Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 861: Dispatched like a ghost! Assassination!

He will definitely find a way to make this amnesiaous Jing Cancan understand the mind of himself and Jing Huai!

He stared gloomily at Jing Cancan, who was wearing a red Christmas sweater. The red color complemented her complexion, making her skin white and shiny. Under the light, it looked like a delicious porcelain doll, a beast in his heart. I can't wait to rush out and swallow her in one bite.

But he held back.

He must find a way to restore Jing Cancan's memory, or reverse his impression of him.

The best way is to make the current Jing Cancan fall in love with him...

But how can she fall in love with herself?

Jing Cancan lowered his head and continued to eat, always feeling that the big brother's eyes were full of aggression and possessiveness when he saw him. Could it be that he was too sensitive?

Isn't it the eldest brother?

Why does she always have a kind of eldest brother who is not the eldest brother, but uses the identity of a man to get along with her?

How can normal brothers and sisters look like eldest brother?

The look of wishing to swallow her...makes her a little uncomfortable.

But she didn't take it very seriously. She had more important things to tell Jing's parents, "Dad, Mom, I want to take a driver's license."

Mrs. Jing almost choked, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?

Jing Cancan curled his lips, a trace of stubbornness in his phoenix eyes, "Why can't I do it? Xiaoyue can do it, why can't I. I want Ferrari, and I want to drive my car in a cool way. Go shopping in the mall every month."

Jing Guoguang was very happy, and happily served Jing Cancan with vegetables, "Yes, yes, don’t worry. No matter what car you want, Dad will buy it for you. Which Ferrari model? But the premise is that you have to get your driver’s license first. Come down, two months should be enough? Why can't I buy a car with a driver's license?"

The news that Jing Cancan was about to take a driver's license caused a wave of waves at Jing's home, and Jing Ren looked at her in shock.

"Driving is not as easy and simple as you think. Cancan, wherever you go, there is a driver at home. In the past, your second brother and I will send you wherever you go. In the future, we will also Continue to send you, so your driver’s license test is completely unnecessary."

He has a feeling that Jing Cancan is gradually getting out of his control, which makes him very unhappy.

"Big brother, you will always have time. I am an independent individual and I have grown up. I want to do what I want to do." Jing Cancan smiled brightly and charmingly, showing eight small white teeth. , "So I want to drive by myself, I want to be as cool as Satsuki."

Was your previous self sick? It's too wasteful to have such a wealthy family who doesn't even have a driver's license.

She secretly slandered herself.

I don't know what kind of life I lived before, and what kind of psychological pressure I have endured.

"Cancan is right. In the past, it was Ahuai that you two treated her too carefully, causing her to rely too much on you. From now on, she should be independent. Otherwise, if you marry someone in the future, you will be bullied in your in-laws' house." Jing The wife is very supportive of her daughter's decision, "Tomorrow my mother will accompany you to choose a good driving school and a good coach. We must go to the VIP, and then you will learn one-on-one."

"Thank you mom, I love you the most." Jing Cancan quickly gave Mrs. Jing a big one.

Mrs. Jing chuckled, "Oh, your mouth is full of oil, don't kiss me."

Such a daughter who would act like a baby was only seen by Jing Cancan when she was a child. Since she became an adult, she has become sensitive and gloomy, and she rarely laughs, let alone acting like a baby at her parents.

Mrs. Jing couldn't help but want to cry.

She hasn't seen a smile on her daughter's face for a long, long time.

Jing Guoguang also sighed with emotion, "The Cancan of our family has grown up."

The only one who was upset was Jing Ren. He sat in the seat with a gloomy handsome face, and suddenly lost his appetite.

damn it!

She even wants to take a driver’s license to buy a car!

It's really wild!

But Jing Cancan, who was supported by his parents, couldn't help Jingren at all. This feeling irritated Jingren but was helpless.

Early in the morning of the next day, Jing Cancan took his certificate and said to the driver at home, "I'm going to join the Zhuang Group. You can send me there."

Jingren was about to go to work at the company, and his face became stiff when she heard her voice, "Are you going to work today?"

"Yes, I agreed with Xiaoyue, I will have an office with her." Jing Cancan smiled at him, "Big brother, you have to support me! Maybe I am the future female Buffett!"

Jingren just fainted without anger, " have no experience at work, so don't go, can't you stay at home with peace of mind?"

"Of course not. It's embarrassing to be a rice bug without a job." Jing Cancan was very determined, "I'm leaving. Bye."

Jingren grabbed her by the arm and realized that he couldn't hold her back, so he had to compromise and said, "I will send you off."

"But I told the uncle driver! Isn't it okay to let him dove?" Jing Cancan rejected him subconsciously without thinking, "Besides, brother, don't you want to go to work? I don't want to delay you."

After speaking, she shook off Jing Ren's hand and walked towards the garage.

Jing Ren wanted to vent a puff of anger in his chest, but couldn't let it out. **** it! She was so disobedient, he stared at Jing Cancan's back irritably, wishing to step forward and press her into his car immediately.

But reason told him not.

She is not the same Jing Cancan as before, she will resist... everything reminds him that the current Jing Cancan will no longer accept it.

There are four cars in the family. Jing Guoguang and the Jing family brothers each have one. The three of them drove by themselves.

The other is Mrs. Jing's car, and her car is usually driven by the driver.

So Jing Cancan is now riding in Mrs. Jing's white BMW.

When she got in the car, she let the driver drive, "Uncle Jing, let's go."

Uncle Jing smiled and said, "Miss, if you rejected the young master, would he be unhappy? He and the second young master used to give you to you."

"It doesn't matter, I'm grown up. I can't rely on my brother for everything." Jing Cancan took out his cell phone and sent Zhuang Xiaoyue to WeChat.

"Satsuki, I'm leaving."

She looked at the message sent out and thought to herself, was it really close to her brothers before?

But why don't you feel that way?

Instead, do you think Satsuki is closer?


No more, work is important.

She took out her ID and took a look, and found that it hadn't fallen out before reinstalling it.

The car went all the way towards the Zhuang Group, and Jing Cancan's new life also opened a new chapter.


It was extremely dark in winter, and it was obviously only six o'clock, and it was almost completely dark.

Bo Xingzhi's car slowly stopped in the parking lot of the appraisal center, and he wandered out of the car and walked towards the inner hall.

Just an hour ago, Ruan Su called and told him to ask him to help get the appraisal results.

He thought it was Ruan Su and the others, so he didn't think much about it. After receiving the appraisal result, he returned to the car.

As soon as I got into the car, Ruan Su called up, "Don't open it to see what it looks like inside?"

"How could I open your files without your permission?" Bo Xingzhi's deep and magnetic voice echoed in the car.

He looked at the dark sky in the distance through the car window. There were a few scattered stars shining in the sky, but the moon was nowhere to be seen.

Ruan Su couldn't help but laughed, and said in a cold voice, "It's you and Jing Cancan. I took her blood sample during the operation on her."

Bo Xingzhi choked his chest, "You said this belongs to Jing Cancan and me?"

"Yeah! Because I have been taking care of Yanyan in the transplantation warehouse, so I forgot about it. Fortunately, Zhuang Xiaoyue sent me a WeChat message today, and I suddenly remembered that Jing Cancan and your appraisal results were not Take it." Ruan Su wanted to know the result quickly, "You take it apart, you take it down quickly."

Bo Xingzha had no choice but to put the phone aside and turned on the hands-free, and then went to open the files.

The sound of the paper being opened rustled, and he turned to the last page of results within a short while.

When he saw that there was nothing to do with him, he was stunned, and heard her anxious voice before telling Ruan Su, "What is it?"

"It doesn't matter. I don't have any blood relationship with her. Maybe... it's a coincidence to look alike." Bo Xingzhi didn't care about disappointment or disappointment.

After all, the Bo family still has Bo Wenyu and Bo Wenhao as his younger siblings. He didn’t particularly desire to have a younger sister...

It’s better if you have a blood relationship, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t.

Ruan Su was more disappointed than him, because she knew too well what kind of life Jing Cancan lived.

She feels a little regretful. If they are their own siblings, she and Bo Xingzhi can intervene in Jing Cancan's affairs and bring her out.

The appraisal between her and Li Zhuoyan was done in this appraisal center, so she felt that this appraisal center should not come out with any messy results.

It seems... to be true.

And she couldn't think that everything was under Jing Sa's control.

Jing Sa will only let her see what Jing Sa wants her to see.

And what Jing Sa didn't want her to see, she wouldn't.

"If that's the case, then forget it. If it's not, it's not it." Ruan Su can only say that, "You drive a little slower on the road, and the dark road is slippery."

The snow has not completely melted down, and the road will freeze again at night when the temperature drops. That appraisal center is far from the city center.

"Don't worry." Bo Xingzhi finished speaking and started the car.

And just as he just drove out of the parking lot, a man on the top floor of the identification center watched the shadow of the car immersed in the darkness, and slowly said to the man behind him, "He has left."

"Yes. Lord Yinyue." A dark voice only responded and waved, "Go!"

As a result, a group of people in black immediately rushed down the stairs and moved out like a ghost in the dark night.

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