Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 886: What a big wedding! Storm!

"Ms. Jing!" Mrs. Ye showed a smile on her face, "It's really a disappointment for you to come here." Naturally, you can no longer be called Jing Sa's position on this occasion.

Jing Sa smiled extremely charmingly. She fluffed her long hair, and then motioned to the assistant behind her to hand over the red envelope to the Ye family. Then she said, "You are welcome, old lady. How could I not come to Ye Shao's wedding?"

As she spoke, she glanced at Ye Mili, who was greeting other guests. “My daughter Bai Zhi’s birthday is in a few days, and I hope Ye Shao and Grandma Ye will also be able to come by then.”

Old lady Ye would naturally not refuse in person, "Of course."

The auspicious time has come.

The sacred marriage march sounded leisurely.

Then everyone saw a pair of golden boys and girls slowly walking on the red carpet, walking towards their happy shore.

The entire hotel is decorated in a magnificent and romantic atmosphere.

There are many colorful balloons and ribbons floating in the sky, and there is a beam of joy everywhere.

"Ye Yanli! You scumbag, you have made my stomach bigger, and now you can marry other women sweetly. Are you worthy of me?"

An abrupt voice suddenly exploded at the wedding banquet, causing all the guests present to look at the woman with her belly straight down.

Li Manman supported her waist with one hand, and pointed at the incomparable Ye Yanli on the stage. Perhaps because of her anger, her hands couldn't help shaking.

The music stopped abruptly, and the noisy banquet hall was instantly quiet.

Song Jiayan lifted her veil and stared at Li Manman and her high-pitched belly in the audience.

She looked at Ye Mianli in shock, "Husband, who is this woman? What's the situation?"

The guests in the audience also couldn't help but talk, "Isn't Ye Shao not close to women before he met the young lady?"

"How come a woman suddenly came out of this?"

"It's a big belly!"

Seeing this uncontrollable scene, Ruan Su frowned slightly.

Old lady Ye turned pale with anger, and she yelled, "Where are you a shrew who ran over, how dare you make a fuss about my Ye family's wedding! Don't leave now!"

Grandpa Song also stared at Ye Mili very angrily, "What's the matter with you? My dear granddaughter is so happy today, this kind of thing happened unexpectedly, where do you put our Song family's face?"

Song Jiayan's older brothers couldn't help but step forward and grab Ye Mili by the collar, and they were about to beat him, "You dare to bully my sister, don't you brother-in-law!"

Song Jiayan hurriedly persuaded him to fight, "Big brother, second! I must have been wronged for being disgusted."

She looked at Li Manman again, "Who are you? Why do you want to do this?"

"Oh my God! The Ye family is too bullying! I beg my guests to be fair for me!" Li Manman started crying and robbing the ground as soon as he patted his thigh, "It's okay to deny me, how can I deny it in my stomach? kind!"

What is lively is a sloppy behavior, you make sense to her, and she doesn't listen to it at all.

The rest of the Ye family were also shocked, "How could this be?"

"The ghost knows, I think 80% of it is blackmail!"

"It depends on our Ye family!"

Hearing everyone's discussion, Li Manman couldn't help but pulled the corner of his mouth. Ye Weili, I see how you end up now.

Ye Yanli on the stage never spoke, staring at Li Manman with a cold gaze.

His face was indifferent and cold, and a faint anger filled the air.

Li Manman raised his chin slightly, and his eyes faced Ye Yanli's cold eyes.

Then, she squeezed two drops of tears from the corner of her eyes, with a heartbroken look, "Ye Shao, have you forgotten? What you said to me at the beginning, you said you are responsible for me... Now I am pregnant. For six months, you are going to have a wedding with someone else. Are you worthy of me like this? Are you worthy of our children? Are you going to lift your pants and deny you after you sleep?"

Ye Yanli patted Song Jiayan's hand comfortingly, "Wife, do you believe me?"

Song Jiayan's eyes flickered slightly, and she nodded her head for a while, "I believe you are not that kind of person. I also believe that you will not betray me."

Ye Yanli nodded at her, and then walked slowly to Li Manman, his whole body exuded a hostility that made Li Manman shudder.

She couldn't help taking a step back.

"You tried so hard to ruin my reputation and ruin my wedding. It's really hard work." Ye Yanli sneered, "I don't know you, and it's impossible to be the father of your child."

Li Manman immediately stiffened his stomach when he heard the words, almost unable to cry, "You are too shameless, you can pretend not to know me, but you don't even recognize our child...the child is innocent!"

She looked more and more sad as she spoke.

The corner of Ye Yanli's lips made a faint smile, which made people feel chills for no reason.

"So... you rioted at my wedding, do you want me to be responsible for you?" Ye Yanli's sharp eyes fell on Li Manman, "Then tell me, how do you want me to be responsible?"

"Ye Yanli, this child belongs to you, come to ask me?" Li Manman still looked heartbroken, "I don't care, you must marry me now."

Song Jiayan watched Ye Yanli and Li Manman arguing, she walked to Ye Yanli's side and looked at Li Manman condescendingly, "Today is my wedding with Ye Yanli. I don't know why you ruined my wedding like this. , But I can assure Yi's Li’s character, he is impossible to betray me. So, please leave."

"Let me leave? You don't look at whose child I am pregnant!" Li Manman stared a pair of eyes, "What are you? I tell you, I was pregnant earlier than you!"

Song Jiayan forcibly suppressed the anger in her heart. If there were not many guests on the scene, she really wanted to slap Li Manman on the face.

Let her go wherever she goes. How could it be possible to have anger in his heart like now, and to speak to her very tactfully.

"You said that the child belongs to Ali, what proof do you have?"

"I! I! I... This is the record of me opening a room with him!" Li Manman took out a piece of paper from his pocket as he said, printed some hotel stay records on it, and the record showed the occupants. It is Ye Yanli and Li Manman.

Seeing these records, the guests were dumbfounded and started to talk again.

"Oh my God, shouldn't Ye Shao really be a scumbag?"

"Tsk tusk tusk, this woman seems to be a famous social flower?"

"The Li family abandoned daughter, it seems because she is the top card in the nightclub."

Some guests have already recognized Li Manman's identity.

"The framing is also a bit level, okay?" Ye Yanli stared at Li Manman with sharp black eyes, he looked at the high heels on her feet, and glanced at her swollen belly.

The man's big palm slammed into Li Manman's stomach, and Li Manman couldn't dodge, so he was caught by the man.

A group of snow-white pillows were dragged out directly along her clothes.

Ye Yanli threw it away and raised the pillow to Li Manman's eyes, "So, this is what you call six months pregnant?"

Everyone was shocked again.

"Oh my God! Fake pregnancy!"

"Are there any mistakes? That's ridiculous."

After seeing the pillow, Song Jiayan's eyes suddenly sank, "You really do everything you can, even relying on a fake pregnancy to frame my husband. What is your purpose?"

"There is no purpose, just to make Ye Weili marry me!" Li Manman said with a smile, "After all, I have so many records of house openings, but today I am not pregnant. Pregnant."

"This record is fake at first glance." Ye Yanli really didn't have the patience to entangle her anymore, "I don't care what your purpose is, whether you want to spend money, or want to see my Ye family, it doesn't matter if you want me to be in the headlines and scandals. ."

It was disgusting that this woman had faked pregnancy and clamored for him to be held accountable at his wedding.

Li Manman didn't expect that she would be seen through by Ye Nianli directly, and she was a little flustered.

This is totally inconsistent with the plan.

She couldn't help but yelled, "Ye Yanli, you scumbag, you always abandon it... Why is my life so bitter... I stand on you as a scumbag..."

The old lady Ye threw a terrible anger in her chest, "You woman came here shamelessly and framed my son, and you have to make a lot of noise here, making us a bad wedding. You must apologize to the Ye family!"

Li Manman rolled his eyes and said, "The victim is obviously me, and your Ye family is still bullying me... You must give me an explanation. If you don't give it, I won't leave..."

Ruan Su couldn't help laughing, thinking that Li Manman was just a jumping clown. She glanced at some of the media at the scene, "Have you seen it? Your farce is probably now on the headlines. There is only one end to the garbage."

There was a slight coldness between her eyebrows, and Li Manman was taken aback. Okay, what a beautiful woman! The coldness radiating from her body was even worse than Ye Yili just now.

Li Manman was shocked, two men in black walked over and dragged her out before he could react.

She immediately began to struggle, "Let go of me...let me go!"

Ruan Su's expression condensed, "Take her to the lounge."

After speaking, she looked at the Ye family guests again with apologetic expressions on her face, "I'm sorry everyone, I made everyone laugh." As soon as she waved her hand, some of her men immediately walked to the media reporters with red envelopes. Send them the red envelopes.

"I also hope that everyone will provide the most truthful report and clarification for our Ye family."

The reporters had already posted the scene just now, trying to earn a wave of eyeballs. But now I have received Ruan Su's huge red envelope, and they all said one by one, "Miss Ruan, don't worry."

"I will make it clear. A good wedding can't be broken."

Ruan Su nodded in satisfaction, "Thank you very much."

After the media reported it, as for the guests on the scene, almost all of them had good friends with the Ye family.

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