Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 885: The wedding is on the agenda

"Not in a hurry." Ruan Su heard his voice, and his heart suddenly warmed, "Don't be too tired. I may be a little busy these two days."

"Need my help?" Bo Xingzhi raised his eyebrows, "Did something happen?"

"No, I'm busy with the foundation. The foundation has just been established, so it's a bit busy, so don't worry." Ruan Su chatted with Bo Xingzhi for a while before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, she stretched and continued to read the books that Lin Qi brought back.

Suddenly, something similar to a diary attracted her attention.

She frowned, diary?

There are very few people who write diaries in this era. Everyone has too many social platforms to record life, such as audio and video, Moments, or Q space, so the handwritten diary is quite impressive.

She couldn't help picking up the diary and opening it gently.

The font of the diary is very scribbled, and it can be seen that the owner of the diary is in a very upset mood.

She read several pages in a row, only to find the word familiar.

After searching in her mind, she didn't have the word owner to check her seat.

But...Why do you always feel that this font is a bit familiar?


She continued to look, suddenly! A bookmark fell out of the diary.

The bookmark was in the shape of a maple leaf, and there was a strong stale dust air from the bookmark.

She bent down and picked up the maple leaf from the ground. This bookmark... she was stunned.

In the past, when I was a child, my mother liked to use maple leaf bookmarks, and the back of each bookmark would have the mother's signature.

Ruan Su's heart suddenly tightened, as if being gripped by an invisible hand.

Her fingertips are shaking, will they? Will it be?

thumping! thumping! thumping! The heart was beating violently, and she could almost hear her heart beating like a drum.

She took a deep breath and fiercely turned the Maple Leaf Bookmark over.

Her hopeful eyes slowly dimmed, and it took a while before she sighed heavily.

No... the back of the bookmark is empty.


She laughed self-deprecatingly. Maple Leaf Bookmarks are so common and so common that there are too many merchants selling Maple Leaf Bookmarks.

She really suddenly became naive, and guessed whether it was her mother's diary based on a bookmark.

How could the mother have anything to do with the research institute? In Ruan Su's memory, her mother can embroider, paint, and play the piano. She is a very gentle and talented woman.

Painting and playing the piano are in touch with your mother. As for this research's too strange and irrelevant, right?

The diary was almost finished, and she turned to the last page.

"I received a notice today to evacuate from here. The purity of the puppet crystal I studied is getting higher and higher, but I know this thing is very dangerous. I decided to hide the original one in a jar and destroy it when I find a chance."

Puppet crystal? Ruan Su stared at these three words in shock. What is this?

Is it a literal thing?

What is the function of this puppet crystal?

Ruan Su closed the notebook still feeling very puzzled. She continued to search through the pile of books that Lin Qi brought back, trying to find some clues about the puppet crystal.


Nothing at all.

"" Ruan Su sat on the ground and looked at the books spread on the floor beside her. Did she miss something?

This puppet Jingguang heard the name very strange.

It seems that she must calm down and study these books carefully.

There is also this diary.

She thought about it and set up a time back to the original formation directly in front of the diary. She wanted to see who the owner of this diary was.

But... the formation flashed out a bright light and disappeared into the diary for an instant, but there was no response.

Ruan Su was a little frustrated. It seemed that this diary was too long and the formation didn't work on it.

If it’s in recent years, it’s better...

I don't know if I can use other formations to collect the owner's information.

She started to line up again, until four o'clock in the morning, the east was white, but her formation still didn't respond to these books.

It seems... I can only give up.

She took a bath tiredly and fell asleep.

The moment she fell asleep, she didn't notice the sporadic faint light from the formation, gradually disappearing into her fingertips.

The winter sun shines through the window into the room, and the person lying on the bed rolls over and continues to sleep.

When the servant came and knocked on the door, Ruan Su finally slowly opened his eyes, "So sleepy."

"Miss, it's time for breakfast."

Ruan Su sat up holding the quilt and responded, "Okay, come right away."

Every morning, she will perform routine checks on Li Zhuoyan's body to make sure that there is no problem with Li Zhuoyan's body.

No matter how tired or sleepy she is, she will do this.

So after washing quickly, she came to the restaurant downstairs.

Li Zhuoyan stayed at home every day recently, and it was freezing outside. In case of catching a cold, it would be a huge damage to her current body.

Not only that, almost everyone who came back from the outside had to be disinfected to get close to Li Zhuoyan.

As soon as Li Zhuoyan got off her weight, she saw Ruan Su coming downstairs in a lavender dress. She smiled brightly at Ruan Su, "Sister, I gained another pound."

Ruan Su walked over to check the weight scale and patted her on the head, "It's pretty good."

After getting Li Zhuoyan's pulse, the sisters went to the restaurant.

As soon as I entered, I heard that Mrs. Ye was urging for the wedding, "You and Jia Yan will have this wedding, let’s have it. ."

"Yanyan's health is much better now, so it's a worry if it's better to have the wedding as soon as possible." Elder Ye said in the same way, "You think about preparing for it. Haven't the previous wedding company been in contact?"

Ye Yanli looked at Song Jiayan, holding her small hand with her big palm, "Jiayan, what do you mean?"

Song Jiayan didn't object, she smiled generously, "Dad and Mom said it was good, and the wedding is really not good if it is delayed. Why don't we choose a good weather."

It's cold in the twelfth lunar month, and it's freezing outside.

Li Zhuoyan's body can't catch the cold. Song Jiayan thought for a while and said, "Why don't you do it directly in the hotel's banquet hall instead of an outdoor lawn wedding."

"That's right. The hotel is warm. You are pregnant and you can't catch a cold." Mrs. Ye agreed. "Our wedding must not be too shabby, but it must not be too extravagant. You two should be good to the wedding company. After discussing it, our opinions are secondary."

"Okay, Mom, we see." Ye Yanli took out his phone as he said, and checked the latest weather forecast. "Or... let's set the time to this Sunday. The sun is shining and it is the best weather in this period of time."

"Really? Let me take a look." Old lady Ye also took out her mobile phone, "Old man, look through the emperor's calendar to see if it is a good day. The good weather is one aspect, and it must be a good day to marry. "

Father Ye hurriedly put down his chopsticks and looked at the Huangli APP downloaded on his mobile phone, "Oh, this is a good day, we should get married, we should open the market. Just this day!"

Therefore, the day is directly selected on Sunday.

"We didn't ask the fortune teller to take a look. It's just so hasty, isn't it good?" Although the old lady Ye didn't believe in fortune telling very much, these processes had to go a long way to relax her daughter-in-law's heart.

I don't want my daughter-in-law to feel that her marriage is not taken seriously.

Ruan Su glanced at the days of Sunday, then pinched and counted, "Grandma, these days are rare, so don't worry. I'll do it for you."

Old lady Ye glared at her, "Don't mix up, you are not a fortune teller."

"But I..." Ruan Su wanted to say. I see people's faces, I can do it!

But she didn't give her any chance at all, Ye Yanli directly picked her up a steamed dumpling and stuffed it into her mouth, "Hurry up and eat your breakfast. Then you and Yanyan will remember to help and entertain the guests at the wedding. ."

Ruan Su: "..."

I'm really a metaphysical boss, a master of formation...

Forget it, one day they will believe and know.

Next, Ye Yanli began to prepare for the wedding, and various discussions with the wedding company. Because of Song Jiayan's physical inconvenience, the planner of the wedding company simply went to the door to listen to Song Jiayan's thoughts and opinions.

Time flies quickly, and soon it’s Sunday.

Early in the morning, everyone in the Ye family came to the hotel where the wedding was held, and was busy going in and out.

Young Master Ye's wedding immediately attracted the attention of almost everyone in the capital city of M.

Some guests came earlier, all thinking about coming around for the Ye family more and communicating their feelings.

Some guests will come a little later.

After ten o'clock in the morning, the auspicious hour of the wedding will begin immediately.

The guests were almost there.

The Ye family also dressed beamingly, with smiles on their faces.

Both Mrs. Ye and Mrs. Ye wore dark red Tang suits, but one was women's clothing and the other was men's clothing.

"Xiao Su, it's a really good weather today." Mrs. Ye said, patting Ruan Su's hand, "As soon as your uncle's wedding is held, I won't have to worry about it anymore. I'm just waiting for you. We can make up a wedding with Azhi."

"Me?" Ruan Su couldn't help but looked at the people coming and going in the banquet hall, "Let's forget it."

"That's not okay. I heard that you two haven't had a wedding. You will have to do it in the future." Mrs. Ye dragged her uncomfortably, "The ceremony will be felt after the wedding."

At this moment, there was a commotion and movement among the guests, and everyone gave way.

Old lady Ye frowned, "What's the matter?"

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a red figure!

A slim red cheongsam wrapped her exquisite body, and a woman with a ruby ​​necklace on her neck walked over on high heels!

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