Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 859: Don't you remember? lonely!

Hearing Song Jingyao's words, the little fat man turned his head and ran out.

Jian Qiqi grabbed his arm, "Kid, where are you going? Is my son telling the truth?"

The little fat man turned his face aside, but didn't speak.

The matter has been clarified, the little fat man is the one who is in the wrong.

"I'm not telling you." The little fat man dodged his flushed round face and didn't look at Jian Qiqi.

"It seems that my son is telling the truth." Jian Qiqi smiled and looked at Little Fatty's parents, "So, shouldn't you apologize to my son?"

"At such a young age, I gathered children in the kindergarten to bully other children. This training is really amazing." Song Yan's expression remained cold, "I hope this kind of thing will not happen again in the future."

After he finished talking, he didn't wait for the little fat man's father to have an attack. He saw a glass of water on the teacher's desk. He hooked his lips and took the glass directly. Before everyone could react, they only heard a "crash" sound. The hard glass water cup was turned into **** in Song Yan's hands.

He slowly patted the broken glass from his hands and said to the teacher, "I will pay the price."

The teacher's face was scared green, "No, no... no need..."

Are you kidding me, who is this? What is Gang Tie Xia? The palm of the hand that crushed the glass didn't even bleed!

too frightening!

The little fat man's parents stared at Song Yan's palm in shock, watching this scene in disbelief.

As if an illusion appeared in front of you, this...this is something that only happens in TV dramas, right?

The little fat man also widened his eyes, "Song Jingyao, is your father a Superman? He is too amazing!"

His mouth was wide open, it could almost fit an egg in.

Song Jingyao raised a small face with a proud look, "My dad is not only Superman, but also Spider-Man, he can fly away! Humph! Who dares to bully me in the future, my dad will never spare you!"

"Okay, let's go." Jian Qiqi patted his shoulder.

Song Jingyao gained the adoration of Little Fatty, but did not intend to let him go. He walked up to the Little Fatty, "You must apologize to me and promise not to bully any classmates in the future. Otherwise..."

The little fat man said hurriedly, "Okay, OK, don't worry. Brother, don't worry, I'm sorry, I used to be bad..."

His little chubby head kept nodding like a chicken pecking at rice, looking funny and funny.

Song Jingyao walked out of the teacher's office with his head high, just like a victorious little lion.

Jian Qiqi followed his footsteps, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"I was wronged today...Can you eat KFC?" Song Jingyao turned his face and looked at Jian Qiqi with eager eyes. Jian Qiqi squatted down and pinched his face, "You are on the terms of the negotiation. Let's go."

Song Jingyao laughed again, he was already a pecking jade, so a smile made him even more lovely.

He really didn't expect Jian Qiqi and Song Yan to stand on his side and support him.

This made him feel very warm in his heart.

He thought of the King Tianzhen couples, father and mother, don't worry, I will live well, become very strong, and then take revenge for you.

My new father and mother are also very good to me, I will love them slowly, but... I will never forget you.

He suppressed the hatred in his heart and looked like a cute and innocent child with a smile, but his heart was full of haze.


King House Villa.

Jing Cancan was finally discharged from the hospital. She was lying on the big soft bed in her room, looking at everyone in front of her with confused eyes.

"Are you true? These people are all my relatives? But... I don't remember anything."

The **** the bed looked innocent and confused, and her eyes were full of doubts.

"Cancan, I'm the eldest brother...Do you really remember us?" Jing Ren's eyes were full of gloom and worry.

Sure enough, as the doctor said, when she hit the wall to commit suicide, she hit too hard and hit her head with amnesia.

Since she woke up, the family members have been telling her the situation of everyone in the family every day, but she always can't remember.

"I don't remember, I really don't remember anything." Jing Cancan smiled innocently, "Brother, are you married? Do I have a sister-in-law?"

Jing Ren's face paled, "Eldest brother doesn't have a girlfriend yet."

"Dad, Mom, you have to hurry up and find him a girlfriend." Jing Cancan still smiled, "This sunshine is so good!"

"Forget it, forget it. Forget it is better than depression. Forget the symptoms of depression, right?" Jing Guoguang said gratefully, "She is just like a baby now. , It should be the kind of symptom that won't appear."

"Cancan had depression before, lived so painfully, committed suicide twice, and now forgets everything. It's not bad to start all over again." Mrs. Jing also thinks it's good for her to lose her memory. At least her daughter doesn't have to be in depression anymore Disease inside.

In addition to their two sons Jing Ren and Jing Huai, Jing Huai was detained, but he also learned about Jing Cancan's amnesia.

Jingren is full of irritability, but he also knows that facing Jing Cancan, he has to boil the frog in warm water. Now he can't tell her something abruptly. He can only act as an older brother who cares about his younger sister, "Cancan, do you feel uncomfortable now? ?"

"It's very comfortable, everything is comfortable. Do I have a job? Or am I studying?" Jing Cancan looked at Jing Guoguang and Mrs. Jing curiously.

"Um, you have been at home because you were not in good health before. Do you want to work? Do you want to go to our own company?" Mrs. Jing said quickly, "Cancan, what kind of job do you want to find?"

"Do I have good friends before? I want to work with my good friends." Jing Cancan smiled, "I should have a girlfriend? Girls should have a girlfriend."

Best friend?

It seems that apart from being familiar with Zhuang Xiaoyue, Jing Cancan really...nothing else.

Jing Guoguang thought of Zhuang Xiaoyue, and he couldn't help but said, "You do have a girlfriend, called Zhuang Xiaoyue, a lady of the you going to work at the Zhuang family?"

"Can't it?" Jing Cancan blinked her phoenix eyes, "Quickly, let Zhuang Xiaoyue come and play with me! I want to go shopping with her and eat together."

She rushed out of bed excitedly, then opened the closet and started choosing clothes.

Jing family members looked at her dumbfounded, they were really different from the previous Jing Cancan.


But soon, Jing Ren said, "This kind of Cancan is also very good, lively and cheerful."

It's just... when will Chan Chan fall in love with him?

If he acted rashly, the current Cancan didn't know what he would do.

In the past, Cancan liked to accept it, but now Cancan...Jingren is a little confused.

When he was thinking secretly, he found that Mrs. Jing had already called Zhuang Xiaoyue, "Yes, yes, Miss Zhuang, Cancan wants to work with you, and also wants to go shopping with you for dinner, she now... oh , You will know when you come."

Mrs. Jing couldn't hide her smile, "Can you let your brother arrange a position for her in the Chuang family? The salary doesn't matter, the most important thing is that she is happy as long as she is happy."

"Auntie, don't worry, I'll drive to pick up Cancan later." Zhuang Xiaoyue was also very happy after hearing this, and she called solemnly looking at the darkened mobile phone screen. "Brother, I have something to tell you."

After hearing her words, Solemn felt a little strange, "Isn't Jing Cancan suffering from depression? She can work normally? Strange."

"I heard that my memory has been amnesia, and my personality has changed drastically. I will find out when I go to see. Let her share an office with me, and I can take care of her." Zhuang Xiaoyue went to drive after speaking. Anyway, she is also a part-time job in the Zhuang family. There is no substantive work content, just pass the time.

About half an hour later, Zhuang Xiaoyue's car stopped at the door of Jing's Villa.

As soon as I got off the car, I saw Jing Cancan walking from the courtyard to the gate. She wore a baseball uniform with a pair of AJs on her feet. She was very casual, and she also had a peaked cap on her head.

This kind of casual sports style, the previous Jing Cancan is impossible to wear, she has always dressed up very elegantly.

I saw Zhuang Xiaoyue stunned for a moment, "Cancan...Your style has changed drastically?"

"How? Doesn't it look good? I think it's quite comfortable like this." Jing Cancan carried a sports camera bag on his back, "Let's go."

When she saw Zhuang Xiaoyue's red Porsche, she blew a whistle, "Wow, what a cool car."

"If you like it, you can buy one too. It's not expensive." After Zhuang Xiaoyue got in the car, Jing Cancan also sat in the position of the co-pilot, lowered the window and waved his wife and Jing Guoguang. Mom, Dad, I'm out to play."

Mrs. Jing said to Zhuang Xiaoyue uneasy, "Zhuang Xiaoyue, please take care of Cancan."

Jing Ren walked over and said, "Cancan, why don't you stay with you, your two beautiful girls make people feel uneasy."

Jing Cancan rolled his eyes and retorted directly, "I don't want it, I'm not a child, I'm an adult! I don't need you to follow me every day, it's like being in prison."

Jing Ren's face sank, Jing Cancan never refuted this before.

He was unhappy, but he couldn't show it.

I could only watch Zhuang Xiaoyue's car slip away.

Jing Guoguang and his wife embraced excitedly, "It's great, Cancan is so independent now."

"Our daughter has finally grown up. Jingren, you have to learn to let go, I know you love your sister." Jing Guoguang said meaningfully and went back with Mrs. Jing.

Jing Ren's face was gloomy, and he turned to keep up.

He shouldn't let go.

Porsche sprinted on the highway, Zhuang Xiaoyue steered the car smoothly, Jing Cancan looked at her with a sigh, "You are really good at driving."

"You can also take a driver's license test. I asked you to take the test before, but you must not take it." Zhuang Xiaoyue took another sharp turn when she said.

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