Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 889: Leave it to your future girlfriend!

Kim Aimi stood at the door in doubt, what does uncle mean?

What did Daddy do? Make him feel embarrassed?

Also said that Daddy is very stubborn...

"My sister-in-law, who has never met before, doesn't know what charm she has. After so many years, he has been obsessed with it, and has always refused to marry. Fifth elders, you must not persuade you anymore. I can't persuade, let's talk about it... Am I not married? My brother doesn't want to get married, and I don't want to get married. Now we have a child named Ai Mi. Although she has some shortcomings, how can people be perfect?"

Hearing Jin Chi Hyuk also mentioned his name, Jin Ami's heart suddenly became tight and he pricked his ears to listen carefully.

The fifth elder is one of the six elders of the Jin family, ranking fifth, so he is generally called the fifth elder.

Jin Aimi didn’t know what the fifth elder and uncle were doing on the phone, why they mentioned her...

She was thinking about it and heard Jin Chi-hye's voice again, "Fifth elder, if you insist on doing this, I can't help it, well, I'll pick her up tomorrow."

"But... if my brother can accept her, I don't know."

"OK, bye."

Kim Aimi walked back quietly, it seems that guests will be coming from home tomorrow?

who is it? Is it male or female?

Jin Aimi felt a little uncomfortable.

She rejected the arrival of outsiders for no reason.

She had forgotten her purpose of looking for Jin Chi Hyuk and went straight back to her room.

Sitting in the luxurious princess bedroom, she was puzzled.

The Kim Nam Hyuk brothers have been living with her in this manor, and they did not live with the Jin family members. Are there any changes in the family now?

Or something happened?

I always feel that there is a not-so-good premonition.

She thought about it for a long time and couldn't understand it, and finally she could only go to the bathroom to take a bath in an anxious manner.

But lying on the bed tossing and unable to fall asleep, and finally, half-dreaming and half-awake, I heard the engine sound of the sports car in the garage.

Jin Aimi sat up suddenly from the bed and glanced at the time on the wall clock on the wall, and found that it was already six o'clock in the morning.

She jumped out of the bed barefoot and came to the window sill, only to see the exhaust of Kim Che-hye's car in the garage.

"So early...what are you going to do?"

It's weird.

Does it take so early to pick up people?

Jin Ami didn't have the thought to get up and waited for Jin Chi Hyuk to come back.

After she woke up, she changed into more elegant home clothes, which are very famous and valuable.

After putting it on, she put on a light make-up before going downstairs.

The servant downstairs had already prepared breakfast and was about to ask Kim Nam Hyuk to have breakfast. Kim Amy stopped her and said, "I'll go over."

"Okay, miss." The servant hurriedly lowered his head and responded humbly.

"Daddy." Kim Amy walked to the door of Kim Nam Hyuk's room and knocked on the door. "Have you gotten up? It's time for breakfast."

"Oh, good. You eat first, don't wait for me." Kim Nam Hyuk's slightly tired voice came through the door.

Jin Aimi frowned, Daddy has always been physically strong, and has the habit and hobby of morning exercises.

I haven't seen him doing morning exercises for some time recently. On the contrary, he is going to sleep late?


Too strange!

"Daddy, skipping breakfast in the morning is not good for your stomach, or... you eat breakfast before going to bed?" Jin Aimi continued unwillingly.

"All right, I'll come later."

When Kim Nam Hyuk finally agreed, Kim Aimi went downstairs.

Sitting in the dining room still feels weird.

After about ten minutes, Kim Nam-hyuk finally came to the restaurant from the room. The heater was turned on but he was wrapped tightly, wearing thick quilted home clothes.

Looking very cold, Jin Ami looked at him worriedly, "Daddy, are you sick? Why do you dress so thick?"

"Maybe it's too cold outside." Kim Nam Hyuk glanced at her lightly, "Let's have breakfast."

Jin Ami can hear his off-strings, don't care about him so much, just take care of yourself.

So she opened her mouth but said nothing, so she had to bow her head to eat breakfast.

After eating breakfast, Kim Aimi changed into a professional suit and was about to go to work at the company, but Kim Chi-hye's car returned.

The tall man got out of the car and said to Jin Aimi, "Aimi, there are guests at home today, don't go to the company."

"Uncle, what kind of guest is it?" Jin Aimi's heart chuckles, as expected...someone is coming!

Jin Chi-hyuk smiled heartily, opened the door, and saw a woman in her thirties coming out of the car. She looked charming and enchanting.

That is the style of a mature woman alone.

Not only that, but there was a girl in her twenties who got off the car right after her. The girl was innocent and innocent.

When Jin Aimi saw these two women, her pupils suddenly shrank, "Ouyang Mei? Ouyang Wushuang?"

Two cousins ​​of the fifth elders! I usually walk with the Jin family very often. I heard that Ouyang Mei has admired her daddy for many years and has never been married!

How could these two sisters appear here?

Could it be...

Jin Aimi almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood, she couldn't hide things in her heart, she couldn't help but screamed, "Why are you in my house? What are you doing here?"

"Aimi?" Jin Chihe whispered, "All the visitors are guests. Their sisters had their parents in a car accident and passed away some time ago. The Fifth Elder wanted them to come over to relax and help in the company by the way. Everyone is a family, you Don't be so repulsive."

Jin Aimi bit her red lip, barely a smile on her face, "I was gaffeed just now, and you are welcome to sit in. What do you want to eat at noon? I'll let the kitchen prepare."

She had calmed down at this time, and immediately assumed the posture of the only hostess in the manor, just to let the sisters retreat.

it is ridiculous!

Daddy is 40 or 50 years old, a dozen years older than this Ouyang Mei, this woman dare to chase here without giving up her heart, she is too shameless.

Really anything can be done for money.

The Fifth Elders really have a good abacus!

The Ouyang family has been in decline for many years. Now the sisters' parents have passed away. The Ouyang family has completely declined. Now they can only rely on the beauty of the sisters to find a good family to marry in order to ensure a worry-free life for the rest of their lives. But Jin Ami never expected that the sisters would target Daddy.

Ha ha-Jin Aimi sneered in her heart, it was ridiculous.

Ouyang Mei glanced at Jin Chi-hye with a little sadness, and then at Jin Aimi, her voice was pitiful, "If Miss Jin doesn't welcome our sisters, our sisters will go out and rent a house."

Green tea bitch!

Jin Aimi gritted her teeth and said, "How could it be unwelcome? It's freezing cold, please go back to the house."

"Amy is very sensible, everyone is relatives, let's go." Jin Chi-hye said and walked to the main villa of the manor.

Jin Aimi also turned to follow. The sisters glanced at each other, and both looked at this huge manor in amazement. It was so luxurious and covered a vast area.

They have never lived in such a big house!

The Ouyang family also has money, but compared with the Jin family of a wealthy country, it is simply a difference.

Ouyang Wushuang looked jealously at Jin Aimi's high back. What's so proud of him, isn't he just an adopted daughter.

But she is a blessed adopted daughter.

Kim Nam Hyuk was a little surprised by the fact that the sisters were everywhere, but he quickly recovered his calm, "Since it's here, let's live in the building behind the main house."

Don’t live in this main building?

Ouyang Mei is a little uncomfortable, how can she seduce these two men without living together?

But she didn't dare to appear too eager for quick success, so she could only smile and said, "You can do whatever you want. Everything is subject to Mr. Jin's arrangements."

"We don't have so many rules in our house, just do whatever you want." Kim Nam-hyuk coughed violently as he said, then gathered his thick housewear again, "I feel a little uncomfortable, so go to rest first. "

As he spoke, he looked at Jin Aimi again, "Aimi, you can help the two young ladies arrange a place for them, and all the necessary items are prepared, don't neglect."

"Daddy, don't worry." Jin Aimi was secretly refreshed, let's see, what kind of beauty my daddy hasn't seen? Do you guys want to seduce my daddy?

My father will arrange you to live in another building directly.


King House Villa.

Jing Cancan carried the bag into the living room and bent over to change shoes at the entrance.

She just threw the bag on the sofa and took the strawberries from the coffee table to the entrance. When the brothers Jing Ren and Jing Huai heard the movement, they went straight downstairs.

"Did you get your driver's license?" Jing Huai heard that Jing Cancan was taking a driver's license recently. In the few days she picked him up from prison, she was preparing to take the exam, and she should have passed the exam by now.

"En." Jing Cancan nodded indifferently, "What's the matter?"

Jingren ignored her indifferent attitude, but walked up to her and stretched out his fist, "Guess what the eldest brother is holding?"

Jing Cancan lacks interest, "I don't want to guess, I'm not interested."

Love to say nothing.

Jingren was a little annoyed by her attitude, but still suppressed her temper and stretched out her palm. There was a Ferrari car key lying in it, "Give it to you."

Jing Cancan was taken aback, "Are you so kind?"

Jing Ren stood up helplessly, "It is kind to be a gift from my brother?"

Jing Huai also came over and put another Maserati's car key together with Ferrari's, "Second brother will also give you one, you can drive whichever car you want."

"If I want a car, my parents will naturally buy it for me. I also have some deposits myself. So... I don't want the one you give it." Jing Cancan still has no interest, and he always looks like wolves with these two. Brother, she instinctively repelled.

Jing Huai and Jing Ren had a pain in their chests at the same time, which felt... uncomfortable for heart and lung abuse.

Jing Huai's voice was full of humble prayers, "Cancan, isn't it normal for brother to give gifts to sister?"

"But there are two cars for one delivery, a bit abnormal, right?" Jing Cancan glanced at him, "You should leave this car for your future girlfriends."

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