Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 893: Wife, how are you? Is there any injury?

After entering the room, she took a breath and found that she didn't feel that kind of gas.

She was relieved.

This amethyst seems to need to be studied carefully.

What is the most powerful function of the experiment?

She didn't believe that it just made people dizzy and confused, and there must be other effects.

She put on the protective mask and opened the jar. She took out the first amethyst. The crystal under the light exudes a crystal clear light, which looks moist and shiny.

The moment she took the flashlight to shine in, she was stunned.

She frowned, and directly smashed this amethyst to pieces, and a note was wrapped in it.

A very detailed map was drawn on the paper, and the location was also indicated.

Fenghua Palace?

What is this place?

Why has she never heard of this place?

She thought of this and started searching on a certain degree, only to find out what location would be called Fenghua Palace in some online novels, which was simply nonsense.

She doesn't read online novels.

It's ridiculous!

Fenghua Palace... She sent a WeChat message to Bo Xingzhi, "Do you know where Fenghua Palace is?"

"Fenghua Palace?" Bo Xingzhi called directly, with a magnetic voice in Ruan Su's ears, with a low hoarse, "Why do you think of asking about this kind of place? This is the first time I heard about it."

Ruan Su said that the location marked on the map is called Fenghua Palace. "It's a bit strange, the map looks very detailed, and the ** and the end point are planned. The end point is Fenghua Palace, but..."

Bo Xingzhi chuckled, "Since there is sex, why don't we look for the end, maybe there will be some unexpected gains."

Ruan Su raised his eyebrows, "Can you follow me?"

"Do I need a reason to go with you?" Bo Xingzhi's voice was very penetrating, reaching Ruan Su's ears through the electric wave, ambiguous as if he was right in front of him, "Where are you, I want to follow where."

"Well, we will leave after Jing Baizhi's birthday party is over." Ruan Su had a few more conversations with Bo Xingzhi and then hung up the phone.

She thought for a while and then sent a message to Lin Qi, asking him to pay attention to any news related to Fenghua Palace.

Jing Baizhi's birthday party is coming soon.

Weili Hotel is one of the most high-end hotels in the country city of M, and Jing Sa chose the location of the birthday party here. It is not only beautiful but also expensive.

For tonight's banquet, Jing Sa invited many celebrities and bigwigs to gather together, and the scale was unprecedented.

After all... Jing Sa is now in full swing in Country M.

There is a bright red carpet at the entrance of the hotel’s lobby, and there is a huge sign-in area next to the door. Guests who come to the banquet are like stars walking on the red carpet. The first thing to do is to go to the sign-in area and write birthday wishes. , And then take a picture before you can enter the hall.

This behavior was filled with a sense of ritual, and it was also Jing Baizhi's favorite and most satisfying link.

The outside of the hotel has long been bustling. Many people who like to watch celebrities come to see the beauty of these celebrities. It feels like the opening of a film festival. After all, there are many stars who are cheering.

One after another luxury cars parked outside, one by one celebrities entered the arena, and one by one the big figures who could only be seen on TV arrived. Everyone's appearance would arouse the exclamation of the crowd.

There are also some crazy snapshots of the media, and even some bold direct interviews on the spot.

On such occasions, the stars are also happy to cooperate. After all, being able to have a relationship with Jing Sa is a very glorious and face-conscious thing.

Although Jing Sa was the host, she did not greet the guests at the door, which was too much for her identity.

Naturally, there will be staff specially greeted to arrange guests there.

She wore a valuable burgundy dress, which looked elegant and elegant, with her slender fingers holding red wine while chatting with some bigwigs.

Two handsome male stars also came over and greeted Jing Sa respectfully.

One of them, Wei Xingxing, offered a ticket for the premiere with both hands, "Hello, the movie "The Cold Looking at You" will be released soon. I hope you can come to the premiere."

Jing Sa handed the ticket to the assistant behind him, "I won't go to the premiere. I will let Bai Zhi go for me when that happens."

"Okay, okay, it's so touching that you still remember "The Cold Looking At You" during your busy schedule." Wei Mingxing said excitedly.

"After all, it's a drama I invested in. Of course I also hope it will become a hit." Jing Sa smiled, "Where is the director Wang Xi?"

"Dao Wang is ill, so he didn't come..." Wei Mingxing looked at Jing Sa cautiously and embarrassed, lest Jing Sa be angry.

"Oh, it's really a coincidence." Jing Sa didn't say anything.

At this moment, a man quickly walked towards her and whispered at her.

Jing Sa's face remained unchanged, but a meaningful smile evoked from the corners of her lips, "It's really unfavorable to die!"

"Look... how to deal with this matter?" The man lowered his head and dared not look at her.

"Press it down and burst out tomorrow." Jing Sa looked cold, "Today is Azhi's birthday!"

"Yes." The man immediately took the order and turned and left.

Wei Mingxing and the other man didn't dare to say anything. They stood here awkwardly, neither staying nor staying.

Helplessly, Jingsa's aura is too strong, and they dare not move.

At this moment, the crowd parted a road automatically. Jing Sa looked over and found that her daughter Jing Baizhi had walked down the stairs. Jing Baizhi was beautiful and exquisite, and she was dressed up tonight, so she was naturally radiant. .

Jing Sa satisfactorily looked at the big red dress on her daughter, the red nanny, she looked very good, white and beautiful, after all, tonight is Jing Baizhi's home court.

Jing Sa stood in the center of the stage, scanned the crowd, and then said, "Thank you all for attending the little girl's birthday party. Not much nonsense, everyone had a great time tonight."

After she finished speaking, she gave a high five, and suddenly a twelve-layer cake that was more than two meters high was pushed up.

The guests at the scene all sang happy birthday songs one after another, and the atmosphere was harmonious and warm.

At this moment, Ruan Su arrived at the door of the hotel, not only that, but Ye Yanli and Song Jiayan's wife also got out of the car with her.

"I always have a bad premonition in my heart." Ruan Su stood by Song Jiayan and looked at the guests in the cloud-like lobby, "Jing Sa specially sent someone to send gifts in the afternoon, and repeatedly mentioned that she must let her aunt come to the banquet. . I always feel something is wrong."

Song Jiayan stroked her raised lower abdomen with both hands. Now that she is in her second trimester, the pregnancy in her abdomen is very obvious.

"Xiao Su, maybe you are worrying too much! What can she do with this kind of public view?"

Ruan Su took her hand, "No matter what, we still have to be careful."

Ye Yanli interrupted them, "Let's go in."

The three of them then walked towards the banquet hall, and heard cheers as soon as they stepped in.

As soon as he walked in, he almost attracted everyone's attention.

Especially Ruan Su kills a large group of golden ladies on the scene in spite of her appearance and temperament. She wore a silver dress and gathered the audience instantly. With black diamond-studded high heels and diamond earrings, her every move was glamorous. Shoot, full of sense of quality.

Song Jiayan next to her wore a puffy gown that covered her pregnancy, and her puffy skirt was very delicate.

Ye Yanli was dressed in a white suit and tuxedo like the flower protector of the two, noble and handsome.

Many men couldn't help but glance at Ruan Su. Such a beautiful woman made them feel excited.

Everyone gave way to where the three of them went, even many big men didn't dare to stop them.

They don't know why they are doing this, but they are completely impressed by Ruan Su's sense of superiority.

Ruan Su took a glass of red wine and juice from the waiter, handed one glass to Ye Yanli, and another glass to Song Jiayan.

She took another glass of red wine for herself and took a gentle sip.

Some men wanted to come over and talk, but she ignored them.

Soon the cake was cut and almost everyone got a piece. Ruan Su was not interested in the cake. She asked Song Jiayan next to her, "Auntie, do you want to eat it?"

Song Jiayan shook her head and pointed to the dining table in the self-service area, "I prefer to eat the Black Forest there."

"Then I'll get it for you." Ruan Su hooked his lips and smiled brightly at her and walked towards the self-service area.

At the moment she left, Ye Mianli also walked by a few people from the Piano Association to entangle him.

Song Jiayan had to go to the rest area by herself, and when she was carefully guarding her belly with the hem of her tutu so that the guests would not hit her, suddenly a woman ran out of nowhere and slammed into Song Jiayan.

Song Jiayan couldn't help but stepped back a few steps, just as she was about to fall to the ground with a butt, and fell heavily.

A figure as light as a Yan quickly leaped over, Yu Arm stretched out his hand to directly clasp her arm, Song Jiayan's body spun on the spot and then fell into the embrace of a silver dress.

Her eyes widened in horror, almost unable to stand with her legs weakened.


Ruan Su stared at the woman with sharp eyes, his tone was severe, "My aunt is a pregnant woman, please be careful."

The woman turned pale with fright. She is a little star. This time she was able to come in only after the invitation letter from her male partner Wei Xingxing. She had never seen a big scene.

At this moment, she was almost scared to pee, and she explained in a crying voice, "I didn't mean it, I don't know why, I threw out, as if someone pushed me..."

Tears welled up in her eyes, she really didn't dare to offend Ruan Su and Ye Family! She repeatedly defended, "It's really not me...It's really not me, you believe me."

Ye Yanli also rushed over at this time and took Song Jiayan from Ruan Suhuai to comfort him, "Wife, how are you?"

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