Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 856: Know her inside story!

After Xie Yuan heard her talk about Li Zhuoyan’s childbearing situation, he comforted her and said, “Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren. Our family marries Yanyan and enters the door. It’s not to make her a child-bearing machine. If we can give birth to a child to continue the offspring, That's naturally the icing on the cake."

He paused for a while and said, "If they really can't have children, as long as the couple are happy and peaceful. Other things are a gift from God. If they want children, they really can't give birth. Just adopt one. It all depends on what they mean."

"Kids matters, let the children decide. You don't put pressure on them, and don't impose your own ideas on the children, you know?"

Mrs. Xie burst into tears, "Old Xie, it's really good for you to think so. I thank you for the two children, and you are right. If you can really give birth to children in the future, it is a gift from God. , If not, it doesn’t matter. As long as our family is safe, healthy and healthy."

"Okay, don't think about it, go back and prepare dinner quickly. Yanyan has to eat nutritious to recover well." Xie Yuan smiled and hung up the phone.

Mrs. Xie only felt that everything was open before her eyes, and she walked towards the hotel with the food she bought.

She and Xie Jinyan have been living in a suite in a hotel near the hospital. There is a kitchen and all household appliances are available.

The old lady Ye always kindly invited her back to live there, but she felt that Ye's home was far away from the hospital and it was not very convenient, so she declined the other party's kindness.


There is hardly any light in a dark room.

A woman was sitting in the middle of the room, her face gloomy staring at the tablet computer inside.

She slammed the tablet in her hand to the ground, making a banging sound.

"Trash!" She cursed through gritted teeth, "What are you sending out so many people? What do you eat? A sedum can't be killed."

"Suddenly a group of people came out, and that group of people is quite powerful, and it can be worth ten...So our people lost most of them, even if the mountain exploded, they let the other party escape." A man in black humbled his head and reported.

There are three men behind him.

"Damn it! Anyone who doesn't have eyesight dare to come out and grab someone from me! Check, let me check! Find out who it is! I have to kill him!" The woman screamed, her eyes narrowed, "Jing Where is Nao Zhen now? Is it dead?"

"No... she doesn't know where she was taken..."

Before the man had finished speaking, the woman stood up abruptly and kicked him fiercely. The man's body was kicked into the air like a ball, then he slammed into the wall and fell heavily.

His painful whole person was curled up on the ground almost convulsively, blood gushing down his nose and mouth, his eyes were wide, but he did not dare to exhale in pain, and could only hold back his teeth.

"Trash! You can't handle such a small thing, drag it down and feed the dog!"

The woman scolded fiercely.

As soon as the voice fell, two men rushed over and dragged the injured man out. The man closed his eyes in despair. It's over, it's over...

He should have thought that this woman is so cruel...

The woman let out a long breath, and then returned to her former grace and charm. She flicked her fingers and said casually, "Go and check it out. Find out where Sedum is, even if it's digging in the ground Find it out for me."

She would never allow the woman Jing Tianzhen to continue to exist in this world. It was her negligence to keep this woman alive for so long!

Jing Sa couldn't think of it, Jing Tianzhen was right under her nose, in the general hospital in the capital...

Because when he was admitted to the hospital, Ruan Su did not handle the names of Jing Tianzhen and his wife...


Yejia Manor.

Mrs. Ye sat on the porch and looked at the thin snow, the snowflakes fluttering, the cold wind touched and rolled up the small snowflakes and drilled into the person's neck.

The servant whispered behind her, "Old lady, go back to the house, it's too cold outside."

"The Mid-Autumn Festival some time ago, it was midwinter in the blink of an eye, and the snow has fallen." The old lady Ye stretched out her skinny hand to carry the tiny snowflakes, cool and icy.

"Yes, half a month passed in a blink of an eye, and Miss Yanyan has been living in the hospital for another half a month." The servant looked at her and knew that she must have missed a baby.

"Hey! In the transplant warehouse, no other people are allowed to visit. I don't know how Xiaosu is now. She must be very hard to take care of Yanyan every day." Old lady Ye said sadly and sadly, "She is really burdened. The eldest sister’s responsibility, this child has not enjoyed any blessings since he was a child, and now he has to take care of his younger sister. It’s really exhausting."

"Well... I will cook some bone soup at noon and deliver it? I'll call Mrs. Xie and I will deliver this lunch." The servant hurriedly said, "Old lady, okay?"

"Okay, okay, you can arrange it." Old lady Ye still sat on the corridor and watched Feixue motionlessly.

The snow seems to be getting bigger and bigger. This time flies so fast!

When Ye Yanli came back from the outside, he saw Old Lady Ye sitting under the corridor. He was shocked, "Mom, it's so cold, what are you doing here? Why is no one with you yet?"

"I just watched it snow, what's wrong? I'm not old-fashioned yet!" Old lady Ye gave him a white look, "It's really annoying to see you."

The originally scheduled wedding date was pushed back by two months because of Li Zhuoyan's condition.

When will this marriage be made?

When the old lady Ye thought about this, she was a little panicked.

But I also know that this is a last resort.

Ye Yanli stomped the snow on his feet, "The snow is getting bigger and bigger. Go back to the house quickly."

The ground was white, almost all turned into a silver world.

The cold wind is blowing, can you still watch the snow in the house?

Ye Yanli pulled up the old lady Ye and went back to the house, "Just look at the window."

He wore a white sky suit, looked heroic, and wandered upstairs. As soon as he opened the door of the room, he heard a sound of vomiting in the bathroom.

Ye Yali was taken aback, dropped the briefcase in his hand and rushed towards the bathroom, "Wife, what's the matter with you?"

I opened the bathroom door violently and saw Song Jiayan squatting in front of the toilet. Song Jiayan slowly lifted up and wiped the corners of her lips with a tissue, and she saw the man looking pale with fright. Holding her.

She shook her head weakly, "I don't know, it seems that I have eaten up my stomach... I vomited three times today. But I can't vomit anything. I keep nauseating and feel very uncomfortable."

Ye Mianli hurriedly helped her stand up, and took another glass of water to rinse her mouth, "Or I'll take you to the hospital for a look."

Song Jiayan nodded uncomfortably, "Okay."

It's just that she just handed the cup to Ye Mili and slid towards the ground as soon as she softened.

Ye Yali was so frightened that the cup directly took off his hand and reached out to pick her up, only to find that she had closed her eyes and fainted.

"Wife? Wife?"

He was so scared that he screamed, and rushed out when he hugged Song Jiayan horizontally.

The bird's nest had just been stewed in the kitchen, and the old lady Ye was about to ask Song Jiayan to go downstairs to have a drink, but the servant saw Ye Weili rush out holding Song Jiayan panicked.

"Master, what's the matter?"

"Call the driver, hurry up! Get your car ready and go to the hospital."

Ye Yanli shouted eagerly, "Quick!"

The old lady Ye was taken aback when she heard his scream, she hurriedly stood up and looked at him, but she almost had a cardiac arrest when she glanced at her, "What's wrong with Jia Yan? Is it dizzy? Or something?"

"I don't know... Mom, she suddenly fainted." Ye Weili was about to go out holding Song Jiayan. Old lady Ye quickly took a thin blanket from the sofa and put it on Song Jiayan. "It's cold outside, be careful. ."

As a result, Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye got into the car quickly, and the whole family quickly rushed to the hospital braving the heavy snow.

After arriving at the hospital, I was taken directly to the emergency room.

As a result, the doctor came out shortly after entering.

Ye fainted, stunned, could it be some strange disease? Or is it something incurable? Need a doctor to communicate with family members first?

In fact, care is messy.

He was thinking about it when he heard the doctor say, "Congratulations, the patient is pregnant."

"Pregnant?" Ye Yanli's eyes widened in shock, and he looked at the doctor in a somewhat unbelievable manner, and his whole body fell into huge ecstasy.

"Yes, the reason for fainting is due to a bit of malnutrition. Nutrition supplements in the first trimester are very important. I prescribed some anti-fetal medicines and some calcium folic acid tablets, etc., and she can go back when she wakes up."

The doctor confessed some precautions and left.

Ye Yanli had been trapped in a huge surprise, standing motionless.

Old lady Ye pushed him, "What are you doing in a daze? Go get the medicine!"

Ye Yanli just woke up like a dream, and hugged the old lady Ye, "Mom, I'm going to be a father!"

"Yeah, this is really a happy event. Our Ye family really has recently... it's great to have such a happy event." The old lady Ye also said with emotion, "Go get the medicine."

Ye Yanli smiled so that his mouth almost reached the back of his ears, he went to get the medicine dizzy, and came back again dizzy.

Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye were also very happy.

"We are going to see our grandson."

"Yes. After waiting for so many years, it is not easy!"

"From now on there will be pregnant women in the family, we have to be more careful in all aspects, and ah, we must formulate a pregnant woman's diet, so that she cannot be malnourished again." Old lady Ye waited for Ye Yanli, "Right, she I’m pregnant, so don’t go to work on the team anymore. Body is still important."

Ye Yanli still smiled, "I'll go upstairs and tell Xiao Su the good news."

"Oh, is it okay to be more stable? Why are they all going to be dads and are so anxious?" Old lady Ye looked at him helplessly.

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