Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 881: Be sure to find out! Their lair!

So how amazing is that big guy!

Ruan Su couldn't help thinking so.

She thirst for knowledge with such precious information.

Like a traveler in the desert, she finally found the water source, and she began to look tirelessly.

When she finally finished reading one of the books, it was already bright.

She has a medical background and has a certain understanding of poisons, but this book of poisons has deepened her knowledge of poisons.

She put away the first book she had read, and then checked the time, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.

Ruan So yawned, went to the bathroom to wash up in a hurry, and then went downstairs to have breakfast.

Old lady Ye looked a little pale when she looked at her, and asked concerned, "Did you not sleep last night? I have dark circles under my eyes."

Ruan Su nodded, "My friend gave me a few books. It was very interesting. I accidentally read it all night."

"If you love to read, you can't ignore your own body!" Old lady Ye gave her angrily, "Drink a glass of milk."

Ruan Su took it and smiled, "I'm going out to see my friends later."

"Did you see Jian Qiqi?" Song Jiayan walked over and sat next to her, "Would you like to take me with you, I'm so bored at home."

"No." Ruan Su rejected her, "I will play with Qiqi another day."

After she finished speaking, she put down her chopsticks, "I'm done."

Seeing her hurriedly carrying the medicine box and leaving, Song Jiayan said strangely, "Mom, why do I think Xiao Su is so busy."

"If you're busy, you'll be busy." Mrs. Ye didn't think much about it, "Don't worry about her, but worry about you. Look, I didn't eat much this morning, did I still vomit badly?"

Song Jiayan nodded gloomily, "I don't know when the vomiting will end."

"Okay, eat something more. If you don't eat something, children won't be nutritious." Mrs. Ye brought her an egg pancake.

As a result, as soon as she smelled the omelet, Song Jiayan covered her mouth and ran away. "vomit--"

Old lady Ye shook her head helplessly.


After leaving Ye's house, Ruan Su drove towards the secret door branch.

The secret door branch is located in a relatively remote area of ​​the capital, which is regarded as a suburb.

The secret door is on the edge of the suburbs.

After driving for more than an hour, Ruan Su finally stopped the car in front of a three-story building that looked a little shabby.

There are some small buildings with a sense of age around it, which seems to be a village ready to be demolished at any time.

After getting out of the car, she carried the medicine box and walked into the yard. The yard was big with a big yellow dog and planted some vegetables.

Outsiders passing by here can only be regarded as an ordinary villager's residence in the village, who would have thought that this is actually a branch of the secret door.

The big yellow dog barked several times when she saw her coming in. Ruan Suchong smiled at the big yellow dog, "Rhubarb, what's your name?"

It didn't tie the chain and rushed towards Ruan Su and circled her legs several times, "Okay, don't pester me, I'll play with you later."

With that, she bypassed the big yellow dog and went directly into the lobby on the first floor.

The decoration of the three-story building is also very simple, but all the furniture should be complete.

Lin Qi came out of the room, his hair was messy, and he was still wearing yesterday's clothes, wrinkled around his sturdy figure. It seemed that he just woke up after hearing the movement.

"Boss, are you here?"

He crawled through his hair with his fingers and looked at the wall clock on the wall. "So early."

Ruan Su handed him the medicine box, "What about brother?"

"Live in this room." Lin Qi pointed to the next door to his room. "It was inconvenient to go upstairs because of injuries, so all three of them live downstairs."

Ruan Su knocked on the door of the room first, and there was no response inside. She frowned, "I'm probably still asleep."

"Go in and take a look." Lin Qi opened the door and walked in.

I saw that brother was lying on the bed with pale face and weak breathing.

Ruan Su walked over quickly and quickly checked his condition.

It took a while before he changed his dressing, "It's okay, as long as it doesn't get infected."

"If you have a fever, let the fever go down first." She gave another injection of anti-fever medicine and another injection of anti-inflammatory medicine. It was more than ten minutes after everything was all right.

Although the conditions here are simple, but everything that should be there is.

The heating is on in the room, so people won't be too cold.

She sighed and went to change the dressing of the other two injured brothers, "Did those killers find out the news?"

Lin Qi shook his head, "I have told the other brothers to investigate. Our secret door brothers are located in several countries. It may take some time to find out."

"En." Ruan Su didn't say anything, just the thought of breaking a brother, she felt very sad. "Have things been arranged for Huzi?"

"His younger brother is studying at Metropolis University. I gave him a pension. There is no one in Huzi's house. Just the two brothers. He has been paying for his younger brother to study all these years..." Lin Qi's eyes blushed as he spoke. , "The younger brother also wants to join the secret door...the boss..."

"Send me the child's situation." Ruan Su did not directly refuse. "It was originally our duty to help Huzi take care of his brother."

"Okay!" Lin Qi nodded quickly, "That boy Shang Yang performed very well this time."

Immediately afterwards, he talked about the situation of Shang Yang endlessly.

Ruan Su was also a little surprised. Shang Yang is usually inconspicuous, but he didn't expect to be so agile at critical times, "We have always been rewarded and punished by secret doors, and Shang Yang should be rewarded for good performance. You can do it."

"Thank you boss."

Ruan Su stayed here until more than two o'clock in the afternoon before leaving.

Not long after she left, Lin Qi sent the information of Huzi's brother Tang Mo to her mailbox.

The first thing she did after returning home was to check Tang Mo's information.

"21 years old, senior year."

"I studied finance."

"I got a lot of scholarships, and I'm pretty motivated."

Ruan Su looked for a while and found that there was nothing wrong, so he called Lin Qi, "I finished reading, this kid is studying finance, and I happened to be working on a new project recently. Let him stay with me for a while. Time."

If there is value in cultivation, it can be cultivated.

To establish the "No Abduction and No Loss Foundation" she needs manpower and her own people.

After Ruan Su arranged Tang Mo's affairs, he began to read the book that Lin Qi brought back, and it was dinner time.

She rubbed her sour eyes and went downstairs, and met Ye Nianli's worried gaze, "Xiao Su, what are you up to?"

"Oh, nothing." She Zhuoyan came over and looked at her suspiciously, "Sister, what book is it? It's so beautiful?"

"Well, I got a few new books about medicine." Ruan Su said casually. Well, strictly speaking, poison is considered to be medical, so she was right.

"Xiaosu, you have to pay attention to your body even the most beautiful book." Old lady Ye walked over, "What do you think of a foundation without cruelty and loss?"

Ruan Su yawned again, "Grandma, I will make a project case, and you will check it out at that time. The purpose of this foundation is to help families who have lost children, so we must work **** publicity."

"Well, leave this to you and I can rest assured. You do it boldly, you don't need to ask me to check, your ability is obvious to all, everyone knows." Old lady Ye said very pleasedly, "In the future...I don't have to fuck. So much heart."

"Okay, let's go to the restaurant for dinner together." Ye Yanli and Ruan Su went into the restaurant side by side. "Xiao Su, the Sky team is about to practice. I have made a drill plan. Let's discuss it together later?"

Ye Yanli remembered that Ruan Su and Bo Xingzhi had participated in the aerospace exhibition together before, and they had also dabbled in aerospace and other things. So he wanted to invite Ruan Su to discuss it together, and it might cause a different spark.

Ruan Su nodded, "No problem."

Old lady Ye looked back when they heard what they said, "Ali, I will arrange Xiao Su to go to the Sky Team to help you. After all, Jia Yan is pregnant and wants to raise a baby at home, so it will be more difficult for you."

" don't believe in your son's abilities too much?" Ye Yanli couldn't help laughing.

Mrs. Ye thought far-reachingly, "It’s not that I don’t believe you, but that it’s a troubled time. This exercise is very important. If someone wants to do something, then Xiao Su can help you. You two can have a relationship. Anaphora."

Ruan Su's strength is extremely strong, and he is no ordinary helper.

Their Ye family can no longer withstand any toss, and it is the best policy to work every step of the way.

The next day.

The weather in winter was sunny, cold, sunny and cold, and the cold north wind was whizzing past. Ruan Su wore a gray woolen coat with a noble and elegant temperament.

She carried the medicine box and got out of the car directly into the farmyard.

The brother who was injured the most has woken up and is recovering well.

Because of Ruan Su’s timely treatment, no complications were caused by the infection.

"Have you found out the origins of those killers?" After Ruan Su probed the situation of the injured brothers, a stone fell to the ground in his heart.

Then she asked about Lin Qi.

"Eighty percent are definitely from the ZZ organization." Lin Qi showed the results of the investigation in the past two days to Ruan Su. "Boss, this ZZ organization is very strange and terrifying, why would they go to the abandoned one? Where's the research institute?"

Ruan Su narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the information in his hand. "It's not a day or two for them to treat me and Bo Xingzhi as opponents."

She pondered for a moment, "The ZZ organization killed our brothers, and this hatred must be reported. Continue to investigate, and we must find out where the ZZ organization's nest is, and turn around and give them directly."

A trace of hatred flashed through her eyes, "I will never let the tiger die in vain."

"Yes, boss." Lin Qiyi thought of Huzi's tragic scene before his death, and his chest was filled with hatred, "I will find out! Give Huzi an explanation."

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