Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 848: Look around here and find her too!

She pushed aside Bo Xingzhi and wanted to go out, could it be... Could it be that Li Zhuoyan was already... dysfunctional? So there is no way to receive surgery?

" sister she..."

Ye Yanli hurriedly stopped her, "Xiao Su, it's okay, Yanyan is okay. It's like this, there is a new donor, and his and Yanyan's value is as high as 7, so he will perform the operation. It can save you and Yanyan from both having post-operative risks."

"What are you talking about? There is a new donor?" Ruan Su looked at Ye Yanli in disbelief. She looked at Bo Xingzhi again, and the handsome man nodded at her.

Her mood is like riding a roller coaster, with all kinds of ups and downs.

She let out a long breath, "This is really lucky."

I haven't found it after searching for so long, but now suddenly... there is a donor.

She eased her emotions, "Who is this donor? We have to thank others."

"The other party is unwilling to disclose private information. Therefore, we don't know who it is." Ye Yanli said this expression became a little helpless, "We can't thank others if we want to thank them."

"Xiaosu, you've been asleep for so long, are you hungry? Eat something. When Yanyan has finished the operation, don't you have to take care of her in that transplant warehouse? We don't have your expertise." The old lady Ye happily took the ribs soup to Ruan Su to drink, "Hurry up and drink some, keep it warm all the time!"

Ruan Su took the ribs soup and looked at them strangely, "You are all here, Yanyan is undergoing an operation!"

Ye Yanli smiled and said, "Xie Shao and Madam Xie are guarding there! We discussed it, we guard you, and they guard Yanyan, so don't worry."

Ruan Su was relieved to start drinking pork ribs soup. I don't know if it was because of the big stone in his heart that he felt that this bowl of pork ribs soup was particularly delicious.

After eating some food, Ruan Su changed clothes and went directly to Li Zhuoyan’s bone marrow transplantation warehouse. The Xie family’s mother and son were here, as well as several other relatives of the Ye family.

Seeing Ruan Su, Mrs. Xie said with emotion, “Yanyan is really blessed to meet a kind person who is willing to donate. Xiao Su, you can also be safe, which is really great.”

"God may be watching our sisters have suffered too much, so I took care of them." Ruan Su joked playfully.

Madam Xie looked at her with short hair and said sadly, "It's a pity that blue silk."

"It's only hair, it will grow longer after a while." Ruan Su touched his hair, "In fact, short hair is quite popular now, and it's refreshing."

Seeing that she didn't care about it, no one else felt sorry for her anymore.

Ruan Su waited outside quietly. The operation was nearing the end, and more than ten minutes passed.

It's finally over.

Xu Wenze walked out tiredly, seeing Ruan Su's unfamiliar appearance and couldn't help saying, "You really don't get used to this short hair."

"I'll get used to it when I see it a lot. How about it? Did it succeed?" Ruan Su looked at him slightly with red lips.

"Can your teacher succeed? The patient is still in a coma, and the donor is resting. You can go in to accompany you." Xu Wenze still has the energy to joke with Ruan Su.

Ruan Su was immediately happy, "Thank you teacher."

After making all the preparations for disinfection and sterilization, she walked into the bone marrow transplant room to accompany her.

Being an **** is not easy to do. She is a doctor and it is relatively easy to do.

But tiredness is also real.

After entering the transplant warehouse, Ruan Su wanted to see the donor, but was told that he had been transferred to another hospital.

"Doctor Ruan, it's not that I didn't tell you, but because the donor left our hospital directly. Maybe I don't want you to know it." The little nurse said with embarrassment, "I really don't know anything. ."

Ruan Su did not ask any more, embarrassing the little nurse.

Instead, he glanced at the computer in front of the little nurse.

Just then, one patient had finished losing his sling, and the little nurse hurried to change it for him.

Ruan Su stood directly in front of the computer, tapped a few times, then turned and left.

No one knew that she had connected to the computer with her mobile phone, but she found that the computer was empty, without any information about Li Zhuoyan's donors.

This... is really getting more and more mysterious.

Who is it? Must be an unsung hero.

It's not that she is over-hearted, but because there are too few people who are kind and unnamed.

It makes her feel a little strange.

But I can't say how strange it is.

There is no data in the computer, which does not mean that there is no other place.

Ruan Su used his mobile phone to connect to the computer in the laboratory, but...there was no information about the donor in the laboratory.

Damn it!

Could this donor jump out of a crack in the ground? Bumped away again after the operation?

She looked at the phone screen annoyed, and finally had to contact An Lin.

"Can't find the other party's information?"

An Lin felt very weird, "Ordinary people will not escape if they do this kind of thing? After all, this is a good deed... It's better to save one's life than to build a seventh-level float!"

"I don't know, I think the other party is very strange." Ruan Su was a little annoyed, "check it out for me."

"Okay, use our information network to track it down, and I will tell you if there is a result." An Lin immediately agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Ruan Su thought about the human skin map again. She called Lin Qi again, "Have you found the place on the map?"

"We have searched for a long time in country M. Recently, we found a place that resembles something on the map, but we are not sure if it is this place. Now we are paying attention." Lin Qi wiped the sweat from his forehead, and now he I took a few brothers and stayed in a jungle.

It is surrounded by tropical rainforest like woods. When it is not raining, it is airtight and very sultry.

Not only is it sultry, but there are also quite a few insects, ants, and venomous snakes.

Fortunately, they were equipped with all the equipment, and while talking, he took out a tube of medicine and smeared the bite red spot on his arm.

"Add chicken legs to the brothers." Ruan Su knew how hard they were when they heard Lin Qi's gasping voice. "Where are you now?"

"We are in a dense forest in the northern part of Country M. It is sultry and hot." Lin Qi raised his head and glanced at the bushes in the distance, "I hope I can find something here!"

If there are really treasures, it is estimated that if they are unearthed, they will shock the world.

What he thought was simple, he thought it was something like treasure.

But what Ruan Su thought was that the reason why Master Phoenix drew such a human skin map must hide hidden secrets, not just superficial treasures.

"Well, I have been taking care of my sister in the bone marrow transplantation warehouse recently, and there may be no way to get out. If you have something to do, contact Jiang Xinyu and he will provide you with everything you need." Ruan Su hung up the phone after confessing, and she walked in. In the bathroom, looking at my short hair in the mirror, I couldn't help but smile.

I don't know when she will grow back. She looks good, and her short hair is not ugly. On the contrary, she still has the heroic spirit of Sister Zi Sa.

She raised her eyebrows and stroked her short hair.

The short is short, it is estimated that it will be longer when it is out of the transplantation warehouse.


the Middle East.

The sun was blazing the earth, and a tall man stood under the shade of a tree, his face a little helpless.

"Song Shao, we have been here for half a month, Miss Jian should not be in the Middle East." A man walked over behind him and handed him a bottle of cold drink.

The man unscrewed the lid and looked up and took a big sip, "Look for another two days. If we really can't find it, we will leave."

"That's fine, I'll take my brothers to find it again."

Song Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, half a month passed, but Jian Qiqi's whereabouts remained a mystery.

No matter how he called and sent WeChat, it was all in stone.

His location is at the door of a shopping mall. The area in the Middle East is not large, and it is far less extensive than that of the M and H empires.

It's a small place, but in this small place, you can't find Jian Qiqi's people.

She obviously got on the plane to the Middle East and landed in the Middle East.

And there is no record of a flight ticket to leave the Middle East, indicating that she is still in the Middle East.

But he couldn't find it.

This mall is the largest in the city center of the Middle East. Business is booming and people come and go.

Song Yan was a little tired, and greeted the brothers to go to the mall for dinner.

"Song Shao, the food here is incomparable to ours, and the taste is different from ours. But there is a hot pot restaurant here, which is said to be the only hot pot restaurant in the entire Middle East. The owner is our local, and we open hot pot in this kind of foreign country. The shop is also a ruthless person."

One of his men gave Song Yan a very detailed introduction.

They stayed here for half a month, and they wanted to eat their hometown food for a long time.

After all, in a foreign country, this meal is really unaccustomed to eating.

Song Yan has no appetite. Without Jian Qiqi, everything he eats every day is the same as chewing wax. Even if the delicacy of shark's fin and abalone is in his mouth, the food is filling his stomach.

But seeing his brothers eager to try, he couldn't let the brothers down.

"Okay, let's go."

So a group of men walked toward the mall, and after entering, they went directly to the elevator.

Suddenly, such a large group of men in black rushed in, attracting the attention of many pedestrians.

The hot pot restaurant is on the top floor of the mall, and after going out of the elevator, you can see the eye-catching sign of the hot pot restaurant.

A group of them went directly in and contracted three tables. This hot pot restaurant has a very good business and is open in a shopping mall, so there are no boxes or the like.

As soon as Song Yan sat down, the waiter brought the menu.

After he ordered a few dishes, he asked the brothers to order them. At this moment, the door of the hot pot restaurant was opened again.

A couple came in with a little boy. Just as Song Yan raised his hand and lowered his head to pour the wine, a petite and lovely girl followed behind the couple into the hot pot restaurant.

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