Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 876: Retribution for her fate!

Xu Xiangxiang rolled his eyes looking at Liu Ying's face like a slave, "What's the matter? You always have a smell on your body, it smells so unpleasant."

Liu Ying's face was a bit ugly, but it didn't happen, and the smile on her face was also frozen. It took a while before she said, "I take a shower every day, how could it smell...Is it from this chicken coop."

"I don't know what to feed the chicken, it smells like chicken **** every day." Xu Xiangxiang pinched his nose into the living room and ignored Liu Ying.

Liu Ying didn't say a word, but went straight into the kitchen and started cooking.

Ruan Su saw that there was no one else in the courtyard, and she turned around and quietly left the small courtyard.

Strange, why does Liu Ying have to build a chicken coop?

As she walked back, she thought that when Ye Lingzhi was engaged in perfumes some time ago, Ye Jiaming had no tactics, and she also had a guardian formation at the time.

It can keep all the people living in the Ye family running well.

Although Liu Ying's yard is remote and unobtrusive, she is not so dull that she has only discovered this formation today, right?

Is there any way to block one's eyes and ears?

It is impossible for this chicken coop to be demolished to Liu Ying for no reason.

Ruan Su thought about it so he turned and left.

She didn't know that Xu Xiangxiang in the room frowned after she left.

There is something wrong, something very wrong.

But she couldn't tell what was wrong.

Xu Xiangxiang walked around the room for a long time, but he didn't find anything wrong and had to give up.


King House Villa.

Jing Cancan got up early in the morning and yawned looking at the unmelted snow in the yard, "Such snow is so beautiful."

"Want to go out and build a snowman?" A male voice suddenly rang behind her, and she turned around in a shock and saw the tall figure at the door.

"Big brother?" Jing Cancan frowned, his face was obviously very upset, "Why do you push the door of my room casually? Why don't you knock on the door when you come in? The female eldest girl avoids her father and brother, you don't know that this is reasonable. ?"

Jing Ren's eyes were so deep that he could hardly see the bottom. He watched Jing Cancan who was chattering and teaching her, "Cancan, we were very close before..."

"You said, that was before. The current me is the current me." Jing Cancan still doesn't seem to relax, "What if I happen to be changing clothes? I can't lock the door in my own home, right? Brother, you make me feel very insecure like this."

After that, Jingren was speechless. He opened his mouth for a while before saying, "Cancan, you weren't like this before. Our brothers and sisters are very close, and there is no secret at all."

"No secret? Are you sure?" Jing Cancan stared at Jing Ren with a pair of phoenix eyes, staring at him for an instant, and said every word, "Big brother, don't let your tongue flash when you speak. I will only talk to me. My best friends have no secrets, you are a big man, how can I have no secrets with you?"

She smiled, "Furthermore, there is no secret, so there should be no secret between my sister-in-law and you! You figure it out, I'm just your sister."

After that, she didn't look at Jing Ren, who had a very ugly face, "I'm going to change my clothes, please go out."

The original good mood suddenly disappeared, so she should go to work.

With a sullen face, Jing Ren wanted to rush over and press her into his arms as before, but he resisted it.

The current Jing Cancan is not the Jing Cancan who was submissive in the past.

He took a deep breath and turned and left.

Jing Cancan slammed the door of the room shut, then changed into an elegant professional suit and walked directly out of the room.

When I came to the first floor, I saw that Mrs. Jing was instructing the servants to move the flowers outside into the house. She walked over to say hello to Mrs. Jing, "Mom, I'm going to work."

Mrs. Jing said a few more words to the housekeeper, and then took her hand and walked aside, "You go to work without breakfast? You wear so little clothes?"

"There is a down jacket outside! There is heating in the company. You can take off the down jacket when you arrive." Jing Cancan smiled and hugged Mrs. Jing's shoulder, "Mom, I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs tonight, you Arrange it."

"Gluttonous!" Mrs. Jing poked her delicate cheek, "Shall I ask Aunt Li to prepare breakfast for you on the road?"

"That's all right." Jing Cancan nodded, "Thank you dear mommy."

Mrs. Jing is in a good mood recently, and her daughter's cheerful and lively appearance makes her feel comfortable every day.

The gloomy daughter before was too uncomfortable.

The servant soon packed the breakfast and delivered it to Jing Cancan's hands, and warmed her a carton of milk.

"That's right." Mrs. Jing held Jing Cancan who was about to leave, "Your second brother will be out tomorrow. You ask for a leave, and we will pick him up together."

Before Jing Huai beat people in the hospital for no reason, he stayed in prison for several months.

Calculate tomorrow is the day to come home from prison.

"Huh?" Jing Cancan stopped immediately, "You said the second brother is coming back?"

"Yes! We will go together tomorrow. Don't forget, you must ask for a leave." Mrs. Jing patted her hand, "Let's go."

I don't know why, Jing Cancan always feels that he is not very happy after listening to Mrs. Jing's words.

It seems...subconsciously, I don't want my second brother to come back.

It's weird. Didn't you mean that the eldest brother and the second elder brother love her?

She always felt that Jingren's eyes looked extremely aggressive, which made her very uncomfortable.

Not to have another Jinghuai...

After arriving at the office of the Zhuang Group, Jing Cancan took off her down jacket and said to Zhuang Xiaoyue depressedly, "Oh, I'm so annoying."

"What's wrong?" Zhuang Xiaoyue looked at her curiously.

"It’s not tomorrow when my second brother comes home from prison. I don’t want to ask for leave. But my mother insists that I ask for leave to pick up my second brother with her." I'm going to take the fourth exam. I will see if I get the driver's license by then."

"Would you like to make an appointment for the fourth exam tomorrow?" Zhuang Xiaoyue blinked and looked at her and said, "Generally speaking, the fourth appointment is made by herself. You can see if there are enough people for the exam tomorrow."

Jing Cancan opened the mobile phone software and looked at it and then wailed, "Oh-there are enough people, it seems I have to go."

Zhuang Xiaoyue laughed, "That's your second brother, not a scourge, what are you afraid of?"

"I don't know. I have amnesia now, and I don't know anything." Jing Cancan lay down on the table, "Do you have any work today?"

"Yes, summarize this report and give it to my brother." Zhuang Xiaoyue put a document in front of her.

Jing Cancan sighed and started working.


Inside the hospital.

Jin Aimi's operation was very successful. After the operation, she was placed in the VIP ward.

It is impossible for Kim Nam Hyuk to be by her side all the time. He hired a senior caregiver for her and asked two servants in the family to take care of her.

But Jin Ai Mi is the eldest lady's temper, even if there are three people around her.

She instructed them to do this for a while, and for a while, she instructed them to do that. Anyway, no matter how she did it, Jin Aimi was not satisfied.

She made a caregiver and two servants tossed and utterly devastated.

At night, the nurses couldn’t stand it. They said to Kim Nam-hyuk who came to visit a few days ago, "Sir, I’m sorry, Miss Kim is too expensive. I really can’t take care of it. I don’t need this salary today. Please also be smart."

Kim Nam Hyuk looked at her in surprise, "What's wrong? Has something happened?"

The nurse shook his head and said, "I may not meet Miss Jin's standards and requirements."

After speaking, she just packed up her things and left the ward.

After taking care of so many patients, it was the first time I encountered this kind of neurosis. There is no time to breathe all day long, let alone drink water and eat.

The two servants were also exhausted enough, "Sir, let's go back to the house. It's okay to clean the toilet, or just to fire us."

"We really can't serve the young lady. Maybe it's because we are too stupid."

Nan Jinhyuk looked sharply at Jin Aimi who was lying on the hospital bed and playing with her mobile phone, "What's the matter with you? One or two are unwilling to take care of you."

"Then Daddy will ask me a more professional nurse." Jin Aimi said disapprovingly, and continued to stare at the phone screen.

"Do you think the whole world has to revolve around you to be good to you?" Kim Nam Hyuk sneered, "Tomorrow I will hire a new nurse for you. If you are still obsessed, I won't come here again. There are no nurses, let alone servants."

After speaking, he put the lunch box in his hand directly on the table and turned around.

Jin Aimi looked at the lunch box placed on the table, there was still some distance from her hospital bed.

She exclaimed, "Give me the lunch box! How do I eat so far away from me?"

She fractured the back of her instep, and it was impossible for her to get out of bed by herself.

The two servants also followed Kim Nam Hyuk, and she was the only one left in the ward.

She was so angry that her eyes went wide, and she had to ring the call bell on the bedside.

After a while, the nurse walked in, "Miss Jin, what's the matter?"

"Can you bring me the lunch box?" Jin Ami suppressed the irritation in his chest and looked at the nurse. "My daddy will arrange a new nurse for me tomorrow."

"Miss Jin, can't that caregiver work today? She can be considered a gold medal caregiver." The nurse handed her the lunch box casually, "You eat quickly."

Jin Aimi smiled awkwardly and started eating silently without saying anything.

After eating, she wants to go to the bathroom, but... there is no nurse! No servants!

She couldn't walk through it by herself.

There must be two people supporting her, and her injured foot can't use force at all.

As long as you apply force, it hurts your heart.

She lay in the hospital bed and held it back for a while, but finally she had no choice but to get up from the hospital bed. The foot wrapped in gauze and plaster did not dare to land, and jumped into the toilet with one foot.

But... she was really tired after only a few steps.

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