Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 872: Have you said enough? conflict!

When they saw Ruan Su, everyone was stunned.

The woman in front of her was like a black shawl with long black hair, and her eyes were as dazzling as black shining stones. She wore a neat sportswear with a pair of white daddy shoes on her feet.

Subai held the discharge receipt in her hand.

Thinking of her long hair before her waist, everyone is a little uncomfortable with her new image.

But I have to admit that Ruan Su's facial features are perfect, and her delicate eyebrows look good no matter what hairstyle she is, and she is the most dazzling presence anywhere.

"Xiaosu..." Old lady Ye couldn't help but walk towards her, shaking her hands with her hands, "You have suffered for these two months."

"Grandma, what are you talking about?" Ruan Su's delicate eyebrows showed a faint smile, "It is my responsibility to take care of my sister. I will take care of it myself and feel more at ease."

She looked at the people again, and then said hello to everyone one by one, "Why are you all here?"

"Of course we have to come out of the warehouse for such a big happy event!" Song Jiayan said playfully. She is now three months pregnant.

The lower abdomen is slightly raised, and a slightly raised outline can be seen.

"Wife." At this moment, a voice full of magnetism sounded behind everyone.

Ruan Su looked back and couldn't wait to see the tall and slender man striding towards her.

Bo Xingzhi's chest seemed to stop beating, and his feet galloped up almost uncontrollably, pressing her tightly into his arms.


As soon as Jiao Chu entered his arms, he couldn't help but sighed, "Did you not eat well?"

Ruan Su struggled and pushed his chest, "Grandma, they are all here!"

Especially in the lobby on the first floor with so many people, people come and go...

Bo Xing couldn't help but kiss her lightly on her forehead, and then reluctantly let go of her, "Okay."

It's finally out!

Two months are like two centuries.

This kind of taste is really tormenting.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's go back. A luncheon has been prepared at home." Old lady Ye smiled and greeted everyone, "Let's celebrate."

"Walk around."

"Let's go back."

The weather outside was cold, Xie Jinyan had prepared a generous down jacket to wrap Li Zhuoyan tightly, fearing that she would be rushed to illness by the cold wind.

She is now as fragile as a porcelain doll, unable to catch a cold, let alone fever.

Xie Jinyan was afraid that the cold wind would irritate her, so he held her carefully all the way.

"This is the underground garage, you don't need to be so careful, I can get down and walk by myself." Li Zhuoyan shrank into the man's generous arms a little embarrassed.

"Why are you going? It's better for me to hug you, and I can help you keep out the wind." Xie Jinyan looked down at her little white face, "You can't take a little cold."

After getting in the car, it was warm inside, and Li Zhuoyan unzipped the down jacket.

She hadn't seen the outside world for two months, everything she saw was novel.

A pair of big eyes look out the window from time to time.

"The snow outside is so big! I have never snowed so much when I was in Jiangcheng."

Jiangcheng is like spring all the year round, and the possibility of snow is very small.

Later in the capital, the winter in the capital was dry and cold, and the dryness was uncomfortable.

So Li Zhuoyan rarely sees such a heavy snowfall.

"It's very cold in country M in winter. Not only is there a lot of snow, but it's also heavy." Xie Jinyan took her little hand, "so you have to pay more attention to keeping warm."

"En." Li Zhuoyan looked at him with bright eyes and nodded her head.

On the other car, Ruan Su was sitting next to Bo Xingzhi. As soon as he got in the car, the man imprisoned her in his arms aggressively. She twisted but couldn't escape, so she could only give up.

This man is really as domineering as always.

But she has long been used to it.

"Miss me?" The man's thin lips ambiguously rubbed her white earlobe. The moment she opened her mouth, a scorching breath sprayed into her ears.

Her ears were already very sensitive, and they immediately burned.

She glared at him, "I don't want to."

The man pinched her thin waist with a big palm, his eyes sinking slightly, "Really don't want to?"

If she dares to continue to stimulate him, he will rectify her on the spot.

Ruan Su blushed, and whispered to his ear, "Thinking."

Bo Xingzhi nodded in satisfaction, and hugged her tightly.

Nothing can fill this kind of full satisfaction.

There were a lot of people in the Ye family, and there were only 20 or 30 relatives, old and young, living in the courtyards.

The three of Ye Lingzhi and Ye Junmei also came over.

So there was a banquet full of four tables.

All of them are from the Ye family and Xie Jinyan's mother and son, plus sisters Ruan Su, and Bo Xingzhi and Song Yan.

Just such a large group of people sitting lively and eating together.

Ye Lingzhi carefully looked at Li Zhuoyan who was sitting next to Ruan Su, and after looking at it for a while, she whispered to Ye Junmei, "What's the matter? This younger sister and older sister look different at all."

"I heard that they are fraternal twins." Ye Junmei had seen Ruan Su's ability, so his voice was lowered.

They are not sitting at the main table, they are actually quite far away.

Ye Xinyun also looked at everyone on the main table, and said, "But to be honest, this Ye family has more genuine daughters from the direct line, and it feels like our status has fallen again."

"It doesn't matter if it goes down or not, as long as you give me pocket money on time every month." Ye Jun smiled, "Let's be good, don't cause trouble, the old lady, can you still catch us?"

"Envy! It's so cool to be a direct family member." Ye Lingzhi said sourly, "I heard that I have been married and did not have a wedding. We got married at such a young age, and look at our sisters... They are so popular."

"What's the matter? It's not easy for you to get married? Go find someone now." Ye Xinyun took a sip of lotus root and put it in the mouth, "This lotus root soup is good."

On the main table, Mrs. Ye has always been in a good mood, and she kept adding dishes to Li Zhuoyan, "You still have some attention in your diet, so I didn't dare to put those greasy ones for you. Look at you, you have to get fatter. That's great."

"And you, Jia Yan, if you are pregnant, you have to eat more quickly." The old lady Ye put another chicken leg for Song Jiayan. When she was about to add vegetables to Ruan Su, Ruan Su quickly shook her head. "Grandma, look at my bowl..."

I saw that the bowl in front of her was piled up like a hill, all of which were picked up by Bo Xingzhi.

"Haha--" Old lady Ye couldn't help but laugh, "A Zhi hurts you very much."

The whole family ate here happily, because they all knew that Li Zhuoyan had recovered from her serious illness, so no one brought up the situation during the toasting session.

When the banquet was about to end, a few elders from the Ye family ran over and got close to Bo Xingzhi.

This is the president's young master, it is good to be able to get close.

Bo Xingzhi gave a lot of face. After all, this was regarded as Ruan Su's maiden family, and it was a compulsory course for a qualified son-in-law to have a good relationship with her maiden.

Just as a few people were talking to Bo Xingzhi, there was a sudden noise at the table furthest from their main table.

"Ye Mingzhao, don't go too far!" A young woman stared at a young man angrily.

Ye Mingzhao is a cousin of Ye Lingzhi's generation. He is in his twenties. He is slightly fat, with big eyes, and a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. He is not ugly but not very handsome. He was completely different from the handsome men and women of the other juniors in the Ye family, he looked extraordinarily ordinary.

It was his wife Xu Niannian who was angry at him.

"Xu Nian Nian, if you lose your temper, you have to look at the occasion." Ye Mingzhao pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking at his mother Liu Ying with some bewilderment in his eyes.

Liu Ying was frightened and shivered, and then said to Xu Niannian in a very low posture, "Niannian, if we have something, let's go back to our courtyard and say it, don't lose your temper. Everyone is watching!"

Xu Xiangxiang curled his lips in disdain, "I said, I'm pregnant, and all my expenses must be paid by you. Also, my sister-in-law is also pregnant, so you have to pay. Are you paying?"

Her expression was very arrogant, as if she were a high queen, and the mother and son Ye Mingzhao in front of her were her slaves.

Her ugly appearance immediately made old lady Ye frowned unpleasantly, "Go back to solve the housework in your yard, and don't look at what occasion it is?"

Ye Mingzhao is honest and cowardly. Some time ago, he just married Xu Xiangxiang, a girl from the countryside. Xu Xiangxiang looks so mediocre and not pretty. He is an elementary school teacher in the village.

Ye Mingzhao was inconspicuous among the Ye family's juniors, so he couldn't find his wife for a long time, and finally found a girl with very average conditions.

Even the kind of girl in the city has not been found. Everyone would think that Xu Xiangxiang was not worthy of Ye Mingzhao's family conditions.

He is a branch of the Ye family, but somehow he also has the word Ye. There is no big money in the family, but some small fortune.

After all, I finally got married, and now my wife is also pregnant. It's always a happy event.

But Xu Xiangxiang's attitude is really offensive.

Liu Ying was afraid that Mrs. Ye would be angry with their family, and quickly stood up and said to Mrs. Ye, "Don't worry, madam, we will go back later."

"What are you going back? I'm going to let everyone comment, why I was pregnant and only sent me a red envelope of 40,000 yuan. I was pregnant for such a big happy event, only 40,000 yuan! Sending a beggar?" Xu long suffocated I was so angry that I wanted to pick this out when there were too many people on this day, so that everyone could see how stingy Ye Mingzhao was.

She put her hands on her hips, "Who is pregnant does not have to give away millions. If you don't have millions, can you give one hundred thousand?"

Ye Mingzhao's face was red and white, and the muscles on his face were trembling with anger. "Have you said enough?"

"You can do such a shameful thing, are you afraid of me saying it?" Xu Xiangxiang sneered, his chin still raised high.

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