Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 878: What exactly is this here? Horrified!

Although they are not very similar twins.

Seeing the two sisters wearing such wintery towels on their bodies, the skins of the two of them are porcelain white, just as lovely as two delicate porcelain dolls.

Mrs. Ye is in a very good mood, "Well, we will have dumplings tonight."

"I want to eat carrots and big meat."

"I want to eat green onions and beef."

"I want to eat egg and shiitake mushrooms."

Everyone started talking about dumpling fillings, and finally Mrs. Ye said, “It’s ready, prepare some fillings, and everyone will try them. Everyone has to make dumplings together so that there is a family. atmosphere of."

Of course, making dumplings is crowded with people.

Mrs. Xie and Xie Jinyan left Country M and went back to Empire H in the morning, and now they have the Ye family.

Everyone started to make noodles and mix the fillings in an orderly manner.

There are so many people, and it’s six o'clock in the evening when everyone is ready to start making dumplings.

But it's also nice to wrap up.

There are three servants making dumpling skins, and everyone else is making dumplings.

Old lady Ye looked at Ruan Su Bao’s dumplings and exclaimed, “Xiao Su Bao’s dumplings are so beautiful.”

Ruan Su smiled, "Yanyan did a good job too."

Li Zhuoyan was a little bit shy, "It's better for my sister to pack it."

Song Jiayan got up and went to rest after a few bags. She was a pregnant woman and couldn't sit for a long time, but she also joined in the fun.

And she is very morning sickness now, can't smell any strange smell.

After seven o'clock, the dumplings were finally finished. Looking at the neat rows of dumplings, everyone was in a good mood.

"Let's see if you want to eat dumplings in sour soup or dipping sauce..." Mrs. Ye told the servant, "Forget it, make some adjustments, and make some cold dishes to match it."

"Okay, old lady."

The dumplings were quickly cooked and brought to the table, with some cold dishes.

Dumplings with different fillings are distinguished by different plates. "The colorful ones are beef fillings, the white ones are large meat fillings, the plain fillings are rectangular plates, and the crab yellow ones are..."

After the servant introduced it, he retired.

After tasting a few dumplings, Mrs. Ye put down her chopsticks, and said to Ye Weili with earnest words, “It’s so difficult for our family to find children. It’s been a reunion from your sister’s loss to the present. We finally found your sister’s. With two children, there are still many families in this world who are living in dire straits."

"Mom, what do you mean..." Ye Mianli also put down his chopsticks, "Do you have any plans?"

"May there be no abductions in the world and no loss in the world." Mrs. Ye sighed, "Our family is fortunate to find our own children. What about other families? I want to set up a no abduction and no loss foundation, and then set up A family-searching website."

"This idea is very good." Ruan Su expressed support. "Grandma's idea is very good. Now the short video platform is booming. We can work with the short video platform to increase exposure and dissemination for these suffering families."

"Then leave this to you and Yanyan." The old lady Ye looked at the sisters with a very loving and hopeful look, "I believe you can do well."

"I...I'm not good at it." Li Zhuoyan swallowed her saliva, she didn't have much confidence to do this thing well.

"Yanyan, you should be brave. If you play the piano so well, how can you fail to do things?" Mrs. Ye said encouragingly, "You have been lost for so many years before returning to your loved ones. You have the most important things. The persuasive ones are also most worth spreading."

"Okay, grandma." Li Zhuoyan suppressed the tension in her chest and had to agree.

There was a trace of determination and forbearance in Mrs. Ye's eyes, "I always thought that God would see it if you were doing good deeds. The cycle of karma is unhappy, and God is eye-catching. Therefore, those who have harmed the Ye family have harmed you. Those of mothers will suffer retribution one day."

"Grandma, when you are so happy to eat dumplings today, let's not mention these unpleasant things." Ruan Su picked up a dumpling for her. "This one looks like Yanyan made it. Eat more."

She lowered her head, "One day, I will definitely find my mother, no matter what the result is, I will find it."


The cold moonlight sprinkled on the ground, and the time soon reached midnight.

Lin Qi led a group of brothers quietly towards the secret research institute.

"This...much like a European-style ancient building."

"Look there, what rotten flag is there? What is this flag?" A man walked over to pick up the flag, and Lin Qi immediately called him in a low voice, "Don't touch it randomly."

"Let's go in and take a look." He said to everyone, and then everyone filed in.

Almost all of the building is made of wooden structures, most of which are intact. They originally thought that there would be people living in it, but they walked around and found that it turned out to be an abandoned research institute.

There are some very old machines in the lobby on the first floor. There are some utensils on the machines. I don't know what these machines are used for.

Lin Qi watched for a long time and didn't find out what these things were doing. "Is it a machine for research?"

"It should be." One of the men also leaned over and pointed to a pile of things on the table. "There are also some drawings and the like, but they all seem to be yellow, very old, and some are all. Weathered into debris."

They had already checked it, and it seemed that this building was built at the end of the cliff, with a deep abyss behind it, and the second floor above, but the area extending from the second floor had collapsed, and the stairs were broken and crumbling.

A night breeze hit, the creaking stairs made it even more eerie and terrifying here.

But fortunately, everyone is bolder and more vigilant.

Lin Qi took out his mobile phone and looked at it, "It seems that the signal is blocked here, and my mobile phone does not have any signal."

So everyone took out their mobile phones and walked around the hall, but the mobile phones didn't respond at all.

"Ours also has no signal."

Lin Qi didn't understand these scientific experiments and so on, guessingly said, "Does the experiments that have been done in this hall shield the signal?"

"Fortunately, we all made marks when we came." He glanced at the joystick of this machine, "It seems that this is used to manipulate it? I don't know much, do you know machinery?"

A boy in his early twenties came over and said, "I studied mechanical engineering in college, let me see."

With that, he began to study.

There is a big joystick above the machine, and this joystick is connected to the wall. The boy tried but didn't press it.

Especially after many years, the machine was in disrepair and weathered for a long time, and he couldn't move it alone.

So several brothers walked forward to press the joystick with him.

Then I heard crunching sounds constantly.

After embroidering for too long, the machine didn't run smoothly. When the machine's joysticks were all pressed down, everyone heard an inexplicable clattering sound.

At this moment, suddenly! A whirlwind suddenly came in frantically from the window.

Then there was another splash of water.

"Could this machine bring in the water under the cliff?" Lin Qi was shocked, then glanced at the squally wind blowing in from the window, "Everyone, run, don't wait to bury it all here."

With a loud bang, a hanging beam smashed at them.

Lin Qi hurriedly turned around to hide, and the other brothers also fled in all directions.

The sound of crackling wood falling constantly sounded.

At this moment, Lin Qitu saw a tunnel-like exit not far in front, and he shouted, "Go to the tunnel! Check if there is anything!"

"This tunnel didn't exist before, it seems that this machine opened it!" the boy called just now.

"This should be the exit from this house." Lin Qi waved quickly, "Go! The house is about to collapse!"

The group of them immediately rushed into this passage, and found that at the end of the passage was something similar to an elevator.

"Everyone, come up soon." So everyone jumped onto the elevator. The elevator is not automatic and needs to be manually cranked.

There is something like the shaker of a tractor.

So everyone began to shake desperately, and soon the elevator began to slowly move downwards, about 20 meters away, they reached the end.

Everyone walked forward after getting off the elevator, everything was dark.

Just when they just landed, there was a bang!

The old elevator made a loud noise. After all, after so many years, it is not easy to insist on sending them down. All the elevator devices fell to the ground out of control.

"Fortunately, as soon as we got down, it broke." Lin Qixin said with lingering fear, "Let's see if we can go out ahead."

When they came, everyone brought a flashlight and a miner's lamp, and now they began to walk forward slowly here, looking around as they walked.

It's like a secret research base here, "A lot of bottles and cans!"

"Yes, I don't know if these jars are poisonous."

"I heard that a long time ago, I would do some research on bacteria..."

"That's terrible."

Lin Qi was not as excited as everyone else. He had a vague premonition, "Be careful, everyone. We don't understand scientific research. If the boss is here, we can probably see the way. So be careful in everything."

It has been deserted for many years, and there can be no one alive.

But these bottles and jars do look dangerous.

The more they go inside, the more they feel horrified.

Because many bones were found on the ground, I don't know who these bones belong to.

They searched around for a long time without any major discoveries, but found some bones.

"Keep going." Lin Qi didn't care about the bones, but led everyone to go on. It didn't take long before he saw a stone gate.

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