Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 888: What happened back then? ! the truth!

The wedding of Ye Manli, the eldest and young master who has been single for many years, is very lively.

The wedding scene was full of climaxes and it was so delicious.

Hot searches on social platforms are constantly being refreshed.

First, "Pregnant women accuse Ye Shao of being a scumbag"!

Followed by "Ye Shao denies knowing pregnant women"!

Then there is "I have wronged Ye Shao with a pillow pretending to be a pregnant woman"!

Then there was "the fake pregnant woman was instigated to ruin Ye Shao's reputation"!

Finally, "the fake pregnant woman apologized to the Ye family for suffering and runny nose"!


This series of hot searches is comparable to the splendid 8 o'clock TV series.

People who eat melons keep eating melons and eat them with relish.

"I don't chase after TV dramas, I just love to chase Ye Shao's wedding."

"My mother, what's the situation? How come there are so many things when you get married?"

"Too ridiculous, isn't it?"

"This woman is called Li Manman, she is a famous socialite. Tsk tsk, the woman who worships gold, I heard that she is still a peripheral."

"It looks sharp, hahaha—"

"Looking at her crying and apologizing crookedly, she made her a victim. Ming Ming Ye Shao is the victim."


At the same time, there are two other hot searches related to the bride.

"Master Ye's wedding dress is beautiful!"

"This toast dress is the best!"

The people eating melons, while admiring Song Jiayan's beauty, are still discussing the dress she is wearing.

"I wipe it, this toast dress is absolutely perfect, why is it so beautiful?"

"This wedding dress should only be in the sky!"

"Ask for the same model! A certain treasure comes out of the cottage quickly! I want to buy it!"

"You can't afford genuine products, so what brand is it?"

"Buy a copycat for my slum girl to wear when getting engaged!"


When everyone’s discussion was in full swing, the official platform of X Group directly posted a note, “Thank you for your love of our company’s chief designer X limited-edition wedding dresses and dresses. These two sets of clothes are for exclusive use, and this is the only one in the world. Thank you for your love. I only thank you for your love on behalf of X designer. In the future, X designer will design more and more beautiful clothes for everyone."

Two photos of Song Jiayan wearing a wedding dress and a toasting dress are also attached.

As soon as the news came out, it was fried again.

Netizens frantically started to draw like, "The global one? Is there a mistake?"

"I am envious, I also want to have X designer tailor-made a set for me."

"Did Grandma Ye save the galaxy? I was so favorably treated by X designer."

Many netizens know that Ruan Su is actually the X designer's business. I couldn't help but popular science to those unaware netizens, "Don't you know? Miss Ruan is Ye Shao's niece, Miss Ruan is the X designer!"

"So, she tailored it for her aunt!"

"666, I'm more sour and envious."

And at this time Yejia Manor.

After the wedding, Song Jiayan was pregnant, so she didn't prepare for her honeymoon trip.

Ye Yanli held her hand apologetically, "When the child is born safely, I will replenish your honeymoon trip."

Song Jiayan was not upset because of this, "I am in a state of inconvenience right now, and I may not know what will happen if I go out. It will be the same when I go out in the future."

She has now worn a set of maternity clothes, loose and comfortable.

She walked up to Ruan Su and said with emotion, "Xiao Su, thank you. The wedding dress and dress you designed for me are really beautiful. I don't think I deserve those two sets of clothes!"

"Women are the most beautiful when they are brides. So of course they have to wear beautiful clothes! You look better than clothes." Ruan Su smiled and held her hand, "Auntie, you are tired today, let I will help you get your pulse."

With that, her finger caught Song Jiayan's pulse, and after a while she retracted her finger. "You are a little tired, don't move your fetus, go back to your room and rest."

Song Jiayan was indeed very tired. She nodded and said hello to Mrs. Ye before going upstairs to rest.

At this moment, Ruan Su's cell phone rang.

She glanced at the caller ID and found it was thin.

"Hey, what's the matter?"

"It's opened. The jar is opened. I'm going to the Ye's to find you now." Bo Xingzhi's deep, magnetic voice rang on the other end of the phone.

Ruan Su's eyes lit up, "Really? Great. What's in it?"

Hearing her excited voice, Bo Xingzhi couldn't help but curl her lips, "You'll know when you get there. Wait for me."

The man hung up directly, Ruan Su pouted, what's the point of selling?

She waited until she was bored, so she simply sat in the living room and played on her mobile phone. It didn't take long before she saw a tall and stalwart man walking towards her.

With a chill outside his body, Ruan Su stood up and took his hand, "Is it cold outside?"

Bo Xing Zhi backhand held her warm little hand, "So you want to warm my hands?"

Ruan Su glanced at him with a smile, "What's the thing? What's in the jar?"

Bo Xingzhi took out the jar and opened it. Ruan Su looked at the contents in the jar strangely, "This is... a crystal?"

There are several purple crystal-like ice crystal objects inside.

What she saw in the diary suddenly flashed in her mind, "Puppet Jing"! Could this be the puppet crystal mentioned in the diary?

But what is the function of these crystals? What is it for?

Ruan Su curiously picked up a piece and placed it under the light to watch. The purple crystal was crystal clear and looked very beautiful and charming.

But after watching it for a while, she was a little dizzy.

If it weren't for Bo Xingzhi to protect her, she would probably fall to the ground.

This purple crystal is so weird and weird...

Bo Xingzhi helped her sit on the sofa, and said solemnly, "You should have also noticed that this crystal has a strong magnetic field. If you stare for a long time, it will stop dizziness. I don't know if it is emitting radioactive material or What? You have to be careful."

"There is such a wonderful thing in this world." Ruan Su put the purple crystal in the jar. "No wonder it is packed in such a tightly sealed jar. I need to study what material it is."

"Well, be careful. Don't be confused by it." Bo Xingzhi looked at her worriedly, "This purple crystal is strange...Don't be aggressive."

"I know." Ruan Su smiled, "I will be careful."

She thought in her heart that the purple crystal matter didn't stop at Ye's family. The man kissed her on the forehead, "I'm a little bit vinegar for this purple crystal."

"Oh, you go quickly, don't delay my business." Ruan Su pushed him up and hurried upstairs.

The man turned and left helplessly.

Ruan Su did not dare to open the purple crystal again, but went back to the room to continue to check the information.

She couldn't wait to solve the mystery of the purple crystal.

But except for the mention of puppet crystal in the diary, there is no mention of it in other places.

She sat on the ground with a little frustration and looked at the pile of books spread out in front of her.

What does puppet crystal mean?

What is the connection with this purple crystal?

She thought about it and decided to experiment with this purple crystal.

It was late at night, and she ran directly into the yard. It was winter and the weather was freezing cold. It was difficult to catch a mouse for experimentation.

She turned around but didn't find one, so she could only go back to the room in the end.

It's cold!

It was warm in the heated room. She stomped her feet and went straight into the living room. When she passed by the kitchen, she suddenly remembered that the servant went to buy some groceries in the evening and bought some crucian carp, saying that it was for Song Jiayan to stew crucian carp soup tomorrow.

She thought about it and went to the kitchen, caught a carp, put it in a basin and served it upstairs.

She took a little purple crystal powder and threw it into the basin. The clear water in the basin suddenly turned into a hint of lavender.

The crucian carp, which had been alive and kicking, gradually lost its vitality, and finally rolled his eyes and died!

Ruan Su: "..."

It is totally unclear what effect this crystal has, what effect it has.

damn it! Let's catch a mouse back tomorrow.

She reluctantly threw the crucian carp into the trash can.


The Jin Family Manor is grand and solemn. In the late winter night, the villas are located in the manor, revealing the solemnity that can only be found in a big family.

Kim Aimi helped Kim Nam Hyuk to walk towards the bedroom, and said strangely, "Daddy, since you got a serious illness a few months ago, this body is getting worse and worse. Would you like me to arrange for a doctor to help you? Physical examination?"

This was just attending the Ye family's wedding. Kim Nam Hyuk turned out to be overwhelming.

Kim Nam Hyuk shook his head, "Forget it. I know my own body."

Jin Aimi was still worried, "We can't leave you at home! Daddy, or... I have a friend who works in the hospital. I will ask her to help you get some health care products to maintain your body?"

Kim Nam Hyuk smiled with a relieved expression on his face, "Unknowingly you have grown up, and you know you care about Daddy."

Jin Aimi helped him open the bedroom door, "Daddy, it's late at night, please rest quickly."

"Well, so are you." Kim Nam Hyuk said, he staggered into the room, and closed the door of the room.

He took a breath and sat down on the soft big bed and let out a long breath.

It took a while before I went to the bathroom to wash.

The more Jin Ami thinks about it, the stranger it gets. Daddy's body used to be quite tough. What's going on? I heard that I was seriously ill and did not allow anyone to visit.

He stayed in the nursing home for a long time before returning home.

During this period, only Uncle Jin Chi Hyuk was there to accompany and take care of him.

Thinking of this, Jin Ami went directly to the door of the room where Jin Chi-hye lived on the third floor. She raised her hand and knocked on the door, "Uncle? Uncle?"

No one answered after several knocks.

She looked at the location of the study again in confusion, and found that there was a light on in the study.

So she came to the door of the study again. Just as she was about to raise her hand to knock on the door, she heard Jin Chi-hye's voice from inside, "My brother is too stubborn, why would he refuse to listen to my advice. Yes. It's a pity..."

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