Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 852: Want to blow them up? Don't think about it!

"Okay." Ruan Su answered and hung up.

But in my heart, I silently hope that Jian Qiqi and Song Yan are safe.

It's a pity that she can't go away and can't pick them up in person.

Li Zhuoyan has recovered soberness, but she still needs to observe the rejection reaction carefully, and she needs to take the rejection medicine continuously.

Rest for six months to one year after the operation, and cannot participate in heavy labor. Because there is a possibility of recurrence within this year, if it is stable after three years, it is basically considered cured.

In normal life, we should also pay attention not to be too tired, eat regularly, and take various drugs on time. Rejection drugs need to be taken for life.

Pay special attention not to catch a cold.

People with this disease, even if they have a bone marrow transplant, need to take medications for life to prevent rejection. So compared to ordinary people, life is still more difficult.

Ruan Su has been with Li Zhuoyan to take care of her in the transplant warehouse in recent days.

Mrs. Xie and Xie Jinyan would chat with them for a while outside the warehouse every day.

Sometimes Bo Xingzhi will come over.

In his spare time, Ruan Su also helps other doctors or nurses to deal with other patients.

In short, she is so busy that she has no time and energy to pay attention to her image.

She checked the time, and it was almost time for food delivery.

Soon Mrs. Xie delivered a hand-made lunch, a colorful layer cake made from cabbage juice, carrot juice, tomato juice, black sesame and other ingredients, mung bean buns and mung bean cake, as well as chicken blood soup and fruit for dinner.

The nurse was full of praise when she was admitted to the ward.

"This meal is really nutritious and suitable for patients!"

Ruan Su opened the food box in turn and smiled, "Yes, it's really sweet."

Because she discovered that Mrs. Xie also specially prepared chili fried pork and rice for her.

After lunch, Li Zhuoyan fell asleep again, but she started to vomit as soon as she fell asleep, and she vomited seven or eight times within two hours.

Almost all the food I vomited was vomited out, but in order to recover my body, I could only eat again if I vomited up.

If you can't eat it, dissolve it with water and then feed it with a syringe.

The infusion started at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and finally stopped vomiting, and she fell asleep with exhaustion.

Ruan Su felt extremely sad when she saw her suffering so much.

The woman on the hospital bed was tortured by the illness to be almost non-human, thin and small curled up on the bed to breathe evenly.

Ruan Su raised his hand and gently stroked her cheek, his eyes filled with distress.

Get well soon!

Especially at this stage, the most fearful thing is the occurrence of lung infection after transplantation. If it occurs, it will take a long time to take lung antifungals alone.

Therefore, such patients must not catch a cold.

The lungs must receive the strictest protection.

Ruan Su sighed and looked out the window, not knowing how Jian Qiqi and Song Yan are now.


the Middle East.

The night was so deep that it could hardly be removed.

A group of tall men walked swiftly in the night.

The headed young man watched the surrounding movement keenly, and from time to time he greeted the brothers behind to keep up.

About twenty minutes later, Song Yan led them to the small alley where Jian Qiqi was located.

It was pitch black in the alley, and Jian Qiqi was holding Jing Sen behind a dry wood chop. I don't know whose dry wood was piled here.

She embraced the child with one hand, and covered the child's mouth with the other hand, lest he make any noise to attract attention.

Jing Sen stared at the round eyes and looked at the group of people rushing into the alley. He stayed motionless in Jian Qiqi's arms. He is very scared, very scared, but he knows that now he can only rely on Jian Qiqi.

He is like a homeless cub who can only seek shelter from Jian Qiqi.

Song Yan led a group of people to the alley cautiously, searched for a circle and found no figure of Jian Qiqi, he frowned, how about people?

The man took out his cell phone and sent a WeChat message to Jian Qiqi, "We are here, where are you?"

Jian Qiqi’s phone vibrated, and she immediately took out the phone to check when the information was coming, "There are a group of people in black in the alley, are they you?"

Song Yan quickly replied, "Yes."

Jian Qiqi breathed a sigh of relief and walked out from behind Chai Chop in his arms holding Jing Sen. "Song Yan!"

Song Yan turned to look at her, and walked quickly to her, "How are you? Are you injured?"

"No." Jian Qiqi glanced at him, confirming that he was intact and unharmed, and a stone fell in his heart, "Let's get out of here."

It was so dark everywhere, it was as dark as blindness.

If it weren't for Jian Qiqi, they had stayed in the dark for too long, they really could only get out by getting out of the dark.

Song Yan stretched out his hand and tightened Jian Qiqi into his arms, and said in a cold voice, "Turn on the phone light."

A man behind him immediately turned on the light of his phone to act as a flashlight.

Otherwise it's too dark and really can't see clearly.

A man said, "I brought a lighter."

As he said, he was about to start a fire, and a voice suddenly sounded, it was Jian Qiqi! She frowned and said slowly, "It smells like gunpowder. Let's go!"

It is possible that their whereabouts have been discovered long ago, and then those people lie in wait outside the alley and ask the king to enter the urn.

"They prepared gunpowder outside to kill us?" a man asked in a trembling voice.

The action that originally wanted to start a fire suddenly stopped.

Jian Qiqi sniffed, "There is a fine smell of gunpowder."

She is a shooting champion, and she is sensitive to things like gunpowder bullets.

"Is there really gunpowder?" Song Yan also took a deep breath in surprise, a pungent smell really poured in.

Suddenly he frowned. Although the smell was not strong, in this small alley, if the lighter was really lit just now, the fire was accidentally lit...

His eyes flashed sharply, "Let's go out slowly, with lighter steps."

If those chasing and killing people really buried gunpowder outside the wall, they must be careful in everything.

"Yes." After a few responses, quietly moving footsteps slowly sounded around.

Everyone quietly began to move out.

Jing Sen shrank in Jian Qiqi's arms and sweated profusely. Are they going to be blown up here?

He thought of his parents again.

And he didn't know that at this time his parents were dying on the backs of two of the men.

He hasn't cried, but his tears are in his eyes but he clenched his teeth. He is a man, so he shouldn't cry.

He wants to grow up quickly, to look like a great man like Uncle Song! Revenge for your parents!

They were about to walk to the entrance of the alley and could go out soon.

Suddenly, there was a burst of rumbling behind him, and the walls of the alley began to collapse continuously, and quickly spread toward their location.

"Damn! They detonated gunpowder!"

The dazzling fire light soared into the sky, and a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky.

Dust continued to fly around along with the fragments of the walls that were blown up.

Song Yan pressed Jian Qiqi and the child into his arms and ran forward quickly, "Run!"

The brothers behind him immediately followed.

Everyone walked forward like a mad, and the exploded wall continued to collapse and collapse like dominoes.

Seeing to hit them!

At this time, a large truck sprang out from the exit of the alley and directly blocked the entrance of the alley.

They can't get out at all!

"What should I do now?" Jian Qiqi looked anxiously at the dazzling car lights in front of him. Everyone suddenly closed their eyes reflexively, stretched out their hands to block the light, and couldn't adapt to the dazzling lights for a while.

"Damn it! Rush into the truck!" Song Yan couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and directly threw Jian Qiqi and the child onto the truck.

Jian Qiqizi jumped into the air, stepped on the wheels of the truck as a booster, and hugged Jing Sen with ease. A few jumps fell on the front of the truck.

"Sit down here." As she said, Jian Qiqi reached out to pick up the other brothers.

Song Yan followed closely, first put the Jing family on the roof of the car, and then went to meet the other brothers.

However, between the lightning and flint, all of them had just jumped on the roof of the car, and the walls behind them all collapsed, and explosions continued to sound.

"Get out of the car! The car will explode too!" Song Yan yelled. Everyone didn't have time to breathe. Without making any stops, they began to jump out of the car and escape for their lives.

"Go!" Jian Qiqi turned around holding Jing Sen and left without looking back.

Everyone went crazy and started to run away.

They just jumped out of the car and the big truck banged! Sure enough, as Song Yan expected, the car exploded!

The fire blazed into the sky and smoke was everywhere.

And they continued to run forward desperately one by one.

It's just that they just ran for about a few hundred meters, and suddenly a series of bangs of gunfire sounded, and they shot from the small forest on the opposite side.

Fortunately, everyone reacted quickly and immediately bent over and rolled on the ground to hide.

"You can't escape, come out and surrender." A loud voice came in from outside. "As long as you hand over the surname Jing, we will forgive you not to die!"

Song Yan and the others, their eyebrows were cold.

The atmosphere became tense.

They were surrounded.

"These people are clever, and they have blocked us again." Jian Qiqi's brows were a bit gloomy, as she nestled beside Song Yan softly.

It seems that those people are not vegetarian either, and expecting that they didn't blow them up, so they lie in ambush here again.

"There are not many people, only a small part of it." Song Yan raised his head and glanced at the killers who came out of the grove and whispered.

There are not many people outside, just a small number of people, it is not difficult to break out.

"Let's rush out first, it's too unsafe here." Jian Qiqi gritted his teeth, "We can't sit still and wait."

Everyone nodded their heads and replied together.

Song Yan took out the pistol he had snatched from the assassin, and first turned over, two or three shots accurately knocked down the ambushing enemy.

Then Jian Qiqi and the others turned over, and when they landed on their feet, footsteps came from all directions. The sound of footsteps is getting heavier and heavier, which proves that more and more people are coming.

"Separate, and all go north in unison." With cold eyes, Song Yan took Jian Qiqi and immediately rushed into the dark grove, only to drop a sentence coldly.

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