Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 874: Let outsiders watch jokes!

"Well then." Madam Xie was also reluctant to leave Li Zhuoyan. Recently, she stayed in Country M for too long. Now Li Zhuoyan has also been discharged from the hospital. So she planned to go back to H Empire to visit Xie Yuan with Xie Jinyan.

After all, Xie Yuan had lived in the capital of Empire H without ever seeing his family for so many months.

So when there is still time, stay with Li Zhuoyan more.

After all, Mrs. Ye is getting old, and she is a little tired at this time, "I have to take a lunch break, you can do it yourself."

With that, she walked towards her room.

At this time, Ye Mingzhao's family lived in the small courtyard.

Xu Xiangxiang still looked reluctant and kept chattering about how Ye Mingzhao stinged and treated her badly.

Ye Mingzhao wanted to give her some big mouths.

But the good education he had received since childhood made him hold back.

After Xu Xiangxiang finished venting, he glared at Ye Mingzhao and went straight back to his room.

He closed the door of his room with a "bang", and Ye Mingzhao heard the door locked inside as soon as he was about to go in.

He was also angry and went straight to the study to start work.

Liu Ying watched her son and daughter-in-law become like this, she had no choice but to follow her son to the study room, "You just let her some, so what can you do?"

"Mom, can you stop talking about it." Ye Mingzhao was very irritable.

"Mom is also for your own good. If she really leaves, the child will not be as pitiful as her father in the future." Liu Ying sighed, "I talked to her yesterday, and she ignored me. I seemed to be talking to the wall. Today again. The old lady couldn't explain this incident."

"Don't talk to her, what do you have to tell her?" Ye Mingzhao was really upset, feeling very incompetent.

"It's not because I was disgusted by my mother-in-law when I was a daughter-in-law. Now that I am a mother-in-law, I really want to treat her..." Liu Yingyue said, the more saddened, "Who would know that she didn't accept my love at all, she wanted I'll give it whatever, why did I still have a bad reputation for her?"

Liu Yingyue complained more and more, "She said that she wanted to eat grapefruit a few days ago, so I went out to buy it for her in such a heavy snowstorm. But when she bought it, she said it was not from a red heart, and asked me to change it. I braved the snow again. Change…"

"Yesterday at noon, she said she wanted to eat dumplings, so I quickly made dumplings for her. What happened? She complained to me a few nights after eating the dumplings, saying that the dumplings I made made her eat and her stomach was upset."

" matter what I do, I just can't help her."

The more she said, the more angry Ye Mingzhao became.

"Mom, can you just leave her alone. She likes to eat or not, you have to go to school to give her food, what are you talking about? She doesn't think you are good either."

"Isn't it all for you? How could I know who she is if it weren't for you?" Liu Ying felt aggrieved. "Your dad doesn't care, he knows how to be lazy every day. I don't worry about family affairs anymore, no It's all messed up."

Ye Mingzhao irritably sat down on the sofa in the study, "I'd rather you don't worry about it. You should **** it, don't **** it if you shouldn't. Don't worry about so many things? Are you two girls here? Fighting over there completely took me up. It made me look like a mommy."

Hearing her son complaining about her, Liu Ying felt all kinds of feelings in her heart.

She wiped her tears sadly, "It's all my fault, okay? It's wrong for me to do more, and it's also wrong for me to do less. No matter what, I'm not right."

When she saw her crying, making troubles and hanging herself again, Ye Mingzhao felt very speechless, "Okay, what are you crying for?"

He said at a loss, "You go out, I'm working."

Liu Ying glared at him, "It's all like this at home, you still have the mind to work!"

After all, she didn't dare to disturb her son's work, so she could only prepare to go out sadly. As soon as she walked to the door, she heard her son's voice, "Mom, you won't be allowed to cook her meal tomorrow morning. You know?"

Liu Ying was stunned for a moment, "Not so good, right?"

"What's wrong?" Ye Ming didn't turn his head back, "I said I wouldn't do it if I didn't do it. If she has the ability to be stunned, she can be shocked."

Liu Ying moved her lips, and finally she took the door of the room without saying anything.


Ruan Su had been in the hospital for two months, but found that his bedroom in Ye's house was still clean and tidy. Even the bedding was obviously new and clean.

She didn't expect that Mrs. Ye would be so considerate.

"A servant comes to clean up the room every day and clean it up." Ye Yanli said, standing at the door of the room, "Azhi, if you need anything, remember to call me."

"Uncle is too polite." Bo Xingzhi said in a deep voice, "it's too early. Uncle rests earlier."

"Then I won't bother you." After Ye Yanli finished speaking, he left smoothly and took the door of the room with him.

The air in the room suddenly became a little quiet.

Ruan Su bit his red lips, "I...I'm going to take a bath."

As soon as she turned around, she suddenly fell into a warm embrace. The man put her delicate body into his arms, and his thin lips gently rubbed her sensitive snow neck.

She hadn't reacted yet, but the man suddenly grabbed her head, and the storm-like attacks continued to invade her red lips.

The fragrance in her arms made Thin Xingzhi almost unable to restrain her, and her thin lips went all the way down the sensitive neck.

"Wait and wash together."

The dark voice was full of longing, and the cold and refined face was stained with strong sentiment.

"Don't..." Ruan Su tried to stop the man's fierce attack, but the man was like a tiger, and he didn't give her any chance to resist or escape.

As time passed bit by bit, the hot atmosphere seemed to be blazing wildly in the room.

I don't know how long it took.

Ruan Su turned around and got out of bed shamelessly, but he leaned forward uncontrollably, holding the woman's waist with both hands, regardless of Ruan Su's constant protests, Bo Xing slowly picked her up and walked towards the bathroom, "I will take you there. ."

Seeing that the man hadn't been beasted again, he had **** and had a big hair, he turned on the faucet and filled the bath with water. The warm hot water tightly wrapped his tired body, and Ruan Su, whose physical strength reached his limit, leaned against his sore arms and took a nap. .

"Do you want me to wash it for you?" Bo Xingzhi's low and magnetic voice sounded in her ears, she raised her head sharply and shook her head, "No, I can do it myself."

The man chuckled and walked out.

Ruan Su shrank in the bath only when she heard the sound of splashing water, and she closed her eyes unknowingly.

On the other hand, Bo Xingzhi, who was sitting on the soft bed, had been playing with his mobile phone. After playing for about half an hour, he couldn't wait for people to come out for a long time.

He frowned and put down his phone to enter the bathroom. He saw the woman desperately asleep in the bathroom. One of the arms leaning on his head slipped into the water, and the little head almost fell into the bathroom little by little.

Thin Xingzhi walked quickly beside the woman with a handsome face, no matter whether the clothes she had just changed would be re-wet, she dived into the water with her long arms and picked up the sweetheart, then picked up the towel to dry the water droplets on the woman's body. , And put his shirt on the woman.

The man smiled with satisfaction, his loose white shirt couldn't hide the snow-white figure underneath, and he held back his desire to continue running.

Put the woman in the center of the big bed, take off the wet clothes and throw it aside, tightly hold the woman full of fragrance and close her eyelids.

Early the next morning, Liu Ying got up just after six o'clock.

Breakfast was prepared early, and she was ready to call Xu Xiangxiang as usual in the future. She knocked on Xu Xiangxiang’s door, "Xiangxiang, it's time to get up and eat breakfast."

Ye Mingzhao, who lived in the study, immediately became angry when he heard it.

He opened the door of the study violently, "Didn't you let you cook her breakfast?"

Liu Ying said embarrassingly, "It is wrong not to make breakfast. Besides, she is still pregnant..."

At this moment, Xu Xiangxiang also opened the door of the room, yawned and said coldly, "I will not eat."

Ye Mingzhao was so angry that there was another nameless fire in his heart, "Don't let you do it, you have to do it. You have to put your hot face on someone's cold ass, are you cool now?"

"Xiang Xiang, you have children, how can you skip breakfast? It's not good for your health." Liu Ying persuaded Xu Xiangxiang bitterly.

Xu Xiangxiang smiled mockingly, "I lose weight."

With that, she lifted her bag and walked out.

"How can pregnant women lose weight? It's ridiculous!" Ye Mingzhao shouted angrily behind her, and Xu Xiangxiang ignored him and left.

"Ming Zhao, you can wash and eat." Liu Ying hurriedly greeted her son when she saw her daughter-in-law left.

Ye Mingzhao glanced at her, "I really don't know what you are so afraid of her every day."

With a bang, he also closed his door.

Liu Ying's heart suddenly became cold. This daughter-in-law and son are really uncomfortable every day.

She was so uncomfortable that she couldn't eat it alone, and it was a pity to watch her make a hearty breakfast.

When she sighed and was about to feed the chickens she raised, a servant came to the yard and said to her, "The old lady would like to please."

Liu Ying's heart suddenly went up and down, this must be because the old lady was dissatisfied with the performance of her son and daughter-in-law yesterday, and messed up the family dinner...

My family usually depends on the Ye family to live a pretty good life. If you get kicked out...

She dared not think any further.

I quickly wiped my hands and stood up and said, "Okay, okay, I'll be over right away."

She followed the servant to the villa where Mrs. Ye lived. Anxiously, she stepped into the living room and saw Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye sitting there drinking morning tea.

She walked over hurriedly, "Mrs...."

"Sit down and have a cup of tea." Old lady Ye glanced at the servant, and the servant immediately walked over and poured a cup of tea for Liu Ying.

Liu Ying had no choice but to bite the bullet and sat down opposite Old Lady Ye and Old Man Ye.

"Fortunately, it was my family member yesterday. If it was a serious banquet, wouldn't it be a joke for outsiders?" Mrs. Ye gave her helplessly, "You said that you were spoiling your daughter-in-law as the lawless one. Look like."

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