Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 877: Want to make trouble?


Seeing that her legs were about to fall to the ground, she couldn't help but exclaimed, and her broken foot must be broken again when she fell.

She closed her eyes in fright, at this moment!

Suddenly a pair of powerful arms held her tightly in his arms.

Shang Lingxiao's familiar voice sounded, "Why are you alone?"

Jin Aimi opened her eyes suddenly and found that she had fallen into Shang Lingxiao's arms. The man's deep eyes were staring at her, and she quickly pushed him away, "I...I just want to go to the bathroom."

"I'll take you." As he said, Shang Lingxiao directly lifted her up and sent her to the bathroom.

The gentleman walked out and closed the door smoothly.

After a while, Jin Aimi stood up and flushed the toilet, and carefully walked out of the bathroom holding the door. Shang Lingxiao stepped forward as soon as he walked out, and lifted her up and put her on the hospital bed.

"Didn't you hire a caregiver?"

While the man asked casually, he took an apple and began to peel it.

Jin Aimi did not dare to tell him why the caregiver left, she smiled more embarrassedly, "The caregiver left beforehand, why did you come here?"

Shang Lingxiao grabbed a bunch of flowers he had just brought on the table and put them directly into Jin Aimi's arms, "I hope you get well soon."

There was a trace of warmth in Jin Aimi's heart, if Bo Xingzhi would treat her as well as Shang Lingxiao.


She sniffed the flowers lightly, "It smells good."

After speaking, she handed the flowers to Shang Lingxiao, "Can you help me put them in the vase?"

There was a wide-caliber vase on the table. Shang Lingxiao nodded and put the whole bouquet directly into the vase.

"How are you feeling today? Are your feet better?"

"It's better." Jin Aimi said absently, "Today...Bo Xing stopped him..."

Shang Lingxiao raised his eyebrows without a trace, and glanced at Jin Aimi, "I'm here to visit you, so don't mention my brother?"

Jin Aimi's face stiffened, "Okay, okay."

Shang Lingxiao sneered secretly in his heart, really treating him as a fool licking a dog?


It's ridiculous!

But his face was still gentle and gentle, "Would you like to drink water?"

Jin Aimi shook her head, "No need."

What water to drink? She runs to the toilet frequently after drinking water. How can she run by herself?

"By the way, my friend brought some very good painkillers from abroad. How about... I'll get some for you?" Shang Lingxiao said as he took out a box from his pocket.

He handed the box to Jin Ai Mi, "There is a spoon in it. Eat a small spoonful at a time. Don't eat too much."

Jin Ai Mi was dubious, "What painkiller? Is it effective?"

"I heard that after eating it, it will make people forget the pain and it is very effective for pain relief. If your instep is too painful, you can try it." Shang Lingxiao finished speaking and stood up, "Remember that I treat you Said dosage. I will go back today and see you again another day."

"Bye." Jin Aimi said goodbye to him and took the small bottle to look at it. The bottle was blank and there was no so-called brand or trademark.


How could it really work.

She threw the bottle aside, and went to flip the phone again.

It would be great if I could call Bo Xingzhi, and I don't know if he will come to see her.

He stepped on his foot so hard, why didn't he come to the hospital?

After thinking about this, she called Bo Xingzhi, but the phone rang for a long time and no one answered it.

She was so angry that she hit again, and no one answered after several hits.

"Damn it! I broke the back of my feet because of your stay in the hospital, but you didn't even answer the phone. It's too much!" Jin Aimi became more angry as he thought about it.

She called the assistant directly, "Help me find Ruan Su's contact information, no matter what method you use, you must find it."

"Miss...this is not so good." The assistant hesitated.

"If you don't help me find it, I'll find someone else. You can just clean up the bedding and leave." Jin Aimi's decisive voice sounded, and the assistant trembled, "Okay, you can wait a moment."

About ten minutes later, the assistant sent Ruan Su's contact information to Jin Aimi.

Jin Aimi dialed this number directly, and the call was quickly connected, and Ruan Su's cold voice came from the other end, "Hello, who may I ask?"

Jin Aimi said slowly, "Miss Ruan, I am Jin Aimi. It's like this, my foot is injured, and I hope Bo can come to visit me. If he can't come, you can come."

"You need a doctor if you are injured, not my husband." Ruan Su replied speechlessly.

It was as if her foot had been injured by Bo Xingzhi.

This idea just came to her, and she heard Jin Aimi say, "My broken instep is all thanks to the poor. If he doesn't want to be in the headlines, it's best not to be so heartless and come visit me. Maybe I will raise my hands high and will not inform the media."

"Miss Jin, do you think you can threaten to get me?" Ruan Su chuckled lightly, with a clear voice, "If you want to notify, you can let me know."

"Ruan Su, don't think you can really sit back and relax if you marry Bo Xingzhi. The president doesn't like you at all. Sooner or later..." Jin Ami scolded in anger, but she was scolded by Ruan before she finished her words. So interrupted, "Okay, I'll wait for that day."

After speaking, Ruan Su hung up the phone.

Jin Aimi looked at the hung up phone angrily, Ruan Su actually hung up? She didn't even ask why, she didn't even have any curiosity?

Jin Aimi also prepared a set of rhetoric, all of which did not use the previous sentence.

She seemed to hit the soft cotton with a fist.

I can't pull it out anyway.


Ruan Su did not deliberately hide his contact information after returning to the Ye family of country M, so it is not surprising that Jin Aimi can be found.

She felt a little ridiculous.

She thought for a while and wanted to call Bo Xingzhi, "Did you hurt someone Jin Ai Mi?"

Originally, Bo Xingzhi was dealing with official duties. He was taken aback when he heard her asking, "This matter is a long story..."

After listening to Bo Xingzhi's recount, Ruan Su couldn't help but laugh out loud, "How damaged are you? You trampled on others' feet and injured them in the hospital. They clamored for you to visit!"

Bo Xingzhi's tone was a touch of pampering and helplessness, "My wife, don't make trouble."

He paused for a while and said, "Jin Aimi made a mistake first, it's no wonder I'm ruthless."

"Okay, I know." Ruan Su said with a smile, "She threatened me to announce it to the media. I don't think she has the courage. Because...this should be regarded as a scandal for her."

"If she dares, the Jin family would have come to the door early, and no one will say anything yet? It can be seen that she hasn't told Jin Nanhe at all." Bo Xingzhi had the urge to touch Ruan Su's little face, which is a pity. He is still working. "Hey, I'll be busy first, and I'll call you when I'm done."

"OK." Ruan Su said and hung up the phone.

As soon as she hung up the phone, she received a call from Lin Qi, "Boss, we found a dense forest in the southern border of Country M. There is an underground research institute in the dense forest."

"We found it along the map, as if the place pointed to on this map is here. We didn't see any treasures or other existence."

Ruan Su's expression condensed, "Have you found the location on the map?"

"Yes. Ninety percent of this is the location on the map. Boss, do you want to come over and confirm for yourself? Or let the brothers go to this research institute to explore the way first?" Lin Qi is in the underground research institute at this time. far away.

Their people have been staring at this place recently and never left, afraid of missing any important clues.

"Well, you go to explore the road first, don't rush and startle the snake." Ruan Su confessed immediately, "Be careful in all things."

"Yes, boss rest assured."

Lin Qi hung up after speaking.

Ruan Su sighed and looked at the gloomy winter sky outside the window.

"Sister, are you in the room?" Li Zhuoyan's voice sounded outside the door, interrupting Ruan Su's meditation.

She sorted out her emotions and rushed to the door, "Yes, come in."

As soon as the voice fell, Li Zhuoyan opened the door and walked in.

Song Jiayan also came in with her.

I saw Song Jiayan walk to Ruan Su with a delicate gift box in her hand.

"Xiaosu, Yanyan, this is a Christmas gift that your uncle and I prepared for your sisters before. Because you have been in the transplantation warehouse and there is no way to get it out, so I plan to wait for you to come out and give it to you in person." Song Jiayan smiled. Open the gift box.

I saw two identical Christmas sweaters inside.

As a designer, Ruan Su can tell at a glance that this sweater is a new Christmas-limited sweater of a major international brand.

"The clothes are too expensive."

"Not expensive." Song Jiayan handed one of them to Ruan Su and the other to Li Zhuoyan, "The size is chosen according to the size of the two of you normally. The twins of other people's family grew up wearing exactly the same clothes. Yes, you two have never enjoyed such treatment. So our husband and wife want to give you exactly the same clothes, so that you can feel it too."

"Although it don't need this feeling anymore. However, you are always twins, so it's not bad to give it a try."

After Song Jiayan finished speaking, she smiled and walked outside, "You can try it instead. I'll go out first."

Ruan Su didn't expect that the Christmas gifts Ye Mianli and his wife had prepared for them turned out to be exactly the same sweaters.

The tip of the nose is a little bit sour inexplicably.

Li Zhuoyan looked at her with a blushing face, "Sister, I just changed in front of you!"

"En." Ruan Su nodded and started to change clothes.

Soon, the two sisters walked out of the room together, wearing the same red Christmas sweaters, very beaming, with a hint of winter warmth.

"It seems that twins want to be like this..." Li Zhuoyan looked at Ruan Su with a grin.

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