Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 875: Find a good fortune teller

Liu Ying felt really uncomfortable, especially since she was still very afraid of Mrs. Ye's accountability. She had to bow her head and admit her mistake, "Madam, it's all my fault. It's me. It's really embarrassing to happen to this kind of thing." "

"What are you so scared of?" Mrs. Ye sighed. "The child is pregnant. Why are you not getting the certificate?"

Liu Ying remained silent for a while before speaking, "Xiang Xiang explained that Zhao is not good for her. When Ming Zhao is good to her, she will accept it."

This reason is just an excuse.

Old lady Ye frowned, "Why is it bad for her? Isn't it a good thing?"

"I guess I still want money." When Liu Ying mentioned her daughter-in-law Xu Xiangxiang, she got a headache. "This child will be born in a few months, and we can't drive her out as a pregnant woman. What's the point?"

"If it's really for money, I am afraid that no amount of money will satisfy her appetite. If I asked for a small amount of money today, I will be satisfied with the big money tomorrow, and I will be satisfied with the big money. But there will always be a day when the family will be emptied. What should I do? "The old lady Ye was very dissatisfied with Xu Xiangxiang's behavior.

"My wife said..." Liu Ying felt more uncomfortable as she thought about it, "but...Xiang Xiang always returned the child with our family."

"Let's talk about it when the child is born." Old lady Ye also had a headache.

When Liu Ying heard these words after he was born, he hesitated again in his eyes. After a while, she said, "She yelled that the child would go to her hukou after he was born and would not let Shangming Zhao. I can't help... She is fierce..."

"Why are your mothers so cowardly? The child belongs to our Ye family, so why should I go to her account?" Old lady Ye was not angry. Do you live with Mingzhao? What does this kind of daughter-in-law want her to do?"

"But you know my wife, Ming called him to be honest, and he doesn't look like the handsome type that pleases girls. It's not easy to ask a wife now..." Liu Ying said, the more sad.

If your son is tall and handsome, whether it is work or family background.

What is she worried about?

She looked at Mrs. Ye with red eyes, "At the beginning, Ming Zhao couldn't find a girlfriend. I asked many relatives and friends to introduce him to him. The blind date had met with no less than 20 girls. No one liked him. As for him, Xu Xiangxiang fell in love with him, and I thought it would be nice to have a daughter-in-law, and I would not ask for anything else."

"How many of these are left? Are you still a bachelor for your whole life?" Mrs. Ye was somewhat speechless, "I advise you not to put yourself too low as a mother-in-law. People are kind to being bullied. Ma Shan was ridden."

"If it doesn't work, then forget it, the twisted melon is not sweet." It is useless to talk about housework.

The old lady Ye is just to comfort Liu Ying.

Liu Ying bowed her head sadly, "I told Mingzhao fortune-telling, and everyone said he had no wife in his fate...I don't know if it's true or false."

Mrs. Ye was stunned, "You are not sure about the fortune teller you are looking for? Would you like to look for more?"

"I don't know either." Liu Ying shook her head, "It's pretty accurate to hear what others say."

"I'll pay attention to you later, you go back first." Old lady Ye didn't want to hear her talk about fortune-telling anymore, so she asked her to go back first.

Liu Ying stood up and said in a low voice, "Then I'll go back first."

Seeing her walking out with a lame leg, Mrs. Ye was also embarrassed in her heart, "All fortune-telling methods are used. I always feel that those fortune-tellers are deceptive. "

"Is it a lie?" Elder Ye took a sip of tea, "Didn't you hear that there is a master in the Ling family?"

"What does the good Tiling family do? It's really unlucky!" The old lady Ye gave him a glance, "I see that Xu Xiangxiang and Mingzhao are also divided in the morning and evening. Look at the old men who are playing chess with you at home. There is no suitable girl, remember to introduce it to Ming Zhao."

"I got it." Old man Ye looked at the time and stood up, "I almost forgot. I made an appointment with a few of them to go fishing today."

As he said, he walked out quickly, and said loudly, "Housekeeper, help me clean up, I'm going fishing."

"It's such a cold day, the fish won't come out!" Old lady Ye snorted, and as soon as she looked up, she saw Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi walking downstairs together.

Men are handsome and tall, and women are beautiful and lovely.

It's a pair of wall men.

Old lady Ye smiled and narrowed her eyes to look at Bo Xingzhi, "Aren't you used to living here?"

"As long as there is Xiao Su, you can live in a place where you are used to it." Bo Xing stopped pursing his thin lips, reluctant to get up in the morning! If it hadn't been for Ruan Su to kick him, he didn't want to get up at all.

"There is breakfast in the dining room. Go and eat." Mrs. Ye looked in the direction of the dining room.

"Okay, grandma." Ruan Su responded and pulled Bo Xingzhi to eat breakfast.

It was embarrassing enough to wake up so late, she was really embarrassed to continue chatting with Mrs. Ye.

As a result, as soon as she raised her foot, she heard Mrs. Ye's voice again, "Right, Azhi."

Bo Xingzhi stopped and looked back, "What's the matter? Grandma?"

"Do you know any fortune tellers?" Old lady Ye looked a bit complicated, "the one that counts accurately."

"Who needs a fortune teller?" Ruan Su looked at her suspiciously.

"It's not Ming Zhao, it's the one who quarreled yesterday." The old lady Ye talked about Liu Ying's thoughts. In fact, she herself didn't really believe in fortune telling.

But watching Liu Ying walk away with nowhere is really uncomfortable.

After listening to Mrs. Ye's words, Ruan Su blinked.

Fortune telling? Isn't she ready?

Recalling Ye Mingzhao's appearance, he said casually, "Ye Mingzhao is chubby and has very thick earlobes. At first glance, he looks like an honest and blessed person. He doesn't need to worry about everything, Liu Ying takes care of him. Except that he has no backbone. , There is nothing wrong with it."

"That's it... the marriage didn't go smoothly. He was single without peach blossoms in his life, and he needs to break his life style." Ruan Su said while yawning gracefully, his long eyelashes directly becoming moisturized and particularly deceptive. .

"Xiao Su... Why do you just open your mouth when you are a fool? Don't interrupt." Old lady Ye was amused by her pretentious look.

"What I'm saying is true. You can tell his fate from his face." Recently, she has seen her face very accurately. She is bored in the transplantation warehouse, so she can practice when she has nothing to do.

"Go go, don't tease my old lady." Old lady Ye didn't believe her at all, looked at Bo Xingzhi and said, "Azhi, if you know anyone, remember to tell me."

"Okay, grandma." Bo Xingzhi took Ruan Su's hand in response and continued into the restaurant. He looked down at Ruan Su, "Xiao Su, when did you make trouble like this?"

Ruan Su glanced at him, "What am I doing? No one believes me when I tell the truth."

"Okay, if you are interested in fortune-telling, I will find a master to teach you later." Bo Xingzhi hooked his lips and sat down at the dining table.

The servant hurriedly brought the warm breakfast.

The breakfast was quite hearty, the Xiaolongbao also had some side dishes and millet porridge, and a scallion pancake.

Ruan Su was helpless, and didn't want to pull it off with him again, "Don't learn."

Her master is a very awkward Taoist, okay?

After breakfast, Bo Xingzhi went to work, Ruan Su thought about it and went out.

She needs to buy some things. Ye Mingzhao looked like an honest person, especially the Ye family. Ruan Su could not see that his family was bullied.

And she could tell at a glance that Xu Xiangxiang stayed in Ye's house for money, and the delay in not applying for a marriage certificate explained everything.

Especially Xu Xiangxiang's brows and eyes revealed a lot of things of the benevolent, she was mean-looking and she didn't have any good luck at all.

It doesn't match Ye Mingzhao's fate at all, and sooner or later the two will be separated.

Xu Xiangxiang was a blessed person, and felt sorry for the child in his stomach.

Ruan Su thought so in her heart, she drove directly to the nearby shopping mall.

I bought some things she needed and it was not expensive.

After buying, she didn't stay for a while, and drove back to Ye's house. After parking the car, she took the shopping bag and went to the small courtyard where Ye Mingzhao's family lived.

The small courtyard is relatively remote, but the environment is very elegant. After all, the layout of the entire Ye family is very good in every aspect.

This year, the northwest direction and the center of the palace are the strongest directions of the peach blossom aura. Ruan Su buried a few pink peach blossoms in these two directions.

Then she jumped to a big tree in the yard with a few jumps, and hid a bunch of pink crystal bracelets on a very safe tree branch to ensure that the bracelets would not rain or rain due to wind. She came down from the tree only after she fell.

Pink crystal has always been a must-have product for peach blossoms.

The real peach blossom of Ye Mingzhao is not Xu Xiangxiang.

After Ruan Su finished all this, she inspected the feng shui of this small courtyard again, and she frowned.

This feng shui is very strange, it is actually a feng shui array that closes all peach blossom luck.

If you don't look carefully, you can't see it at all.

Ye Mingzhao is honest, Liu Ying and her husband and his wife don't seem to be provokes, how could it be like this?

Feng Shui array is not broken, and you need to move the basic furnishings in the yard.

For example, the chicken coop behind the kitchen in the yard greatly affected Ye Mingzhao's existence.

This Liu Ying is also interesting. He even raised a few chickens in the yard...

A trace of doubt flashed across Ruan Su Qingli's face.

At this moment, she heard a sound of footsteps, someone is coming!

She quickly dodged and hid behind the chicken coop.

I saw Xu Xiangxiang returning to the yard with a pregnant belly. She was carrying a bag in her hand, and she looked very arrogant. She shouted as soon as she entered the door, "Where is I? I'm tired, come and help me carry the bag."

Hearing her voice, Liu Ying walked out of the second-story building, and quickly walked over to help her carry the bag, while still smiling, "Xiang Xiang, are you back? What do you want to eat at noon?"

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