Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 896: Being forced into such an embarrassing situation!

Although Zhuang Xiaoyue was not married, she could see that Song Jiayan was in pain, and she also felt the importance of this fetus to the Ye family.

She was still a little worried, Ruan Su was not thin to her, Ye Yanli and his brother were both solemn and good brothers.

She thought for a while and said, "Grandma Ye and grandpa are getting older, and there can be no shortage of people to take care of them. Or we should stay and let grandpa and grandma go back to rest."

"No need, I can be here by myself. It's cold weather. Everyone will go back." Ye Yanli's suit was long gone because of running around. He pulled his sleeve and said immediately." Her situation is basically stable now, not to mention that there are doctors and nurses here, who can come and help at any time."

"Uncle is right, it's too cold, and the night is too late. If you should go back to rest, rest as soon as possible." Ruan Su rubbed his eyebrows, a trace of fatigue flashed in his delicate eyebrows.

Ye Yanli hadn't spoken yet, and Song Jiayan, who was lying on the hospital bed, said distressedly, "Xiao Su, you should also go back and rest. Here, your uncle can do it by yourself."

"Let's go, Xiao Su will also go back with us." The old lady Ye didn't want to struggle with this issue for too long, and took Ruan Su's arm, "Go home with grandma, and we will come back tomorrow."

"Okay." Ruan Su had no choice but to agree, so the group of people left the ward at the same time.

The ward suddenly became quiet.

Ye Yanli also took off his shoes and lay down beside Song Jiayan and hugged her in his arms, "I was really scared to death today... Fortunately there is Xiao Su..."

"Xiaosu was holding me and hugged a princess directly... super handsome..." Song Jiayan nestled in his arms with lingering fears, "husband, fortunately it's okay, otherwise I will regret it forever."

"You, you are too greedy." Ye Yanli kissed her forehead, "Be careful in the future, it's easy to hide a spear and an arrow, but it's hard to guard against it."

"I don't know if the person who harmed me has been found..." Song Jiayan sighed, "I don't know why it hurt me..."

Ye Yanli looked at her tenderly, "You don't have to worry about this. I'll talk about it tomorrow, and go to sleep."


It was late at night, the weather in the middle of winter was bitterly cold, and the sound of the north wind slammed on the window, very ear-piercing.

The whole hall was so quiet that you could hear a needle falling.

The guests dispersed, leaving only the Jing family and the Jin family in the end.

Jin Chi-hyuk stared at the unrepentant Jin Aimi with an ugly expression, and sternly said, "What do you want? Why do you want to do such a detrimental thing?"

Jin Aimi raised her sharp chin proudly, with a stern look in her eyes, "Uncle, there is no reason, I just can't understand the surname Ruan, the surname Ye, can't it?"

"You don't understand why someone else has a child abortion? Today is just an abortion. After a while, if you don't understand it, you will have to kill you?" It’s because of poor health that the two of us were allowed to come over to Miss Jing’s birthday party. It’s okay for you, there’s nothing you can do except cause trouble."

Jin Aimi stared at him bitterly, and couldn't vent the resentment in her chest, "Uncle, don't think I don't know. You are partial to Ruan Su from the heart, because she is your apprentice. So I am related by blood. You’re ranked outside, isn’t it?"

"Bastard!" At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed over and slapped Jin Aimi's face severely.

Jin Ami humiliatedly covered her swollen cheek, staring at Jin Nam Hyuk who had just walked over in disbelief.

"Cough, cough—" Kim Nam Hyuk coughed a few times, and then slowly looked at Jing Sa, who had been silent, with a trace of awkward apology on his face, "Ms. Jing, I am my goddess. Let her get into trouble and ruin your reputation for no reason..."

Jing Sa, who had been watching coldly for a long time, raised his eyebrows and looked at Nam Jin Hyuk and his daughter blankly. After a while, she slowly said, "Unexpectedly, President Jin's eyesight is not so good, and the daughter who was picked back is so unhelpful. Originally, there were no contradictions and conflicts between Jinjing and Jinjing. Your daughter forced me to create such a big pot for me to carry. Why can't it be justified?"

Jin Nam Hyuk had almost no place to put an old face, and was so humiliated by Jing Sa to his face that he couldn't wait to disappear immediately and find a place to get in.

His face was as black as ink, "Ms. Jing, don't worry. I will deal with this matter carefully."

After speaking, he glanced at Jin Aimi coldly, "Apologize to Ms. Jing!"

The good family’s good birthday party is messed up, but Kim Amy is so angry that he still doesn’t repent.

Jin Aimi knew Jing Sa's methods well, and she could see clearly the fate of Xu Jin and the waiter just now.

She originally thought she was doing a perfect job, but she didn't expect to be seen through by Jing Sa and pulled it out.

But she wondered how could she be comparable to Xu Jin and the waiter?

She is the only daughter of the Jin family and the only heir.

Thinking about this, she had the confidence again, and her reluctant red lips opened slightly, "I'm sorry."

"What's your attitude? There is no sincerity!" Kim Nam Hyuk was so angry that he raised his hand and wanted to slap her again, but Jing Sa stopped him. "President Kim, don't be angry. After all, the child is young, just hope she will be in the future. Don't be so impulsive in doing things."

Kim Nam Hyuk was so angry that his hands trembled, "Is it still young? Is this still young? Clearly..." He really couldn't say anything too ugly in front of others, so he left three points for Kim Aimi. Thin noodles.

"Forget it, President Jin, it's late at night, you should go back sooner." Jing Sa didn't say anything about it, her eyes flashed, and an inexplicable smile flowed from the corners of her lips, "Oh, that's right. , The resort heard that President Jin got it."

Kim Nam Hyuk's chest choked, and sure enough, what should have come is here.

He knew that Jing Sa would not be so easy to deal with.

"Ms. Jing is also interested in it? That's right... I might as well give it to Ms. Jing as an apology."

It's just a resort project, and his Jin family will not collapse because of this.

Jing Sa nodded in satisfaction, and stretched out his right hand to Jin Nam Hyuk, "Thank you Mr. Jin, then I would be disrespectful."

Kim Nam Hyuk shook her hand lightly, turned and left.

Upon seeing this, Jin Aimi hurried to trot to follow, "Daddy, Daddy, wait for me!"

But Kim Nam Hyuk didn't seem to hear him, and he walked straight forward.

Jin Chihyuk also nodded towards Jingsa and left.

Jing Baizhi looked at the back of the three of them and curled his lips, "Mommy, it's just a resort, it's too cheap for them."

"The resort is in a great location. It's a treasure of geomantic omen." Jing Sa is in a very good mood now, and his eyes are very comfortable. "I have heard the master say that if there is a formation in the underground, my great cause will definitely be successful."

"Daye? Mom...what do you want to do?" Jing Baizhi looked at Jing Sa suspiciously, "You are now under one person and above ten thousand."

"Yeah, I am already very good now, but Azhi, you must know that under one person is also under one person, so you don't always live under my umbrella every day to be a happy little girl, you have to learn to grow up. Today's If I'm not there, wouldn't you just take care of Jin Aimi?"

Jing Sa said earnestly, "This matter depends on how the Jin family ends."

Jing Baizhi simply looked at Jing Sa, still puzzled, "Mom, didn't Jin Aimi apologize?"

"It was Grandma Ye who hurt her, not me." Jing Sa smiled playfully, "Let's just wait for a good show."


In the morning, Ye Yanli got up early to wash, and the conditions in the hospital were naturally not as good as those at home. When he was leaving the house, he glanced at Song Jiayan who was still sleeping on the bed, and then lightly closed the door of the ward to buy breakfast.

He stepped onto the corridor, then turned a corner and walked towards the elevator. He ran into Ruan Su who was carrying an insulated lunch box. She smiled at him with a morning chill, "Uncle, I'm here. Soup and steamed dumplings at home."

"Xiao Su..." Ye Nian felt a touch of emotion, and quickly took the insulated lunch box she was holding. "If you didn't find out that something was wrong with your aunt in time yesterday, I am afraid that the child would not be able to keep it."

Ruan Su interrupted Ye Mili's emotions, "Uncle, the family doesn't talk to each other. How is my aunt?"

"I was still asleep when I came out, much better than yesterday."

When the two talked, they came to the door of the ward, Ye Yanli opened the door lightly, and Song Jiayan also slowly opened her eyes, her eyes facing each other.

She rubbed her eyes and saw Ruan Su, "Xiao Su, are you here?"

"Xiao Su got up early, made the soup and steamed the steamed dumplings with his own hands. You can get up and wash and eat breakfast." Ye Yanli put the lunch box on the table and went to help Song Jiayan get up.

Ruan Su's craftsmanship is superb. When the lunch box is opened, the faint aroma of porridge overflows the entire ward, not to mention the steaming steamed dumplings.

It also comes with two dishes, even a simple and light breakfast makes people drool.

Song Jiayan picked up a steamed dumpling after washing up, and she praised it as soon as she took a bite, "It's delicious, it's really fragrant."

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door outside the door.

Ruan Su stood up from the sofa, "Maybe it's grandma and they are here, it's really early."

She said as she walked towards the door, but when she opened the door of the ward, she frowned suddenly.

Ye Yanli took a sip of porridge and turned to look at the door, "Xiao Su, who is it? Why don't you speak?"

As a result, he saw a few people standing at the door in a stalemate, and he reacted quickly, "Mr. Jin? Miss Jin?"

The three people standing outside the door are impressively the two brothers Kim Nam-hyuk and Kim Chi-hyuk, and Kim Aimi!

Ye Yanli put down his chopsticks and walked to the door, "Why are you here?"

Kim Nam Hyuk's face was full of embarrassment, but he didn't know how to speak. For the first time in his life, he was a little hard to speak.

Happy 2022, darlings! Thanks for supporting me!

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