Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 892: The radiation power of amethyst!

The salesman looked at the card in shock, and after a while, he recovered abruptly, and quickly took the card with both hands carefully, and said excitedly, "Wait a moment."

He took the top VIP card and rushed to the manager's office, excitedly speaking, "Manager, manager! Hurry...look! VIP! Top!"

The manager was sitting in front of the computer to check the recent sales situation, and when he saw him panicking, he was a little annoyed, "Is there anything you can't say? Isn't it just a VIP!"

He raised his head and glanced at the sales, and suddenly he almost jumped up, "Oh my God! It turned out to be top-notch! Why didn't you say it earlier?"

He grabbed the top VIP card and looked at it over and over again. After looking at it for a while, he sat down again, "The top card has a number on it, and you can find the information of the top card customer!"

With that, he entered the work system and crackled on the keyboard.

"Mom... How can I see the car **** S in my life? Is there any mistake?"

He was dizzy in his head, staring at the title of the car **** S for a long time but couldn't recover.

Still the sales urged him, "Manager, they are still waiting outside!"

"Oh, yes, yes, let's go." The manager took the card and brought the salesman to Ruan Su's front. He stared at Ruan Su with a look that was almost worshipping, "Car God...Car God S... Hello, you."

He couldn't help stuttering, "I watch your races every year... I didn't expect you to be our top customer. You... Which car did you like?"


I heard the manager call Ruan Su like that.

Zhuang Xiaoyue and Jing Cancan looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts.

"It's a Porsche 911, my friend wants to buy it."

Ruan Su pointed to Jing Cancan, "If I remember correctly, I can get a 50% discount on this card."

"Yes, yes, wait a minute. I will calculate the price for you right away. Do you want 3.0T or 3.8T?" The manager then began to introduce the difference between 3.0T and 3.8T in detail. There are some differences in price.

The manager gave an extremely detailed introduction, he is a service to the Lord of the Car God!

His highlight moment in this life!

"I want the 2022 Targa4S3.0T." After listening to the introduction, Jing Cancan expressed his needs. Intuition told her that Ruan Su should know the car very well, and she asked Ruan Su again, "Miss Ruan, do you think it's okay?"

Ruan Su nodded, "In fact, these models are not very different. You are a girl who is used for transportation. It is completely OK."

"That's good." Jing Cancan smiled sweetly, and said to the manager, "Go, swipe your card."

"Okay, okay." The manager quickly took Ruan Su's top VIP card with Jing Cancan to go through the procedures.

The car that I bought is not an imported version. The official guide price is 1.7 million, and it won half price of 850,000.

Jing Cancan originally had more than one million left, but now he has spent another 850,000, and there are nearly one million deposits in the card. She felt very comfortable, and she was even more grateful to Ruan Su.

"Xiaoyue, drive by yourself. I will sit next to Cancan and help her guide her on how to drive on the road." Ruan Su said to Zhuang Xiaoyue.

Zhuang Xiaoyue tweeted twice, "Master Chess personally guides the road, this pay is too high, right?"

She took her on the road solemnly after getting her driver's license, and she didn't dare to be alone.

"Let's eat hot pot at noon! The weather is so cold, it's so cool to eat steaming hot pot." Jing Cancan smiled, "I want to thank Miss Ruan."

"Let's go." Ruan Su pointed to Jing Cancan's new car, "Get in!"

Jing Cancan is a bit nervous, but fortunately Ruan Su is by her side, and some of the operations on the road are still different from what he learned in the driving school.

Ruan Sudu taught her how to deal with lane changes and traffic lights.

Soon it opened to the mall, and the hot pot restaurant was on the fifth floor of the mall.

Parked the car in the underground parking lot of the mall, Jing Cancan wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I'm so nervous, I'm sweating all the time."

Ruan Su drew a tissue and handed it to her, "Slowly I get used to it. It's actually nothing to go on the road."

As soon as she finished speaking, the phone rang.

Old lady Ye came here. As soon as Ruan Su connected, her anxious voice came, "Xiao Su, what's in that jar in your room?"

Ruan Su was taken aback, "What's wrong? Grandma? Did something happen?"

"The servant went in to clean up today, but when she accidentally opened the jar, she started to go crazy! Come back and have a look!" Mrs. Ye's voice was helpless.

"Crazy?" Ruan Su's heart jumped suddenly, "I know. I'll go back now."

She looked at Jing Cancan and Zhuang Xiaoyue apologetically, "I have something to go ahead. There is no way to eat with you today."

"You didn't drive, or you drive my car back." Zhuang Xiaoyue said quickly, "wait Cancan and I drive another car back. I will sit next to Cancan and help her guide."

Jing Cancan also nodded in a hurry, "This method is good."

Ruan Su took Zhuang Xiaoyue's key, drove the Porsche directly out of the parking lot, and rushed to Ye's house like crazy.

At this time, the Ye family had already become a mess, and all sorts of things jumped around.

The cleaning maid is already in her fifties. She is an aunt who has been in the Ye family for many years. She is usually gentle and good-tempered.

But now she is such a gentle middle-aged woman, laughing and making noises in the hall like crazy, with a disheveled hair.

"Dad, dad, I saw you!"

"Mom... Mom, I saw my dad."

"Wow, alien, alien, flying saucer!"

She slammed old lady Ye's hand, "Mom, look at it, there is a flying saucer!"

"Aliens have long ears!"

Mrs. Ye sighed and said anxiously to the housekeeper, "Doctor, go call for a doctor!"

The servant suddenly let go of her hand again, and began to circulate in the living room, dancing and singing, looking silly. "Birds in the sky, fly and fly! Fish in the water, want to escape..."

Song Jiayan leaned in front of Old Lady Ye in a low voice, "Mom, let's wait for Xiao Su to come back and take a look! People might think we did something weird to her..."

After all, after I cleaned Ruan Su's room, I went crazy...This is really not very good to hear, and it is not very good for Xiao Su's reputation.

After hearing Song Jiayan's words, the old lady Ye thought a little bit, "Let’s let someone control her first. What can I do if I continue like this?"

" child...where did my child go?"

At this moment, the servant began to sit on the ground and cry again, she kept tearing at her hair, "My child!"

Mrs. Ye felt soft, "This aunt is also a poor person. A few years ago, her 16-year-old daughter was bullied on campus and committed suicide by jumping off the building. Forget it... wait for Xiao Su to come back."

"That's pretty pathetic." Song Jiayan looked at her sympathetically, and when she was about to let other servants help her aunt up, Ruan Su rushed in with the sound of footsteps.

Seeing the crazy servant, Ruan Su couldn't finish talking to the old lady Ye, so he walked over and took the servant's hand to help her get her pulse.

The pulse is chaotic, the servant is emotionally unstable, sometimes crazy, sometimes crying.

Ruan Su watched her emotions, and then her face and so on.

While listening to the old lady Ye whispering around her, "You don't know, it's like crazy, crying and making trouble, and saying that I saw aliens."

"Yes, Xiao Su, what happened to her?" Song Jiayan was also curious.

While feeling the pulse of the servant, Ruan Su looked up at the old lady Ye, "Grandma, did she move that jar of mine? The amethyst in that restaurant smelled for a long time will make people dizzy. She may be weak. There was a deeper reaction."

Old lady Ye looked at her in surprise, "That amethyst is so powerful? What is it? Where did you get it?"

Ruan Su did not answer Mrs. Ye’s words, but said to the housekeeper, “Help her into the room. She has a slight sign of poisoning. I will prescribe some medicine for her. You can buy it at the pharmacy and let her take it. Slowly wake up."

"Okay, miss."

Ruan Su just took a sip of water, "This thing was probably researched by a big guy two or three years ago. As for who this big guy is, I don't know for the time being. As for what this crystal is, I don't know. I'm studying, so...Grandma, our family must be kept secret and not spread."

Mrs. Ye was shocked, "Xiao Su, I'm afraid this is not dangerous goods?"

"It shouldn't be. I haven't found out where it is useful for the time being." Ruan Su suddenly thought of something, "You won't throw it at me, will you?"

"No, no, how could I mess with your things?" Old lady Ye repeatedly denied, "This thing is so strange, it must have research value. I can't move it."

"That's good, I'll go upstairs first." Ruan Su stood up and confessed to Song Jiayan, "Auntie, you must not go to see that amethyst out of curiosity. You are a pregnant woman. You must protect the child in your stomach. You know. ?"

Song Jiayan laughed, her eyes flashing slightly, "Xiao Su, am I such a rash person?"

Ruan Su nodded and went straight upstairs.

The mouth of the jar containing the amethyst was still open and not closed.

When she walked over to cover it immediately, she felt dizzy for a while.

Damn it!

This amethyst has radiated energy for so long, and the room has long been filled.

She immediately held her breath and opened the window to let it breathe, so that the energy emitted by the amethyst could be dissipated.

She fell on the bed and stood up and rushed out of the room. She stood at the door for a while before she pushed open the door again with a pale face.

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