Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 895: Thoroughly investigate who gave the medicine!

Everyone was taken aback. They looked at Ruan Su in shock and saw that she was holding Song Jiayan, who was pale, probably because the silver dress was getting in the way.

After striding forward a few steps, she put her arms around the woman in her arms, brushed the other hand to lift the skirt and then "tear!" With a sound, the slender skirt was taken by her bare hands. Tear off and turned into an ultra-short hip skirt.

The two straight and slender legs suddenly caught everyone's eyes.

Beautiful and rusty!

She directly hugged Song Jiayan up again and rushed out, she walked hurriedly and quickly. There is no hesitation about the feet in high heels.

Song Jiayan’s forehead was so painful that there were fine beads of sweat, she shrank into Ruan Su’s arms and couldn’t help groaning, “It hurts...”

Ye Mili, who was originally discussing the exercise with several colleagues in the Sky Department, rushed towards Ruan Su and Song Jiayan without looking back after hearing that Song Jiayan had an accident.

At this time, Ruan Su had already rushed into the car with Song Jiayan in her arms. She heard footsteps as soon as she started the car.

Ye Yanli, Zhuang Xiaoyue and Jing Cancan had already rushed over.

Zhuang Xiaoyue took Jing Cancan straight to her Porsche, and Ye Yanli got into Ruan Su's car.

The two cars rushed out of the parking lot directly one after the other.

In the banquet hall at this time, Jing Sa had already received the news.

She faintly glanced at the reporting subordinates in front of her, and sternly said, "Hurry up and check to see who is responsible for the ghost. If the young lady of the Ye family has a long and two shortcomings, I only ask you!"

"Yes, go right away." The subordinates quickly turned around and left.

Jing Baizhi walked to Jing Sa and played the gorgeous diamond nail manicure that was just done today. "Mother, wouldn't it be better if she had a miscarriage?"

"What do you know?" Jing Sa sneered, with mocking and sternness on her gorgeous face, "At the banquet in our house, if something happened to the daughter-in-law of the Ye family, the first one would suspect us. It is clear that we did not do things, so I cannot bear this suspicion."

Jing Baizhi was shocked, it was not her mother's hands and feet?

She thought... mother did it!

Even she thought it was her mother who did it, so... outsiders might think it was her mother who did the first reaction.

She suddenly got a cold sweat from her back, "Mother...the outsider will definitely doubt you now."

"Am I still afraid that they will doubt?" Jing Sa's eyes showed a hint of coldness, "Soon...who caused the ghost, it's clear at a glance."

There were surveillance everywhere in the hotel, and she didn't believe that this person could escape her eyes.

At this moment, a black-clothed man dragged a woman and threw it in front of Jing Sa.

As soon as Jing Baizhi lowered his head, he saw Xu Jin lying on the ground in a panic. A gorgeous water-red dress wrinkled her body wrinkly, and her well-groomed hairstyle was very messy and looked messy.

She looked up at the Jing family mother and daughter with a trembling face like an earthy face, her voice was full of panic, "Ms. Jing, you believe me, I really didn't do anything."

The Xu family is nothing more than a declining family. If you want money or no money, you have no power. She has a bit of beauty. So Xu's father devoted all his efforts to nurturing her, and wanted her to marry a powerful man to help complement the Xu family. .

It's fine now, why was she caught by Jing Sa?

Father Xu saw his daughter Xu Jin's figure from a distance. He was so scared that he rushed over to apologize again and again, "Ms. Jing, the child is still young. Please raise your hand if you hit him."

Jing Sa glanced at the father and daughter faintly, "Xu Jin, did you put an abortion pill in the drink that Shao's grandmother drank?"

"No, I really don't." Xu Jin shook his head violently. "I really didn't. The drink was given to me by the waiter. It really doesn't matter to me!"

She looked at Jing Sa with a cold face in horror, "When the drink waiter gave it to me, the lid was closed tightly. Several other ladies can testify for me. I really have to unscrew it for the first time."

"Okay! Then call me the waiter." Jing Sa hooked his red lips, "If you let me find out that you are lying..."

"Everything I said is the truth, I really didn't do it." Xu Jin cried and lay on the ground, "Ms. Jing and I were classmates anyway. How could I make her happy at her birthday party? "

"You better not." Jing Sa didn't speak any more, but glanced at all the guests on the scene, her voice was so powerful that she couldn't refute, "Ye Shao-nai has an unbearable abdominal pain and has been sent to the hospital. All the people present. Everyone thoroughly investigates, and a single fly is not allowed to fly out for me! Bring the waiter over to me!"

"Oh my God! Will there be a miscarriage? Ye Shao is not young anymore."

"It's not easy for Ye Shao to marry a wife and have children until now!"


There was a lot of discussion in the crowd, and everyone felt very shocked.

"Ms. Kan Jing's attitude of verifying this way should not be instigated by Ms. Jing."

"She is...but she shouldn't be able to start with others at her banquet."

While various voices were whispering, the man in black dragged a young girl in a waiter uniform from the crowd to Jing Sa.

As soon as Xu Jin saw the waiter's familiar face, he immediately rushed towards her, pressed her directly under her body and slapped the waiter on the face, "Papa!"

The waiter was caught off guard and his face was swollen like steamed buns, and he screamed, "What are you doing!"

Xu Jin was so angry that he cursed, "You bitch, did you drug my juice?"

With tears in his eyes, the waiter retorted stubbornly, "No, how is it possible? I am a waiter and my purpose is to serve customers. How can I give customers medicine?"

"Don't tell me?" Jing Sa waved his hand, and immediately two men in black came over and directly pressed the waiter to the ground. A man was holding a dagger in his hand, and with a "pounce", the dagger was just right. Severely inserted into the back of the waiter's hand.

"Ah!" The waiter screamed in pain, "It's not me, it's really not me."

Among the crowd not far away, Jin Ami shuddered as she watched this scene. She bit her red lip and whispered to Jin Chi-hyuk beside her, "Uncle, this picture is too bloody."

"What are you afraid of? It's not your medicine." Jin Chihe looked disapproving.

Jin Aimi's eyes were a little erratic, she thought to herself, she didn't know how Song Jiayan was now...

Inside the hospital.

Song Jiayan was sent to the emergency center, and almost all the inspection equipment came.

Ruan Su stayed by her side the whole time, always being there to encourage her and comfort her. "Aunt, don't be nervous, and don't worry too much. The more nervous you are, the child will be very nervous. Your emotions directly affect the child's emotions in your body, which is not good for the child."

"Relax, it will be fine with me." Ruan Su shook her hand, "I won't let you have anything."

Song Jiayan's face was pale, and her heart thumped with fright.

She likes children very much, especially, when she knew she was pregnant, she was very happy.

If the child cannot be kept, she will regret her death and hate herself to death.

I hate myself for why I am greedy, why I want to eat at the dinner party.

There must be something wrong with her eating and drinking, and she was drugged...

That's why the abdominal pain is unbearable.

Her tears slid down her cheeks, "Xiao Su, I'm a little scared... If a child..."

"Don't say unlucky words." Ruan Su barely showed a comforting smile on his face. "There must be nothing wrong. Usually the checkup says everything is normal, and everything will be fine."

At this moment, the doctor walked over with an examination report, "There is a small amount of hawthorn in the body, it should be some food or water that contains hawthorn. However, the small amount will not have much impact on the body. I will be hospitalized for observation for a few days. Bar."

After speaking, he handed the report to Ruan Su, "Doctor Ruan, take a look."

The moment Ruan Su looked down at the report, the doctor began to ask Song Jiayan again, "Is my stomach still hurting? Is there bleeding from my lower body?"

"It went out a little bit, and then didn't go out again. It should have stopped." Song Jiayan shook her head. She was still very scared and very nervous.

"Hawthorn, crabs and other foods can cause miscarriage, so you must pay attention to it." The doctor confessed a few more words and went out.

Song Jiayan looked at the fluid infused on her arm and asked Ruan Su a little worriedly, "Xiao Su, will these medicines be bad for the fetus?"

"They are all fetus-preventing medicines and will not have any negative effects. You don't need to worry." Ruan Su calmly looked at her, "Wait some porridge to warm up your body."

While talking, Ye Yanli had already entered the ward with the porridge he had just bought, "Wife, how is it? Is it better?"

Song Jiayan nodded, struggling to sit up, but was pressed down by Ye Yanli, "Just lie down, I'll feed you."

Ruan Su looked at her still pale face, "You shouldn't sit for a long time now, you should lie down and raise your baby."

After the Ye family heard about what happened at the banquet, the old lady Ye, the old man Ye, and other Ye Xinyun all rushed to the hospital in the middle of the night.

"Jia Yan!" Old lady Ye came to the hospital bed nervously, looking at her haggard face, "This Jing family also deceived so much, it even caused my daughter-in-law to have a miscarriage in the crowd in the hall! I'm dead!"

"The matter is still under investigation, grandmother, I don't think Jing Sa will be so stupid. There should be someone else who is doing the ghost." Ruan Sulue said in a deep voice, "The most important thing now is to let aunty rest and keep the baby in good health."

"Xiao Su is right. I have already told Jing Sa about this. I will not let the person who harmed my wife easily." Ye Yanli's chest had already stirred up terrible anger, "Too much! Really we are. Is the Ye family bullying?"

"Everyone calms down. It's such a cold day, so please go back and rest early. Here, my uncle and I will be watching." Ruan Su said to Zhuang Xiaoyue and Jing Cancan, "You two should also go back quickly. Bar."

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