Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 853: Falling down the cliff! No bones left!

Seeing that the figures of Song Yan and Jian Qiqi were about to disappear into the night, the other brothers gritted their teeth, and they immediately divided into three parties and headed in three directions.

The more people gather together, the more chances the enemy has, forcing them to split their way. Especially the two brothers who were carrying the Jing family's couple on their backs were especially dangerous. So everyone is covering them.

Running swiftly, Song Yan held Jing Sen in his arms, holding Jian Qiqi’s hand with the other hand, and ran fast in the small woods. The dark night flashed over them quickly, fast, like two leopards. run fast.

Behind him, the same series of jumbled footsteps followed, and the whistling weeds continued to be heard in my ears.

Bang bang, bang bang...

The bullet passed by, and kept ringing behind Song Yan and Jian Qiqi, extremely thrilling and dangerous.

"There should be someone in the front." Holding Song Yan's small hand tightly, Jian Qiqi said in a deep voice. There are also a large number of assassins rushing here.

With a deep sigh, Song Yan pulled Jian Qiqi to the right and ran quickly. It is most important to avoid these assassins, but it is more important to escape from this area.

He was afraid that there would be gunpowder in ambush around him.

This siege of Jing Tianzhen was obviously an order from Jing Sa, the highest level of the Jing family. She was an old fox and would not easily let go of such a good opportunity.

I can only escape now, as soon as possible.


Just rushing away, suddenly a huge explosion sounded in the distance behind him. The deafening sound made people feel pain in the ears. The earth seemed to shake a few times, almost making people unstable.

"God, it exploded again!"

"Yes. Gunpowder is also ambush in this grove!"

The sound of the explosion just fell, and there were shocked calls from all directions. The sudden sound of the explosion was really frightening.

too frightening!

"Hurry up." Song Yan pulled Jian Qiqi to a standstill, and immediately started and ran.

According to the power of the explosion just now, I don't know what kind of gunpowder is still hidden in this woods. It was the west side that exploded just now!

Jian Qiqi's face couldn't help being ashen, how much gunpowder was installed here? Will it be in all directions?

Without speaking, the two immediately rushed away, and now they can only hurry away from this area, the farther the better. Jing Sen was so frightened that he almost fainted, his two small hands clinging to Song Yan's neck tightly, lest he be thrown away in the quick escape.

Not far away, Bo Xingzhi looked solemnly in the direction of the west where the explosion had just erupted, frowning, and logically, there would be no sound of an explosion, and he was about to arrive at the place where Song Yan had agreed to board the plane.

He didn't worry, but he personally followed over to pick up Song Yan and Jian Qiqi.

Frowning, Bo Xingzhi looked in that direction, Song Yan, where are you? Why hasn't it arrived yet?

"Master, after receiving the news, Song Yan and the others have all gone to the north in unison, shall we rush over to take it?" One of the subordinates quickly rushed to Bo Xingzhi's side, interrupting his contemplation, and respectfully return.

North direction?

Hearing, Bo Xingzhi turned his head and looked to the north. With the faint moonlight, he could only look at the dark shadows of the distant mountains and woods.

"Call everyone and go northward." His brows darkened, Bo Xingzhi clenched his fists, and after throwing a sentence, he immediately moved forward to the north direction.

Clenching his fists tightly, Bo Xingzhi walked very anxiously, almost leaving his people behind. There was a trace of determination in his dark eyes. He had always thought that Song Yan and him had become good brothers without blood. Now that the good brothers are dangerous, how could he just ignore them.

Bo Xingzhi's expression became firmer and firmer.

On the other side, Song Yan and Jian Qiqi continued to run, almost doing their best to head north.

"Unfortunate, there are many people coming to our side." With a keen sense of hearing, Jian Qiqi immediately noticed the sound of the footsteps around, and she couldn't help but whispered. It is estimated that those enemies learned that they were all heading northward, so they all chased after them.

"There are also people in front." Song Yan's eyebrows darkened, and people were coming from other directions, and it seemed that there were a lot of people.

"What to do?" Jian Qiqi asked, frowning, holding Song Yan's hand tightly.

Fighting is simply impossible! Only the two of them are facing a large group of people, and it is estimated that they don't know how to die. Moreover, the other party still has weapons in their hands, they only have two pistols, and it is even more impossible to fight.

"Go, go to the mountain!" With a cold eyes, Song Yan took her little hand and ran to the mountain in front of him. There were people in all directions.

There was no objection. Jian Qiqi followed Song Yan. Although it seems that going up the mountain is not a good way now, it is the only way at this moment.

The night wind whizzed past, and footsteps came from all directions, and countless figures flashed in the dark night, moving in the same direction.

The moonlight has long been hidden, making the world even darker.

The night seems to be getting more and more dangerous.

Not to mention that Song Yan and Jian Qiqi also brought a few-year-old child!

The dark night was gloomy, and a large number of people were searching the mountain in the forest at this time.

Almost a thousand people are densely packed, as if to surround the entire mountain.

The flames shone everywhere, not letting go of any suspicious traces.

"Everyone should search carefully and be sure to find Jing Tianzhen and her husband!" A sound amplified by a loudspeaker rang through the mountains and forests, and the leader of the enemy commander sounded majestic and full of pride.

Upon hearing the order, everyone immediately regained the spirit of twelve points and continued to search cautiously.

Bo Xingzhan raised his head halfway up the mountain, the front was still pitch black, his brows wrinkled, and his eyes swept around, all the people he had brought over. With so much, it only takes time to find Song Yan and Jian Qiqi, but... it's too slow for everyone to gather together.

He turned his head and said to those behind him, "The soldiers are divided into two groups, and one team will follow me!"

After speaking, Bo Xingzhi immediately turned and rushed upwards.

On the top of the mountain at this time, the night wind whizzed past, and two slender shadows ran under the moonlight.

"Damn, why are there so many people?" Jian Qiqi stood on the high top and looked down and down the mountainside. He could see the dark shadows below, with a trace of anxiety in his heart. Staying on the top of the mountain is not an option. According to the number of people and the progress of their search, these people will come up sooner or later, what should be done?

"Don't be afraid." Song Yan's voice rang in Jian Qiqi's ears. He put down Jing Sen in his arms, moved his hands, standing beside Jian Qiqi condescendingly at the dark shadows below, squinting his eyes, his eyes filled with murderous aura.

Although Jing Sen didn't run and was held in Song Yan's arms, he was panting with fright, his face covered with sweat.

He stood beside them and sat down on the ground, so tired...really tired...

They are looking for Daddy and Mommy... Those dark shadows are going to kill Daddy and Mommy...

Jing Sen stared bitterly at the dark shadows halfway through the mountain, it was too hateful! The seeds of hatred were planted in his little heart, and his expression was full of resentment. He really wanted to... really wanted to kill all these assassins!

"Song Yan!" A voice suddenly sounded from behind the two of them.

The two turned their heads at the same time and saw Bo Xingzhi rushing up from the other side of the mountain, Jun's face was cold, "Go!"

After Song Yan saw Bo Xingzhi, his dignified face suddenly showed joy, "Master!"

Bo Xingzhi rolled his eyes, and saw the child Jian Qiqi was holding, and squinted slightly, "Child?"

"Go back, let's go first! So many people are chasing us because of the child's parents." Song Yan made a long story short.

Bo Xing nodded, "What about the other brothers?"

"We divided a few roads, and the final result is the top of the mountain. Wait a few minutes." Just as Song Yan's voice landed, several brothers went up the mountain with Jing Tianzhen and Mr. Jing on their backs.

The crowd was panting.

When Jing Sen saw his parents, he immediately broke free of Jian Qiqi's hand and rushed over, "Daddy, Mommy!"

"How are you?"

"Wake up, you guys!"

Jian Qiqi quickly pulled him, "Asen, don't make trouble, don't cry. Your voice is so loud, you will draw the enemy. Let's leave quickly, you know?"

Jing Sen stood up obediently and wiped his tears when he heard what Jian Qiqi said.

"Boom!" An explosion sounded.

The earth trembled for it.

Everyone on the top of the mountain couldn't help but sway, and some of them couldn't stand firmly.

"What's the matter?" Jian Qiqiyi turned his head and began to scan the surroundings, only to see a fire coming from the mountainside! The rumbling voice kept ringing.

"They exploded the mountain!" Bo Xingzhi said coldly, "Get down!"

Song Yan pulled Jian Qiqi and Jing Sen into his arms, and then lay on the ground to protect them.

These enemies were in a hurry, and they wanted to blow them up in the mountains when they couldn't find anyone.


There was another huge explosion, and the whole mountain was swayed. The rocks on the mountainside rolled down and kept rolling down.

Everyone was frightened by the sudden explosion, and started running desperately up the mountain.

All of a sudden everyone started rushing up the mountain.

It's crazy!

But the ice that rolled down from the mountain hit everyone's body like an iron egg.

"Quick! I'll get to the top of the mountain soon! Young Master Song must be on the mountain, we will report to him, hurry up!"

"Young Shao Bo must be on the mountain, everyone, go!"

The remaining brothers who have not yet climbed the mountain rushed to the top of the mountain with difficulty.

The explosion sounded halfway through the mountain, and the fire began to spread in the woods, and the fire became stronger and stronger, illuminating the entire dark night.

"Song Yan!" With a sudden exclamation, Song Yan hurriedly lowered his head. The moment he lowered his head, he found that the place where he and Jian Qiqi stayed had begun to collapse, and half of the mountain wall had sunk.

Song Yan pushed Jian Qiqi forward without even thinking about it, and his own body fell along with the collapse.

After being thrown forward by Song Yan, Jian Qiqi landed steadily. She looked back in horror and saw the scene that caused her to stop her heartbeat. She couldn't help but yelled, "Song Yan!"

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