Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 880: Precious information, revenge is bound to come!

"Is our family short of that salary? How much is deducted from your mother and doubled for you. After picking up your second brother, we will go to have a reunion dinner! Celebrate your second brother's coming out and wash the dust for him." Mrs. Jing pulls Jing Cancan said his own arrangement, "I just asked the butler to go to the Yunshang restaurant to book a box."

Jing Cancan is about to collapse.

She didn't want to stay in the same space with the Jing Huai and Jingren brothers.

But why doesn't Mrs. Jing just understand?

She felt awkward and her face was not happy.

It was really embarrassing that Mrs. Jing had to get in the family car with her and Jing Guoguang to the detention center.

The iron gate of the detention center was closed tightly. Sitting in the car, Jing Cancan could only see the high-walled compound and the barbed wire fences. This place is really not a good place.

She lowered the car window and looked out the window. It was cold outside and the north wind was howling.

The streets were deserted and deserted, and bare poplar trees stood pitifully on both sides of the road.

Mrs. Jing was impatient too early, "Why can't this come out yet?"

As soon as she finished her voice, she heard "Bang Dang!" and the big iron gate that had been closed was pushed open from inside.

Jing Huai was sent out by the prison guards, wearing a white-washed blue shirt.

Seeing Jing Huai's tall figure, Mrs. Jing quickly opened the door and got out of the car and ran towards her son, "Ahuai, you can come out."

She immediately took a bag from Jing Guoguang, "Hurry up and put on a cotton jacket, it's too cold this day."

The uniforms worn in the prison are thin, torn and unlucky.

"Take off the outside clothes and throw them away. Don't wear them and go home. It will be moldy." Jing Guoguang looked at Jing Huai's clothes with disgust, "Go to your brother's car and change them."

Jing Huai didn't say a word either, he just looked at the two cars, his expression was a little lost, "Mom, Dad, didn't my sister come?"

"Come on, in the car! It's cold outside and she is weak, so I didn't let her get out of the car." Mrs. Jing gave him a push, "Hurry up and change clothes in your brother's car."

Jing Huai had to take the new clothes prepared by his parents and go to Jingren's car. The door opened and Jingren glanced at him with a gloomy expression. "When you see my sister, don't overdo it, she doesn't remember anything now... …"

Jing Huai's hands stiffened when he changed his clothes, "Really?"

"Can I lie to you?" Jing Ren sighed, "No way, you'll know later."

Jing Huai didn't talk any more and changed his clothes quickly, so he got out of the car and wanted to go to the car where Jing Cancan was. Jing Cancan lowered the window and took a look at him, "Second brother, we can't sit in this car, you should go to the big brother. Get in the car."

Jing Huai looked at the indifferent Jing Cancan with a bit of shock, "Cancan... Our siblings haven't seen each other for a long time, so let's let Dad go in the car. I want to sit with you."

"Second brother, dad and mom gave you life, you don't want to get close to your parents, but you want to get close to me? Isn't this strange?" Jing Cancan was very disapproving.

What this said... it directly blocked Jing Huai's mouth, and he returned to Jingren's car somewhat inconceivably, unable to recover from the shock for a long time.

"Brother...Is this still Chancan?"

"It's her. It's just a huge change." Jing Ren was a little helpless about the current Jing Cancan. "Let's go, let's go to Yunshang Restaurant first."

The car drove straight away from the detention center and headed towards the city.


In the dense forest of the southern border of Country M.

This place is different from the capital of Country M. The air is humid and airtight. Especially at noon, the sun is so hot that it is grilling the earth, plus some insects and ants, and the taste... is simply sour and refreshing.

At night, it was bitterly cold, and people shivered with the cold.

At this moment, the time was approaching midday, and Lin Qi and others had been shrinking in the cave, even though the cliff was an abyss, but because the cave was impervious to the wind, everyone was still hot and sweaty.

"Wait a little longer and listen to see if there is any movement on it. If not, we will go out." Lin Qi wiped the sweat from his forehead, it was too stuffy here.

About ten minutes later, at twelve o'clock noon, Shang Yang climbed towards the cliff with his hands and feet neatly.

He held the vine with both hands and kept climbing, not far from the cliff, and soon he climbed up.

After poking his head first, he found that there was no one on it, and then he went up and patrolled for a while before blowing a whistle.

Everyone climbed up the cliff one after another, and then began to rush into the dense forest quickly.

This dense forest occupies a vast area, and the killers don't know where they have gone.

They followed their way to the place where the helicopter was hiding. Fortunately, Shang Yang had an excellent memory, and he remembered the way back in this vast forest.

Seeing that they are about to rush to the position of the helicopter, at this moment!

"Bang bang bang!" Suddenly a gunshot sounded, followed by a fierce burst of fire.

"Oops!" Lin Qi yelled, "Get down!"

Obviously the killers knew that they would come back to look for the helicopter, so they lay in ambush near the plane.

"Get on the plane! Go!" Lin Qi observed the killers coming from all directions. There were so many assassins. The opponents were fully armed, and they were not able to contend.

Everyone took out their pistols and fired back at the opposite side, but under the powerful firepower of the opposite side, it seemed so insignificant.

A brother was shot and fell directly to the ground, but Lin Qi could only watch him vomit blood and fall.


Huzi shook his head at him, blood pouring out from his mouth and nose, he roared vaguely, "Go!"


He forcibly supported his painful and unbearable body and stood up wobbly, using his own body as bait!

"Boom boom boom!"

Countless bullets shot at Huzi's body frantically, and he was instantly beaten into a hornet's nest.

"No!" Lin Qi's tears poured down his eyes, but Shang Yang and the others yanked him onto the plane fiercely.

At the moment when those killers came over, the plane took off!

The propeller made a violent whirlwind and flew up into the sky.

Those assassins unwillingly fired a few shots at the plane, but the plane rose higher and higher, until it rose to a height of thousands of miles...


The night is late, and the night in the middle of winter is exceptionally quiet.

A black car was racing through the night and finally arrived at the pier half an hour later.

The whirring sea breeze set off huge waves and slapped the beach on the shore fiercely.

Ruan Su opened the door and got out of the car, the sea breeze lifted her hair, and she walked towards the exhausted helicopter like a queen of the night.

Mottled bullet marks hung on the helicopter, like an old horse who came back after struggling to survive.

With a "bang!" The door of the plane was opened.

Lin Qi stumbled out, dragging a man as he rushed, "Quick! Quick!"

Ruan Su was taken aback for a moment, "Are there many people injured?"

Lin Qi heard her voice sore, "Boss, there are three!"

Ruan Su immediately turned around and ran towards the car, hurriedly took out the medicine kit from the car, and quickly walked to the side of the plane.

At this time, the three injured had been helped off the plane. She squatted down and started to look at the most injured one, "Both legs and arms were hit by bullets, and there was too much blood loss. I will dig bullets for him first."

She said as she began to prepare anesthetics, "You lift him into the car. It's too windy here."

Fortunately, the other two were not seriously injured. They were all skin injuries. Lin Qi gave them hemostatic medicine and helped them bandage their wounds.

He began to come to Ruan Su as her assistant. After getting on the plane, Lin Qi immediately contacted Ruan Su and told her all about the situation.

Ruan Su has not slept, waiting for them to come back.

And prepared a first aid kit.

The injuries of their brothers at the secret door are commonplace, so they will take some small first aid measures.

The bullet was quickly dug out, and Ruan Su hurriedly sutured the wound.

The blood stained the car seat, but she didn't seem to see it, and there was a faint blood in the air.

After the stitches were completed, she began to have anti-inflammatory needles again, "In order to prevent wound infection, you must pay close attention to his temperature in the past two days. Take your body temperature in the morning and evening. If you have a fever, notify me in time."

At this time, the other uninjured brothers had moved all the books and notes they had retrieved from the research institute to Ruan Su's car.

"Boss, this is something we brought back, we don't understand. Some are in foreign languages." Lin Qi reported to her, "I will take my brothers back to rest first."

Ruan Su nodded, "Thank you. Thanks for your hard work, Lin Qi, treat your brothers well, and... the funeral of Huzi must be handled well."

After she finished speaking, she said again, "I'll change the dressing for him tomorrow morning."

"Boss, let's take a step first." Lin Qi said and took the brothers on the plane.

The secret door also has a branch in country M, and they have to go back to the branch to rest.

Ruan Su waited until the plane rose safely into the sky before getting in the car.

She cleaned the blood in the back seat, and then started the car to leave.

It seems that it took Lin Qi and the others a whole life to get these things back.

It's just... she will never let her brothers die in vain.

She hated the sky at the thought of those heavily armed assassins.

She narrowed her eyes, stepped on the gas pedal, and waited for me!

It was three o'clock in the morning when she returned to Ye's house, but she didn't feel any sleep.

She quietly didn't disturb anyone, and moved the books and notes back to her room.

The books look very old, with a dusty atmosphere.

"These books..." She frowned slightly, some were in German, some were in English, and some were in French...

Especially messy.

But many of them are books on drug manufacturing and drug use. There are also some information on human evolution and cloning.

She read book by book and learned a lot of knowledge from it.

"It seems that the owner of these books and materials is a big man." She thought silently, having such advanced materials so many years ago...

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