Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 891: Slap~~~~ Does it hurt?

Mrs. Jing went out of Jing Cancan’s room and then went to Jingren’s room again. She looked at her son with heart and said, "What's the matter with you? Cancan is your sister. Can you let him do something? One out."

Jing Ren was upset, "Mom, go out. I want to be alone."

"Hey!" Mrs. Jing sighed heavily, "The doctor said that your wound should not get water, so be careful."

The son drove her out, and he was injured again, so he could only follow him.

Early the next morning.

Jing Cancan could not fall asleep for a long time, she only got up after six o'clock in the morning, but she couldn't fall asleep anymore.

Looking at the misty sky outside the window, she frowned.

The sky gradually whitened, but the fog became denser. A large mass of thick white and mist rose, engulfing the entire road.

After breakfast, Jing Cancan was about to go out with his bag, and Mrs. Jing chased him over, "You apologize to your elder brother to make him feel better. Don’t be so kind to you every day, you still don’t know. foot."

Jing Cancan glanced at Mrs. Jing expressionlessly, "It was he who harmed himself, and I didn't stabbed him. Why should I apologize?"

" want to **** me off!" Mrs. Jing yelled behind her, so angry, "how did you girl become like this?"

Jing Cancan ignored her and left without looking back.

After going out, she turned left and walked directly towards the intersection.

The fog was filled, and the distance she could see was limited, so she walked very slowly leaning on the side of the road.

In the distance, there were car lights flashing in the fog, Jing Cancan walked towards the car lights, and she saw the red Porsche of Zhuang Xiaoyue.


Zhuang Xiaoyue looked at Jing Cancan, who was wearing a beige cashmere coat, "It's too cold outside, why don't you wear a down jacket?"

Jing Cancan opened the door of the co-pilot and sat in, "Isn't this walking? It's not cold after being active all the time."

Zhuang Xiaoyue started the car and drove towards the address given by Ruan Su, "The property is in a good location and the environment is also good. I heard that not only the existing house can also be checked in. It may be that the price is a bit high. Cancan, if you don’t have one. With that much money, I can lend you some."

"Let's take a look at the house first." Jing Cancan glanced at the smoke-like fog outside the window, thinking of the two strange brothers at home, she couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Zhuang Xiaoyue's car stopped in the parking lot of the sales department about half an hour later.

After entering the sales department, a real estate consultant came over enthusiastically, "Are these two beauties coming to see the house? Are there phone appointments?"

Zhuang Xiaoyue shook her head, "No. We just happened to pass by and wanted to take a look."

The property consultant nodded, "Okay, what's the need? Do you want a large apartment or a small apartment?"

"I heard that you have a small second room here, can you show us it?" Jing Cancan's favorite apartment is the second room. One is a cloakroom and the other is for living by himself, which is very good.

Hearing that what the two of them wanted to see was a small apartment, the real estate consultant suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

The two dressed up like dogs, they only want a small apartment, and there is not much commission for the small apartment.

It's almost the end of the month, and my performance is still far behind!

"Beauty, the small apartment is sold out, how take a look at the three-bedroom? There is only one room difference, and the price difference is only hundreds of thousands. You can consider a down payment or something."

The real estate consultant still smiled on his face and took out the brochure, "This is a small three-room, 100 square meters. The area of ​​the living room is not large, but the three rooms are well planned."

"But I just want the second room. Yesterday I heard that you still have the second room. Why did you say it's sold out?" Jing Cancan frowned and looked at the heavy makeup on the face of the real estate consultant. She believed Ruan Su was not that kind. People who can deceive people.

The real estate consultant looked surprised, "Really? That may be your message is wrong."

Zhuang Xiaoyue was also very surprised, "Really sold out?"

The real estate consultant wants to give them this small third house, and this small third house is the main apartment type of their real estate, the commission is also high, and all aspects are high.

She said apologetically, "I'm so sorry, how about... I apply to the leader for the preferential price of this small third house? Are you a loan?"

"I want the full payment. I guess I can't buy this small three-bedroom house." Jing Cancan was a little annoyed, "Then let's go to other properties."

Zhuang Xiaoyue held her, "Wait a moment. I will ask Xiao Su."

With that said, she went out and made a phone call with Ruan Su.

After a few minutes, the manager of the sales department ran over with a panic expression, followed by a tall and slender woman. The delicate and bright face of the woman immediately attracted the attention of almost everyone.

The manager came to Zhuang Xiaoyue and Jing Cancan and said respectfully, "I'm so sorry, two beauties, do you want a small room? Yes, we still have it. What floor do you want? Do you want a parking space? ?"

"Manager...Isn't our two small houses sold out?" The real estate consultant winked at the manager and blinked his eyes.

The manager glared at her with anger, "Do you know who they are? Our friends of Miss Ruan Su, hurry up, apologize!"

The real estate consultant was dumbfounded. "What?"

The manager yelled at her angrily, "Don't you hurry up to apologize to the two beauties?"

The real estate consultant wanted to cry without tears. It was awful, and he had nothing to do with this single... and offended others.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know Taishan."

Zhuang Xiaoyue didn't pay attention to the real estate consultant, but was shocked when she saw the beautiful woman, "Xiaosu!"

She called Ruan Su just now, Ruan Su didn't say she was here!

"I happen to be here." Ruan Su glanced at Jing Cancan, with a good spirit, and his eyebrows seemed to fly a lot.

It's much more attractive than the pretentious look of previous depression.

Her gaze fell on the manager again, and then glanced at the property consultant again, "Find out all the apartment types of the two rooms and let Ms. Jing choose until she is satisfied."

The real estate consultant was almost crying, the eldest lady came in person, can she not agree?

What she is more worried about now is whether she will suffer because of this and be expelled by Miss!

She hurriedly went to get all the small apartment layout brochures, and trot all the way to Jing Cancan.

"All the small apartments are here, depending on which one you like."

The manager smiled so hard that his face was almost stiff, "Building No. 16 is the king of the building, the location is the best, downstairs is the artificial lake of the community, there is a small bridge, and it is the closest to the garage exit. The 8th floor, the 6th floor, and the small apartment on the 12th floor None of them are sold out. See which one do you like?"

The real estate consultant quickly introduced the layout of the apartment.

The attitude of treating VIPs is simply a 180-degree turn.

"The 8th floor, I don't like too high floors. How much is this?" Jing Cancan had no experience in buying a house for the first time.

Ruan Su glanced at the manager, "Make a 30% discount."

The manager nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "Okay, okay."

Grandma, you are the eldest lady, you have the final say. Don't say 30% off, you just give away the house for free, I have to agree too!

"The house is 88 square meters, and the total price is 2.2 million. After a 30% discount, it is 1.54 million." The manager took the calculator and clicked there. Before it was calculated, he heard Ruan Su say again, "Calculate 150 Ten thousand, give me a parking space."

The manager is dumbfounded!

"This...isn't it great?"

There are 300,000 parking spaces, okay?

"It's just a parking space." Ruan Su hooked his lips, "It's nothing."

"Okay, okay." The manager hurried to ask the real estate consultant to get the contract.

Within a few minutes, Jing Cancan swiped his credit card to buy a house, and all the procedures were clear and smooth.

"Procedures such as real estate certificates can only be done after a while." Ruan Su looked at her beautiful pair of phoenix eyes, always feeling cordial, "You don't need to be anxious."

Jing Cancan looked at her embarrassedly, "Miss Ruan...I, can I ask you to accompany me to buy a car?"

Ruan Su is so beautiful and so beautiful that she, who is also a woman, is a little bit shy and dare not look directly.

Her expression was a bit cramped, "Thank you for giving me a discount today. I...may I invite you and Xiaoyue to dinner at noon?"

Ruan Su looked at her up and down, "Yes!"

Yo, learned to take the initiative? Dare to invite others?

The progress is not small!

Jing Cancan immediately became excited, his small face shining brightly, and he looked excited and excited. "Very good!"

She grabbed Zhuang Xiaoyue's arm, "Xiaoyue, Miss Ruan promised me."

Zhuang Xiaoyue laughed nonchalantly, "Let's go, let's go buy a car."

The three went to Zhuang Xiaoyue's Porsche together.

Jing Cancan originally saved more than three million yuan, and spent half of the money to buy a house, leaving half of the money left.

After Ruan Su asked her about her budget, he thought a little and said, "You can consider buying Xiaoyue's Porsche 911. Girls drive it well. After all, you don't have that much budget."

"Okay." Jing Cancan agreed with Ruan Su's words very much. For some reason, seeing Ruan Su felt an inexplicable sense of security and awe.

She also wants to be a woman like Ruan Su, but... it seems impossible.

The three of them arrived at the 4S shop soon.

Today it was foggy and there were not many customers in the store. Seeing three people entering the store, the sales consultant quickly stood up and said, "Is there a car you like?"

Ruan Su said lightly, "Porsche 911, how much is the current price?"

After the sales consultant reported the price, Ruan Su glanced at her, "Is the price quoted a bit too high?"

The salesman said quickly, "How is it possible? Our shop is very young."

Ruan Su chuckled, "Then what if I have this *** card?"

The salesman was stunned when he saw the card Ruan Su took out. He has been a salesman for five years, and this is the first time he has seen a customer with this card.

That is a top-level premium ***, it is said that only a few people in the world hold it!

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