Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 863: Are you going to hide it from me forever?

Song Yan helped Bo Xingzhi drag him to the sofa to lie down, and then called someone to come over without disturbing others. He took Bo Xingzhi to the parking lot downstairs and rushed directly to the hospital.

The examination result came out about two hours later. The doctor looked at the examination report in shock, “The patient was temporarily in shock, his blood oxygen level was very low, and it looked like it had been exposed to a chemical substance... Wait for me to ask my teacher to check it out. ."

Song Yan's heart gradually sank.

When he was anxious, a middle-aged man walked over quickly and looked at the report of Bo Xingzhi, "This is sarin. After the human body inhales 55-100 (mg·min/m3) of sarin (or Skin contact 1.7g), will die within 1~15 minutes, and symptoms such as convulsions, foaming at the mouth and blurred vision will occur before death; low concentrations will cause pupils to shrink, difficult vision in the dark, and chest tightness , Headache, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. And these toxicity will accumulate in the body. If the concentration is higher, it will cause dizziness, anxiety, mental damage, muscle cramps, breathing difficulties, and eventually death."

"Is there a way to detoxify?" Song Yan asked quickly, what is this sarin?

It sounds weird.

"Fortunately, the patient inhales very little and can be treated." The doctor continued, "This is a deadly neurotoxic gas developed by bad guys during World War II in the last century. It can paralyze the center of a person. nerve."

The middle-aged doctor did not expect to encounter a sarin patient in his lifetime.

He quickly said, "Hurry up and send the patient to the ICU for treatment. Otherwise, there will be sequelae. This sarin is very terrible."

If the treatment is delayed, it will cause damage to the nerves, brain and liver.

This must be injected with belladonna into the heart immediately to save life.

When Bo Xingzhi woke up, he only felt exhausted, and he felt as if he had been fished out of a pool.

Lying on the hospital bed with sweat all over, his tall and slender body wrapped in sticky clothes, very uncomfortable.

He frowned, looked at Song Yan who was guarding the hospital bed, and said in a hoarse voice, "What time is it?"

Song Yan quickly got up and poured him a glass of warm water, "Master, drink some water."

Bo Xingzhi took the cup and drank the water, only then did he feel a little more comfortable in his throat.

Song Yan took the cup and put it back in place, looking at him worriedly, "You have been in a coma for two days and two nights, and you just moved from the ICU to the general ward today. How do you feel now?"

Bo Xingzhi was stunned, two days and two nights...

That Ruan Su...

"I'm okay, I just feel tired. Xiao Su...did you look for me?" There was a hint of tension in his eyes.

"You must have found it, but I was prevaricated by it. If your wife knows that you are sick, she will definitely come and visit you." Song Yan said helplessly, "Why don't you let me tell her?"

"I don't want her to worry about it." Bo Xingzhi struggled to sit up, and took a look at the independent ward. The room was very clean, and all the necessary daily necessities were also available.

It should have been purchased by Song Yan.

Song Yan told him that he had been poisoned by sarin, and talked about the precautions the doctor said.

"If there is no such reaction, we can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

Song Yan secretly prayed that there should be no such reaction as the doctor said, if there is any, it will easily become a sequelae.

too frightening.

"Probably not. I took very little inhalation that day." Bo Xingzhi glanced at Song Yan and stretched out his hand towards him, "Give me the phone."

Song Yan hurriedly took out the thin line of mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to him. "The President has also been looking for you these past two days, but I didn't tell him..."

"Well, I can tell him now. I can let him know that it's not so quiet, every day there are people who want to hurt me." Bo Xingzhi said, calling the president, "I'm in the hospital."

"Hospital? What are you going to do there?" The President grumbled, "Do you still know to contact me? What do you think you are missing? Do you think you are still in the rebellious period? You can always play lost contact with me."

Bo Xingzhi didn't respond to him anymore, but directly took a photo of the inspection report on the bedside table and sent it to him, "I sent it to you, you can see for yourself. I was assassinated a few days ago."

After speaking, he directly hung up the phone very simply.

The president stared at the phone in shock, suspecting that his ears were hearing hallucinations.

Assassinate his son?


Who is so arrogant!

He slapped the table fiercely with anger, "His--" The strike was too heavy, it hurts!

He opened the photo of the medical record and the examination report again, and looked at the past one by one, and his liver hurts with anger. "It is hateful to use a poison like sarin!"

Fortunately, this time it was a false alarm, if there are two shortcomings.

The son he had just got back soon wouldn't be over.

He died.

The more he thought about it, the more he was afraid, he immediately called an assistant over, "Strengthen the vigilance, and must send bodyguards to look after the young master."

The assistant looked at him inexplicably, "President, what happened?"

"Watch for yourself!" The president threw the phone to him, and the assistant saw the report and medical records on it. He was taken aback. "Whoever is so bold is absolutely fatal."

"Find some good martial arts, reliable." The president's eyes were stern, "Call the young master over."

"Yes, yes." The assistant said quickly, "I'll go right away."

About five minutes later, Shang Lingxiao came to the president's office with a humble smile on the corner of his lips, "Dad, are you looking for me?"

"You help me investigate something." The president looked up at him, then said at him, "Someone is bold enough to kill your brother, how can I let this kind of person live in the world?"

Shang Lingxiao's face was shocked, "Isn't it? How is Ah Zhi now?"

"I've survived. Fortunately, I'll be dead. Otherwise, I'll send a white-haired person to a black-haired one." The president became more angry as he thought about it.

Shang Lingxiao put away the shocked expression on his face and immediately showed his loyalty, "Dad, don't worry. I will avenge my brother."

After speaking, he went out.

He didn't know that the moment he turned around, the president's expression became vicious and staring at his back.


Inside the bone marrow transplantation warehouse.

Ruan Su felt a little strange, she couldn't find Bo Xingzhi for two days.

Song Yan answered all the calls to him, and no one responded to WeChat.

Instinct told her that Bo Xingzhi and Song Yan had something to hide from her.

But she couldn't leave the transplant warehouse for a while.

She sighed, but when she was upset, she received a call from Shang Lingxiao, "Brother? What's the matter? Is something wrong?"

"Xiaosu, don't you know? Azhi was poisoned and was almost assassinated. He is now in the hospital." Shang Lingxiao's tone showed strong concern, "I heard that you are also in the hospital. I am going to visit now. He, can you come with me?"

Poisoned? !

Her heart sank, "Brother, how did you know?"

"My dad told me, let me investigate who assassinated Ah Zhi, Xiao Su...can you come out?" Shang Lingxiao asked again, sounding like a gentle elder brother.


Ruan Su hesitated, but she was really worried about Bo Xingzhi. It would be troublesome to get out of the transplant warehouse, but it was not impossible to get out.

Choosing between husband and sister... It's really annoying.

At this moment, Li Zhuoyan's voice sounded behind her, "Sister, you can go and see my brother-in-law, I am fine now. Besides, there are nurses! They will take care of me too."

A faint smile appeared on Li Zhuoyan's pale face, "I have lived here for more than 20 days, and I am almost recovering."

Recently, she has done everything in her personal life, such as eating and drinking water, by herself, and she hasn't bothered Ruan Su.

She can almost take care of herself.

Ruan Su looked at her hesitantly, "I will let Nurse Li come over to accompany you."

On both sides, she was uneasy, so she had to find someone to replace her to take care of Li Zhuoyan for a period of time.

When she was leaving, she still couldn't rest assured to confess, "You must call me if you have anything."

"Don't worry." Li Zhuoyan waved at her.

After leaving the transplant warehouse, Ruan Suchang sighed.

I haven't come out for a long time, and I feel that everything outside is fresh.

She first went to the bathroom to look in the mirror and tidy up her collar. Then she took the elevator to the floor where Bo Xingzhi was.

When she got out of the elevator, she saw Shang Lingxiao who had been waiting there.

Inside the man was a silver-gray suit, and he wore a royal blue cashmere coat outside. He looked slender and graceful. He also carried a fruit basket for visiting patients.

Shang Lingxiao was stunned when he saw Ruan Su, "Your hair..."

Ruan Su shook his shoulder-length hair and smiled, "It's still a bit longer! It was even shorter a while ago. You have to cut your hair short when you enter the transplant warehouse."

Shang Lingxiao looked at her. She used to have long fluttering hair that was extremely delicate, but now she has her shoulder-length hair around her neck and the tips of her hair are slightly curled up, which makes her a bit more fashionable and capable.

She looks so good-looking, and she can hold it no matter what hairstyle she is.

"Let's go," Ruan Suchong said, "Do you know where the ward of Bo Xingzhi is?"

Shang Lingxiao's face darkened, but he quickly recovered his expression, "Just ahead."

When the two came to the ward, Bo Xingzhi was practicing walking, even though the poison had been detoxified, but he was weak, so he needed to regain his muscle strength.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the man raised his eyes and saw the woman who had not seen each other for nearly a month.

He stared at her beautiful face and shoulder-length blue silk with black eyes like diamonds. She looked a little thinner, and her hair was a little longer than 20 days ago, and her neck became more and more serious. Slender and elegant.

His eyes were full of greed and desire, and in the end it only turned into a low voice, "Xiao Su... why are you here?"

Ruan Su glared at him and walked to him, "If I didn't tell you, I don't know. Are you going to hide it from me for the rest of my life?"

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