Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 897: It's a robbery behavior!

Ruan So measured the different looks of the three of them, raised their slender eyebrows, and finally fell on Jin Chi Hyuk, "You said."

Jin Chi Hyuk's face was so short that he could hardly face Ruan Su, especially when Ruan Su would blow up the sky.

He choked a little bit inexplicably, and it took him a long time to say, "We are here to apologize."

"Oh?" Ruan Su looked at him with her arms around her chest and leisurely, "What? Did you do anything shameful?" In fact, the moment she saw Jin Aimi, she had already guessed what the three of them were going to do. .

It's just... She didn't want a meaningless apology.

"Hurry up!" Jin Nan Hyuk was really embarrassed. He pushed Jin Aimi and pushed her to Song Jiayan's bed.

Jin Aimi rolled her eyes and said reluctantly, "I'm sorry, I caused you to have a miscarriage yesterday. My daddy has already punished me."

"Our Ye family almost lost a life. You are called murder." Song Jiayan became angry when she heard that Jin Aimi was killing her.

She stared at the glamorously dressed Jin Aimi with red eyes, almost roaring, "You have harmed my child! How can you still apologize in such an indifferent tone? No need for your apology! You go!"

Jin Aimi was taken aback and couldn't help taking two steps back.

"What are you yelling at? Do you think I'm in love? Isn't it just giving birth to a child and getting pregnant? Need it? Really be a queen? That's ridiculous!"

"Slap!" Kim Nam-hyuk took a step forward with anger and slapped Jin Aimi directly. He looked at Jin Aimi with hatred of iron and steel, "It seems that I was not strict enough with you last night. So when you get here, your attitude is still so arrogant."

He was really disappointed with this adopted daughter.

"Daddy! I have already apologized, what do you still think of me?" Jin Aimi was really going crazy, hit her last night, and still hit her now.

Are you really addicted to hitting her? Or look at her to be bullied?

"She didn't really have a miscarriage. Didn't she just lie here now?" Jin Aimi became more and more angry as she thought about it, tears falling down with aggrieved anger. "I'm your daughter!"

Kim Nam Hyuk's eyes were full of disappointment, "It's because you are my daughter, so I usually indulge you too much, that will make you the way you are now."

"Isn't what I said is true? She didn't really have a miscarriage. Why am I wrong?" The thing that Jin Ai Mi couldn't bear was that she was so faceless in the presence of Ruan Su.

Standing here so humiliated and aggrieved, it was like a clown who made Ruan Su watch a joke.

"You must not hurt others, and you must be defensive. If a pregnant woman has no grudges against you, you can kill her, and you can destroy an unborn child. If today this child is really caught Is it ruined? You are killing!" Kim Nam-hyuk became more and more angry as he said, "You have caused people to lie in the bed and still have not healed. You still don't recognize your vicious behavior."

Kim Chi-hyuk saw Kim Nam-hyuk's face darkened, and fine beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and immediately helped him sit on the sofa, "Brother, you calm down, your body is important."

"If I really put all the family business in her hands, it will be ruined in her hands sooner or later." Kim Nam Hyuk took a long breath, and then coughed violently, "Cough— -cough--"

When Jin Aimi heard him say this, she panicked.

"Daddy, I was wrong, I was wrong. I don't dare anymore, I sincerely regret it. Don't drive me away... I was too impulsive this time."

After she finished speaking, she couldn't help apologizing to Song Jiayan, "I'm sorry, Madam Ye, I really didn't mean it. Please forgive me."

Song Jiayan looked at her with a sneer, "I'm sorry, I don't accept your apology...I will never forgive you as a murderer who tried to kill my child."

Don't worry about such a fake apology.

Ruan Su found it very ridiculous, she glanced at Jin Chi-hye, "Master, your family...a bit weird!"

However, in just one sentence, Jin Chi-hye's face was flushed with sarcasm, and he felt extremely humiliated.

What Jin Chi-hye couldn't bear most was that his position in Ruan Su's heart was shaken. The more he looked at Jin Ami, the more unpleasant he was. When he first recognized her, he felt that the child was full of calculations.

Now I didn't expect it to be so.

His chest hurts with anger, "Brother, or send her back."

Anyway, Tian Tian didn't deal with the sisters Ouyang at home every day, and the family was so disturbed that they wanted to jump around.

When Kim Chi-hyuk said this, Kim Amy's face turned pale. She knelt in front of Kim Nam-hyuk with a "plop", crying bitterly, "Daddy, I was really wrong, I really knew it was wrong... Don't you Send me away. I came to you when I was twelve years old. Are you really willing to send me away?"

Kim Nam Hyuk looked at her embarrassed and proud and couldn't help sighing. "You and I were a father and daughter, but..."

He looked at Ye Mianli intentionally, then looked in the direction of Ruan Su and Song Jiayan, and said exhaustedly, "I'm really sorry, it's because I didn't educate my daughter well. I have a great responsibility for this kind of thing. I am willing to...cough-cough-I am willing to pay the price. As long as you are willing to speak, as long as I can do it..."

"It wasn't you who hurt my wife, Mr. Jin. This breath made me swallow. I can't swallow it." Ye Yanli is not a good old man either, he is angry and hated in his heart. But Kim Nam Hyuk's face can't be ignored, especially now it is estimated that many people know what Kim Aimi does.

The Liangzi of Ye Jin's family can be considered as knotted.

I am afraid that in the future, if Jin Aimi has any shortcomings, almost everyone will think that the Ye Family is waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.

That being the case, it might as well solve the matter completely today.

"Ye Shao has anything to ask for. I am not a stingy person." Jin Nanhe was really outraged. He paid Jingsa a resort last night, and today he doesn't know what to pay out again.

Although he is the richest man in the world, he can't stand the speed of Jin Ai Mi's prodigal.

Ye Yanli didn't speak, but Ruan Su said with interest, "I heard that Mr. Jin took a resort project some time ago."

Kim Nam Hyuk's face was a bit embarrassed, and he replied with shame, "I'm sorry, Miss Ruan...It's not that I don't want to give it, but the item was given away last night."

"I didn't expect this project to be very popular, since I gave it away, then forget it." Ruan Su glanced at Ye Weili again, "My uncle is about to practice, or... this exercise is sponsored by President Jin? This situation is generally sponsored by the Ye family and major families."

Because it is not a real battle, it will be a bit difficult for the Presidential Palace to pay this fee. Therefore, the President will search for the expenses of the major families and promise to implant the brand advertisements of the companies under the major families during the exercise. .

The good name is advertising expenses, and the major families are not at a loss.

After all, the annual exercise will be broadcast live. It used to be live on TV. Now there is a video network platform and double live TV.

If it is implanted, the advertising effect is very good, and it is not bad, that is, the sponsorship fee is many times higher than their usual advertising fee, and the major families are also upset when they agree on the surface.

But if the Jin family sponsored it alone... this capital flow would be a bit more difficult for the Jin family, but it wouldn't hurt vitality.

Kim Nam-hyuk never expected Ruan Su to open his mouth and offer such a condition.

He looked at her in shock, unable to recover for a long time.

Jin Chihe frowned, "Xiaosu...isn't this condition a bit harsh? Anyway, let's be a teacher and apprentice..."

"Yes, we are mentors and apprentices, but Bo Xingzhi is my husband! The president of this exercise is handed over to him and my uncle. I am afraid that when the major families will not fund my uncle and my I have to plan ahead. Now." Ruan Su said lightly, as if she didn't ask for billions of dollars directly, but just a few dollars.

Ye Yanli hadn't thought of this at all before. He looked at Xiao Su approvingly, and it turned out that Xiao Su was very good at their family.

Secretly gave her a thumbs-up.

He gave a light cough and helped, "Xiao Su said well, we won't have to look for sponsors anymore, and the exercise will go smoothly if we want."

Jin Aimi was anxious when he heard it. This sponsorship is not a joke, ranging from a few hundred million to as many as billions, just throw it out, not even a splash of water!

Can she not be in a hurry?

She hurriedly said to Kim Nam Hyuk, "Daddy, we can give it to others, don't agree to this condition!"

They are simply grabbing money in the Ming, even more than Jing Sa.

Kim Nam Hyuk only felt that his face was sent to the door to be beaten by the Ye family.

And he didn't dare to fight back, he couldn't fight back.

He growled angrily, "You shut up!"

Jin Aimi suddenly aggrieved and stood aside again, not daring to make any more noises.

Kim Nam Hyuk looked at Kim Aimi almost completely, "What a misfortune in the family!" He sighed, "No matter, Miss Ruan, it is my Jin family who is the first to lose. Nothing is too much for Miss Ruan. I suffer. that is."

Ruan Su thought that Kim Nam Hyuk would refuse, but never thought he would agree.

She couldn't help but said, "President Jin is happy!"

She walked to Kim Nam Hyuk's side, and then stretched out her hand to put her hand on the man's wrist, "Since Kim is so refreshing, why not let me get your pulse. I think you are a little unwell."

Kim Nam Hyuk did not make any false excuses, but nodded happily. "Thanks a lot."

Ruan Su felt his pulse condition and frowned, "Blood deficiency and pulse condition, have you had severe bleeding recently..."

"No." Kim Nam Hyuk denied it quickly.

Ruan Su observed his pale face and the appearance of his coughing constantly, "There are also some diseases in the lungs, and the body must be adjusted. This kind of deficiency must be adjusted with Chinese medicine first, and Western medicine treats the symptoms but not the root cause."

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