Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 884: Count you kind! Get out!

There is only one bullet left in the pistol!

She narrowed her eyes slightly and aimed at the front tire of the truck! With a sound of "bang!" the bullet slammed into the tire of the truck.

"Flop!" The tire suddenly flattened, and it began to leak wildly.

The big truck was originally huge, and the flat tire caused the car to skew and hit the railing beside the road.

The driver was shocked suddenly, and turned the steering wheel frantically, trying to control the car.

But the car did not listen.

The driver of the car following it also stared in horror, because the car was close to the railing!

"Ah!" the driver yelled, followed by a loud noise!

Two cars collided!

The bursting sparks spattered into one piece, but the accident was far from over.

After the big truck drove the small car tens of meters away, the big truck slammed into the railing like crazy.

The drivers of the two cars were bloodied on the steering wheel, and the other people in the cars were also injured to varying degrees, trying to escape from the car.

But he couldn't escape.

But Ye Yanli and Bo Xingzhi's car in the distance had already disappeared from their sight.

The president did not expect Ruan Su to have such courage and such superb marksmanship.

He closed his mouth in shock, unable to recover for a long time.

"She Ruan Su..."

She is a sharpshooter!

Bo Xingzhi smiled sarcastically after hearing what he said, "What? I only discovered the charm of my wife today?"

He raised his eyebrows and continued to poke the president's heart, "If you change to your favorite Miss Jin, I am afraid that now you only hear a scream."

The president's face is a bit ugly, which is simply a humiliation to him.

After a while he reluctantly retorted, trying to find a trace of face for himself, "Huh! The daughter-in-law I need is a lady, not a bodyguard!"

"My wife is Ye Jiatang's upright daughter." Bo Xingzhi couldn't hear anyone slander Ruan Su, his tone was very unhappy, "Jin Aimi is just an adopted daughter. In terms of orthodoxy, she can't compare to my wife's hair. ."

"The two brothers of the Jin family are not married. Where did they come from? Besides, the adopted daughter is also a daughter!" The president is simply Chi Guoguo's famous double-standard dog.

Bo Xingzhi didn't bother to talk to him anyway, he was a stubborn and naive old man anyway.

One day, he will let this bad old man recognize what is truly blind!

In the car behind, Ye Yanli let out a long sigh after seeing the scene of the car accident that Ruan Su personally concocted, "Xiao Su, fortunately you are witty."

"Small bugs are not enough." Ruan Su returned the pistol to him. "Follow the car that is moving, just in case."

If something goes wrong on the way back from the Ye family, the Ye family will not escape.

She didn't want anyone in the Ye family to fall into danger and blame.

Fortunately, in the following time, nothing strange happened on the safe journey.

For the rest of his life, the president furiously called his assistant over to investigate the matter as soon as he returned to the presidential palace.

"No one knows about my visit to the Ye family, how did the killers know?"

"Azhi and I left quietly and came back quietly. Is there a ghost in the Ye family?"

The assistant swallowed his saliva, "Sir, you actually... had an assassination? Oh my God! Isn't it terrible?"

"Fortunately, fate is big." The president did not mention Ruan Su's bright moments, and now he wants to know who is going to kill him!

"Fortunately, my wife is witty and accurate." Bo Xingzhi said in a cool tone, "Some people have been saved by my wife, and there is no even a word of thanks."

The president's face was reddened and his words were irrational, "Who said no thanks, it was her car who left without stopping at all!"

He was a little angry when he thought of this. When Bo Xingzhi's car entered the presidential palace, Ye Yanli's car turned around and left.

Don't even say hello to him! It's too pretentious.

"If they are willing to send you back, they will have done their best." Bo Xingzhi couldn't understand his attitude towards Ruan Su. When he wanted to ask for a bite, it was Xiao Su who kept crying.

After eating, he wiped his mouth clean and turned his face to deny.


Too scumbag!


There was only a faint light in the dark room, and a woman in a mask sat at the table.

The bright red Kodan on the woman's fingertips was so dazzling, she flipped through a book in front of her and heard a sound of footsteps.

The footsteps stopped at the door, followed by a knock on the door.

She lifted her eyelids and glanced at the door slowly, "Go in."

A tall man in black pushed the door in, humbled his head and walked in front of her, "Madam... the plan failed."

The woman looked at him quietly, and she looked at him for a while before she said, "Go down and receive the punishment."

"Yes!" The man turned pale and left quickly.

After a while, two men came in again. The man held a few books in his arms and put them in front of her, "Brought them back from the abandoned base. We also met another wave of people."

The woman looked at the somewhat outdated books in front of her, "Have you found all the information she had before?"

"No...Those people stepped forward earlier and took some away. This is the rest..." The man's voice became lower and lower.

"Trash!" The woman sternly scolded, "Where are those people?"

"Escaped...they are very cunning..." The man wiped the sweat from his forehead, his face showed a trace of horror, "I don't know which person... actually found our previous base. Obviously the base is very secretive."

"Idiot! This little thing can't be done well, so you won't be able to get some information back." The woman glanced over the two coldly, "She desperately needs the information, and there is no way to carry out the research now. Do you have to bear the loss? ?"

"Plop!" With a sound, the two knelt in front of the woman at the same time, "Madam forgive me, this time it is our negligence, and we didn't expect someone to arrive first... let us go."

"Leave you alone, who will pay for my research?" The woman slowly stood up and walked to the two of them.

She wore a pair of red slippers on her feet. She lifted her right foot and slammed on one of the men's hands on the ground, "Ah!" The screams suddenly sounded over the room.

The man's eyes were bloodshot, and the bones of his palm crackled loudly. It was obvious that he was trampled to pieces.

Dou Da's sweat beads slid down his cheeks, and he kept begging for mercy, "Let me go! Let me go! I don't dare anymore!"

"Since it's so useless, it's better to just scrap it." The woman sneered, and then smashed her foot against the man's palm. After a while she let go, "Get out!"

The man stood up with a trembling body, and another man hurriedly held his shaky body and rushed out.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

The woman looked at the old books on the table, she picked up the books and walked out.

She walked through the long corridor, came to the quiet and dark courtyard, crossed the rockery and creek in the courtyard, and finally came to a remote courtyard.

The small courtyard was silent, only her footsteps were heard.

She directly raised her hand and pushed open the door of the room. Inside, a haggard woman was sitting under the lamp and recording something on a notebook. In front of her were some experimental equipment.

Hearing the sound of the door, the haggard woman slowly turned her head, just to meet the gaze of the masked woman, her eyes met, and the haggard woman pinned the broken hair behind her ear with a calm expression, "Have you found what I wanted?" "

The masked woman threw the books in her arms on the table in front of her, "Someone got on the table first. Our people only found these books to see if there is anything you need."

The haggard woman scanned these books, flipped through several times and shook her head, "No. These books are useless."

The masked woman suddenly looked a little annoyed, "Damn, why didn't you say it earlier, if you said earlier to get it back earlier, it's fine now, someone snatched those things one step ahead of time."

"Do you want to blame me?" The haggard woman's expression was still very cold. "The base was abandoned because of you, not because of me. The address you chose to retreat to here was also the address you chose. At that time, you kept urging me to leave. So some of my information is left there, and you are the one who caused all this."

"You!" The masked woman was so angry that she pinched her chin, "Don't think that I can't take you if you are so clever!"

"I haven't got the things, I can't complain a few words?" The woman still looked indifferent, completely not paying attention to the anger of the masked woman.

"Forget you kind!" The masked woman released her hand and turned to leave.

The haggard woman's chin was pinched with red marks, which was painful, but the haggard woman didn't seem to feel it, so she continued to do her own experiment.


Ye Fan left the car and returned to Ye's house. He opened the door and looked at Ruan Su with his feet vain and unreal.

"We are back safely."

Ruan Su nodded at him, "En."

The two of them walked into the house together, and the old lady and old man Ye hadn't rested yet, they had been waiting for them.

Seeing that they came back safely, Mr. Ye immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "How is it? Did you safely send the president back?"

The two nodded in response, and neither of them talked about the thrilling scene that happened on the road.

Ruan Su smiled and looked at the two of them, "Grandma, grandpa, it's okay. You guys hurry up and rest."

"It's okay." Mrs. Ye fell a stone to the ground, "If the president comes to our house, if something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Mom, don't worry, he is back to the presidential palace safely now." Ye Yanli also calmed the old lady Ye, "It's late at night, everyone should rest."

So everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

After Ruan Su returned to his bedroom, he called Bo Xingzhi, "What happened to that jar? Do you have a way?"

Bo Xingzhi just took a shower and sat on the bed, and his magnetic voice sounded, "I'm studying, give me some time."

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