Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 857: Who is our father?

When Song Jiayan woke up, it was already three hours later.

She felt as if she had slept for a long time, but she didn't feel comfortable in her body, but she was tired.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was in an unfamiliar environment, with a snow-white ceiling, blue and white striped sheets and quilts. the hospital?

She froze for a moment.

The memory gradually returned, she suddenly remembered that she seemed to have been vomiting, and then she didn't know anything when her eyes went dark.

Appears to have fainted.

When she was thinking wildly in her head, she heard Ye Yanli's familiar voice sound, "Wife, are you awake?"

Song Jiayan turned her head and looked at the man lying on his stomach in front of the hospital bed. The corners of the man's eyes and eyebrows were full of joy, "Guess why you are in the hospital."

"I'm sick...Is it serious? Stomach disease?" Song Jiayan said subconsciously.

But seeing Ye Yanli's happy look, why is he so happy when he is sick? Isn't it too much?

There was a trace of unpleasant emotion in her heart. Before it happened, she saw the man's big palm gently caressing her lower abdomen, and said with a smile, "Wife, you are pregnant. You have a baby in your belly, our baby ."

Song Jiayan's head seemed to have exploded like fireworks, and there was a thud.


"What did you say?" Her voice was trembling, "I'm pregnant? Have a baby?"

The tip of her nose was sour and she almost shed tears, "How"

"This good news needs you to tell grandpa and brother them personally, so..." Ye Yanli handed the phone to her, "you should call this call."

Ye Yanli looked at her with a smile, Song Jiayan's fingers on the phone were shaking, she was going to be a mother, she was going to be a a dream.

After easing her emotions for a while, she then called Mr. Song.

When they heard the good news, the Song family immediately boiled, like a frying pan.

"Good, good, really good. This is really good news. Yan'er, like this, we will leave for country M tomorrow to visit you. What do you want to eat? Or what do you need? Tell us... "The old man Song was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut, "It's still you fighting, look at your brothers, they are not as good as you. Haha—"

Song Jiayan chatted with him a few more words, and the phone was picked up by Mrs. Song, "Yan'er, listen to your grandpa saying that you are pregnant? It's really great. If you are pregnant, don't go to work in the team, listen. Has it arrived? There is more folic acid in the early stage..."

Mrs. Song eagerly explained all the precautions, basically the same as what the doctor said.

"Mom, don't worry, I know, I'll pay attention." Song Jiayan's ears hurt, after a while Song Husband reluctantly hung up the phone.

After the phone was hung up, Ye Yanli quickly took the water and brought the folic acid and calcium tablets over, "I've prepared it for you a long time ago."

Song Jiayan obediently took the medicine, "Mom and Grandpa are going to visit me in the next few days. Oh, I'm suddenly embarrassed."

"Pregnancy is a happy event, so it is only natural for them to come over and want to see you." Ye Yanli shook her hand, "Thank you, you will be very hard in the next ten months, no matter what, I will stay with you. Around."

"It's still early..." Song Jiayan blushed.

She shrank directly into the bed and said, "I will rest for a while."

Ye Yanli didn't tease her anymore, and began to take out the tablet to handle the work.

Because I was too excited today, I have accumulated a lot of work and haven't dealt with it.

Planting inside the warehouse.

Ruan Su heard a cough and turned around and saw Li Zhuoyan opened her eyes, rarely looking at her soberly, "Sister."

"Thirsty? Would you like to drink some water?" Ruan Su helped her up, "How do you feel now?"

"It's okay, I'm not thirsty." Li Zhuoyan felt a little strange observing Ruan Su's expression, "Is there anything good? How do you think you are in a good mood today."

"Our family hasn't had a happy event for a long time, and my aunt is pregnant." Ruan Su held Li Zhuoyan's hand, "So you have to get better soon. Let's attend their wedding."

"Pregnant..." Li Zhuoyan looked at Ruan Su's smiling face in a daze, "It's so good..."

Ruan Su told Madam Xie about her body the other day, and she heard it at the time.

She is a little envious of Song Jiayan.

But it is also limited to envy, and more is happy.

"Sister, I have lived here for more than half a month, when can I be discharged!" Li Zhuoyan couldn't wait to go out, but she knew she was very weak.

Although she knew it was boring to ask like this, she still wanted to ask.

Ruan Su has been by her side during this period of time and treated her in every possible way, possibly because of the special blood relationship between the sisters.

Li Zhuoyan also became more and more dependent on Ruan Su.

This feeling is very strange, as if someone is relying on it, because there is a common blood in the body, and they have the same mother and the same father.

Thinking of her father, Li Zhuoyan twisted her eyebrows slightly, a trace of doubt on her pale little face.

It seems that I have never heard my sister mention my father.

She was so ecstatic that she heard Ruan Su say, "It will take at least one month, or two months to go out. Wait until everything is stable."

Ruan Su turned around and saw Li Zhuoyan in a daze, "What's the matter? Is something uncomfortable?"

"No." Li Zhuoyan bit her bloodless lips, "Sister, do you know who our father is? Why have you never heard of him? I'm a little curious."

Ruan Su never thought that Li Zhuoyan would raise such a question. She wanted to laugh a little, but she held back.

The word father is really the ironiest existence in her life.

She thought Ruan Xinhua was her father for the past 22 years. What happened? This father is a beast with a face and a beast.

He has done all kinds of disgusting things with no lower limit, and not only that, he is not his father.

She didn't know who her father and Li Zhuoyan were.

And she didn't want to look for it.

I'm fed up with the poison of Ruan Xinhua's father. What if the real father is also a bad guy, what about a scumbag?

She can't imagine.

Rather than having that kind of father, it's better to never have one.

So she thought for a while and said, "The most important thing for you now is to maintain your health. You don't have to worry about father and mother matters, you just need to do well."

"Sister... don't you know who our father is?"

Li Zhuoyan is still very curious.

"Yes, I don't know. And I don't want to know." Ruan Su looked at her seriously, "What if our biological father is a gambler? Is it a domestic violence man? Or what desperadoes? What will you do then?"

Li Zhuoyan can clearly feel Ruan Su's emotional changes. She has always been good at observing words and looks, so she immediately stopped asking, and smiled reluctantly, "My sister said well, if he is not a good would be terrible."

However, she still wants to know...what to do?

She didn't want to make her sister angry.

Li Zhuoyan had to move her gaze out of the window, looking at Baixue flying outside the window, lost in thought.

Ruan Su went out directly, she needs to breathe.


Song Jiayan was discharged from the hospital not long after waking up, and Ye Yanli asked someone to help her move forward cautiously.

She couldn't help laughing a little, "Oh, what are you doing! I'm not a serious patient, I can go by myself."

"No, no, you are pregnant now, you are a double body." Now in Ye Yanli's eyes, the wife is a glass doll, shattered to pieces.

One must protect her 100%.

"You can't help it." Song Jiayan was really speechless.

This man made her really know how to go.

Ye Yanli helped her all the way out of the elevator, and then came to the parking lot. He diligently opened the car door and let her sit in.

"Okay, I started the car." Ye Yanli said and started the engine, and the car slowly drove out of the garage.

The speed on the road is almost as fast as a snail.

"Why are you driving so slowly?" Song Jiayan was once again speechless by Ye Yanli's nervousness. Because of the high ground temperature, although there was a lot of snow, there was no snow on the road at all, so he could drive smoothly. .

Most of the snow accumulates on the side of the road or in the flower beds and on the trees.

And there are sanitation workers cleaning the road from time to time, so...Where is Ye Yanli going to make trouble?

"Don't drive too fast, the car will be bumpy, and you won't be comfortable to sit up by then." Ye Yanli did not accelerate while holding the steering wheel, and the car was still crawling forward slowly.

The car behind him constantly overtook him, or kept honking his horn.

Song Jiayan couldn't help but rolled her eyes at him, "Don't be so nervous, it's better to increase the speed. This is a flat road, not a mountainous area, how can there be bumps. You just need to be at a normal speed, don't brake too hard. some type of."

How can she be so squeamish?

"At your rate, we won't be able to get home even in dark. I still want to eat the food at home!" She vomited so many times during the day, and her intestines were grunting.

As soon as he heard that his relatives and his wife were hungry, Ye Yanli was no longer so slow, so he stepped on the gas pedal and began to accelerate toward home.

"I really convinced you." Song Jiayan looked at him so nervous, and really wanted to post it on social platforms so that everyone could take a look at his stupid X.

"Oh, I'm a novice dad, I still have a lot to learn!" Ye Yanli said as he drove seriously.

Although the speed has been increased, it is still a bit slower than usual.

It happened to be a meal when I got home.

As soon as the car stopped, Ye Weili rushed down quickly, opened the door and hugged Song Jiayan.

"I can go by myself."

"There is snow everywhere in the yard. What should I do if it freezes?"

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