Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 879: Speed ​​of life and death!

The thick stone gate looked very primitive, and Lin Qi tried to push it hard, but the stone gate did not move.

"Everyone, work together to try." Lin Qi turned around and greeted him, so everyone who huffed and huffed came to Shimen, "Hey! Hey!"

"Strong! Ah!"

"Boom!" With a loud sound, the stone gate was finally pushed aside.

After pushing it open, everyone found that the stone gate was about forty to fifty centimeters thick. No wonder it was so heavy and strong.

After stepping into Shimen, everyone began to look around and found that it was still a place similar to a laboratory.

There was an unpleasant odor in the air. I don't know if it was a musty odor caused by Shimen that hasn't been opened for too long, or a odor from other chemical experiments.

Going further inside, I found a table with some books and some notes and other documents.

I don’t know if it’s because no one has ever come in here. The files and books are kept intact and not even rotten. Except for some dust on them, they look very good.

Lin Qi walked over and looked through these documents, and found that they were all written in foreign languages, which he could not understand.

"Take these things back to the boss, and we take all these books."

"The boss is very knowledgeable and should be able to understand."

As he packed the things on the table, he continued to say to everyone, "Let’s see if there is anything worth taking away. Since the map is guiding us here, it should be more than just these notes and the like. Everyone Find it hard."

"Hi, brother, look." Suddenly a brother called out, "Here is a diary, and it is written in our words, not in foreign languages."

Everyone clashed around, and Lin Qi took the diary he handed over and found some blood stains on it. He turned to the first page, the handwriting was crooked and scribbled, and he could see that the person who wrote the diary was in a very bad mood.

"Today is the first time I came to this laboratory. I didn't expect them to be so frantic. They asked me to create those poisons."

He turned down again.

"This is the tenth day I came to this laboratory. They threatened me that if I resist any more, they will kill my two children."

"It's the twentieth day, am I going to be locked up in this dark place from now on? My child...for my child...I have no other way..."

Lin Qi also put away this Japanese journal, "Look again. It seems that this is indeed a laboratory. It looks like they have kidnapped some kind of boss..."

Everyone continued to search.

"There is a jar here. This jar is sealed. I don't know what's in it." At this moment, another strange jar was discovered.

"The shape of this can is totally different from other bottles and cans..." Lin Qi looked at the can curiously, and weighed it in his hand. "It's not heavy anyway, so I took it away."

Just when they put the jar away, there was a sudden "bang!" gunshot, and a group of fully armed men appeared at the entrance not far away.

These men just shot frantically at their group without saying anything.

Bullets rushed towards them like raindrops, accompanied by some weapons like bombs.

These people came prepared, with extremely strong firepower.

Lin Qi immediately picked up a chair and slammed it at the people, and then ran wildly with the brothers in the rain of bullets.

"Boom boom!"

With a burst of rapid fire, the chair was broken into pieces in mid-air.

However, Lin Qi and the others quickly disappeared before everyone's eyes.

I saw these men in black holding assault rifles one by one, with hands hanging from their waists, Lei, wearing body armor.

As soon as one of the leading men waved their hands, these people immediately activated the path-finding device and began to look for Lin Qi and their whereabouts.

Obviously they are all highly trained masters.

"They seem to be agile, maybe they are all martial arts masters, they shoot and kill immediately when they see it, don't pull with them!" The man in the lead snorted coldly.

The men in black immediately responded in unison, "Yes!"

At this time, Lin Qize and his brothers had already ran forward for about a few hundred meters. This was a very long passage. However, what awaited them was not an exit, but a thick stone gate. This stone gate was thick. Again, Lin Qi glanced back nervously, "We have nowhere to go, push the door!"

Everyone was panting, "Those people are obviously here just now, they are not ordinary killers."

"If it is a member of the hidden family, all the things we find will belong to them." Lin Qi said anxiously, "We must send the things back to the boss."

He thought to himself that it seemed that they were not the only people who came to look for the so-called treasure, but there were others.

He heard that there are many hidden families, or some gangs, and he may also have the human skin map in his hand.

"His brother is right, everyone push the door! Hurry up!"

Only today's plan can only open this door.

The boy who learned mechanics pushed the door while observing the neighborhood. He soon discovered that there was a thread similar to a mechanism not far from the door. He subconsciously walked there and put his palm on the thread to rotate, just listening. When there was a "click, click", the stone gate slowly opened.

Everyone who was pushing the door unexpectedly let out an "Ouch" and fell to the ground.

Seeing the door opened, Lin Qi glanced at the kid approvingly, "Shang Yang, you are amazing! Go away, everyone!"

There was already a sound of footsteps behind him, and the assassins were about to chase them.

So the group of people immediately entered behind the door, and saw that it was a living room-like place with a bed and a quilt, but because of the long time, a layer of ash fell on the quilt, and it did not rot due to it.

"This seems to be a bedroom?"

"It should be a place where a woman lives." Lin Qi pointed to the bottles and jars on the dressing table. "This is obviously cosmetics."

As they looked around, they suddenly heard a voice coming from outside, and it was obvious that the assassins had already come in.


Lin Qi pointed to the door in front. Fortunately, this door was not a stone door, but a wooden door that opened as soon as he pushed it. As the wooden door took too long, he just pushed it and fell to the ground with a bang.

It turned out to be a lift outside.

"Go up, hurry up."

Lin Qi quickly jumped up, and Shang Yang and the others also jumped up.

Like the old elevator before, this one is also operated by hand and has something like a rocker.

Everyone shook and shook vigorously, and the creaking sound kept ringing.

Soon they reached the ground, Lin Qi directly took out a dagger from his waist and cut off the embroidered iron chain of the elevator.

With a sound of "bang!", the elevator fell to pieces with a rumble.

There is a dark cave in the front, but there are chasing soldiers behind, everyone can only run forward hard.

But when they ran to the exit of the cave, everyone was shocked.

What caught their eyes were the cliffs.

And below the cliff is the sea.

If you jump down, you won’t die or become disabled, or you’ll be drowned in water.

But there are chasing soldiers behind!

Lin Qi looked at everyone with a pale face, "What shall we do now?"

Shang Yang squatted down to observe the terrain. He stretched his head to look down, and then looked back at the direction he had come, "Brother, we might as well..."

Lin Qi gritted his teeth, "It can only be done like this, now we have no other way, this is the only way out!"

Soon, the killers chased over.

When he saw the abyss in front of him, the man in the lead narrowed his eyes slightly. Several men walked to the edge of the cliff and began to observe, "The footprints disappeared here."

"Should they not jump down anymore?"

"This is a cave. This cave is a straight passage. There is no place to hide." The man in the lead condensed his eyebrows, "Send a drone to search for them."


"If they really jump down, there is the sea below, and then send someone to the sea to salvage."


What they didn't know was that Lin Qi and the others had quietly climbed down the cliff at this time, and there was a cave on the cliff wall not far from the cliff.

The cave is well concealed. There is a small tree in front of it blocking the entrance of the cave, just enough to hold them.

Lin Qi and the others are hiding in this small cave on the cliff wall, and they can clearly hear the sounds of the killers on the cliff.

No one said anything, holding their breath.

Because almost everyone is sweating and exhausted from running.

The night wind roared, and the sea under the cliff was rushing.

The sky gradually brightened, and the east was white.

And the sound of footsteps on the cliff gradually faded away, and the sound gradually faded away.

"They may be gone." Lin Qi said in a low voice.

A brother said happily, "Then we can go up."

"Be careful of fraud." Shang Yang shook his head, "Wait some time, we will go out until noon."

"Shang Yang is right." Lin Qi agreed, "I know everyone is tired and hungry, so bear with it. Leave here to find food. Life is better than anything."

No one spoke any more, everyone was waiting patiently.


M Country View Home Villa.

Jing Cancan looked at Mrs. Jing helplessly, "Mom, can't I wear this dress?"

"Oh, your clothes are too formal. Just pick your second brother. It's better to dress festively and lively." Mrs. Jing was also helpless, "Look at what you wear. This is a suit you need to wear at work! Why! Are you going to work later?"

"Yeah, mom, you're really good. You guessed it. After taking the second brother, the company will have an important meeting. I must attend. If you don't participate, you will be deducted from your salary." Jing Cancan smiled stiffly.

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