Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 882: The endless wildfire!

Ruan Su looked at the bleak winter sun in the yard, his eyebrows were deserted, "Okay. Call me if you have anything."


Ruan Su left the farmyard with the medicine box, started the car, and headed towards the city.

After returning home, she shut herself in the room directly.

The books and documents that Lin Qi brought back were packed in a box. She opened the box and prepared to find a new book to take a look again, only to see a small jar at the bottom of the box.

The jar looked exquisite, and it was heavy in her hand. She frowned, "What is this?"

Why did Lin Qi bring back a small jar?

She wanted to open the jar curiously, but she couldn't open it after wiping it several times.

There is a lid at the mouth of the jar, and the lid cannot be unscrewed or pried.

She dropped the wrench in her hand and decided to find a way to find a solution.

After half an hour, she came to the presidential palace.

As soon as I got out of the car, I ran into Jing Sa. The woman looked elegant and luxurious in a professional suit.

She slowly got off a black business car, took off the sunglasses on the bridge of her nose, and looked at Ruan Su, "This Presidential Palace is really... more and more like your backyard."

A hint of sarcasm flashed in Ruan Su's eyes, "Secretary of State Jing made a serious statement."

"I just ran into you here, Miss Ruan, next week is my daughter's birthday party. I wonder if you can attend it?" Jing Sa motioned to the assistant behind him, and the assistant immediately stepped forward and took out an invitation card to Ruan. In front of Sue.

Ruan Su glanced at the red invitation, "I have no intersection with Miss Jing Baizhi. I think-she would not be happy for her entire birthday if she saw me."

Jing Sa laughed, she laughed extraordinarily gentle, but the aura was still invincible. "Miss Ruan is really good at joking. You and Azhi are both the same age. She will be very happy to see you. Looking forward to your visit."

Ruan Su frowned. At this point, she would be too stingy if she didn't accept the invitation again.

It's just an invitation, not a bomb.

"I believe your uncle will also go." Jing Sa looked at her with red lips, "After all, I always think that the Jing family and the Ye family have a good relationship."

Ruan Su didn't know what Jing Sa said about such disgusting words.

Who doesn't know that the Ye family and the Jing family are not related.

On the contrary, no one is guilty of the dealer, and the relationship with each family is maintained fairly well.

She glanced at Ruan Su's cashmere coat again. Ruan Su was beautiful and could wear her own style in everything she wears.

The coat on her body makes her skin white as snow, with a noble temperament.

"Good taste, much better than my A Zhi."

She kept mentioning Jing Baizhi, Ruan Su silently looked at her.

I thought of the things that happened in the same department as Jing Baizhi when I was in the hospital.

Jing Sa began to walk away from his slender and straight legs towards the inside of the mansion, and asked as he walked, "Why didn't you go to the hospital to work recently?"

Listening to her tone is like a familiar elder caring about the life and work of the younger generation.

Ruan Su's voice was cold, "busy, no time to go."

She originally went to work for Li Zhuoyan, and Li Zhuoyan has also been discharged from the hospital. She went to the hospital just because she was a ticket.

Only go if there is something urgent, not go if not.

Anyway, she doesn't receive salary from the hospital either. It's just to help my teacher.

"You are a child, can you be too busy with me?" Jing Sa still has a gentle voice, as if he is a gentle elder.

When she arrived at the office building, she turned her head and glanced at Ruan Su, "I'm going up first, does Miss Ruan need me to help you get Bo Shao down?"

"No need." Ruan Su is still very cold.

Jing Sa didn't say anything, but turned and walked into the office lobby.

The moment she turned around, the gentle face was suddenly covered with frost.

Her icy gaze swept across the hall, and finally fell in the direction of the elevator door, only to see the elevator door slowly open.

Bo Xingzhi's tall and slender figure appeared in his sight, Jing Sa glanced at him, "Bo Shao, don't blame me as an aunt for reminding you that it is best not to always show up in the office for your family members. This will save people's tongue. "

"Secretary of State Jing." Bo Xingzhi just passed her by beckoning, without any response at all.

Jing Sa's face grew gloomy.

I hate seeing them as a couple, I really want

Bo Xingzhi walked quickly to Ruan Su's side, took her hand and came to a remote corner.

"What's wrong? Xiaosu?"

Ruan So checked the surrounding area and found that there was no one. She then took out the small jar from her bag, "Can you figure out a way to open this jar? I tried countless ways and couldn't open it."

"This jar is unique in shape, and it's not an ordinary bargain. It's so heavy?" Bo Xingzhi took the jar and weighed it. "Where did you get it?"

"Lin Qi brought it back. I don't know what's inside." Ruan Su whispered, "I'm afraid of breaking it directly and destroying the contents."

"Okay, I think of a way." Bo Xingzhi put the jar away.

Ruan Su nodded, "Then I will go back first."

She was about to leave, but her arm was violently pulled by the man. She didn't react in the next second, and the man's thin lips were printed on her forehead. He kissed her lightly and immediately let go of her, "Okay, Let's go."

Ruan Su glared at him, "Do you still want to eat the scallion pancakes I made myself at night?"

"Yes." The man smiled evilly at her. "My wife must be reluctant to make me hungry."

Ruan Su pushed him, "Hurry up and don't let me see you again."

Bo Xingzhi turned and left.

Ruan Su also left the presidential palace.

"Wuguaiwudiu Foundation" is located in the West District, the 15th floor of an office building in the West District.

There are a lot of elementary schools and middle schools in the West District, including kindergartens, and almost all of them are in the West District, including the University Town.

Therefore, Ruan Su chose the site of the foundation here, and the best results are likely to be produced in places with a large number of minors.

She went directly to the foundation, and Tang Mo was there.

This is the first time that Tang Mo has seen Ruan Su, and seeing the elegant and cold-tempered woman appear, his eyes are bright.

What a beautiful woman.

Is this the legendary boss of your brother Tang Hu?

Perceiving Tang Mo's gaze, Ruan Su looked at him. A gentle young man, who looked very delicate, had a pair of rimless glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Similar to Tang Hu's five senses, but a bit weaker in temperament.

"Tang Mo?" Ruan Su said softly.

"Hello." Tang Mo stood up from his desk somewhat restrained, "Ruan..."

"Well, don't be too polite. How does it feel to work here?" Ruan Su motioned for him to sit down.

"It's okay, the work content is quite simple." Tang Mo's face showed a faint blush, and he didn't have any contact with any girls in school. Suddenly talking to such a beautiful boss, his heart was pounding.

"Put out a plan to promote our foundation." Ruan Su knocked on his table, "Be meaningful, not empty, let me see your level."

Tang Mo watched Ruan Su tapping his plain white fingers on his desk, his face flushed, "Uh, okay, okay."

After walking around the foundation, Lee Zhuoyan was also there.

Ruan Sura took her hand and sat down in the rest area, "Don't be too tired. Your body can't stand the fatigue. Just pass the time here, don't worry too much. You know?"

Li Zhuoyan's eyes are shining, and she is full of interest. "Sister, this job is very meaningful. It is also very pleasant to get along with colleagues. You don't have to worry too much."

"The most important thing is your body." Ruan Su looked around at the surrounding environment. "It hasn't been long since it was newly decorated. Your body can't stay here for too long. You can go home later, you know?"

"I see." Li Zhuoyan nodded obediently.

Ruan Su still has some work to do, "I'll go back to the office to work first."

The establishment of a foundation is no trivial matter. Propaganda is in place on the one hand, and on the other hand, it must be done.

She has contacted many families who have lost their children, and has also started an official account to release a lot of news about these families.

Some time ago, a family named What Yang found his own child and caused a huge sensation in the society.

She also paid attention to that matter.

She hopes that all families can find their children and stop suffering endless suffering.

Before I knew it, it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

She grabbed her bag and stood up to go back. When she passed the public work area, she saw Tang Mo still working, "Tang Mo, did you write it out?"

The boy raised his head and pushed his glasses, "Writing."

"Well, go home after get off work and write tomorrow." Ruan Su smiled.

"It's okay, I'll finish writing after a while." Tang Mo's face flushed again, "It's okay for me to go back early..."

"Don't add it too late." Ruan Su left after speaking.

It was almost six o'clock when she returned home, and she promised Bo Xingzhi to make scallion pancakes, so she quickly went upstairs to change clothes and went into the kitchen to get busy.

"Miss, let us cook whatever you want. You don't have to come in person." The servant in the kitchen said with a smile.

"It's okay, I'll just make a few cakes." Ruan Su glanced at her while making dough.

Naturally, she is very proficient in making scallion pancakes. It didn't take long for her to make two, but considering that there are quite a few Ye family members now.

She did three more, for a total of five.

Cut into small pieces and place them on the plate.

She waited and didn't wait until Bo Xing stopped. She couldn't help calling the man, "Have you gotten off work yet?"

Bo Xingzhi's helpless voice came, "It's a little busy right now, it may take half an hour to finish."

"That's good. Let's eat first." Ruan Su was embarrassed to let the whole Ye family wait for Bo Xing to be alone, so he greeted everyone to eat, "Grandma, uncle, don't wait for him. Let's eat first."

In the presidential palace at this time, Bo Xingzhi stared at the president in front of him coldly, "Are you intentional?"

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