Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 854: You have to be mentally prepared

Jian Qiqi's eyes widened by this scene, and his brain didn't have time to think that the whole person was rushing towards Song Yan.

Leaning half of her body to the edge of the mountain, among the sparks and sparks, she stretched out her right hand and firmly grasped Song Yan's arm, but behind her, her foot was held by the little Jing Sen.

The little boy exhausted his whole strength, and his two little feet slammed on the ground desperately.

Clasping Song Yan's hands tightly in his hands, Jian Qiqi's hands trembled, her heart was still in shock, and her small face was full of panic.

She stared at the man below with her round eyes, and she took a deep breath. It's okay... Fortunately, she reacted very quickly, otherwise... the consequences would be disastrous.

"Are you a stupid pig?" Song Yan almost roared with anger. Jun's face was full of anger, but his heart was frightened by Jian Qiqi's desperate behavior and his heart was in a sudden stop. The body is leaning outside, if she was unsteady just now, then it is very likely that she has fallen off the cliff with no bones left!

Song Yan was very angry when she thought that she didn't take her life seriously.

He simply forgot that the person who first left his life as the other party was him!

At this time, the other people on the mountain had already reacted, and Bo Xingzhi directly replaced Jing Sen, "Help Song Te up, hurry!"

Jing Sen was so tired that he sat on the ground again. He didn't know what was going on just now. The person closest to Jian Qiqi was him, and he subconsciously grabbed Jian Qiqi.

He sat there with lingering fears, watching everyone rushing to save people there.

He couldn't help wiping the sweat from his forehead.

After Song Yan was dragged up, a pair of big palms pinched Jian Qiqi's hands tightly, "Are you a fool? Just in case..."

Jian Qiqi's black eyes were also red with anger, and he retorted with one mouth, "You are an idiot, why did you push me up? I almost never got the chance to come up!"

If it weren't for her quick response, the man would be a scum now.

She trembled in her heart, biting her lower lip tightly.

A pair of eyes swept down, and there was an abyss underneath. If it fell down just now...

Her face suddenly turned white, she didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Song Yan raised his eyes and saw that her black eyes were scarlet at this time, and they contained various emotions, fear, fear, worry...all in them.

"What a fool." Song Yan's heart was soft, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to hug her in his arms, he knew...she was worried about him.

He hugged Jian Qiqi, and walked to Jing Sen, whose face was still red with exhaustion, and picked him up, "I really didn't hug and run away, thank you, little man."

He stretched out his hand and touched the little boy's head, the little boy's face suddenly became redder, and he glanced at him a little shyly, and then at Jian Qiqi.

Jian Qiqi also smiled, "A Sen is good."

Bo Xingzhi glanced at the men gathered at the top of the mountain, and immediately said to a man behind him, "Call the plane and come over."

"Yes, master." The subordinate immediately called.

Song Yan began to count the number of people, and he was relieved when he found that there were not too many casualties.

Dongfang has shown the white belly, and they ran for almost overnight.

The plane picked them up in the hazy morning light.

The moment they all boarded the plane, the enemy rushed to the top of the mountain.

But he could only look at the flying plane and sigh.

There were medical staff who were brought over on the helicopter. After treating the injured brothers first, they began to focus on the diagnosis and treatment of the Sedum and Sedum couple.

Song Yan has roughly reported the situation of Jing Tianzhen and his wife to Bo Xingzhi.

Bo Xingzhi frowned, "Jing family even started with their own people, what secret do they know?"

"I'm not very clear." Song Yan shook his head, "Qiqi has been living with them recently."

Jian Qiqi also shook her head when she heard the words, "I don't know. But..." Looking at the Jing Tianzhen couple who were still unconscious, she asked the doctor a little worried, "Can they still wake up?"

After all, Jing Tianzhen and his wife are good people in her eyes.

"Buried under the ruins for too long, the brain is easily deprived of oxygen and becomes a vegetative or brain death." The doctor is giving Sedum an infusion, " better prepare yourself."

"Vegetable...Brain death..." Jian Qiqi choked on her chest, looking sadly at Jing Tianzhen's pale face.

"They didn't get treatment in time after they were dug out. If the treatment was not delayed for so long at that time, it is estimated that they can be saved. Unfortunately... it was too long." The doctor shook his head helplessly, "Let's observe the situation first. "

Jian Qiqi didn't know how to tell Jing Sen the bad news.

Song Yan patted her shoulder, "The child should be stronger than you think."

Jian Qiqi bit her lip, "Okay."

According to the truth, it is respect, and it is better to hide him until later and let him know the cruelty of the truth.

She walked out of this independent space, then came to the outside cabin and sat next to Jing Sen.

In the end, she found that the little guy was asleep. After he was safe, he breathed a sigh of relief. With his tight nerves and running for a whole night, he lost his energy and fell asleep as soon as he got on the plane.

He is very good-looking, with a pair of beautiful peach eyes at a young age, long eyelashes covering his eyelids, and a quiet sleep like a little angel.

Jian Qiqi stroked his cheek lightly, put him in his arms and closed his eyes.

When I woke up, the plane had slowly landed, everyone was ashamed and looked very tired and dusty.

But even if it was like this, Jian Qiqi and Song Yan went to the hospital for the first time and sent Jing Tianzhen and his wife to the hospital where Ruan Su was.

Jian Qiqi could not see Ruan Su, and could only talk to Ruan Su through the air outlet of the transplantation warehouse.

"Boss, I'm sorry. I'm too capricious. When you needed me most, I wasn't by your side..."

Jian Qiqi said with red eyes, she really didn't know that so many things had happened.

She had heard other brothers talk about what happened to Ruan Su recently, and she was shocked when she moved.

Blame myself.

"What do you say about this? As long as you return safely." Ruan Su Qingli's face showed a faint smile, "Did you find that your relationship with Song Tezhu is getting deeper?"

She is still in the mood to tease herself! Jian Qiqi was stunned.

She said after a while, "It's still... okay."

"Don't think too much, just a small ectopic pregnancy, no big deal. Look at Yanyan's disease, this is a terrible disease!" Ruan Su said a few words with Jian Qiqi and heard The nurse said that Li Zhuoyan was awake, and she quickly went back to take care of Li Zhuoyan. Jian Qiqi stood there for a while, then turned and left.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Song Yan standing not far behind her. She has a kind of search for him thousands of times in the crowd, suddenly looking back, but the person is there, in a dimly lit place

She was stunned, the tip of her nose was a little sour.

I saw the man walking towards her, reaching out and grasping her hand, "Let's go, let's go home."

Jian Qiqi was really tired and nodded, "Okay, let's go home."

"Baby, let's get married. Or just get married first." Song Yan lowered his lips and held Jian Qiqi into his arms, "I have to hurry up to hold you tight. I can't let you run away."

Jian Qiqi blushed, " have to discuss it carefully."

Song Yan didn't say another word, but silently took out the ring that he had planned to propose to her before and put it on her finger, "This is yours, you have to wear it for me."


Jing Sen finally woke up after a long sleep in the three-bedroom and two-living apartment of Song Yan and Jian Qiqi.

Was still hungry.

When he got off the bed, he looked at the unfamiliar environment and opened the door of the room to see the living room outside. The space here is very narrow compared to his villa.

However, it is safe.

When he was curious, Mrs. Xie walked out of the kitchen with two plates of freshly fried dishes in her hands, and the aroma suddenly rushed to Jing Sen's nose.

"Child, are you awake?" Madam Xie greeted him with a smile, "Come here and wash your hands and eat."

Jian Qiqi and Song Yan were both in the hospital, so she came over to take care of Jing Sen who was sleeping dimly.

After all, she is old and experienced.

"Madam, you are..." Although Jing Sen was young, he looked at Madam Xie curiously, and found that she was not dressed like a nanny, she was a very elegant middle-aged woman.

"Just call Grandma Xie."

Mrs. Xie looked at him with a smile, the little boy looked really good-looking. "I'll come over and take care of you. I won't be back until Miss Jian and Song Tezhu."

I see.

"Thank you." After Jing Sen thanked his wife very politely, then he went to the bathroom to wash.

Mrs. Xie's craftsmanship is good. Although the food is not as rich as Jing's, but it is delicious.

Jing Sen was originally hungry too, and he didn't care about the etiquette of dining, and a gust of wind swept away.

"You eat slowly, no one will rob you."

"Oh, I'm hungry." Madam Xie felt distressed, but she thought to herself, Yanyan's body...I don't know when it will be taken care of to give the Xie family a grandson. I hope Yeonyan can!

When she was thinking wildly, Song Yan and Jian Qiqi came back.

As soon as I walked in, I saw this scene in the restaurant.

Mrs. Xie greeted them quickly, "Come here, I will cook more food."

"Aunt Xie, thank you." Jian Qiqi looked at Mrs. Xie moved, went out for a circle and now back here, always feeling very warm in her heart.

"What are you polite? Xiaosu is taking care of Yanyan in Zhiyicang. I have a lot of free time." Madam Xie got up and went to help the two of them hold chopsticks.

Jian Qiqi and Song Yan also hurriedly entered the kitchen to serve food.

Jing Sen stared at Jian Qiqi with big eyes. Jian Qiqi felt it as soon as she sat down. She took a sip of the soup before looking at the little boy, "I know you want to know about your parents. But you have to have Psychological preparation."

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