Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 862: Do not tell Sue!

Bo Xingzhi drives a black car on a dark road, because there are not many other vehicles on the remote roads here.

Occasionally, there will be twos and threes of vehicles coming on the opposite side. At this moment, suddenly four or five vehicles came from behind, very fast.

Bo Xingzhi frowned and wanted to avoid it.

However, he found that the target of those cars was vaguely him!

Because at the moment he was evading, those cars followed him straight and wanted to hit his car!

Fortunately, he reacted very swiftly, speeding up directly, and the car was like a tiger coming out of the gate, swiping out.

However, this is not over yet. In just five or six seconds, the car went from start to 100 kilometers.

Several times, the car rushed out of the gap between the two cars and even knocked off the other's rearview mirror. The speed that would cause car crashes at any time was even more exciting than riding a roller coaster.

Bo Xingzhi didn't look at the speedometer, because the cars behind him couldn't get rid of it.

The car was like a black bolt of lightning, shuttled like a fish under the outflank of these cars.

But those cars didn't give up at all, at this moment!

Bang bang bang!

The bullet car kept coming and hit the car hard.

The car window glass was directly shattered by the bullet, and Bo Xingzhi lowered his head and continued to accelerate, avoiding a bullet that grazes his ear.

Damn it!

If this continues, he is likely to crash and die.

Bo Xingzhi suddenly took a sharp turn in front and turned to the opposite road to go retrograde.

Those people obviously didn't expect him to go retrograde, and they braked hard to keep up, but there was a loud bang!

Here comes a series of crashes!

Bo Xingzhi looked at the smoke and sparks of the car behind being hit together, and couldn't help but hook his thin lips.

Who said that only his wife can smash a car, and he can't let it go!

Fortunately, he did not realize that he had reached a very narrow mountain road. This was not for cars to go, but for motorcycles.

The mountain road has nine bends and bends like an earthworm. It is on this mountain road that Bo Xingzhan drove at a super high speed of 80 kilometers, drifting continuously.

And there was a car behind him stubbornly following him, and the driver could almost see the deep mountain stream under his feet from the window. As long as the wheels were driven out even a little bit, the car would be destroyed.

There is almost no way to describe this kind of stimulation in words.

The driver of the car behind was so scared that his legs were trembling, and finally a nervous steering wheel tilted out. With a loud rumbling, the car fell into the cliff.

Bo Xingzhi sneered, playing excitement with him? It's more than excitement, it's killing your life!

Finally, the car stopped.

After he was sure that no one was following him, he got out of the car and sank into the dark mountains and forests along the narrow path.

There is no road ahead, nor can the car drive in.

Fortunately, when he came out today, he prepared a pistol for emergency.

The last time he went to pick up Song Yan and Jian Qiqi, he had this kind of consciousness, and he had to bring weapons at any time just in case.

He took out his pistol and walked through the dark forest step by step.

A compass app was downloaded in the mobile phone to guide him in the direction, not to get lost at all times, and to keep walking in the direction of the city.

Only in this way can Song Yan lead people to meet him faster.

He appeared very natural and casual as a whole, and he walked forward with one hand, his ears were keenly paying attention to the surrounding situation as he walked.

When he heard the rustle of footsteps, he immediately slowed down, squinted slightly and looked towards the nine o'clock direction. There were three people!

There is also at eleven o'clock, and at one o'clock!

He quickly fired in the direction of nine o'clock, bang bang bang!

Gunshots suddenly sounded from the hidden killer's ears. When the two killers heard the gunshots, they couldn't dodge, and they were so scared.

Even the screams were too late.

The other one was hit in the shoulder and screamed.

Bang bang!

Bo Xingzhi took two shots again, and the two killers were immediately headshot by Bo Xingzhi's precise guns.

At this moment, two gunshots sounded, and the bullets swiftly struck towards the location of Bo Xingzhi.

Hearing the harsh gunshots, Bo Xingzhi's expression remained unchanged, and his body rolled to avoid him.

Then two more shots were directed at the direction of the killer.

A killer was shot directly in the center of his eyebrows, and he lay on the ground with a stare-eyed expression of death.

Bo Xingzhi proficiently changed the magazine quickly before moving on.

The remaining assassins were trembling with each other nervously. How strong and powerful is this man?

In such a dark situation, he was able to even score several people.

Hidden around, they couldn't help but glance at each other, a scarred face coldly said, "This man doesn't take us seriously, let's see how I shot him."

As he said, he stood up, swiftly pulled the trigger in the direction of Bo Xingzhi, and in a second he leaned back against the tree to block him.

Another gunshot came, and a killer fell to the ground.

Then there was another gunshot, hitting a killer in the neck, and Gu Gu's blood kept pouring out.

There was a faint smell of blood in the air.

This is simply a unilateral massacre.

Bo Xingzhi directly crushed the killers on the opposite side with a level of one enemy ten.

They almost cried, "Boss, or let's withdraw."

"Do you want to be tortured to death by Yinyue?" Scarface cursed bitterly.

Yinyue's methods are cruel. They would die if they didn't complete the task. It's better to just die here and get a pension for their family members.

His subordinates were almost crying, and he wanted to escape even more.

When the two of them were talking, there were two sudden gunshots. Before they could react, they fell to the ground.

Scarface stared at Bo Xingzhi in front of him, "" He almost exhausted the last trace of strength in his body, grabbing a handful of powder and spraying it towards Bo Xingzhi. Bo Xingzhi couldn't avoid it, and took two breaths. He hurriedly backed away.

Scarface coughed up blood violently. When did he come over?

Why didn't he and his subordinates notice it at all?

But... he won't know it anymore in his life, because he has died.

Bo Xingzhi coldly glanced at the two of them and turned to leave, and their figures soon disappeared in the dense forest.

After half an hour, he finally walked out of the dense forest and came to the highway.

The night is getting darker, and the north wind is roaring in the empty winter.

A car slowly approached him and then stopped, Bo Xingzhi looked at the familiar face in the car, and he directly sat in.

Song Yan hurriedly looked at him, "Master, are you okay? It's better to let me be by your side when you go out in the future."

Bo Xingzhi glanced at the dense forest lightly, "Let the brothers dispose of the dead bodies of those killers."

This saves trouble from being discovered by nearby villagers.

"Yes, don't worry."

Song Yan turned on the warm air in the car, and bursts of warmth drifted in the car.

Bo Xingzhi's icy body finally got a hint of warmth, and he slightly closed his eyes and slumbered.

Busy in the middle of the night, it consumes a lot of mind and needs to rest for a while.

The car drove steadily away from here and headed towards the city.

Early the next morning, the sky began to drift with light snow.

The small snowflakes carry the cool air, and they are cool and cool when they fall on people.

Bo Xingzhi wore a black cashmere coat, which made him more slender and taller.

With a black and white houndstooth scarf around the neck, it looks even more noble and elegant.

Shang Lingxiao looked at the back of the thin line in front of him. He hurried to catch up with the man and stepped into the elevator of the presidential office building.

He glanced at Bo Xingzhi’s cyan eyes, he smiled faintly, "Brother didn’t rest last night, okay? Why does this have dark circles?"

Bo Xingzhi glanced at him lazily, and then smiled sarcastically, "Brother cares about my sleep so much, why? Are you sending me a latex pillow?"

Shang Lingxiao didn't expect Bo Xingzhi to taunt him so much. His expression remained unchanged, "Yes, I can also give you a latex mattress, which is all trivial. It is my duty to care for my brother."

"Thank you, brother." Bo Xingzhi was disgusted by Shang Lingxiao in his heart.

This Shang Bailian came to disgust him early in the morning, really noisy like an annoying fly.

"You're welcome, who made us brothers?" Shang Lingxiao smiled calmly as if he was a good brother who loves his brothers.

This face is really vomiting at the thin line.

He went straight to his office without expression.

Song Yan also stepped in.

"Master... the identity of the killers last night has been basically investigated, and they are members of the ZZ organization."

"This ZZ organization always pesters me and Xiaosu." Bo Xingzhi said coldly, "Check what we have with them."

Why doesn't he remember when he offended ZZ organization, or did he say that Xiao Su offended him?

That Meican... seems to be developed by the ZZ organization.

There are also inexhaustible...

It is not a trivial matter that ZZ organizes to assassinate again and again.

He has been alert for a long time, but an open spear is easy to hide, and a hidden arrow is hard to guard.

What he fears most now is that this ZZ organization wants Xiao Su's life while Xiao Su is in the hospital's transplant warehouse!

Thinking of this, he directly sent WeChat to Ruan Su.

But the moment he sent WeChat, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

Damn it!

He accidentally inhaled two mouthfuls of the powder last night. Could it be that the powder is poisonous?

This ZZ organization is vicious and vicious, he is too careless.

Bo Xingzhi thought so in his heart, couldn't help but cough slightly.

His chest was so uncomfortable and he was panicked. It seemed that he had to go to the hospital to have a look.

Thinking of this, he stood up, his tall figure shook when he just got up, and his eyes turned black for a while.

Song Yan saw this scene as soon as he turned around after making the call. He exclaimed, "Master!"

Before Bo Xingzhi passed out, he only had time to confess, "Don't tell Xiao Su..." He plunged into darkness.

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