put on a hospital gown, he started to check.

Old lady Ye involuntarily squeezed Elder Ye's palm, "A sin!"

How could her two granddaughters suffer so much and suffer so much sin.

Elder Ye felt her strength, and the palm of his hand was pinched by her in pain, but there was nothing strange on his face. Instead, he comforted her softly, "My wife, what are you doing? It's all well, that would be great. You have to think in a good place. At least... your life is saved."

Now their requirements have been so low that they are only life-saving.

"I'm also worried that Xiaosu will have sequelae, and I'm also worried that Yanyan will not be cured... My heart is like a mess." Old lady Ye shook her head helplessly, "This feeling is too worrying."

If possible, she would rather be her!

Instead of her children.

How is this different from watching the children go to the execution ground?

Knowing that the road ahead is thorny, but still watching the children go.

Isn't this cutting her heart with a knife?

"Okay, okay, don't think too much, don't feel sad. Who made this kind of thing in our house?" Old man Ye comforted her softly.

Ye Yanli and Song Jiayan looked at each other, and gave the two old men a glass of water, "Drink some water."

Bo Xingzhi stayed by Ruan Su's side, watching her undergo various examinations, his heart twisted like a knife.

He kept comforting himself, there should be no problems, there should be no accidents.

Xiao Su's physical fitness is very good.

Li Zhuoyan was lying quietly on the hospital bed, her breathing was very light and shallow, and she still had a sense of unreality even now.

Are you going to be donated bone marrow by your sister?

elder sister……

When I think of these two words, I feel so warm, and my heart is warm.

It's just that Li Zhuoyan is also a little worried, afraid that Ruan Su's body will be affected by the bone marrow donation.

If my sister was left with the root cause of her illness, she would regret it for a lifetime.

Seeing that all the examinations are about to end, and the results of various data about Ruan Su's body are about to come out, he will soon have his hair trimmed off with Li Zhuoyan and be sent to the bone marrow transplantation warehouse.

The bone marrow transplantation warehouse is called the blood laminar flow ward professionally, which is a hundred-level laminar flow room.

Because of the special treatment and extremely high sterility requirements, the patients and accompanying staff inside need to be closely isolated from the outside. There are relevant regulations for the patient's diet, activities, entry and exit of the ward, and family visits. Except for simple daily necessities, other items are not allowed to be brought in, and all items must be disinfected and sterilized.

Before entering the cabin, both the patient and the **** must have a haircut.

The transplantation warehouse is equipped with equipment to change the cleanliness of the air environment. The air purification equipment keeps the room sterile. The clean air sent from the air outlet crosses the bed to form a unidirectional airflow and is exhausted from the other side of the room.

Bo Xingzhi watched Ruan Su's soft blue silk about to be cut off, a trace of distress crossed his eyes.

"Little Su..."

"It's okay. The hair can grow longer without it, but if there is no life, there is nothing left." Ruan Su smiled soothingly at him, her clear eyes were filled with hope.

He was so sad and uncomfortable to look at me and said hoarsely, "You are right."

The sound of scissors clicking and cutting haircuts kept coming. When everything was ready, the nurse walked over and said, "Please come with me."

Ruan Su knew that she was about to enter the bone marrow transplantation warehouse.

When the Ye family saw Ruan Su losing his hair, they couldn't help but blush.

Song Jiayan's eyes were red like blood, "Xiaosu...your hair..."

"Making sin!" Old lady Ye couldn't help crying again, how could her beautiful young granddaughter become like this.

"That's pretty good too." Ruan Su touched his head, "refreshing!"

And Li Zhuoyan on the other side was also ready, Ruan Su Chongye's family greeted again and followed the nurse to the transplant warehouse.

Soon, the two of them lay down on the hospital bed separately.

Xu Wenze also walked in, "Xiao Su, don't be nervous. You have performed this type of operation on patients before, now it's your turn... So don't be nervous."

Ruan Su laughed a little bit, why everyone thought she would be scared? nervous? "It's not just an operation, how can you be nervous?"

"I'm a little nervous." Li Zhuoyan looked at Ruan Su with a pale face, "Sister, I'm a little scared."

Hearing her delicate voice, Ruan Su held her hand and smiled gently at her, "Don't be afraid, sister is by your side."

It's like when we were young, we never separated.

Some necessary preparations before the operation began immediately, and the nurses began to hang up two various infusion bags for them, preparing for anesthetics and the like.

Xu Wenze also began to take some preparatory measures before the operation. When he was about to enter the operating room, suddenly the director of the laboratory rushed over.

"Professor Xu, Professor Xu! We found another match!"

Xu Wenze looked at him a little puzzled, "Which patient's type?"

"Li Zhuoyan's! Li Zhuoyan's! There is a new match. The other party is just 45 years old. This donor is on his way! His value is also very high, there are seven!" The director said excitedly, "Doctor Ruan is not required. It's matched."

He also heard that Ruan Su's body seemed to have been damaged a few years earlier, and he was not very suitable.

Xu Wenze buzzed his head, "What did you say? With a new donor, or seven values? This is simply a pie in the sky!"

The director hurriedly showed the matching report to Xu Wenze, "If you don't believe me, look at it!"

In the operating room at this time, the effect of anesthetics has already come up.

When Ruan Su slowly became sober, she found that she was not in the bone marrow transplantation warehouse.

She hurried to inspect her body, there were no wounds!

She was shocked, "Is the operation not done? Or was it unsuccessful?"

Her face changed suddenly as she looked at the relatives and friends who were around her, and she grabbed Thin Xingzhi's arm, "Husband, what happened? Where is Yanyan? How is she?"

Bo Xingzhi looked at her flustered and hugged her, "Hey, listen to me, you didn't have an operation."

"Why? Didn't everyone agree to the operation consent form? Didn't everyone agree to do it? Yanyan was also willing to accept me... how could..." Ruan Su couldn't respond, and when he woke up, he found that he had not had an operation. This is simply a bolt from the blue.

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