Mrs. Bo Was Stripped of a Vest Again Today

Chapter 898: Take away her only love!

"Thank you, Miss Ruan." Kim Nam Hyuk expressed his gratitude politely.

Jin Aimi rolled her eyes, "What are you talking about? Can you take the medicine you prescribed? It makes you look like a genius doctor."

"Presumptuous!" Kim Nam Hyuk scolded coldly, "Miss Ruan is exquisite in medicine and well-known far and wide. If you haven't heard of it, it doesn't mean she can't do it."

"Daddy, I also care about your body." Kim Amy pulled Kim Nam Hyuk's arm and shook, in a coquettish tone, "You should look for an expert professor of that kind."

"Miss Ruan is fine." Kim Nam-hyuk does not reject Chinese medicine. "Please trouble Miss Ruan to prescribe a prescription for me. I will get the medicine."

"En, yes." Ruan Su didn't take care of Jin Aimi. She picked up the paper and pen on the table and wrote a Chinese medicine prescription and handed it to Jin Nanhe, "Decoction in water, one dose a day."

"Thank you." Kim Nam Hyuk put away the prescription and looked at Ruan Su again, "I don't know if there is anything to avoid?"

Ruan Su felt that Kim Nam-hyuk was quite meticulous, so he said, "Don't eat spicy and irritating things. Your body is already weak, and your internal deficiencies are not beneficial. You need to be relieved by the long flow of water."

"Don't worry, I won't take a lot of tonic things, and I will definitely pay more attention." Kim Nam Hyuk stood up from the sofa, "I will fulfill my promise, and please rest assured Ms. Ruan and Ye Shao. I hope Grandma Ye Get well soon, otherwise my conscience will be uneasy."

"President Jin is polite." After Ruan Su said, he and Ye Weili drove the three to the door.

Jin Chi Hyuk glanced at his brother and Jin Aimi, "You go to the parking lot and wait for me first. I want to say a few words with Xiao Su alone."

Ye Yanli also went back to the ward with acquaintance, only Jin Chihe and Ruan Su were left in the corridor.

Ruan Suxiu raised her eyebrows lightly, "Is there anything to say alone?"

"Xiaosu..." Jin Chi-hye hesitated, and finally decided to tell the matter, "My brother...some time ago, the reason his body suddenly became very poor was because..."

It's just that he was interrupted by a phone call before he finished speaking.

"Okay, I get it, I'll be there soon."

Kim Chi-hyuk hung up and looked irritable, "Jin Ami said that my brother fainted as soon as he went downstairs! I have to go there quickly."

Ruan Su heard it and said, "I'm with you."

The two quickly came to the elevator entrance and found that the elevator was still on the upper floors. Ruan Su glanced at the safe passage and "take the stairs."

Jin Chihe nodded and ran with her on the stairs. Ruan Su asked him as he went downstairs, "You haven't finished what you just said!"

"I'll tell you the next day." Jin Chi-hye had Jin Nan-hye's body in his mind, so he was still in the mood to talk about the matter just now.

When the two rushed to the lobby on the first floor, they found that there was already a doctor in the emergency room rushing over, and hurriedly lifting Jin Nam Hyuk onto the stretcher.

Jin Aimi cried so much that Pear Flower was at a loss for what to do with the rain, so she could only keep calling, "Daddy, Daddy, don't have anything to do! What can I do if something happens to you!"

Jin Chi-hyuk felt unreasonably irritable when he saw her like this. He rushed over to the doctor in the emergency room and said, "How is my brother?"

The doctor in the emergency room pushed the glasses on the bridge of the nose, "This has to be checked to confirm the cause, and now I am not very clear."

"He is very likely to be fainted due to his weak body and rapid fire function." Ruan Su said next to the doctor, "I helped him get his pulse just a few minutes ago."

The doctor in the emergency room also knew Ruan Su, he was taken aback, "Dr. Ruan is this your patient?"

Ruan Su shook his head, "It's my master's brother. So, please do your best."

"Don't worry, we will implement rescue immediately." The doctor in the emergency room immediately entered the emergency room with a few nurses for rescue.

Ruan Su patted Jin Chi Hye comfortingly, "He should have no problem, maybe...just being too angry."

Jin Chi-hyuk glanced at Jin Aimi, who had been crying on the side, now she cried and put on makeup, her face looked dirty, without any beauty.

"My brother is not dead yet! Why are you crying? If you weren't acting as a demon and doing so many things, would my brother be like this?"

He is free and easy-going and open-minded. He has always disliked to care about with juniors, but at this moment he finally broke out, especially in the comparison of Ruan Su's peers, Jin Ai Mi is set off like a trash dump. Smelly shit.

Why were my eldest brother and myself blindfolded and chose such a thing to come back?

He was really angry this time, and his eyes were anxious.

" are still murdering me. My dad is lying in the emergency are still murdering me here." Jin Aimi choked with sobbing, as if she had been wronged by God.

She couldn't help but sullenly thought to herself that she was not born with her, or she couldn't really tolerate herself.

If you are your have made a big mistake, which parent would not choose to forgive? Don't choose tolerance?

The more she thought about it, the more sad she became, but she knew deeply that she had no retreat.

"I'm fierce, what's wrong with you?" Jin Chi-hyuk thinks more and more irritable, "Go wherever you go, get out of here, you don't need you here."

These words were so strong that they irritated Jin Aimi, her eyes were red, "I don't want...My daddy is rescued inside, how can I just ignore it? I want to stay with him here."

Jin Aimi cried with her nose and tears, as if she was the most filial daughter in the world.

Ruan Su looked at her expressive performance without expression, and found it very ridiculous.

Jin Aimi can't care about Ruan Su's mocking eyes now, she thought bitterly, if it weren't for Ruan Su as a bitch, would she have fallen to this point?

Jin Chi-hye didn't bother to talk to her anymore, but walked aside and took out a cigarette to light it, and began to spit out mist.

He is in a bad mood, so he wants one.

"Uncle, if my daddy really has something to do..." Jin Aimi walked over to him ignorantly and continued to pester him.

She was so angry that Jin Chihe's lung lobes burned. He couldn't wait to slap Jin Aimi's face, but when he thought that he was just an uncle, he resisted it.

"Shut up! Don't let me hear any more unlucky words."

Jin Aimi's mind went blank, she was actually humiliated by the elders in the family in front of Ruan Su...

She was so angry that her lungs were exploding, and her temples prickled suddenly.

Why did my uncle talk softly when talking to Ruan Su, and talk coldly when talking to himself?

What magic did Ruan Su give him?

She stared at Ruan Su angrily. After Ruan Su noticed her sight, he glanced at her lightly, "It's your uncle, not me, who made you shut up. What are you staring at me for?"

Her cynicism immediately made Jin Ami upset and hated secretly at the same time.

She was so angry that she almost cried again, tears flickering in her eyes.

Seeing this scene, Ruan Su's mouth has a beautiful arc. Jin Ai Mi is like a bouncing shrimp, no matter how he bounces, he can't bounce out splashes.

At this moment, the door of the emergency room was opened.

Several nurses pushed Kim Nam-hyuk out slowly. The doctor walked over and said, "The patient's condition has stabilized temporarily. It is better to stay in the hospital for observation for one day before leaving."

"Okay, good." Jin Chi Hyuk nodded quickly to express his gratitude, "Thank you doctor."

"You are welcome, the patient is very weak. Don't irritate him or make him emotional, otherwise he will faint easily again." The doctor confessed a few more precautions and left.

Ruan Su came to the ward with them. After seeing the nurse set up Kim Nam-hyuk, she said to Kim Ji-hyuk, “Master, I’m going back to my aunt’s ward first. Call me if necessary. Call him. Remember to get the medicine for the Chinese medicine prescription."

"Xiaosu really troubled you today." Jin Chihe didn't know what to say. Before, this girl rarely called him master, but today he called him several times.

This feeling... makes him not happy, there is always a feeling that they are a little strange to each other.

Maybe he thought a lot! Ruan Su didn’t irritate him because of Jin Ami, and it’s good to ignore him, right...

Ruan Su smiled and turned and left without saying anything.

At the moment she left, Kim Nam Hyuk slowly opened his eyes, only to see Ruan Su’s slender back gradually disappearing in front of him, his vision was a bit blurred, as if he saw the beautiful woman appear again in a trance. , He couldn't sit down and stretched out his arms, "Don't... go..."

"Daddy, are you awake?" Jin Aimi's voice interrupted him, and his heart was sore that he immediately became sober.

He looked at Jin Chi Hyuk, and then at Jin Ami, only to realize that he was in the hospital.

He tried to restrain his emotions, his chest was inexplicably blocked, "That figure just now..."

"Oh, it's Ruan Su's." Jin Chi Hyuk helped Jin Nan Hyuk up, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing." Kim Nam Hyuk shook his head, and he couldn't help asking again, "Why is she here?"

Jin Ami bit her lip, and finally got through the hurdle in her heart and prepared to speak, when she heard that Jin Chi-hye had begun to blow Ruan Su in various ways.

What Ruan Su came with him when he heard that Kim Nam Hyuk fainted, she waited for Kim Nam Hyuk to come out of the emergency room and so on.

She was so angry that her chest hurts, and her heart is cut. She has been with Daddy here too!

Why doesn't Uncle say a word?

Must always be there to praise Ruan Su?

Ruan Su, a **** not only wants to take away Bo Xingzhi, is it going to take away the love of her only adoptive father now?

But she also understood that she was now detested, so she didn't dare to speak arrogantly anymore. She forced to endure the sadness and pain in her heart, and asked Kim Nam Hyuk softly, "Daddy, let me buy some porridge for you? Shall I go to the pharmacy to help you buy Chinese medicine?"

Kim Nam Hyuk glanced at her lightly, "You are interested. There is no rush to buy medicine."

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