Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 873: This ugly face is disgusting

"Your salary is only 4,000 yuan a month, and I will give you 40,000 yuan as your ten-month salary." Ye Mingzhao blushed with anger, but his mouth was stupid, but he could only reply so painlessly.

"But there are millions in your mother's passbook!" Xu Xiangxiang gave him a glance, "If you have so much money, but he didn't give me, he only gave me forty thousand, which is disgusting. You are not treating me at all. good."

Ye Mingzhao's chubby face was only angry, but he couldn't tell because of his stupid mouth.

Others don't understand the situation of their family, so they can only persuade them.

"Xianxiang, don't quarrel, if you have something to say, please."

"Yes, what makes a couple so noisy?"

"Ming Zhao is the only son. No matter how much your mother-in-law has in her hands, he won't be your young couple in the future."

Ye Xiangxiang couldn’t listen to these words of dissuasion, “I don’t care anyway. I am pregnant with your child, and you have to give me money. You give me money for the right reason, and I just let everyone see how much your wife is. Search for it."

Liu Ying was also pale with anger, "Xiang Xiang, since you married our family for four or five months, which day is it not for me to prepare the meal and put it in front of you, wash your clothes and mopping the floor for you..."

She was interrupted by Xu Xiangxiang before she finished speaking, "What are you talking about? These things are all voluntary. I said, don't do it. You must blame me if you have to do it?"

"Then my mother ran to your school every noon to deliver you food!" Ye Mingzhao finally burst into his mouth.

"I asked her to send it? I said don't send it, she has to send it." Xu Xiangxiang didn't appreciate it at all. "Besides, I am her daughter-in-law, and she should be kind to me. That's me. I don’t think it’s enough!” PS: Changed the name of each year from the previous chapter to Xiang Xiang! Does not affect the perception!

Liu Ying was trembling with anger, "You..." She dragged her lame leg to curse Xu Xiangxiang, but in the end she endured it.

She opened her mouth for a while before saying, "You didn't get the certificate for my son at all. It's been half a year since the wedding. I have urged you to get the certificate several times. What are you talking about?"

"What did I say? I said, the more you urge me, the less I won't do it." Xu Xiangxiang rolled his eyes, "You are not good to me, why should I do it? So stingy."

"How come you haven't applied for a certificate yet?"

"Isn't it just right to get a marriage certificate for this marriage?"


Everyone couldn't help but looked at Xu Xiangxiang. The old lady Ye really couldn't help but asked, "Xiang Xiang, why don't you apply for a certificate? After the marriage certificate is issued, it will be a guarantee for each of you. Especially if you are a girl, don’t the law protect you? Your wedding is now held, but the law doesn’t recognize you and Mingzhao as husband and wife!"

Xu Xiangxiang stroked his bulging abdomen with his hand and said, “In many of our villages, we don’t have a certificate. It’s the same if there is a certificate or not. Besides, he is not good to me. When the child is born, I will take the child. My account. Humph!"

Obviously, this woman is for the money.

"You..." Old lady Ye frowned, feeling very uncomfortable with Xu Xiangxiang's vulgar remarks. Did you go to university? Or an elementary school teacher?

This is too... the quality is worrying, right?

How can she be a good example of her quality?

"At the beginning, the gift gave you one million, how can you say that you have no money?" Ye Mingzhao became more angry as he thought about it, and he seemed to be fatter, "Where did all your money go?"

"The bride price is mine. Give me my money. Where do you care about me?" Xu Xiangxiang snorted, "I am a pregnant woman. Will you give me any money? I'm going to buy maternity clothes. So I can give me three to five million."

"You said you wanted an electric car the day before yesterday, so I bought you one right away. What do you want?" Liu Ying was about to cry with anger. "Money, money, money, I ask for money every day."

Liu Ying's family is not a favorite in Ye's family, and his son is just an ordinary job. He works in an Internet company and his salary is average.

Although she had saved some money in her hand, it was far from enough to allow her family to live a luxurious life.

"You have a few million in your hand. You don't buy me a one-million-dollar car, but you look down on me for a four-hundred-thousand million dollar!" Xu Xiangxiang continued to say in a vicious voice, "It's a shame for me to drive out. "

"You go to your village to teach students, what kind of luxury car do you still need to drive?" Ye Mingzhao himself drove a car worth more than 300,000 yuan. He really couldn't understand what Xu Xiangxiang was thinking in his mind. .

He is really going to be **** off.

"What's the point of your quarreling like this?" Old lady Ye slapped the table angrily, and the whole tabletop trembled as a result, and a lot of water splashed out of the water glass originally placed on the table.

Xu Xiangxiang's face stiffened with fright, and then he curled his lips unwillingly, "What's wrong? I just want some money, am I still too much?"

Old lady Ye quickly burst into flames in her eyes, "Xu Xiangxiang, marrying to our Ye family based on your family conditions, why? Are you still feeling wronged? Feel that you are married?"

Xu Xiangxiang frowned, his hands clenched into fists, "I'm a teacher, but I have a system!"

"So what?" Old lady Ye looked at Xu Xiangxiang's dissatisfaction and anger in a cold voice, and she was stingy with her eyes. "If you still want to continue to live in the Ye family, you should hurry up and get the certificate with Ming Zhao. If you don't want to, I advise you to leave the Ye family."

"Why are you driving me away? I'm a pregnant woman, and I am pregnant with your Ye family child." Xu Xiangxiang stared at Ye Mingzhao unwillingly, "You speak! Why don't you speak? You want to drive me away?"

Ye Mingzhao took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind, "Whether it's my mother or me, I have asked you to get the certificate several times, but you didn't get it. Since you didn't get it, I probably didn't think about living with me, right? ."

"I'm a pregnant woman, I'm pregnant. You kicked this pregnant woman out of the house? Are you too much?" Xu Xiangxiang didn't expect that Ye Mingzhao, who had always been honest, would listen to Mrs. Ye's advice, and her eyes flashed suddenly. A trace of panic.

"I have never seen your Ye family so shameless, I am pregnant with Ye family's child!"

She almost yelled.

"You didn't get the certificate. What does it have to do with our Ye family?" Old lady Ye really doesn't like to take care of this kind of housework. If it is troublesome to manage, who knows if the couple will be reconciled tomorrow.

"I want to wait until the child is born, can't I get it?" Xu Xiangxiang's attitude finally eased, and she made the concessions she thought.

Ye Mingzhao shook his head, "It's up to you."

"It's all a family, why is it noisy? Isn't it okay with the beautiful?"

"Yes, Ming Zhao, you are a man, so be more of your own daughter-in-law."

"I'm still pregnant now. The best way to get a baby is to give birth to the baby."

Everyone talked eloquently about comforting them.

But Ye Mingzhao didn't say anything, and Xu Xiangxiang didn't say any more.

The farce ended amidst the noise of everyone.

After the luncheon, Ye Mingzhao's family of three went back to their small courtyard. Looking at their backs, the old lady Ye shook her head helplessly and said to Ruan Su, "It's all because of Liu Ying's mother-in-law for spoiling her daughter-in-law."

"Grandma, what's the matter? Do you know something inside?" Ruan Su smiled and helped her sit on the sofa.

"This daughter-in-law Mingzhao was not very satisfied at the beginning, but he has reached his age again, and he will be an older young man in two years. Liu Ying was anxious to hug her grandson, and someone from her hometown introduced a blind date, so she hurriedly let the two children meet. At that time, she thought. Xu Xiangxiang is a teacher. Although the family conditions are worse, his personal qualities are not bad." Mrs. Ye sighed, "She will do it all by herself and ask her son to agree to marry this woman."

"As a result, I didn't expect that after I got married, this woman would be very low-level in terms of thinking and quality?" Ruan Su said after taking over from Mrs. Ye.

"Yes! It's incompatible with Ming Zhao's various thoughts, especially after she was pregnant, it was even more prestigious. Liu Ying poured her foot wash at home. You say that it is annoying and not annoying."

The old lady Ye also had no choice but to take Liu Ying, and said in a tone that hates iron and steel, "I reminded her a long time ago to keep a sense of proportion and a sense of distance with her daughter-in-law. Don’t always do things that lose your price. But she didn't listen. What Xu Xiangxiang wants to give, she is obedient to Xu Xiangxiang. Now it is 40,000 yuan to be inconspicuous, hey!"

"It is estimated that this woman married for the money of our Ye family. At first I thought that even the side branch of the Ye family should be very rich. As a result, the expectation was too high and it fell through." Ruan Su recalled Xu Xiangxiang. The ugly face said, "Her family conditions are not good, so money must be the top priority."

"Her three siblings, she is the boss. Look at Liu Ying's face when facing Xu Xiangxiang, and Ming Zhao is really pitiful. Mom is too strong, and she is not strong enough. "The more and more Mrs. Ye said, the more uncomfortable she felt, "Ming Zhao is an honest person, because she doesn't know what she thinks in her mind. I will ask Ming Zhao what he meant again. If you still think about it, then pass it. I really don't want to pass it... Xu Xiangxiang doesn't need it."

"Grandma, this is the business of a couple...Don't look back and you lose your bad reputation." Ruan Su looked at Liu Ying and he was not a vegetarian, but he didn't know why he was so humble in front of his daughter-in-law.

"That's what I said." Old lady Ye didn't say anything, but patted Ruan Su's hand, "Azhi stayed tonight. Don't go back to the presidential palace."

Bo Xingzhi was sitting on the sofa looking at the news he had just received in his phone. He raised his head and said, "Okay, I listen to grandma."

"And in-laws, your mother and son live at home, too. Let's have dinner and chat together tonight." The old lady Ye said and looked at Madam Xie and Xie Jinyan to make a stay.

Maybe it's getting older and want to make everyone lively.

What happened in these two chapters really happened... Hey!

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