Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 890: Perverted paranoia

"Cancan, do you have to use this tone to talk to your brother?" Jingren groaned unbearably, and a shadow of prey flashed across his handsome face, "If it weren't for you to be my sister, you thought we would endure you for so long. ?"

He suddenly grabbed the fruit knife on the coffee table and stared at Jing Cancan viciously, "Aren't you going to forgive your brother? Are you still hating your brother?"

"What are you doing?" Jing Cancan stood up fiercely, looking at the somewhat crazy Jing Ren in shock, "Big brother, what are you talking about? Why forgive or not forgive? We are brothers and sisters, you give me gifts and I don't want to accept them. is it okay?"

"You put the knife down first!" Jing Cancan glared at Jing Ren, "Are you crazy? What are you doing with the knife?"

"Accept it! Accept the gift, and I will put the knife down!" Jing Ren's eyes were full of craziness, and Jing Cancan almost drove him crazy during this period of time.

"But I really don't want to receive such an expensive gift from you." Jing Cancan gritted his teeth in annoyance, "Why don't you talk about girlfriends? You have to be so good to me? But have you ever thought that these good things are not I want it."

"You won't accept it, are you?" Jing Ren didn't listen to her explanation at all, and didn't want to listen to her thoughts. The man violently raised the fruit knife, making a "pump red"!

The knife pierced his arm!

Blood continued to flow up along the wound, and his white shirt was instantly dyed red, looking shocking.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Jing Cancan was about to collapse, "Are you not mentally ill? Which law stipulates that I must accept your gifts? How can someone force you to accept gifts these days?"

She felt more and more that these two brothers were just crazy critics.

Jing Huai held Jing Cancan's hand and looked at her paranoidly, "Cancan, look at what you forced your eldest brother into? The elder brother loves you so much, spoils you, and the result? Is that what you do to him? Are you only comfortable if your elder brother is crazy?"

"We give you gifts because we love you and we care about you." Jingren seemed to not feel the pain at all, turning a blind eye to his bleeding arm, "Cancan, don't let the eldest brother and the second brother be sad, okay? ?"

"You accept the gift." Jing Huai's voice seemed to be fascinated, "As long as you accept the gift, Big Brother and I won't be angry. You are obedient. In the future, we will have what we both have, and you will have all of them."

"I don't want it! I don't want it!" Jing Cancan was so angry that he pushed Jing Huai away, "Mad? You two are simply crazy! I want to tell my parents that I will buy the car I want, and I don't need you. Come send me!"

She was so angry that she turned around and was about to go upstairs, but Jingren was covered with blood to stop her, "Jing Cancan, if you don't accept it, I will die in front of you now. You wanted me to die, right? As you wish!"

As he said, he raised the **** fruit knife and was about to thrust it into his chest. Jing Cancan was so frightened that he screamed and couldn't help covering his face, "Steward! Steward! Come on! Aunt Li, Sister Wang !Come on!"

"Mom! Mom! Dad, Dad! My brother is crazy!"

When she shouted, the servants who were busy at each other came over.

When the old butler saw Jing Ren covered in blood, he was stunned, and hurriedly called, "Call the wife and the master, the young master is injured!"

Jing Cancan realized that his parents were not at home.

No wonder the brothers dare to be so rampant.

She cried out in anger, "Hurry up and take my eldest brother to the hospital for bandaging."

She didn't want to see these horribly perverted and paranoid brothers for a minute now.

Every minute and every second of staying with them is suffocating.

The Jing family suddenly became a mess.

Jing Cancan hid in her room irritably, the more she thought about it, the more she thought about it, and she had no other friends, so she could only complain to Zhuang Xiaoyue.

"What? Your brother poked his arm with a knife? Is he crazy?"

Zhuang Xiaoyue was shocked.

"They are terrible. They are simply sick." Jing Cancan gets more and more annoyed as he thinks about it, "I don't know how to face them anymore. I want to move out."

"Cancan, don't be impulsive. Your brother is always good to you!" Zhuang Xiaoyue comforted her, "Perhaps they were in a bad mood today? So they didn't control their emotions. Besides, how nice to send you a car? ! If someone gave me two cars at once, I would jump for joy."

Jing Cancan sighed, "I don't know why. I always reject being with my brother and them. You say they spoil me, but why don't I think so? I think there is a kind of imprisonment. It feels very uncomfortable. I have some money in my hand and I plan to buy an apartment and move out."

"Cancan, did you really decide like that?" Zhuang Xiaoyue was a little shocked. "It's always unsafe for you as a girl to live outside... Besides, you have never had the experience of living outside."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, I really don't want to live under the same roof with my brother and the others." Jing Cancan became more depressed as he thought about it, "Today he is poking himself, maybe it will be me next time. I don’t want to live in such a terrible environment. Please help me to pay attention to see if there are any better properties near the company, preferably the one with fine decoration, and you can move in directly with your bags."

"All right, my brother knows a lot of people, I see him help." After Zhuang Xiaoyue hung up the phone, she couldn't help telling Ruan Su what had happened to Jing Cancan.

Ruan Su was originally studying whether the purple crystal was the puppet crystal mentioned in the diary. He couldn't help but feel happy after hearing Zhuang Xiaoyue's spitting. "The current Jing Cancan is really quite assertive. what!"

"Xiao Su, you are still in the mood to make a joke. Don't even say, the two brothers of the Jing family look well-dressed, how can they do something neurotic?" Zhuang Xiaoyue was puzzled.

"If they were normal, would the former Cancan have depression?" Ruan Suman said casually, "I know that there is a community with good security measures and the price is right. I will send it to the sales department later. You are developed by a real estate company under the Ye family. Bring Jing Cancan over and give me a discount."

"Wow! Xiao Su, you are so kind!" Zhuang Xiaoyue excited rainbow farts one after another, "I still want to find my brother, I didn't expect you to solve it directly. You are really super invincible and kind. beauty."


King House Villa.

The situation is a mess.

Jing Guoguang and Mrs. Jing came back from the hospital with the Jingren brothers.

Mrs. Jing looked very ugly all the way, "What the **** is going on with you? Why do you want to self-harm? What? Just not long after Cancan depression, do you have any mania again? You are a 30-year-old man. , Can you be more sensible?"

"Mom! Are you talking too much today?" Jing Ren glanced at Mrs. Jing coldly. "I'm very annoying."

"Okay, you've grown up and your wings are hardened. I can't say that I'm a mother, isn't it?" Mrs. Jing was so angry that she didn't fight her, and didn't take care of her son at all. Stabbed, stabbed!"

"Okay, don't you say a few words." Jing Guoguang pulled Mrs. Jing a bit. "The child is emotionally unstable. The two of us didn't realize that it was our negligence."

Mrs. Jing looked at him angrily, "Negligence of duty, what duty? He is not a minor!"

With that said, she went straight upstairs to think about it, and came to the door of Jing Cancan's room, pushing the door directly.

Jing Cancan was talking about the apartment with Zhuang Xiaoyue when she suddenly got up from the bed and looked at Mrs. Jing, "Mom, why don't you knock on the door?"

"Why did I knock on the door when I entered my daughter's room? I am your mother, and I am not an enemy." Mrs. Jing was in a bad mood and let out angrily, "You tell me, what is going on today?"

Jing Cancan knew what she was asking when she heard it. She put her phone away and looked at Mrs. Jing. After thinking about it, she said, "Mom, I think my two brothers should go to the psychiatric department."

"What about the psychiatric department? They just lost control of their emotions." Mrs. Jing denied directly, what a joke, if his son went to the psychiatric department, how would he find a girlfriend in the future? People may think that there are two neuroses in their family.

"Okay, what you say is what you say." Jing Cancan did not continue to suggest anything with Mrs. Jing, she took out her phone again and continued to chat with Zhuang Xiaoyue, "Xiaoyue, tomorrow we will take a vacation and go directly to buy an apartment. Buy it. A two-bedroom is fine, I don’t have a lot of money in my hands."

"Okay, in order not to arouse suspicion from your family, I will not go to your house. I will wait for you at the gate of the supermarket at the intersection of your house."


"Oh, mom is talking to you! How do you play with your phone?" Mrs. Jing was upset and went to grab Jing Cancan's phone. Jing Cancan quickly hid the phone behind her, "Mom, if my brother keeps going crazy again , I can't stand it."

What made her most chilling was that after Mrs. Jing came in, she didn't have any words to comfort her daughter, all of which were to excuse her son.

This strengthened her idea of ​​moving out.

"Cancan, you have to be considerate of your brother. In the past, you and your two brothers were intimate. Now you have lost your memory and your personality has changed drastically... It is only natural that they can't accept it. Your brother's depression is understandable. "Mrs. Jing said earnestly, "Don't blame your brother, you know?"

Are you kidding me? She was so scared to death, forgive me? Still understand?

Who will understand her fragile little heart?

Jing Cancan used to think that her parents still loved her very much, but now... forget it. Compared with my brothers, I am afraid that my adopted daughter... is not in the number.

She wondered how she should live in the future.

I have more than 3 million in his hand, and I bought a two-bedroom apartment, which is about 2 million. After all, the house prices in the capital city of M are not cheap. Seventy to eighty square meters are about two million.

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