Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 864: Angrily Bailian!

Bo Xing's eyebrows were low, and he stretched out his long arms to lightly embrace the woman beside him.

Ruan Su pressed his lips tightly, and his delicate hand quietly moved behind the man to pinch the soft flesh around his waist, with a pretty face with a smile, his eyes full of anger and unwillingness.

"Don't think that if you hug me, I won't be angry."

"Hey, don't make trouble." Bo Xing gently tapped the pretty nose of the woman, and moved the little hand behind him to face him, his thin lips printed like dragonfly kisses, and he noticed that Shang Lingxiao's expression beside him was a little solemn. Very happy mood.

He was extremely possessive and held Ruan Su's slender waist tightly, "Don't you know now? I'm just afraid you are worried."

Looking at his exclusive appearance, Shang Lingxiao narrowed his eyes and stared at the man's obstructive hand.

He opened the food box he had brought over and interrupted the interaction between Bo Xingzhi and Ruan Su, "Have some fish. I brought it here from Yunshang restaurant. Their seafood is very fresh."

"I don't like fish, and I don't like this taste, let's eat something else." Bo Xingzhi said directly, without the face of Shang Lingxiao.

His words made Shang Lingxiao frowned, and watched with displeasure that Bo Xingzhi reached out and took an orange to Ruan Su, "My wife, I want to eat this."

Ruan Su glared at him helplessly and began to peel him oranges.

The intimate appearance of the two is very dazzling.

Ruan Su succeeded in making Bo Xingzhi curl his lips while peeling the orange. He took a sip of the water on the bedside table. He looked at Shang Lingxiao, who was a little stiff, and said, "You better go back, don't disturb the rare meeting of our husband and wife. "

It means that Shang Lingxiao is a big light bulb.

Shang Lingxiao almost didn't come up in one breath, but soon a standard gentle smile appeared on his face, and he looked like a handsome young man.

People can't help but want to look more.

"Brother, what you said is too far-fetched. I came here to visit you specifically. I am relieved to see that you are in good spirits." Shang Lingxiao said with a smile, "Dad is also very worried about you and will investigate The killer matter is left to me."

Bo Xingzhi raised his eyes slightly to look at Shang Lingxiao, an innate domineering radiating from the inside out.

His eyes were cold, "What did you say?"

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely find the murderer and the master behind the scenes." Shang Lingxiao's dark eyes with a faint sarcasm, "You can recover from the illness, and I and Xiaosu will leave first."

Bo Xingzhi sneered, "Xiao Su is my wife, why should I go with you?"

He held the woman in his arms tenderly without losing his palm, as if afraid that she would run away.

Shang Lingxiao's sight made him extremely unhappy. His usually indifferent face was filled with endless tenderness and a trace of pity, "Wife, stay with me for a while, okay? I miss you so much."

A strong man's breath came to his nose, and his deep black eyes looked at him intently. Ruan Suqing couldn't help but gently nod his head, "Brother, you go back first."

Upon hearing this, Shang Lingxiao had no choice but to say, "Okay, then I'll go back first and call me if I have something to do."

He walked out of the ward reluctantly, and still felt uncomfortable when he arrived in the car.

I felt like I was swayed by the thin line.

He thought about it and sent a message to Ruan Su, "I have always liked my brother, and I want to get along with him. But he doesn't seem to like me very much. Hey-I'm a brother, I don't know what to do. All right."

Ruan Su was trying to stop Bo Xing's pulse, but he received such a message.

She frowned. Shang Lingxiao's remarks seemed to be nothing at first, nor did she directly speak ill of thin lines.

But if you study it carefully, you will find that this is extremely skillful.

On the surface, I didn't say it, but the words were thin and narrow, which was not good for my brother.


She has always respected Shang Lingxiao, the god-brother, and the relationship between the two has always been good.

But he said thin Xingzhi, which directly stepped on Ruan Su's thunder.

She was a little unhappy in her heart, "Brother, you think too much. Azhi may be sick and in a bad mood."

After speaking, she didn't look at the phone anymore, but focused on getting Bo Xing's pulse.

The pulse condition is okay, but the body shows a trace of weakness.

She retracted her finger and yawned gracefully, "There is nothing serious about her body, and it can be cured after taking good care of it for a period of time. In the future, you must not take other people's tricks so carelessly, you know?"

Why is she not around for more than a month, so this man is so sick?

She sighed helplessly, "You—"

Before she could finish her words, Bo Xingzhi suddenly pressed her thin lips and kissed her red lips lightly.

"I miss you."

His hoarse voice was filled with magnetic sentiment, and Ruan Su's face flushed at the hearing, "This is the ward."

"What's wrong with the ward? Song Yan went out, only you and me..." Bo Xingzhi's eyes turned red, looking very enchanting, "I think it will be a long time before I see you. Wife, you are going to suffocate me. ?"

There was a hint of grievance in his voice. "I am still sick..."

"Yes! Do you still know you are sick? You are still thinking about some messy things, you..." Before Ruan Su finished speaking, the red lips were blocked by the man again.

Perhaps because of the occasion, Bo Xingzhi was particularly emotional, and Ruan Su also found it very exciting.

By the time it was over, it was already evening.

She was wearily nestled in the man's arms, "You are like this, how do you feel sick..."

"Well, I can have another three hundred rounds." The man bit her white earlobe evilly. "Do you want to come again?"

"Here is a hammer!" Ruan Su directly hammered his thick chest, "I have to go back, and it will be very troublesome to enter the transplantation warehouse. Anyway, it is very troublesome. I can't delay anymore."

She dragged her sore waist to sit up, the man’s big palm clasped her slender waist, and her voice was a little bit distressed, "Obviously we are a legal couple, how come I can only have you for a while at a time, but I can’t have you day and night."

"It will be fine when Yanyan is discharged from the hospital." Ruan Su felt a little bit of pain in his heart, so he gave him a kiss quickly, "Hey, wait for me to come back. You can recover well."

Seeing that Bo Xingzhi's body was okay, she felt relieved.

She almost suffocated when she heard that he was poisoned.

Fortunately... God has eyes.

Bo Xingzhi watched her soft thread close her delicate face, her lips opened and closed slightly to speak, and the faint fragrance lingered in her in the ward.

Bo Xing couldn't help but push her into his arms, lowered his head and kissed the seductive little mouth again.

"Reluctant to let you go."

Ruan Su pushed his chest, with helplessness in his tone, "Stop thinly, don't be self-willed. Yanyan is as important as you, you know?"

"I know. I know it makes my heart more uncomfortable." The man kissed her domineeringly, and after a long time he was willing to let her go, "Go. Hurry up, otherwise I can't guarantee what I will do next."

Ruan Su had to pack up and leave the ward quickly. When she got out of the ward, she couldn't help but look back, with a trace of reluctance in her eyes.

Who wants to leave the one he loves deeply?

Who doesn't want to be together?


She sighed and turned on the phone, and saw a few messages from Shang Lingxiao an hour ago.

"Xiao Su, I'm afraid that my brother will hate me, and it will affect our brother and sister's feelings."

"If he really hates me, then I will show up less in the future."

What this said...

Ruan Su frowned, "I'm going to the transplant warehouse to get ready, brother, don't think too much."

The reply was a bit perfunctory. Shang Lingxiao waited for more than an hour to wait for such a sentence. He was so angry that he almost smashed his phone.

Damn it!

In and out of Ruan Su dialect, every sentence and every sentence is clearly defending thin lines.

What is so good about Bo Xingzhi that she can be treated like this?

Shang Lingxiao's expression was gloomy, wishing to let Bo Xing die now!

Why didn't he take his life a few days ago and let him survive again.

"Xiao Su, could it be because he suspected that I would take you away?" Shang Lingxiao sent another message unwillingly. "We are brothers and sisters, how could I do this kind of thing? I'd better explain it to him if I have time. He must be watching us visit him together, so he is not happy to be jealous."

Ruan Su had already walked to the door of the transplantation warehouse, and felt very tired when he received this message.

I can't help but think of a lot of green tea and white lotus words on a small video.

Art really comes from life, and she would find it ridiculous when she used this kind of small video.

Now she only thinks that his mother, Shang Lingxiao, you are a prince from a family, so you actually said such a thing? How ridiculous it sounds.

She was a little annoying, but she couldn't offend Shang Lingxiao for the time being.

After all, having been siblings with this man for so many years, some behaviors of this man really need to make her think deeply.

"Probably not, he is not that kind of person, you have to think about it, I have entered the transplantation warehouse, here is sterile." Ruan Su did not look at the phone again after speaking, no matter what Shang Lingxiao sent again, she did. Will not reply.


Just think it's ridiculous.

Whether Bo Xingzhi is jealous or not, it is a matter between their husband and wife.

Doesn't he think his hands are a bit long when Shang Lingxiao intervenes?

After Ruan Su was disinfected and sterilized, she entered the transplant warehouse. Li Zhuoyan had already eaten dinner and was lying on the hospital bed reading a magazine.

Hearing the footsteps, she sat up from the bed and looked at Ruan Su curiously, "Why have you been there for so long? Have you had dinner?"

Ruan Su shook his head, "I'm not too hungry."

After being manipulated by Shang Lingxiao, he had no appetite and no appetite.

"Would you like some water then? You and brother-in-law quarreled?" Li Zhuoyan looked at her not very nice and looked a little strange, "hasn't it been a long time since we met?"

Don’t win over newlyweds, you should be happy, right?

"No quarrel. Don't worry so much about your children." Ruan Su raised his hand and tapped her forehead, and poured himself a glass of water to drink. "It's just a little thirsty."

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