Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 858: Give you a gift! What about arrogance?

Ye Yanli came directly to a princess and hugged Song Jiayan in his arms.

He stepped on the snow and walked towards the hall on the first floor.

The cold wind blew on them and their faces.

Song Jiayan buried her small face in Ye Yanli's arms, only to feel that the man's generous chest was warm and warm.

Very warm.

She quietly raised her head to look at him, and found that his brows were frowning because of the wind and snow, but he was still handsome. The lines of his side face were extremely smooth, and his face was enthusiastic.

Entering the house against the wind and snow, Ye Yanli put her down. Old lady Ye and Old Man Ye had been waiting in the living room long ago, and they looked at her with smiles when they saw her coming back.

"Jia Yan, what do you want to eat?"

"There are a variety of fruits prepared at home, and some nuts that you usually like to eat, all of which are your favorite." Old lady Ye pointed to the coffee table.

Song Jiayan was stunned when she saw it, and saw that the whole coffee table was piled up with various kinds of fruits, some nuts, and some nutrients.

"I...I want to drink fish soup and crab." Song Jiayan swallowed her saliva and said, "I don't want to eat fruit now."

"You can't eat crabs." Mrs. Ye smiled, "That cold one is not good for pregnant women. You can prepare fish soup, but how about rib soup? How about chicken soup? Do you want to try it?"

"I want to drink fish soup." She couldn't eat so much of the soup, so she hurriedly ordered the fish soup.

"Okay, okay, the kitchen will make arrangements right away." Mrs. Ye ordered the servant again, "Hurry up and cut some fruits and bring them to the young lady's room."

"You just came back and you are weak. Go back and rest quickly. Supper is ready and come down again." Elder Ye also quickly said, "Ali, take her upstairs to rest."

Ye Yanli took her hand and returned to the room. As soon as he entered, he put his hands on her side, pulling the distance between the two extremely close.

Song Jiayan's breathing froze for a while, and she unconsciously put her hands in her lower abdomen, "What are you doing... I am now..."

She wanted to refuse, but he had presumptuously hooked her lips and kissed deeply.

Song Jiayan only found it difficult to breathe, and was lightened up by his kiss.

It turns out that if you love someone or love someone, you will gradually adapt to the existence of another person, and then slowly rely on that person's existence.

It's like she's used to kissing and touching the man holding her in front of her...

"I wanted to kiss you when I was in the hospital." Ye Xiaoli stopped the long kiss, forced down the heat in the body, and separated her pink lips.

It's just that the arms are still firmly fixed on both sides of her body, encircling her in her arms.

"That's enough Ye Lili, I'm pregnant." She was a little bit irritated, and she was afraid that Ye Lili would accidentally hurt her and hurt her child.

For the first three months, it is necessary to abstain, lust!

"Wife, you are too cruel... Do you want me to stop now?" Ye Yanli was aggrieved with a wicked smile.

Make Song Jiayan angry and funny.

A thought suddenly flashed in her mind, and she deliberately said, "That's okay, don't stop, anyway, it's your child that hurts, huh!"

He suddenly hooked her chin, and pulled her pretty little face close to him, his black eyes gleaming as charming as diamonds. "My wife, I am teasing you... why, are you really angry?"

Song Jiayan was hit by a deer...

"I'm going to take a bath." Ye Yanli let go of her directly, took off her coat and walked to the bathroom.

Song Jiayan glared at his back, made a face, and then sat on the wide bed and let out a long breath.

She thought he really wanted to...

Fortunately not.

It may be because of the pregnancy that she leaned on the bed and her eyelids became heavy without knowing it, and she felt a little sleepy.

When she was drowsy, she heard that the bathroom door was suddenly opened, and the tall man was standing at the door. She lazily opened her eyes and her heart beat quickly.

The man walked up straight, with water droplets on his handsome face.

"Do you want me to wash it for you?"

He raised his lips and smiled, leaned down and pressed down his thin wet lips, and kissed her softly.

Neither of them moved, and they haven't separated for a long time...

It took him a long time to pull away, a trace of affection between his eyebrows and eyes, and his voice became hoarse, "Wife, go take a bath."

"But I'm sleepy..." Song Jiayan said depressed, but still went to the bathroom.

What she didn't know was that Ye Yanli started to get busy the moment she closed the bathroom door.

Twenty minutes later, when Song Jiayan walked out of the bathroom again, she looked at the scene in front of her and was shocked.

His eyes widened in disbelief.

I saw the wide and soft bed covered with rose petals, and a faint fragrance floated in the air.

In the center of the petals is a gift box made of red velvet. From the bathroom to the bed, there are small colored lights. She stepped on these lights and walked to the bed, slowly picking up the box and opening it gently.

Inside, I saw a pink diamond necklace. Next to the main diamond, there was also a shining small diamond, which was very beautiful and dazzling.

She looked at this necklace in surprise, and she didn't have to think about it and knew that it was definitely worth a lot, at least several million dollars.

"Ye Yanli?" She looked around the room with the box, and couldn't help but call out.

The man opened the door and walked in slowly, a tall figure wearing a tailored suit, and a bunch of red roses in his hand.

Seeing his appearance, Song Jiayan was stunned again.


"My wife, because of Xiaosu and Yanyan, our wedding is postponed again. I'm sorry. But... we have obtained the certificate and are a legal couple. This is my pregnancy gift to you. Thank you for your willingness to do so. I have children." Ye Yanli delivered the rose to Song Jiayan's hand and knelt on one knee.

Then he took out a velvet box and handed it to Song Jiayan.

Inside the opened box is a pink diamond ring that matches the necklace. The ring is less than ten carats, so beautiful that you can't move your eyes.

Song Jiayan's black eyes looked at Ye Mili like a gemstone, including endless affection and touch.

"Thank you husband."

She slowly stretched out her finger, and only after Ye Yanli helped her put on the ring, she stood up.

Ye Yanli couldn't help holding her in his arms, and his thin lips fell deeply again...

Just when the two of them were embracing affectionately, the door of the room was knocked, and the voice of the servant came, "Master, grandma, supper is ready."

"Okay, let's get down right away." Ye Yanli gave Song Jiayan's arm around him. He looked at her blushing face and kissed her again, "Let's go. Let's go to dinner."

Because it was early pregnancy, Song Jiayan was very sensitive and had a poor appetite.

But I still drank a bowl of fish soup and ate some other dishes.

Seeing her rushing to the bathroom to retching from time to time, Ye Yanli felt more distressed.

"Pregnancy is really suffering."

He gently patted Song Jiayan on the back, his eyes flashing with distress.

"It's always like this at the beginning, and it will be fine in the middle stage. But in the middle and late stages, the belly is big and the body is very tired and tired." Old lady Ye said cheerfully, "Anyway, a woman, I am pregnant and have a baby. It’s the hardest time to do it."

Ye family is happy here.

However, there were a few turbulences in the Song family.

Because Song Jingyao's child went to school.

Song Yichang contacted him with the best kindergarten and sent him to him early this morning.

Because he was a transfer student, other children did not welcome him very much.

And there was a little fat guy who took the lead in bullying him, but he was very angry.

Anyway, the kid who had learned kung fu from Jian Qiqi, went up to a shoulder-to-shoulder throw that smashed the little fat man into a haze.

The little fat man cried so much, and kept looking for the teacher.

When school was over, the teacher left Song Yan and Jian Qiqi directly.

The young female teacher didn’t expect Song Yan to be so handsome and tall. Her face was a little reddish and said, “Dad Song, your child seems to be a little bit overly naughty...How can you beat the kids? Still use the rude way. ..."

Song Jingyao stood beside Jian Qiqi with his head down, and he glanced at the teacher unconvincedly, and then at the little fat man and his parents who were still crying.

The little fat man’s parents were very angry. His surname was Zhang. His parents were in real estate and had some money at home, so he was used to being arrogant.

No matter it is him, or his parents, they all like to give orders.

Suddenly encountered Waterloo at this moment, which is simply unacceptable.

"Dad, he hit me. He hurt me. I fell a bag on my head." The little fat man pointed at Song Jingyao and said angrily, "You want to avenge me!"

Song Jingyao glanced at him coldly, without saying a word.

There was a wave of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

He heard what the teacher said, and listened to the accusation of the little fat man, he was already desperate.

Song Yan and Jian Qiqi will definitely punish him.

What's so great about being punished.

If he dare to provoke him tomorrow, he will still dare to beat this little fat man.

Dissatisfied? Just hit it until the little fat man takes it.

Song Yan didn't listen to the family's words, but squatted in front of Song Jingyao. He looked at Song Jingyao and asked softly, "What happened? You tell dad, okay?"

Song Jingyao was stunned, he wanted to hear what he said? He didn't listen to the teacher and the little fat man?

Jian Qiqi also looked at him and said, "Jing Yao, what the **** is going on with your mom and dad?"

Her eyes were gentle and full of concern.

Song Jingyao curled his lips, "This Xiaoliang took a few classmates to scold me, calling me a wild monkey from another place, and he is not worthy to go to school here."

When he said this, Little Fatty’s father immediately denied, "Impossible, my son has the best quality. How could he scold so badly? You must be wronging my son."

The little fat man's face was flushed, but he didn't have any confidence to refute, "Don't...Don't talk nonsense."

"Are I talking nonsense? The teacher will know if you ask other students in the class." Song Jingyao sneered at the little fat man.

This is a sweet chapter~~

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